Doctor Daniel Kyungu Tchikala, in this episode of "God on the Move," highlights the universal need for social interaction and stresses the pivotal role of the global church in fostering intimate connections for agape (unconditional love) to flourish. This profound love has the potential to rejuvenate individuals globally, transcending geographical boundaries—from Southern California to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where disability presents formidable challenges.
If you are a Christian seeking to discover stories of how God moves in different parts of the world, then this podcast is for you.
Links from the interview:
Daniel Kyungu Tchikala
Daniel Kyungu Tchikala is a pastor, university educator in Lubumbashi (Democratic Republic of the Congo) and a doctoral candidate specializing in human resource management and the professional integration of individuals with disabilities. His current research for his doctoral thesis centers on the critical topic of professional inclusion for people with disabilities, driven by his personal experience as a person with a disability. Dr Kyungu is part of the Lausanne Disability Concerns Network, which is committed to strengthening and multiplying disability leaders globally.
Dave Deuel
Dave Deuel (PhD) is senior research fellow emeritus for the Joni Eareckson Tada Disability Research Center. Dave is also academic dean emeritus for the Master’s Academy International. He currently serves as a catalyst for the Disability Concerns issue network and is the chairperson for the New York State Council on Developmental Disabilities.