Join us for the final episode of season 1 as Sean and Julie wrap up the season and answer questions from listeners!
Helpful Definitions:
THE BIBLE — God’s true Word. It is from God and about God and it is true.
Questions from Kids:
- How did God exist before time?
- How did sin enter the world and how did it enter our hearts?
- Why do we go to church?
- How does God love us?
- Are there missionaries in every country?
- When is God coming back?
5-Second Fly Through Review:
- T/F Jesus’ special friends and followers were called the tax collectors (FALSE! DISCIPLES)
- T/F A miracle is something amazing,that doesn’t normally happen, that shows God’s power (TRUE)
- T/F Jesus sank when he walked on the water! (FALSE!) - no way! Jesus walked on the water! It was a miracle
- T/F Jesus loved the woman at the well (TRUE!)
- T/F When the children came to Jesus, the disciples welcomed them (FALSE!) - they told them to go away, but Jesus welcomed them
- T/F Jesus died on the cross, he was raised from the dead after 3 days? (TRUE!)
God is Good by The Village Kids
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