Sean and Julie wrap up season two by talking about what we’ve learned this season, answering listener questions, playing some games, and singing!
Listener Questions:
- What are God’s miracles?
- How did people know what to write about in the Bible?
- If the Holy Spirit is a spirit, how can he do things in the not in the spiritual world?
- Why was Jesus born in a stable?
5-Second Fly Through Review:
- One of the ways that the Holy Spirit helps God’s people is by giving them new hearts that love and trust Jesus. (TRUE)
- On the day of Pentecost, there were lots of people who wanted to hear what the disciples were saying about Jesus but couldn’t understand them (FALSE, THE HOLY SPIRIT HELPED THE DISCIPLES SPEAK IN OTHER LANGUAGES THAT PEOPLE UNDERSTOOD.)
- The Church is God’s family–everyone who has ever loved and trusted Jesus (TRUE)
- The apostles were disciples of Jesus who saw Him resurrected from the dead, and who had been given special power from God. (TRUE!)
- Simon the magician was great and powerful, as great and powerful as God (FALSE!) - GOD IS IN CHARGE OF EVERYTHING, INCLUDING, SIMON. ONLY GOD HAS ALL POWER.
- The Holy Spirit guided and helped the people who wrote the Bible so that their words were God’s words and exactly what God wanted to say. (TRUE!)
- When Jesus comes back, God is going to fix everything broken by sin and the Church will live with God forever. (TRUE!)
God is Good by The Village Kids
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