Join Matt and Julie as they help answer the question “What is a Sermon?” They’re joined by Pastor Carter as he helps track down what makes a sermon special.
Together, we’ll read the Bible, play a game, and sing a song as we continue to learn more about B!g Church this season.
Helpful Definitions:
SERMON – A special speech that always talks and teaches about something from the Bible. The whole point of a sermon is to help people know what the Bible says, understand what the Bible means, and do what the Bible commands.
BIBLE — God’s true Word. It is from God and about God.
Scripture Reference:
Acts 2:37, 38, 41
5-Second Fly Through Review:
1. True or False: A sermon is a special speech that teaches about something in the Bible. (True.)
2. What does a sermon do? (It helps people know what the Bible says, understand what the Bible means, and do what the Bible commands.)
3. True or False: God uses sermons to change peoples’ lives. (True.)
4. Why should we pay close attention and listen to sermons? (Because God wants to talk with us.)
5: True or False: Sermons are just for grown ups. (False! Sermons are for everyone.)
God Wants to Talk With Us by The Village Kids
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