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God’s Big Story

What is Communion?

21 min • 16 november 2022

Join Matt and Julie as they answer the question “What is Communion?” Today they’re joined by their friend, Bernie the baker (a legend in the baking), as they look for answers and find what they knead to know. Together, we’ll read the Bible, play a game, and sing a song as we continue to learn more about B!g Church this season.

Helpful Definitions:

COMMUNION – when people who love and trust Jesus eat and drink together to remember His death on the cross, how Jesus’ body was broken like bread and His blood was poured out like wine for sin.

BIBLE — God’s true Word. It is from God and about God.

Scripture Reference:

Matthew 26:26-29

5-Second Fly Through Review:

1. The symbolic meal of bread and juice served during church is called ___________ (Communion. Or the Lord’s Supper!)

2. What does the bread remind us of? (Jesus broken body)

3. What does the juice remind us of? (Jesus shed blood)

4. Does taking communion save you or forgive you of your sins? (No! Turning from sin and believing in Jesus does!)

5: Who is communion for? (Everyone who loves and trusts Jesus)


Jesus Came To Save Sinners by The Village Kids

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