Join Julie and Matt as they explore the answer to the question “What is worship?” They’ll be joined by their friend Lauren (a musician) as she helps discover what worship is.
Together, we’ll read the Bible, play a game, and sing a song as we continue to learn more about B!g Church this season.
Helpful Definitions:
WORSHIP — how we show that God is most valuable. Only God deserves our worship. We use our voices, minds, and bodies to worship God.
BIBLE — God’s true Word. It is from God and about God.
Scripture Reference:
Daniel 3:17-18
5-Second Fly Through Review:
1. True or False? God deserves our worship. (TRUE)
2. True or False? God was with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace? (TRUE)
3. True or False? God protected the men because they perfectly worshiped God (FALSE–God rescued the men because He is good and He loved them)
4. True or False? We can only worship God if we are in church? (FALSE- We can worship God anywhere at any time)
5: We can worship God with our voices, minds, and bodies? (TRUE–We can worship God with our whole self)
Our Great God (Attributes Song) by The Village Kids
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