• Job's Story: Why it is impossible to prove that God is unjust.
• Is it wrong to question God? Or do I just allow things remain the way they are?
• Prayer Power: During intercession, how long does a person need to stay in the face of God to get answers?
• Gaining Authority with God: How you can cause God to make adjustments to 'unchangeable' things because of you.
• Do hormones have a role to play in the success of marriage?
• When does love become tangible in a marriage - before or after the wedding?
• Keys to a happy marriage you need to have.
• Envy: How marriages can be destroyed even before they begin.
• How does God measure my love for Him?
• Knowledge: What you need to be able to align with God's justice.
• Murmuring in your heart versus talking to God: Find out the difference!