Was Jesus' temptation in the wilderness a place or an experience?
Was the garden in Eden a physical garden? Were the trees of life and the knowledge of good and evil symbolic or were they physical too?
The relationship between the fruit of righteousness, the tree of life and wisdom
Did you that there are two kinds of wisdom? How to tell them apart
Who did Satan attempt to overthrow? Was it God the Father or the Lord Jesus?
What is the significance of Water Baptism? Can a person be baptised before giving their lives to Christ?
The role of China in the last days
Dangers of speaking against spiritual authority
What is the purpose of the wilderness?
How to deal with envy
The twelve spies: How to identify the ten spies who bring a bad report in the church today
If you get saved in your room or private space, do you have to come out for an altar call again?
Things you should not do while in the wilderness