(Revelations 2:1-2, John 2 :24-25, 1 Corinthians 12:28, Revelations 22:11-12, Jeremiah 6:27, Luke 13:6, Matthew 7:16-20, Ezekiel 44, Luke 12:35-44, Galatians 6:9-10)
• The meaning of the breaking of Bread
• The result of keeping company with the ungodly.
• Dangers of supporting a false minister before the Church.
• What it means to be the salt and light of the world.
• Are we to test the authenticity of servants of God?
• How you can share in another's sins.
• The healing of the soul and why it's highly important.
• Fruits: A way to differentiate true from false.
• How to be a faithful servant of God.
• The rewards of faithfully serving God.