• The Mystery of the Elohim Unveiled: What is the meaning of 'Elohim'? What if it refers to something beyond the identity of God as we know him? - unravel the profound truths!
• Must Listen: Can a born-again, spirit-filled Christian be deceived by Satan and/or his demons?
• 2023 Elections: Will God allow Nigeria to be ruled by a Muslim-Muslim duo?
• Newly-arrived Gods: Is the concept of worshipping the Orishas (gods of old) a myth? Does God recognize the existence of such entities, or are they mere fabrications of human minds? Are theories about their return fables or facts? Find answers now!
• Is it possible that there are multiple paths to reach God? What makes Christianity different from other religions? What if Christ was not the only way to the Father God? Get answers!
• The SOFT Protocol: What are the tools needed to test the spirits and distinguish between genuine divine revelations and falsehoods?
Explore the crucial importance of discernment when encountering spiritual influences.
• The Genesis of a False Prophet: How men of God who started well have become mouthpieces for demons - A practical illustration.
• Exploring God's Character: What does God really want from his people? Step back in time and witness the captivating tale of Nineveh—a city that experienced temporary repentance and eventual judgment.