• Fighting Hopelessness: What to do when you sin and you feel like running away from God.
• Take Note: There are some sins that must be confessed to men and forgiven by them. Here’s why…
• Conviction: What to expect when the Spirit of God is on the Move; Case Example: Revival Among the Zulus.
• Humility—What it means to have the Mind of Christ.
• There are two kinds of righteousness under the New Covenant.
• Should I keep confessing the sins from my past when I get born again?
• Gifted Men vs Fruitful Men: How to select your role models and mentors.
• Is Restitution scriptural for the New Testament Believer?
• How you can be led by the Spirit and have zero casualties in your walk with God.
• Why the teachings of God must be passed from one generation to the other.
• Are you building deep foundations for your ministry, or are impressing people?