This is not the story of the Gladiator II that you will see in cinemas. This is the story of the time Russell Crowe went rogue and commissioned a script for a Gladiator sequel where Maximus returns from the dead to save the early Christian Church from annihilation and is cursed by the gods to live forever.
FOGHORN: Sound of Freedom is real bad y'all!
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Gladiator (dir. Ridley Scott, 2000)
Gladiator: Deleted Scenes with Commentary from Ridley Scott (Dreamworks)
Gladiator: Behind the Scenes (Dreamworks)
WTF With Marc Maron: Nick Cave
Happy Sad Confused: Russell Crowe
Ridley Scott Talks “Gladiator 2” by Nick Cave
Nick Cave and Warren Ellis - The Proposition #3
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Red Right Hand
Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrad - Barbarian Horde
Harry Gregson-Williams - Logan Through Time
“Leaving Home”, “Deadly Roulette”, “Morgana Rides”, “Crossing the Chasm”, “Devastation and Revenge”, “Crypto”, “Shadowlands 1- Horizon”, “Gloom Horizon” “Black Vortex”, “Intrepid”, “Cambodian Odyssey”, “Lost Time”, “Ever Mindful”, “Darkling”, “Rynos”, “Synapse”, “Divertisment”, “Peaceful Desolation” & “Unanswered Questions”
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0
“Suspended Animation” & “Synapse” by Shane Ivers -