Place-based partnerships can serve a major role in supporting governments’ commitment to serving and improving the lives of residents. But partnerships on a city-wide scale rely on good data governance practices in order to be successful, data-driven, and self-sustaining. In particular, collaboration between government and non-government organizations (NGO’s) poses an extra layer of complexity, and successful service delivery through these partnerships demands robust data governance and open communication between all participants.
Today, we’re joined by Jenelle Zito, Director of Continuous Improvement for the Racine, WI Unified School District, Geoff Zimmerman, a consultant with StriveTogether, a nation-wide network of cradle-to-career place-based partnerships, and Ben Taft, Data Impact Manager of Higher Expectations, a collective impact organization local to Racine and member organization of Strive Together. We’ll explore the needs of the Racine Unified School District and how collaboration with Higher Expectations and StriveTogether to address these issues was made possible through a shared responsibility for data governance and communication by all three organizations.
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