332 avsnitt • Längd: 30 min • Oregelbundet
We strive to build a church of action founded on biblical truth characterized by faith, grace, community, service, authenticity, clear thinking and cultural relevance. Grace Community Church is about knowing God, knowing His truth, and building community that extends to our full lives, not just Sunday morning.
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Growing in understanding God's ultimate plan for our lives.
Why Christians gave up their lives in the Roman Colosseum and what we must give up today in order to live out our faith.
Join our weekly 30-minute discussion and Q&A. We look at what the Bible says about how to navigate topics as a Christian in a modern world. Tonight, Community Pastor Stuart Knechtle leads the discussion on thinking through the holiness and grace of God in the Bible. Why does God seem to be the most approachable being in the universe and then at times seem to be so hidden?
All are welcome for our thirty-minute discussion with time for Q&A in the Commons from 5-5:30pm. We look at what the Bible says about current topics that everyone grapples including anxiety, fulfillment, temptation and how to handle pressure. This week, Youth Pastor Robert Knechtle will lead the discussion on "Giving God the Pain and Glory."
Listen to our weekly 30-minute discussion and Q&A. We look at what the Bible says about how to navigate topics as a Christian in a modern world. This week, Community Pastor Stuart Knechtle leads the discussion on "Putting God's Power to Work in Your Life."
Join Community Pastor, Stuart Knecthle, and Pastoral Care Associate, Ken Bopp, in their discussion on how to better listen to the voice of God.
All are welcome for our thirty-minute forums we look at what the Bible says about some more current topics that everyone grapples with in life. This week, Community Pastor Stuart Knechtle, will lead the discussion on why Christ calls us to grow in our faith.
All are welcome for our thirty-minute forum as we look at what the Bible says about some of the more current topics that everyone grapples with in life. This week, Community Pastor Stuart Knechtle will lead the discussion on how doubt can increase our faith.
Join Robert & Stuart Knechtle for tonight's discussion on the discipline and practice of listening to God and what that looks like practically on a daily basis.
Join us as we look at Philemon and how we can dig deeper into the Bible.
In this ModernLife:30, Stuart Knechtle looks for Biblical direction from scripture and learn how to listen to each other.
How we can find peace in this world both inwardly and outwardly.
What happens when you genuinely put your faith in Christ? Does God choose who will go to heaven or is that choice left up to us? Listen to tonight's ModernLife:30 with Cliffe Knechtle to hear more.
How do you go in trusting God? How do you find peace in the Lord? Join Cliffe Knechtle as he discusses the important of having trust and peace in the Lord.
Youth Pastor Rob Knechtle speaks about Ruth and the real power of gentleness.
Listen to Cliffe and Stuart Knechtle as they discuss "How Do You Handle Adversity" in this week's ModernLife:30.
Join Community Pastor, Stuart Knechtle, as he looks at meaning in work and what is a Christian understanding of work.
Listen to Community Pastor teach on why people pleasing and being small in his own eyes led king Saul to destruction.
Listen as Pastoral Care Associate Ken Bopp discusses the book of Daniel and compares it to our life today.
Join Rob Knechtle as he looks at Philippians 2:5-9 and discusses the connection between church and Jesus.
Join us for tonight's discussion on justice. How Do We Determine What is Right and Wrong in the Present Moment?
Often times skeptics will say that Christians simply interpret passages in the Bible the way they want to. Is this true? How do you determine the correct way to interpret?
We automatically know we should stay away from things that are bad for us. But what happens when we make good things the ultimate things in life?
How do we grow closer to God and in the peace that surpasses all understanding? By growing in the spiritual disciplines of prayer and meditation.
We will take a look at Luke's account of Mary and Martha and their different emphasis on business and spiritual focus.
The story in Genesis 22 of Abraham being called to kill his son Isaac for many people is disturbing. Was God wrong for doing this and what message does it send to us today?
How do we deal with difficult passages in the Bible?
How do we deal with difficult passages in the Bible?
How do we find meaning in the midst of suffering?
Is God all about wrath or love? Is there a difference? How do we justify the seemingly two different accounts of God in the Old Testament versus the New Testament?
How do we change our lives in a way that runs deep, and isn't just surface level?
Did the resurrection really happen, and if so what kind of power can we draw from it?
How can hope help us face any challenge that comes our way?
When we are able to grow in our prayer lives, we can get beyond ourselves and find rapturous freedom with Christ.
Are you addicted to being busy? What busyness tells us about ourselves.
The term Narcissism is thrown around a lot today. What is it from a psychological perspective and how can Jesus help confront the issue?
We take a look at 1 Thessalonians 2:1-13 and discuss how to respond to criticism and gossip.
Christianity broke the chains of a sexist culture in a matter of years during Christ's life and after. How and why did this occur?
We compare and contrast different religious beliefs and ask the question, "are they all basically the same thing?"
Is faith intellectually credible and emotionally satisfying?
How did the early Christians understand community and what lessons can we learn from them today?
Why did Christianity grow so quickly in it's first 300 years of existence?
How do we grow in peace in our fast paced world today?
What made Jesus as a teacher stand out amongst the other teachers? How important are his teachings for today?
Of the seven deadly sins, why is envy the "least fun?" Why is there so much envy and comparison in the bible and what can we do to avoid it?
How does faith provide hope and healing when we get anxious and depressed?
What are some of the popular misunderstandings of who God is and how do we begin to change them?
When we think of the attributes of God one that sticks out is God's holiness. What is holiness and why must God be holy? What does believing in a holy God do to us?
We typically think of jealousy in negative terms. But the Bible's teaching of God's usage of jealousy is utterly loving and loyal. Join us as we dig through what the Bible teaches about the jealousy of God and why it's important.
According to a new Harris Poll most Americans today still believe that each human being has a soul. But what is it and how is it different from our spirit or self? Most importantly, where does our soul go after we die and how do we care for our souls on earth so that we can live fulfilling lives?
Are you satisfied with your life? Jesus offers satisfaction that is incredibly enduring. But how do we tap into it?
What are miracles and do they really happen? Jesus performs miracles in the New Testament and we also see the miraculous in the Old Testament. If they really occur what purpose do they serve?
In Genesis 32 we see Jacob literally wrestling with God. Faith in God is not easy and the wrestling match with Him is important in order to grow a vibrant relationship with the Lord of the universe.
In today's society gossip runs rampant and it's very easy to slander others behind their backs. But Christ calls us to find the best in other people. How are you at finding the best in others?
Where do we get our meaning and purpose from?
What is the evidence that such an old book pertains to our lives today? How did it come together and why should we read it?
How can we as Christians influence the culture around us?
Why the cross makes all the difference.
Why do we believe in Jesus over other gods? Have we chosen the right God? Is there even a god to begin with? In this segment we look briefly at other religions and see what separates Jesus from the rest.
Who are you at your core? Are you primarily a person who works a 9 to 5 job or are you more of a family man or woman? How do you look at yourself? Do you compare yourself to your favorite friends or celebrities? The only way to gain a stable inner coherence and self-acceptance is by firstly loving God.
How do we know if we are on the right path? In order to grow in genuine Christian faith we must struggle through our doubts and not settle for pat answers. Pat answers often lead to a counterfeit faith that strays from biblical truth.
In the midst of difficult times, how can we find hope?
How do we learn to have self control
What does grace look like in our lives
Pastors Cliffe and Stuart continue their discussion on the basis of morality and ethics.
Pastors Cliffe and Stuart discuss the basis of morality and ethics.
How often we fall into temptations snare, then find ourselves in an even lower place when our failure is compounded by guilt. How can we resist big temptations or those that are seemingly more benign? If our trust is in Christ, and we believe Him to be faithful, then we know 1 Corinthians 10:13 to be true. No matter what you face, you are never alone in it. Not ever.
How does faith in Christ impact what you are spending 2,000+ hours a year on? Work is part of living out the dignity of human life. We were created to work but not to deify it. Lets dig in together...
What or who do we look to when searching for meaning, purpose or answers in our daily lives?
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