Tonight we travel different paths! Matt teaches us about what exorcisms are and explains how to tell if we may need a demon removal! And Adam teaches us about Tulpas and how you can create your very own! Join us on our first independent research episode! Adam’s Jack Russell decided she needed to be heard at the end of the episode so we apologize…. Either that or it was his house ghost
Poddy Break
Black Picket Fence
Our Strange Skies
Do you want GraveYard Merch?!?!
A big thank you to Brandon Adams for our music tracks!! If you want to hear more from Brandon check him out at:
Or to get in touch with him for compositions email him at [email protected]
Email us at: [email protected]
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“As a psychiatrist, I diagnose mental illness. Also, I help spot demonic possession”. Dr. Richard
Gallagher. The Washington Post . July 1, 2016
“A Beginners Guide to Exorcism”. Austin Cline. August 30, 2017
“Exorcism Thriving in the U.S.” Href. September 11. 2017
“What Is Exorcism and How Is It Performed”. Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.