Thanks for hanging out with me today, on Christmas. I know you’re probably struggling today, so I want to walk through the lyrics of our ‘Song of the Week’ and share 5 Bible verses to remind you why there is still hope.
Had I not gone through the kind of pain that took my breath away, and made me doubt I’d EVER stop crying, I wouldn’t be telling you how possible it is – regardless of how it feels to you today.
I would read the successful journeys from grief 2 great days of others, and I thought, yeah, that’s them – it’ll never happen for me. But God is no respecter of persons, so I too went from pitiful to peaceful and He gave me a calling I never expected.
Regardless of how hopeless you feel today - you can still hope for a future where you can breathe again – where you can laugh again and where you can live again.
WORD of the Week Romans 12:12 Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation and continuing constant in prayer.
Song of the Week Not your typical Christmas song, so listen and see if you can’t relate to the words.
Somewhere in Your Silent Night by Casting Crowns –
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