Well, Hey Framily! Welcome to Coffee & Kathy, this is Stef from the Grief 2 Great Day Podcast. You are listening to our weekly devotional episode.
Grief is the hardest thing you’ll ever face, don’t ever let anyone diminish that – but let’s also not diminish the power of God’s Word and the transformational healing He will do in your life. I am a living testimony of going from pitiful (heartbroken, years of tears, angry at God & the world, overwhelmed and confused) to powerful (at peace, joyful and strong in my trust, hope and faith in God).
You are not alone and your today does not have to be your forever! Oh, I’m so glad you’re here today! What you need to do now is be still and just listen.
Memorable Quote:
I forget Whose I am.
That my Daddy is Sovereign, Lord over all, in charge at all times and never, ever unaware of my circumstances.
I forget the equipment He has given me to navigate my life.
A full tank of gas that is continuously replenished from His own supply. Or, as Paul put it in Ephesians 1, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in me.
A fully-functioning, never-wrong, always-connected GPS also known as the Holy Spirit of the Living God dwelling inside of me. He will always guide, always comfort, always correct. I just have to ask.
A full supply of food and drink, always available from the Bread of Life Himself, the Living Water that always satisfies.
And even a paper road map, the Word of God. Always there to give direction. Always there to confirm the GPS, even as the GPS confirms it.
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Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”
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Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay
The Holidays are over, but the Struggle is Not! Hear healing testimonies from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)
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