… The second month was different…no longer exhausted from caretaking but exhausted emotionally. I was surrounded by my peeps but less so (because after all, people had to return to their lives). I thought (quite literally I was going to die). I really did – but I kept breathing and even that was hard.
I didn’t understand how I kept waking up in the morning. What kind of purpose did my life have now? My fights began in earnest: the fight to get out of bed, to take a shower, and to care about any of those things. My fight with God also began…why, why, why? How could you let that happen, God? Why would you let that happen?
I understood and was drawn to Psalms more than ever in my life. Before I was all about Proverbs because that book told me how to live a godly life. It fit my religious life. But now Psalms and Job and all the anguish and lamenting. I understood it but I saw my situation differently. David lamented but praised while I lamented, blamed, accused and asked for understanding. I told God that 43 years was enough, and I had no purpose, so I was fine if my time was up too…
But God….
WORD of the Week “I came naked from my mother’s womb,” he said, “and I shall have nothing when I die. The Lord gave me everything I had, and they were his to take away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” Job 1:21 Living Translation
Song of the Week The Story I'll Tell (feat. Naomi Raine) | Maverick City Music
Part of the lyrics: I’ll testify of the battles you have won! My God did not fail – it’s the story I’ll tell! I’ll look back over the years and see your hands on it!!
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Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay
The holidays are over, but the struggle is NOT! Hear from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)
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