The beloved old farts return (or whats left of them) in this brand new adventure from the July 1986 issue #79 of White Dwarf. Written by Graeme Davis this adventure takes liberal slices from the sort of sequel Statue of the Sorcerer published by Games Workshop and puts it in the blender with a bunch of other stuff. We had immense fun with this one. Hope you do too.
The adventure starts with our heroes heading to San Francisco to help out an old pal with an esoteric question concerning Egyptian archaeology. When has that ever led to any complications eh?
Keeper - Andy Goodman from Expedition to the Grizzly Peaks
Dr. Emory Watson is played by Scott Dorward from Good Friends of Jackson Elias and How We Roll
Milton Blyth is played by Spencer Game of Keep Off the Borderlands
Rita is played by Barney from Loco Ludus
Nora Charles is played by Nicky from Infiltrating the BrOSR
Hamp Cutty is played by TJ from Soundproof Mirror