Having recovered the bizarre blue slime from the crash site our intrepid gang call in some expert help to try to understand what the hell it is.
Join us again for another rip-roaring episode of the classic White Dwarf adventure written by Graeme Davis.
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Keeper - Andy Goodman from Expedition to the Grizzly Peaks
Dr. Emory Watson is played by Scott Dorward from Good Friends of Jackson Elias and How We Roll
Milton Blyth is played by Spencer Game of Keep Off the Borderlands
Rita is played by Barney from Loco Ludus
Nora Charles is played by Nicky from Infiltrating the BrOSR
Hamp Cutty is played by TJ from Soundproof Mirror
Music and Sound by Syrinscape. https://store.syrinscape.com/what-is-syrinscape/?att the most amazing sounds for your gaming table and audio productions