For our first episode in the series, GuildSomm Staff Writer Bryce Wiatrak interviews Alex Schrecengost about her career in wine public relations and learns what it's like to represent some of the best-known producers and regions in the world (how many people can say they've done PR for DRC?!). They also discuss how the challenges of Covid led her to define a new, entrepreneurial path by founding her own company in the virtual events space.
To accompany the careers series, GuildSomm is offering a membership discount to all first-time GuildSomm members. While we work hard to always keep GuildSomm membership affordable at $100, first-time members can now sign up for one year of GuildSomm membership for $79 using the partner code PODCAST79. Register for a year of membership here:
This offer is valid through June 10, 2021 for all listeners who have never previously had a GuildSomm membership. GuildSomm members have access to all of GuildSomm’s educational content, including e-learning courses, study guides, review quizzes, our compendium of wine law, wine seminars, and more.