0:05: Conversation with Kaarin Engleman, Assistant Convention Director, World Boardgaming Championships (WBC). Kaarin recaps WBC 2012 and previews WBC 2013
0:22: Conversation with friend of the show Jim Doughan. Jimbo discusses his 2012 WBC experience, Virgin Queen vs Here I Stand and Napoleonic Wars, Card Irony and Kickstarter/P500.
1:12: Conversation with John Alsen. John tells us about how he got into gaming, the First Minnesota Wargaming Society, Monstercon/Consimworld Expo 2012 in Tempe, his leadership of the 82nd Airborne in the game Devil's Cauldron/Where Eagles Dare and developing games for our wonderful hobby. We conclude with a discussion of playing the game, Amateurs to Arms: War of 1812
2:23 Kevin McPartland joins to discuss his game Amateurs to Arms (co-designed with Jerry Shilies) and his previous efforts (Tahiti and Conquest of Paridise).
3:10 Wrap up by Herr Dr; hobby news and shout-outs.