In this episode I am once again joined by Dr Ian A. Baker, international fellow of the Explorers Club and the Royal Geographic Society, author of 7 books, and an initiate of Buddhist, Taoist, and Hindu Tantric lineages.
In this interview Ian recounts a life-changing encounter with a Shakta tantric Siddha in Nepal, who healed Ian of severe climbing injuries and initiated him into the Kaula Tantric order. Ian compares the hitherto secret practices of this sect - such as pranayama, asana, and kundalini techniques - with their Tibetan Tantric equivalents.
Ian reveals the surprising reactions of his Tibetan teachers to his initiations into Kaula Tantra, including Chatral Rinpoche and Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, and shares a drinking practice taught to him by his Kaula guru.
Ian also discusses Himalayan Beyul, the thin places of the Scottish Highlands, and how a trip to the Isle of Skye brought him into living contact with local Faerie lore.
Video version:
Also available on Youtube, iTunes, & Spotify – search ‘Guru Viking Podcast’.
Topics include:
00:00 - Intro
01:02 - Recent research into esoteric Burmese spiritual elixirs and the Soma tradition
09:55. Exploring the thin places of the Scottish Highlands
15:15 - Encountering the human the faerie tradition of the Isle of Skye
18:21 - Psychoactive substances in Buddhism
22:32 - Tantric Buddhism in Burma
28:38 - Ian on Mike Crowley’s book ’The Secret Drugs of Buddhism’
34:12 - Initial interest in Kaula Tantra
39:59 - Padmasambhava and the Nyingma Sects of Tibetan Buddhism
41:41 - Love vs renunciation and the Indian roots of Tibetan Tantra
47:18 - Emancipated passion, Yab Yum, and Maithuna
52:14 - Touring the sacred Shakta sites of Kamakya, Assam with Sakya Trinzin
59:29 - Ian’s first Kaula Tantric initiation
1:03:05 - Meeting a Shakta master and experiencing Siddhis (paranormal powers)
1:05:06 - Extensive physical healing by the Shakta master after Ian’s climbing accident
1:16:05 - Ian’s second Kaula Tantric initiation and Maithuna practice
1:20:11 - Tulku Urgyen and Chatral Rinpoche’s responses to his Kaula experiences
1:23:50 - Ian demonstrates a pranayama drinking practice
1:29:58 - Criticisms of mulabhanda and visualisation practice
1:35:08 - Comparison of Shakta and Tibetan pranayama practices
1:37:46 - Integration of Sahaja and the core practices of Dzogchen
1:41:32 - Comparison of approaches to the pelvic floor in the esoteric traditions
1:49:04 - Female masters and the overlooked roots of Tantric practice
1:52:14 - Ian recommends some recent scholarship
To find out more about Dr Ian A Baker, visit:
For more interviews, videos, and more visit:
Music ‘Deva Dasi’ by Steve James