In this episode I am once again joined by Tara Springett, a Buddhist psychotherapist who specialises in treating Kundalini Syndrome.
Tara takes a deep dive into the supernatural and reveals why it is so common for those undergoing a kundalini awakening to have paranormal experiences.
Tara lists the paranormal abilities and siddhi powers that are available, explains in detail about how to develop them, and sheds light on topics such as remote influence, exorcisms, and astral sex.
Tara also offers criteria for differentiating between kundalini awakening and psychosis, reveals her own experiences of ghosts and exorcisms, and explains how to defend against hostile magickal attacks.
Video version:
Also available on Youtube, iTunes, & Spotify – search ‘Guru Viking Podcast’.
#TaraSpringett #Kundalini #KundaliniAwakening #GarchenRinpoche #Kundalinicrisis #psychosis
Topics Include:
00:00 - Intro
00:55 - 4 modes of consciousness expansion of kundalini
03:31 - Paranormal experiences after kundalini awakening
05:12 - Creativity and the kundalini test
06:02 - Are paranormal experiences inevitable?
06:57- Intuition and clairvoyance
09:52 - Psychosis vs kundalini experience
14:10 - Welcome and unwelcome paranormal experiences
15:47 - Further differential diagnosis between psychosis and kundalini
18:20 - List of possible paranormal experiences
20:14 - Entity attachment
21:24 - Subject-object division does not apply in the paranormal
23:19 - Entities vs sub-personalities
25:55 - Pros and cons of exorcisms
27:56 - Tara’s encounter with a ghost
30:59 - Advice for those who wish to experience the paranormal
32:42 - How to practice paranormal abilities
33:22 - Siddhi powers
34:34 - Paranormal influence of others
36:32 - Black and white magick
37:57 - Astral sex
38:42 - Defending against black magick attack
40:28 - Padmasambhava pacifying demons
43:09 - Book recommendations
43:58 - How to cultivate siddhi powers
48:34 - Spiritual healing
49:22 - The role of practice
52:48 - Powering up the kundalini energy
55:14 - How difficult is it to develop siddhi?
59:03 - Tara’s training in spiritual healing and spiritualism
01:00:06 - Making money from siddhi
01:03:35 - Paying your bad karmic debts
01:08:22 - Tara’s advice
Previous episodes with Tara Springett:
To find out more about Tara Springett, visit:
For more interviews, videos, and more visit:
Music ‘Deva Dasi’ by Steve James