153 avsnitt • Längd: 70 min • Månadsvis
Improve your health & quality of life, find the truth between natural and medical science. Join Ken and Co-host Eric Rieger on the GCP, and get an unfiltered approach to your health as they host guests from all over the world. Nothing is off limits. Step in and get your gut checked…Ken (Kenneth Brown, MD) is a board certified gastroenterologist that turned his private practice into a hotbed of innovation. Ken has long been intrigued on how to best care for his patients. He challenged big pharma and developed an all natural solution (Atrantil) for bloating and symptoms of IBS. That lead him to dig deeper and find more answers and uses for polyphenols. Then he began to help his patients that were suffering from inflammation, not only in their guts, but their entire bodies, including neuro/brain & immune issues. Dr. Brown has tackled serious issues with natural and proven methods that his patients love him for. But he is not finished. The Gut Check Project exists to find better answers for you in all aspects of health. Experts in all fields of study, industry, and interest will be found on the GCP. Eric (Eric Rieger, CRNA) is Ken’s business partner and actually met Ken while delivering anesthesia to his patients in 2012. Eric saw first hand the passion that Ken had for his patients, his support staff, and for the answers that could improve people’s lives. Eric enjoys science and research swell, and has a passion for helping people find sensible means to take care of themselves, but always armed with the best information. Join the GCP and SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE!!!!
The podcast Gut Check Project is created by KBMD. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Forensic neuroscience is no everyday topic. But it could bring us all everyday lessons on how to interpret our surroundings and personal encounters.
Steven McWilliams is a professor at University of Texas Dallas, and there he teaches both graduates and undergraduates the intricacies of the mind, especially those impaired by social disorder.
Steven has built a foundation of knowledge from working in a very busy Dallas County morgue to studying neuroscience creating a career of identifying troubled minds so that disaster can be avoided.
Joins us on the GCP and hear our first I of many conversations with Steven today!
Do you or a loved one suffer from IBD such as Crohn’s or Colitis? The world does not have to change for the worse!
Get in here and meet Dane Johnson, founder of Crohn’s Colitis Lifestyle, and END the suffering.
Dane is the founder of CrohnsColitisLifestyle inspired by his life-threatening battle with Crohn’s/Colitis, which he reversed using natural practice. As a Board Certified Nutritionist and one of the most successful Crohn’s/Colitis coaches in the world, he has helped thousands around the world find their unique answer to IBD while building a community of supporters, doctors and healers!
He brings the receipts! Even if you only hear the intro to this episode, you have to check out his page:
Join Ken and Eric as they learn about the path Dane forged to take control of his life.
Dr. Ahmed is the Director of Research and Operations for METAVO
Metavo is a first of its kind high concentration of AvoB, the natural compound found in avocados which restores and promotes true metabolic health.
With a doctoral degree in Food Science from the University of Guelph, Dr. Ahmed has emerged as a trailblazer in the field of metabolic health and nutritional biochemistry. He hit the scene with a groundbreaking doctoral thesis titled "Clinical Development of Avocado-Derived Lipids as Modulators of Fatty Acid Oxidation for the Treatment and Management of Metabolic Disorders." This seminal work laid the foundation for the development of innovative solutions that form the core of Metavo’s product offerings. Currently serving as the Director of Research at SP Nutraceuticals, Dr. Ahmed has been pivotal in the product development and successful launch of Metavo, the flagship natural health product that leverages the benefits of avocado for metabolic well-being. TNoteworthy is Dr. Ahmed’s role as the study director for the first-in-human clinical trial of Metavo and his current role in conducting further clinical research on Metavo.
Join Ken and Eric on the GCP as they learn from Dr. Ahmed all bout the natural ways to boost metabolic health with METAVO!
The game has changed! The days of health insurance only paying for diseases that exist while ignoring the prevention of those diseases are over.
You can now use your health insurance plan and gain access to serious dietary planning, fitness coaching, training, stress relief and more, and Dr. Austin Wendell can show you how with Naviwell.
NaviWell is a revolutionary lifestyle medicine program that is implemented into medical practices across the country with a purpose of educating patients on living a healthier lifestyle and supporting physicians through improving quality of care in their office.
The NaviWell vision is navigating physicians and patients to create, educate, and expand an enhanced quality of care through the implementation of proactive strategies of health and wellness utilizing lifestyle medicine techniques.
NaviWell is an innovative online and web based medical wellness company that specializes in lifestyle medicine. We exist to be the leader in lifestyle medicine services to help physicians and patients achieve highest level of quality care utilizing attainable preventative and proactive approaches.
Join us today and learn how to better make your insurance work for you!
Our tax dollars should not be used to create food sources engineered to make us sicker in exchange for enriching a select few industries.
But that is what is happening.
So how does this play into what RFK Jr. (Robert Kennedy, Jr.) has planned for the country? Why has he suspended his campaign to surprisingly join forces with President Trump? How serious is the threat of a growing chronic disease epidemic for future generations?
Ken & Eric take the latest news of RFK’s announcement and describe what they believe can be affected in this latest episode!
Full Clips for reference:
RFK Jr Statement
RFK Jr at Donald Trump Rally
Casey Means, MD & Calley Means with Tucker Carlson
Ken & Eric give a quick rundown of activities from the summer and a quick update on KBMD & GCP!
Are you taking an ACE-Inhibitor for high blood pressure? If so have you experienced a dry cough? It literally can be linked to your medication and we discuss how easily you can get rid of this cough just by talking to your doctor today.
Eating the standard American diet puts anyone at risk for developing fatty liver disease. It may sound benign, but for those where fatty liver disease causes chronic inflammation (even if not obese), 12% of those will be in need of a liver transplant, tune in to see how to avoid this complication.
Rezdiffra, a new medication that uses the thyroid binding sites inside the liver to defeat fibrosis, could this be the way to defend the liver from years of processed foods?
DEEP DIVE into (LDN) Low Dose Naltrexone with Sebastion Denison, RPh, Andy Komuves, RPh, & Joe Bertrand, RPh
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Clearly from the adjectives it’s a “non standard” dosage from what naltrexone was originally intended. But why?
LDN is a method (with EXTENSIVE data) of finding benefits to healing from certain issues that have often left people hopeless.
Weight management, nerve damage, palsy, autoimmune thyroid disorders, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain,Crohn’s diease, fibromyalgia, PTSD, multiple sclerosis, myalgic encephalomyelitis.
The GCP welcomes three experts and Clinical Compounding Pharmacists to share with you their knowledge and experience in helping people find comfort and happiness again in their lives! Sebastion Denison, RPh, Andy Komuves, RPh, & Joe Bertrand, RPh join Ken & Eric to discuss the hype and evidence around LDN.
current dosing recommendations
Ultra low dose early info
Purdue had Oxycontin and the combination was used clinically and was pursued, then Oxytrex was the trade name-2005 phase 3 trials, by a company Pain Therapeutics-but did not launch or fully launch
TROXYCA® ER is a Pfizer product in 2016 (higher doses)
Mr. Frank LLosa, a serial entrepreneur who has an incredible track record of success in a number of fields from real estate, to highly technical photography for National Geographic, to one of the first cloud-based storage systems available to the public. Mr. LLosa was also an elite Division I track athlete who currently incorporates biohacking to stay competitive in all his endeavors.
Which of course lead him to launch KetoneAid!
KetoneAid is a comanpy dedicated to harnessing ketone esters inorder to fuel your mind and body. You may think that it only applies to athletes, but that would be seriously off of the mark. From intense physical activity, to hard cognitive skill, to even elevating enjoyment of leisure activities, Frank’s company is changing the ease of access for everyone to get the most out of their lives with the fuel that your body wants.
Join ken & Eric on the GCP and test your knowledge on what your body has been telling you!
SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth) is a tricky diagnosis sometimes to have confirmed, hard to learn exactly what it is, and even worse… find out what can be done.
Ken Brown, MD is a board certified gastroenterologist, and he has seen thousands of patients with SIBO, its so called blurred lines with IBS and the hopelessness of those that endlessly suffer.
In this video, you can find why the pain, insomnia, agitation, discomfort and more are actually all rooted in poor digestive health, and what YOU can do about it starting today!
Chris Kilham, a medicine hunter, author, educator and TV personality who has conducted medicinal plant research in over 45 countries and lectures worldwide about holistic wellness and botanical medicines. As a speaker and guest expert on TV in U.S. and international markets, he advocates for traditional botanical medicines, including psychoactive and psychedelic plant medicines such as cannabis. Chris has been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Outside Magazine, Forbes, Psychology Today, Playboy, Newsweek, CNN, NBC Nightly News, The Dr. Oz Show, ABC Nightline, ABC 20/20, ABC Good Morning America, and many other top-tier media outlets. He has written fifteen books, including the new The Lotus and The Bud, The Ayahuasca Test Pilots Handbook, and The Five Tibetans, which has been published in over 28 languages.
Join the GCP as chris shares some of the more exciting aspects of connecting with people all over the world to improve the health of humans everywhere
Medicine Hunter
Instagram (@MedicineHunter)
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Linkedin (@MedicineHunter)
Dr Cate has emerged as a leading authority on nutrition and human metabolism. A board-certified Family Physician with over 20 years of clinical experience, and NY
Times bestselling author The FatBurn Fix, Deep Nutrition & Food Rules
She was Endorsed by popular athletes such as NBA players Kobe Bryant, Dwight Howard, & Steve Blake after re-engineering the entire diet and food process habits for the LA Lakers
After getting her BS in biology from Rutgers University, she trained in biochemistry and genetics at Cornell University’s graduate school before attending Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. She practiced in Hawaii for ten years where she studied ethnobotany and her healthiest patient’s culinary habits. She applied her learning and experiences in all these scientific fields to write Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food. Together with Dr. Tim DiFrancesco and NBA legend Gary Vitti, she created the PRO Nutrition program for the LA Lakers and helped forge a partnership between Whole Foods Market and numerous NBA teams. In May of 2018 she begin Director of Metabolic Health for ABC Fine Wine and Spirits, a progressive, family-run company interested in saving money by the betterment of health.
Join us on the GCP to unleash the unadulterated & object truth with Dr. Cate!
Teresa Marie is a certified Coach and specialist in mind medicine. She has a Master’s degree in Organizational Psychology from John F. Kennedy University and has a Dallas practice treating clients with PTSD, ADHD, Depression and Anxiety.
The combination of various medicines (psychedelic and traditional) and integration therapy helps clients transform their conscious state of being.
David Jackson, MD received his BSEE from Rice University with a focus on biomedical engineering. He completed his MD from Southwestern Medical School in Dallas.
A board-certified Anesthesiologist, David has received additional training in functional medicine.
He specializes in the safe and effective use of non-traditional medicines and therapies for the treatment of PTSD, addiction, depression, anxiety, ADHD and overall mental wellness.
With David's extensive medical and scientific knowledge and Teresa's deep insights into consciousness along with their combined experience the duo engage and educate both the public as well as both the mental health and the general medical community.
Connect with Positive Results here: [email protected]
Have you ever found it difficult to tell an important story… a story so important that you feel everyone must know for there own benefit?
These types of dilemma arise when the information is vast and technical and you have to relay so much information. An investigative journalist serves this purpose on a daily basis, and today on the GCP we have one of the best, Martha Rosenberg!
Martha Rosenberg is a nationally recognized medical reporter. Her work appears in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), Consumer Reports, Public Citizen, Center for Health Journalism at USC Annenberg, Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University and other top outlets. Rosenberg has written more than 1,000 scientific and non-scientific papers.
Her work has been cited by the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Public Library of Science Biology, Science Direct, Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy, Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, Britannica, National Geographic, Hastings Law Journal and Wikipedia. Rosenberg’s FDA expose, "Born with a Junk Food Deficiency,” is a must read.
Join us on the GCP as Martha tells us how she sees the dynamics of Big Pharma and Big Food fighting to control a narrative that is simply untrue.
The use of “pill cams” (cameras embedded within ingestible capsules) to take pictures of a patient’s digestive tract began almost 20 years ago. It was a huge win to find some very difficult to detect disease, bleeds, obstructions, and more.
But, that only solved the problem of getting to the problem. The process still requires hours of downloading pictures from the cam (several hours at 6-12 pictures per second!) and then the physician sitting in front of the computer screen, watching the frames, looking for any irregularity.
Ray Bengermino of AnX Robotica joins the GCP to introduce the Navicam. In essence this capsule takes the pictures and integrates with AI for detection of anomalies and suspicious appearing tissue. This quickly directs the attention of the physician to enhance his detection of disease. And it is a perfect blend of AI assist. The physician retains full access to exam all of the images, but the AI functions as a team member for the doctor to spend more time evaluating the lesions and less time “hunting” for them.
Join Ken & Eric as they discuss the cam and how AI can work to benefit the patient.
Navicam - AnX Robotica: https://www.anxrobotics.com
(For you golfers, check out Ray’s OnPoint Golf markers here: https://onpointgolf.us)
You should have the choice wether you want to supplement your health with natural supplements. It’s really not a controversial statement. (Ex vitamin D, vitamin C, NMN, NAC, etc…)
But without people like Daniel Fabricant, PhD., we would all be limited SEVERELY by what we could access without a prescription, or in many cases… ACCESS AT ALL!
It doesn’t end with supplements. The fight by the Natural Products Association (NPA) is one to liberate information and fair representation of clinical studies that fall outside the control of the massive pharmaceutical industry.
Daniel Fabricant, Ph.D served as the Director of the Division of Dietary Supplement Programs at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), where he directed agency policy, public affairs and regulatory action regarding regulation of the dietary supplement industry for more than three years.
Today Dr. Fabricant is CEO and President of the NPA, the nation’s largest and oldest trade organization
Ever heard of the “golden window” for your baby? How much of your child’s brain is formed by age 3?
More than likely these questions pique your interest because every mother wants the absolute best for their child, and they should.
Just beyond physical security for your child is the nutritional value of the food that is afforded to the child.
As a parent, you set the stage for the health of your baby well into adulthood by the choices and foods that your young one consumes, ben as an infant!
Join Dr. Ken Brown and Eric as they break down why and how the food choices for infants, babies, and children can create a future of advantages or a risk of disease for a lifetime.
Why work so hard to lose weight when you can just medicate the pounds away?
Well, everything in life has a trade off. The best athletes sacrifice free time to practice skill development. Scientists spend free time studying to lead to discovery…
So what is the trade-off other than just expense?
Are all healthcare providers that prescribe and administer these peptide medications for weight loss really weighing the risks & benefits, and are all of those patients keenly aware of the biological costs?
Join Ken and Eric as they discuss the quiet portions of the informed consent that aren’t usually advertised.
This incredibly successful movie, television, and music producer, CEO Of Edmonds Entertainment Group, joins Ken and Eric to discuss the transformations for better health that she is now sharing with her newly launched Alrightnow.com site and podcast.
Tracey Edmonds has worked diligently throughout her career to develop entertainment that connects with the audience. Overtime she has observed the challenges that we all face with finding and securing healthy foods, beneficial exercise regimens, and a balance mindset.
Tracey brought us several movies including the 90s hit Soul Food to kick off her movie production career.
She launched AlrightNow to take what she's learned throughout her life and continue to cultivate to the next level, with tips, tools, and teachable moments to benefit our emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. Life is a balancing act, and she doesn't strive for perfection, but never settles for anything less than she knows she can accomplish.
Check out Tracey on the GCP today!
Website https://www.alrightnow.com/
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/alrighttv
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/people/AlrightNow/100064793856491/
IG @traceyeedmonds
X @Traceyeedmonds
Ollie lost his father, a traumatic time led to extensive emotional eating making the weight shoot up to nearly 300lbs, it was then where Ollie was working in a corporate job and when being a ‘successful guy’ was mentioned this was the furthest anyone could possibly be – low confidence, high body fat, no sales skills, no morale.
Suffice it to say, Ollie has changed EVERYTHING, and now he coaches people in over 27 countries on how to rediscover health and maintain fitness in the face of stress.
Ollie became ‘that guy’ for nutrition in endurance working with Olympic athletes, world champion triathletes and even Tour De France riders whilst training personally in both strength and endurance himself knowing the importance of constant self development in all areas.
Join Ken and Eric as they host Ollie where they discuss Ollie’s approach, his company O Jay Health and how you can actually realize better performance in your work and life goals by taking care of your health and fitness first!
OJay Health
One Day Body Upgrade
Female One day Body Upgrade
How do you protect your brain? If you play sports you may say “I wear a helmet”…
But how do you give your brain the tools to clear out debris from damage and to rebuild lost neuro connections?
Alzheimer’s, CTE, memory loss and more can almost always share a link with injury and inflammation that caused the trouble. Our bodies are built to recover from these inflammation episodes.
However, when the brain doesn’t have the tools to eliminate the trouble and then repair, chronic disease becomes the norm.
Join Ken & Eric as they dive deep into why a lack of flavonoids may leave people that should be able to recover, injured and with neurodegenerative problems.
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Weight loss is far too broad without specifically targeting the issue of fat loss.
Can supplements actually make a difference?
In short… YES!
Join Ken and Eric as they explore how to engage with supplements and a strategy for losing fat while increasing energy and preserving muscle and bone tissue NATURALLY!
Be sure to join GCP RAW for full access, ability to ask guests questions, and more! Use code “HERO” for a free month.
Shari Guess is the host of the “Heavily Metalled” podcast. Her inspiration for starting her show was realized from her near death experience as her body waged a significant war against the metals used in the hardware from her surgeries.
In this episode Shari explains what she experienced, how she found answers to indicate that it indeed was metal sensitive and allergic reactions, and how the removal of most of that hardware has allowed her to escape being bed ridden.
Not everyone will suffer this outcome, but for those that do, the true cause of why some people may not seem normal could be related to metal exposure or surgical hardware from routine procedures.
Join Ken & Eric as they host Shari and learn more about her story of returning to normal!
Be sure to join GCP raw for full access, ability to ask guests questions, and more! Use code “HERO” for a free month.
No more need for high cost access to physicians that can visit with their patients for more than 8 minutes.
“Doc” Brad Faglie, MD is the correct-founder of Endo Direct care. He tells Ken & Eric how he changed his patient care model from liter herding over 30 patients through his office per day with very limited contact to a caring and relaxed scheduled time to visit and connect with his patients and their families.
No more unnecessary labs or treatments. A better understanding of the lives his patients desire to live. Doc explains how his Direct Primary Care model membership model delivers better care for every single patient, and costs less time and money.
Listen to Whiskey Bros Podcast HERE
Join Ken & Eric on the GCP, be sure to check our GCP RAW for uncut content around the hurdles that Doc faced upon his departure from leaving the ACO.
Dr. John Littell is a board certified physician in family medicine from Florida. His story of working through the pandemic and facing scrutiny from his own hospital system and certifying board.
Dr. Littell has been praised by the Mayor of Ocala, Florida for saving him from a covid infection as well as many others, even though he used protocols that were not the CDC standard. The survival rates and low need for hospitalization dwarfed the standard, and his practice was many times noted for its success.
But he still found himself being escorted from a hospital board meeting where he was invited to speak, he was removed from a medical executive committee, and now his board certification is in jeopardy. And for what…..? Simply his success record for treating patients and the fact that he dare tell others.
Join Ken & Eric as they hear from Dr. Littell as he describes his journey over the last 3 years.
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Dr. Jessica Rose has a PHD in Computational Biology, along with multiple degrees in related biology & mathematics fields of study.
Since the COVID pandemic, Jessica has monitored trends and patterns around treatments and protocols. After the rollout of the mRNA covid vaccines, she quickly noticed alarming trends, with adverse events corresponding to the mRNA injection. Jessica become an expert in analyzing VAERS data for trends and signal, she thought it would be helpful.
The biggest problem that she was presented with… the CDC & FDA ere not addressing the rapidly rising adverse events, including myocarditis, stroke, and even death.
She has testified to multiple government agencies, including the FDA three times.
Join Ken & Eric as they explore the analysis and methods that Jessica used and what her experience has been in trying to get answers from the agencies that should be looking out for the public.
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Having educated over 1 MILLION healthcare professionals worldwide,
DrBeen is on a mission to help medical and nursing students become great professionals.
So you can imagine, that after being trusted to reach and teach so many, the complete surprise to DrBeen when he faced threats of physical harm to himself and his family. He stood firm and he credits the strength and support of his wife for him to never give up on behalf of those that need solutions to their struggles with covid and treatment injury.
Thanks to DrBeen, inanition to some of the more controversial repurposed medications, he is now educating providers on the success and mechanism of action of methylene blue to defeat long-covid complications and other problems.
A medical doctor, software engineer, presenter, medical artist, and speaker, Dr. Syed is the CEO and founder of DrBeen Corp, an online medical education platform that aims to democratize medical education for all.
Dr. Syed’s dedication to teaching began at Horizon Medical Institute. During the pandemic, he has reviewed more than 10,000 studies and presented over 1,500 lectures on YouTube. His videos have been viewed over 70 million times. A core contributor to FLCCC’s COVID-19 protocols, Dr. Syed also hosts a video series for FLCCC called ‘Long (COVID) Story Short’, which focuses on making the latest research accessible to all audiences.
Join the Ken & Eric of the GCP as DrBeen tells how he endured harassment and fought back while speaking
at the FLCCC educational conference 2023.
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DrBeen https://www.drbeen.com
Twitter @drbeen_medical
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Simply put, Dr. Liz Mumper loves children. She has dedicated her life to not only being their advocate, but she relies heavily upon data, evidence based medicine, and is unafraid to test guidelines even if it means challenging her own practice protocols.
Dr. Mumper has the receipts. The data of does not show mitigation of risk for COVID injury by vaccinating children, specifically with the mRNA platform therapies.
Well studied in her effort to reduce the increasing rate of autism, Dr. Mumper was all to familiar with the need to protect before inject when it came to evaluating the best path to good health for children.
Her clinical experience includes five years in pediatric practice, over a decade as Director of Pediatric Education in a Family Practice Residency Program, 16 years as clinical faculty at the University of Virginia, and five years as Medical Director of the Autism Research Institute. She is currently on the faculty of MAPS (Medical Academy for Pediatric Special Needs) and is certified by the Institute of Functional Medicine, where she developed the first advanced clinical training in pediatrics for the organization.
Dr. Mumper has written book chapters, had her clinical research at the Rimland Center published in peer-reviewed journals, and has lectured nationally and internationally.
She is currently doing research on vaccination status as it relates to the prevalence of chronic illness in children. She advocates integrative and functional medicine strategies to care for children with complex chronic illnesses.
Join the Ken & Eric of the GCP as Dr. Mumper shares why she believes no child should be subjected
to the harms of the COVID 19 genetic therapies while speaking at the FLCCC educational conference 2023.
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Childrens Health Defense https://childrenshealthdefense.org
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Dealing with complicated cases well before the pandemic conditioned JP to detect things weren’t;t adding up for the treatment, or complete lack thereof, regarding patients and COVID infections. Years of treating diseases such as Lyme and implementing years of evidence based medicine positioned Dr. Saleeby to take action on behalf of his practice rather than turn patients away.
A core contributor to the FLCCC I-RECOVER protocol for post-vaccine syndrome, Dr. Saleeby has degrees from the Medical College of Georgia (Augusta, G.A.) and East Carolina University School of Medicine (Greenville, N.C.).
He was an ER physician for almost 20 years and held posts in occupational medicine and urgent care, and family medicine, retiring from traditional mainstream medicine in 2013. He currently practices integrative and functional medicine at Carolina Holistic Medicine, where he serves as medical director.
Join the Ken & Eric of the GCP as Dr.Saleeby discusses his approach to recognizing the lack of direction
and his inclination to put his reputation on the line to help those in need while speaking
at the FLCCC educational conference 2023.
Carolina Holistic Medicine
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Dr. Cadegiani is a leading expert in Endocrinology, Sports Medicine, and Obesity Management. A core contributor to the FLCCC COVID-19 protocols, Dr. Cadegiani has successfully treated thousands of COVID patients in Brazil with few hospitalizations and no deaths.
Regarding COVID-19, Dr. Cadegiani conducted some of the largest clinical trials and observational studies, including the Itajaí ivermectin studies. He is responsible for the first hypothesis that explains the massive number of post-vaccine myocarditis cases and sudden deaths, particularly among young males and athletes.
After attaining his medical degree from the University of Brasilia in 2008, Dr. Cadegiani completed a residency in internal medicine in 2010 and a fellowship in Endocrinology and Metabolism in 2012.
He has conducted extensive research on fatigue-related conditions, ‘hormonal conditioning’, and pharmacological weight loss management, and is the creator of the first scientifically proven effective therapy to prevent bariatric surgery in morbidly obese subjects.
Join the Ken & Eric of the GCP as Dr. Cardegiani describes how his efforts to save lives led to political
firestorms while speaking at the FLCCC educational conference 2023.
FLCCC 2023 Educational Series & Lectures
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Dr. Wallskog obtained his medical degree at the University of Wisconsin and completed his orthopedic surgery residency at the Medical College of Wisconsin. He completed fellowship training specializing in joint replacement at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, then entered private practice in 2002.
After being exposed to COVID-19 in August/September of 2020, Dr. Wallskog followed CDC recommendations to wait three months before getting his first COVID vaccine. He subsequently developed numbness, weakness, and balance difficulties and, in the following months, experienced periods of severe lower thoracic back pain. He was subsequently diagnosed with transverse myelitis with a demyelinated lesion at the T8-T9 level.
Although he has been treated with high-dose steroids and IVIG and has participated in physical therapy, his symptoms are essentially unchanged since his diagnosis in January 2021. His acquired disability has affected his career and he can no longer physically practice medicine as an orthopedic surgeon.
Refusing to allow this to stop him, Dr. Wallskog has made his mission to change his negative reaction into POSITIVE ACTION. He helped found REACT19, a non-profit that offers financial, physical, and emotional support to tens of thousands of people injured by the COVID shots in the United States.
Join the Ken & Eric of the GCP as Dr. Wallskog tells his story of injury and efforts to protect children
and adults from further injury at the FLCCC educational conference 2023.
REACT19 https://react19.org/
FLCCC 2023 Educational Series & Lectures
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It’s no news to you, cancer treatment is a very serious matter. It’s complicating enough for the patient, the family, and the effort of the healthcare team.
Now healthcare professionals around the world are witnessing a marked increase in cancer frequency, and it is affecting all ages. This aggressive change has Dr. Nathan
Goodyear not only referencing the cancer of today as a turbo cancer, but the dawn of anew delineation. Cancer before and now cancer AFTER COVID.
Dr. Goodyear shares why the biggest obstacle for effective treatment is obfuscation, and the best remedy is truth and open dialogue amongst caregivers without threat
of suppression.
Dr. Goodyear is the medical director at Brio Medical, Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology and has practiced Integrative Medicine since 2006. Dr. Goodyear is a Fellow in Functional and Regenerative Medicine and served on the board of the American Functional Medicine Association. He is dually licensed by the Arizona Medical Board and the Arizona Homeopathic and Integrative Medical Board in the State of Arizona.
Join the Ken & Eric of the GCP as Dr. Goodyear describes the cancer virus threat
at the FLCCC educational conference 2023.
Brio Medical https://brio-medical.com
FLCCC 2023 Educational Series & Lectures
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The mayor of Houston proclaimed that September 25, 2020 was recognized city wide as “Dr. Joseph Varon Day” in recognition of Dr. Varon’s selfless effort to not ever abandon patients in need during the pandemic.
But that was just over 8 months after the pandemic began… Dr. Varon went on to work 715 days CONSECUTIVELY caring for and treating patients, turning his over 100 bed hospital into a mega ICU.
So how in the world did valiant efforts of altruism turn into death threats against Dr. Varon and his family?
Prof. Dr. Joseph Varon MD, FACP, FCCP, FCCM, FRSM is the chairman of the board of the United Memorial Medical Center and
United General Hospital. He is a professor for medicine and surgery for multiple universities. He is a co-author of the MATH+ protocol for COVID.
Join the Ken & Eric of the GCP as Dr. Varon shared his
experience at the FLCCC educational conference 2023.
Instagram @joevaron
FLCCC 2023 Educational Series & Lectures
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“As the original “inventor” of mRNA and DNA vaccines… I am concerned about how the technology is being developed and implemented.” -Dr. Robert Malone
Be sure to JOIN GCP Raw and submit your questions for upcoming guests! Use code GCPFREE for a free month!
Dr Malone has approximately 100 scientific publications with over 12,000 citations of his work (per Google Scholar with an “outstanding” impact factor rating). He has been an invited speaker around a 100 conferences, has chaired or been keynote speaker at numerous conferences and served as chairperson on HHS and DoD committees. Malone was a non-voting member on the NIH ACTIV TX-Clinical working group committee focussed on developing clinical trials for ivermectin, famotidine and celecoxib - all repurposed drugs which are COVID-19 treatments.
Dr. Malone is internationally recognized scientist/physician and the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA
and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies. He holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines: including for fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies.
Join Ken & Eric as they journeyed to meet Dr. Malone and obtain a brief update on the current state of affairs an concerns around the medical and political issues of public health.
*** The audio is not ideal, it has been encantas much as possible. Unfortunately the audio source corrupted before editing and Dr. Malone has already agreed to engage in future appearances on the GCP. ****
Be sure to JOIN GCP Raw and submit your questions for upcoming guests! Use code GCPFREE for a free month!
Discovery leads to innovation. Innovation usually leads to changes in processes. But that doesn’t always equate to better. Or not necessarily as a replacement.
You may have seen a commercial or two for a commercial product where a walking and talking white box depicts the ease and comfort for checking for colorectal cancer at home. The insinuation is that anyone can simply send in a sample of their “#2” and find out if they have anything to worry about regarding cancer in the lower gastrointestinal tract.
But at what cost is this substitute for the gold standard of colonoscopy screening actually to the patient? What are the accuracy comparisons? What to make of a positive or negative result?
Ken & Eric dive in and discuss the commercial pitch for this method of using fecal DNA vs visual inspection of the colon and what actually might be overlooked for the unsuspecting patient who is trying to remain healthy.
Join us on RUMBLE & LOCALS for RAW GCP! USE code GCPFREE for a month of FREE RAW
Bonus Notes covered in this episode:
Does Cologuard detect polyps?
Yes, Cologuard can detect polyps. However, the detection of large polyps (the precursors to colon cancer) is less than half as accurate as a colonoscopy.
Is the Cologuard test as effective as a colonoscopy?
No, the Cologuard test is not as effective as a colonoscopy. Detecting and removing polyps is critical to colon cancer prevention, and Cologuard only detects large precancerous polyps 42% of the time. A colonoscopy detects the same polyps 95% of the time and they are removed during the same procedure.
What does Cologuard detect?
Cologuard can detect 92% of cancers and 42% of large precancerous polyps, the precursor to colon cancer.
What does it mean if your Cologuard test is positive?
If the Cologuard test is positive, it may mean that colon cancer or polyps are present. After a positive Cologuard test a colonoscopy is required for a definitive answer. The Cologuard test has a 13% false-positive rate, which means 1 in 10 positive tests will incorrectly identify cancer or polyps.
Does Cologuard detect cancer?
Yes, the Cologuard test can detect cancer 92% of the time. However, prevention of colon cancer is better than identifying it once you have it. The best way to prevent colon cancer is by identifying and removing precancerous polyps that don’t turn into cancer later. Cologuard only finds 42% of large, dangerous polyps that can turn into colon cancer.
Can patients use Cologuard instead of a colonoscopy?
Cologuard is not designed to be a replacement for a colonoscopy, even though advertisements may suggest otherwise. 58% of the time, dangerous precancerous polyps are not detected with Cologuard, which is significantly less effective than a colonoscopy. However, Cologuard may be an option for some patients who insist on not getting a colonoscopy or those not healthy enough to have a colonoscopy. Even a 42% chance of detection is better than no detection at all.
References for this episode:
Uptodate.com- colon cancer screening guidelines
Itzkowitz SH, Ahlquist DA. The case for a multitarget stool DNA test: a closer look at the cost effectiveness model. Gastroenterology. 2017;152(6):1620–1621
Johnson DH, Kisiel JB, Burger KN, et al. Multitarget stool DNA test: clinical performance and impact on yield and quality of colonoscopy for colorectal cancer screening. Gastrointest Endosc. 2017;85(3):657–665.e1.
Zauber A, Knudsen A, Rutter CM, et al. Evaluating the Benefits and Harms of Colorectal Cancer Screening Strategies: A Collaborative Modeling Approach. AHRQ Publication No. 14-05203-EF-2. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; October 2015.
Knudsen AB, Zauber AG, Rutter CM, et al. Estimation of Benefits, Burden, and Harms of Colorectal Cancer Screening Strategies: Modeling Study for the US Preventive Services Task Force. JAMA 2016; 315:2595.
Cost-effectiveness of a multitarget stool DNA test for colorectal cancer screening of Medicare beneficiaries
Steffie K. Naber ,Amy B. Knudsen ,Ann G. Zauber,Carolyn M. Rutter,Sara E. Fischer,Chester J. Pabiniak,Brittany Soto,Karen M. Kuntz,Iris Lansdorp-Vogelaar
Rex DK, Boland CR, et al. Colorectal cancer screening: Recommendations for physicians and patients from the U.S. Multi-Society Task Force on Colorectal Cancer. GI Endosc. 2017; 86(1):18-33.
Several municipalities around the US add fluoride to the drinking water supply… but why?
The Fluoride Action Network (a fluoride education advocacy group) won a suit against the US Government which forced the release of a document that reveals “There is NO safe level of fluoride in water”. None the less this prompted the GCP to read up a bit and as you will see, we are going to the source for answers… BUT with your help!
GCP RAW is exactly how we will do that.
Ken and Eric stop down to explain a little bit about RAW, Rumble, and what the show has in store for you!
Please like and share, tell a friend, and THANK YOU for being a part of the Gut Check Project!
For FREE month of RAW just click https://gutcheckproject.locals.com/support/promo/GCPFREE, or use code "GCPFREE”
Endometriosis affects around 10% of almost always females (sometimes males also!) between the ages of 15 and 44. It most often occurs on or around reproductive organs in the pelvis or abdomen.
Endometrial tissue growing in these areas does not shed during a menstrual cycle like healthy endometrial tissue inside the uterus does. The buildup of abnormal tissue outside the uterus can lead to inflammation, scarring and painful cysts. It can also lead to buildup of fibrous tissues between reproductive organs that causes them to “stick” together.
Dr. Taylor Reyes rejoins Ken & Eric on the GCP to discuss endometriosis and what can be done about it.
Connect with Taylor!
IG: drtaylorreyes
FREE access to GCP RAW just click here: https://gutcheckproject.locals.com/support/promo/GCPFR
Please visit Gut Check Project on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2450720
The ever lasting chase by many males to seek and acquire a more desirable size and performance of the “unit”…
Well that dominated a great deal of this episode!
Maghen Mitchell, FNP, owner & CEO of Modern Enhancement, was joined by Christy Crues, CRNA to deliver a procedural demonstration of using injections to enhance a man’s “pride”.
Not only that, we dove into appropriate selections of peptides, women that may seek improvement for youthful regeneration of the face and skin, and hair restoration using PRP!
Join Ken & Eric for this exciting exploration into aesthetic science!
Thank YOU for joining the GCP, and be sure to like and subscribe on RUMBLE, and the ALL NEW GCP RAW at gutcheckproject.locals.com Join today!
So… suddenly episodes 99 & 100 of the GCP are GONE from the YouTube listing… What happened??!?!
Ken & Eric explain how and why their approach to honesty & altruism, but using data and quotes from experts, ultimately had their episodes removed!
So.. CHECK OUT the NEW ADDITIONAL HOME for GCP video at Rumble.com
Search for “Gut Check Project”, be certain to click subscribe. If you are new to Rumble, it’s essentially what YoutUbe once was, a place for free thought and expression.
The GCP will continue to publish episodes on YouTube for the time being, but now as more controversial topics emerge, some of those simply will not be published on YouTube. You can ALWAYS find our episodes on Rumble.
Please LIKE & SHARE and thank you for joining us on the GCP!
According to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) the official national vaccine safety monitoring system powered by the CDC (Center for Disease Control), there are over 1,500,000 sustained vaccine injuries (including death) attributed in part to the administrations of the COVID-19 mRNA platform vaccines.
According to the Harvard-Pilgrim study, VAERS data is underreported (for many reasons) and in order to calculate an approximate volume total of events, a VAERS reader can apply a factor of as much as 100 to the displayed number. Most health statisticians use a minimum of a factor of 30. This puts the approximate number of COVID vaccine injures at over 45,000,000.
Fortunately, a group of physicians have put YOUR safety and health first, regardless of the resistance and lack of support that they have endured from several US government health organizations. The FLCCC has released a protocol which is continuously updated. It is extensive and is accompanied by rationale while being reviewed by a multidiscipline panel of physicians.
Join Ken & Eric as they put the FLCCC protocol into context!
Be sure to LIKE & SHARE on RUMBLE! Thank YOU for joining us on the GCP!
FLCCC Homepage: https://covid19criticalcare.com/
FLCCC Post Vax Protocol: https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/I-RECOVER-Post-Vaccine-Protocol.pdf
FLCCC Protocol Summary: https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/I-RECOVER-Post-Vaccine-Summary-1.pdf
VAERS: https://vaers.hhs.gov/
Harvard-Pilgrim Study: https://rickjaffeesq.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/r18hs017045-lazarus-final-report-20116.pdf
The art of science & scientists (and healthcare providers) is purest when ALL questions and concerns can be heard, tested, and evaluated by multiple investigators… repeatedly.
In this episode, you will hear about post injection injury data from the accounts of a Pathologist and a lipid nanoparticle healthcare expert.
Unfortunately, there was an “event” that succeeded in turning the open discussion, the value of personal choice, the trust between physician and patient, all on its end.
Dr. Drew Pinsky, MD, hosts a great podcast called “Ask Dr. Drew” and some of his recent episodes have been a real time window into his discovery and acceptance that our health institutions have possibly been heavily compromised.
Dr. Drew and his co-host Kelly Victory, MD delivered some great first hand account of issues around the “event” and the popular injection platform that our health leaders essentially used fear and shame into public compliance.
Join Ken & Eric as they breakdown some of the information shared from Dr. Drew’s show along with Ryan Cole, MD, and Richard Urso, MD.
Referenced shows:
Inspiring, creative, encouraging… there are so many words to describe Paul Rogers and his method for bringing the best out the people around him.
Paul is the founder and owner of NEXM Creative based in Fort Worth, TX, and he is the producer and director of the Gut Check Project.
Ken & Eric took time to share the air time with the person that had the long term vision on how to bring health & medical topics in a way that could easily reach the patients that Ken & Eric serve… and now it appears that the word is spreading and the audience has grown (just like Paul said!).
What makes Paul tick? Was he just “luckY” and given a studio and great audio equipment…NO! His journey is inspiring and he wants to share it with you!
Check out Paul’s company here: https://www.nexmcreative.com
Join Ken & Eric as they visit with Paul and be sure to LIKE & SHARE and thank you for joining the GCP!
Easily accessible, on your schedule, specialty oriented, affordable… That’s EXACTLY what it’s like to connect with dietitians at Nourish!
Founder Adrein Paczosa, RD joined Ken & Eric on the GCP to discuss the integrated service offered by Nourish.
For years it has been issues with hurdles around financial constraints, mis-matched hours and availability, or even lack of specific disease expertise when trying to find the right fit.
Nourish has changed the game and even TAKE INSURANCE, are available for tele counseling, all while having RDs representing all of the health specialties that can affect potential patients.
Connect with Nourish today: https://www.usenourish.com/
Thank YOU for listening to the GCP and PLESE LIKE & SHARE!
There’s no getting around it. We NEED fats in our diet and oils in many of our foods provide it.
We were meant to eat the GOOD oils (Avocado, olive, coconut, Peanut(unrefined), flax, butter, ghee, tallow, lard, cocoa, Mac nut, almond, walnut, sesame, fish oil)
In order to allow your body to stop fighting unnecessary inflammation, avoid excessive PUFAs! They are loaded in the bad oils (Soy, corn, vegetable, sunflower, safflower, CANOLA aka Rapeseed, grapeseed, cottonseed, ricebran, palm)
BUT choosing the wrong oils to cook with, or the selecting packaged foods that might have certain oils in them could be keeping you overweight, tired, and giving you metabolic complications scubas migraines, body aches, and even sniffles or asthma.
YES! All of those symptoms are more often than not related to an inflamed metabolic state that cannot manage the oxidative stress.
HUGE thanks to Cate Shanahan, MD for an excellent outline to tackle so many aspects of this topic. Check out her website here: https://drcate.com/
See her safe and dangerous oils table here: https://drcate.com/list-of-good-fats-and-oils-versus-bad/
In this graph, think of the exploding issue of obesity, and notice how the danger fats consumption has gone up, while good fats like butter have gone down (Don’t use margarine!) https://drcate.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/essential-fatty-acid-intake-in-the-20th-century-B-1.jpg
Further reading on oils and their dangers: https://drcate.com/the-hateful-eight-enemy-fats-that-destroy-your-health/
Please LIKE & SHARE this episode and thank YOU for joining us on the GCP!
Conscious intention… Balancing stoicism with urgency… How do the greats do it?
So we began this episode by sharing with everyone that we were going to address “What’s in your pantry”. However, Ken took Eric on a journey of how impactful the “Waking Up” app along with its daily exercises and tactics has been.
Through thoughtful engagement, Ken expresses how he is finding more value in his daily experiences. Modernity and much of Western culture can influence so many of us to spend so much of our time preparing and thinking only of the future, that the present never occurs.
Ken shares how this acceptance through this daily lesson is allowing him to recognize and enjoy more of his daily experiences, maintain balance in stressful situations, and ultimately unlocking more joy for each day.
Learn about the Waking up app here: https://www.wakingup.com
Please LIKE and SHARE this or any of our episodes and of course Thank YOU for joining the GCP!!!
All of us have experienced placing trust in certain authorities. But when those same authorities abuse that trust, what can be done about it?
The health industry has several institutions, academies, and associations that all command a presence throughout the many disciplines of healthcare. Altruism in their pursuits SHOULD be a given.
However, there is always a vulnerability for compromise whenever money and power become traded like commodities.
Ken and Eric explore the documented exchange of email, favors, and payment that has recently been uncovered within the dietetics specialty. And this is not to believed to be the only specialty with this level of compromise. Actually quite the opposite.
The GCP, Ken, & Eric want you to be vigilant, and more than likely, almost every organization with influence has some degree of deceit. You just have to know how to see through it.
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Dr. Taylor Reyes continues her conversation with Ken & Eric on the GCP to explore some of the common concerns around sexual health which can be addressed by creating a healthy pelvic floor.
Taylor really paints a picture of how and why there shouldn’t be fear around solving these types of problems. Certainly no reason to suffer in silence.
The dynamic relationship of your pelvic floor to your overall health & happiness should not be ignored.
Connect with Taylor!
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Your health is directly related to your core strength. One-third of of your core is your pelvic floor.
Dr. Taylor Reyes joins the GCP to discuss how issues such as neck pain, digestion, and sexual health can be effectively addressed by creating a strong pelvic floor tone.
Taylor even has some exercises to share which you can experiment with easily at home.
The dynamic relationship of your pelvic floor to your overall health & happiness should not be ignored.
Connect with Taylor!
IG drtaylorreyes
Please LIKE & SHARE and thank you for joining Ken & Eric on the Gut Check Project!
If you or someone that you know suffers from SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth), then you are probably aware that the consequences are real and relief is rare, and even harder to maintain.
Ken unveils the clinically tested solution which could not only assist the SIBO sufferer to find relief, but actually save significant money with the highest quality products.
The KBMD SIBO Support Box addresses clinical efficacy, cost, and compliance. A measured monthly supply of support, all backed by science.
Thank you for listening to the GCP, please be sure to LIKE & SHARE this episode with those you love. Real relief is here!
Eating super hot food can seem like a mix of pleasure with self torture. But just how hot can spicy food be? What is the Scoville Heat Unit scale for rating spiciness in food?
There can be some symptoms attributed to eating super spicy food, but is it actually dangerous?
To wrap, Ken breaks down a recent study describing people just like YOU… podcast listeners!
Are we in good company if we look forward to podcast shows?
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Have you felt alone in trying to improve your overall health? What about when how you look doesn’t really represent how you feel?
EVERYONE struggles to maintain the optimal health, no matter what the appearance may be.
As a long time fitness model and former body builder, Rachel Scheer shares her impactful story of how her gut health was being compromised as she worked overtime to maintain physique and performance.
Rachel has an incredible perspective and drives the relative perspective for all of us, regardless of where we find our current health, weight, or mood.
We are so fortunate for Rachel to have dropped in to share with Ken & Eric and become our first TWO TIME GUEST on the GCP!
Please Like & SHARE, and thank you for supporting the GCP!
Rachel’s Podcast “Scheer Madness” https://scheermadness.buzzsprout.com/
Rachel’s Homepage https://rachelscheer.com/
Were you aware that every 68 seconds, an American suffers from sexual assault?
It’s a sobering statistic that knows no boundaries from race or even sex. Females are most often the victim, however males can be subjected to the horrific act as well.
Layne Garrett, LPC joins Ken & Eric on The Gut Check Project to discuss the barriers to helping those that may need an escape form the tortuous burden of having been a victim of a crime that they never deserved.
Layne’s service is a noble cause, and one that we all probably may underestimate the scale of the actual number of people that need help. A former teacher, Layne has rededicated her career to hellion those that suffer in silence.
But nobody needs to suffer alone, and there is hope to overcome the trauma. Making yourself aware of the clues might even provide some insight and you may notice a loved one of your own might need to talk with someone like Layne.
There are all kinds of pathways to healthy living, and being consumed by the stress stemming from trauma is worth addressing.
How prevalent might these scenarios be? Here are some numbers to consider:
§ 70% of sexual assaults are committed by a perpetrator known or related to the victim (1)
§ 2 in 5 women in Texas have been sexually assaulted (2)
§ 1 in 5 men in Texas have been sexual assaulted (2)
§ 6.3 million Texans have experienced some form of sexual assault in their lifetime (2)
· 1 out of every 6 American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime (14.8% completed, 2.8% attempted).
· About 3% of American men—or 1 in 33—have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime.
· A majority of child victims are 12-17. Of victims under the age of 18: 34% of victims of sexual assault and rape are under age 12, and 66% of victims of sexual assault and rape are age 12-17.
· 9 out of every 10 victims of rape are women.
Join Layne with Ken & Eric as they discuss what sexual trauma therapy looks like, what goals can be attained, techniques like EMDR, and why there truly is how for a better life for all victims of traumatic events.
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If you’ve ever looked at the snot dripping from a cow’s nose, and it made you think of becoming “frisky”… well, as strange as that sounds, you are not alone! (This story shows how wild ideas become meaningful science.)
Ken & Eric hit the ground running in the early days of COVID, and over time, it’s actually demonstrated that long time accepted reasoning and application of physiology concepts actually paid off. What did the inflammation of COVID or even the mRNA vaccine do to the public’s microbe? What can we do to improve our current state of covid struggles?
WWYMS… What Would Your Microbiome Say? An easy question to practice asking yourself before you embark upon a meal, an activity choice, or a stressful situation. It might even condition your decisions to ultimately be more beneficial for a healthier life!
Quick hit topics on this show, covering a good amount of ground. Join Ken & Eric on this episode, and PLEASE be sire to LIKE & SHAREthe GCP!
Ryan “Birdman” Parrott was a trained sniper in his SEAL team. After transitioning out of the SEAL teams, there was an assumption that they were safe, back home on American soil. On January 2nd, 2019, Birdman received a call from a teammate, stating that his SEAL team partner David R. Metcalf had taken his own life. As he navigated his own grief, Birdman was inspired to do more than simply mourn. The issues facing war tattered and battle worn veterans is far beyond just a label of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).
Birdman recognized that despite the well intentioned non-profits to help these vets, we continue to lose thousands of military members and first responders every year.
Army Veteran Daniel Somers wrote this in his suicide note in 2013: “I am left with basically nothing. Too trapped in a war to be at peace, too damaged to be at war.”
As with Birdman’s observations, Daniel’s words suggest that there is a whole body element to post traumatic stress that is being missed. Birdman reached out to a physician to discuss human performance in people with trauma. His hypothesis was to test these individuals on a physiological level and obtain a baseline.
Birdman has assembled a world class team of Physicians, Ph.D.’s, Phycologists, Physiatrists, Sports Physiologists, and former Special Operators to make up the Human Performance Project. The mission is to create a manual to guide the tactical population, enabling them to thrive upon entry, during and post service. Ken & Eric are honored to host Birdman on the GCP.
Please LIKE and SHARE and be certain to check out the links below to find out how you can not only learn but contribute to the mission of healing these heroes. YOU MIGHT EVEN WIN A TRIP TO ALL 7 CONTINENTS!!! Stay tuned!
American Extreme https://www.americanextreme.com/
Legacy Jump Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmP-rxpZcSM
Friday Frogman channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH2UIMEKkGOScxwDUb4QxDg
FB/IG @BirdmanActual
What crosses your mind when you or someone that you love experiences dizziness, random mouth sores, mood changes, muscle weakness…? It could be something as basic as a virus. It could be a vitamin B12 deficiency or folate issue related to Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR).
All of the way from Australia, Joanne Kennedy BHSc was kind enough to join the GCP and address some the most perplexing metabolic issues that we face today.
In this episode you will hear so much more about the intricate science, presentation, symptoms, and treatment around these imbalanced vitamins and amino acids. If you’ve every been concerned about homocysteine, folate, B12, anemia, and related issues, this episode has a wealth of knowledge that you can use.
Join Joanne, Ken, & Eric on the GCP, and please LIKE AND SHARE the Gut Check Project with your friends and fam!
Connect with Joanne!
The ultimate Guide to Histamine Intolerance https://joannekennedy.com.au/ebook/
Follow Joanne on Instagram @joannekennedynaturopath
Follow Joanne on Facebook @joannekennedynaturopathy1
You know the importance of fiber, right? So many digestive issues could be improved or even avoided with the right amount and type of fiber consumed.
But where do you get enough? Can great tasting WATER actually be source of fiber?
Martin Ruette is the founder of Vibi+ fiber water.
Martinis a serial entrepreneur and in this episode he details his near-death experience from a perforated diverticulitis infection! Martin also discusses his long recovery and ultimately how it led to chronic digestive issues.
Realizing that he needed more fiber he was in a constant struggle to consume enough fiber because of his digestive issues.
He knew that he needed to find a solution in order to actually improve.
For the next 15 years he worked with scientists in Brazil, Europe, and the US to ultimately develop Vibi+ water with a prebiotic called polydextrose.
Join Ken and Martin as they discuss Martin’s WHY and PURPOSE to help others avoid what he went through.
Ken also addresses how this prebiotic has been shown to improve microbial diversity, increase short chain fatty acids like butyrate, improve colitis and even help prevent colon cancer.
Thank you for hanging with us on the GCP!
An episode 74 we have Rich hagadorn, a 25-year combat veteran, senior non-commissioned officer and inductee to the Nebraska national guard Hall of Fame, and most importantly childhood friend from over 40 years ago.
Here's an infectious storyteller and recounts what it was like during the first Gulf war
Since he has retired from the military on his off time, he works with disabled veterans and take them out into nature and guides them and hunting and fishing.
Now Rich is co-owner of soldier valley spirits which is a veteran owned veteran, run Spirit company, making great bourbon, whiskey vodka and rum and winning many national awards. But more importantly their why is to give back to non-profit organizations that support veterans. With every sale they give a portion of each sale back to non-profit veteran organizations.
We are honored on the Gut check project to have a combat veteran who now is the co-owner of a business that gives back to less fortunate veterans.
It's a little less sciency than we normally do, but it is entertaining
For more information visit https://soldiervalleyspirits.com
Eric Rieger 0:00
Hello gut check project fans and KB MD health family, I hope that you are having a great day. It is now time for a new gut check project episode and guess what? Brain FM is in the house. That's right. Brain FM ceo dan Clark and chief scientist, Kevin Woods. Join us on the show today to talk about an incredible application of sound improving your life solving anxiety, sleep issues. Focus just an incredible tool that I can personally say I've used now for well over a year so as my family so as kids who has kids family, and so have several of our patients, they love brain FM so I don't want to spoil a single thing is an awesome, awesome episode. So let's get to our sponsors and get straight to talking to Dan and Kevin. We of course are always sponsored by atrantil. My co host Kenneth brown discovered, formulated and created atrantil to give to his patients to solve issues that are similar to IBS to give them all the polyphenols that they need for their daily lives whether they be athletes or they have gut issues or they just want to stay healthy. Go to love my tummy.com That's love my tummy.com Pick up your daily poly phenols today and of course unrefined bakery, let me just say some unrefined bakery. My wife is gluten free eater. She's got celiac disease. So I stopped by there and I picked up from unrefined bakery for my wife's birthday. I nice pumpkin pie. It was delicious. You would have no idea that was a gluten free product. It just tastes like awesome pumpkin pie. So go to unrefined bakery.com If you've never ordered from there before use code gut check and save 20% off your entire first order they deliver to any of the connected 48 and or you can you can just stop by go to unrefined bakery.com If you happen to be in the north Texas Metroplex area, and I think they have four locations. So just check them out and they got awesome stuff cupcakes, breads, various snacks that otherwise you may think I have to remain keto or I have to remain gluten free now. I can't have these awesome foods. That's just not true. Check out unrefined bakery.com today use code gut check for 20% off and last but not least go to KB MD health.com. And soon we will be featuring the signature package of course which includes atrantil CBD and of course you can also get not only CBD and atrantil there you can also pick up so if you're feigns That's right, Brock elite and broccoli pro exclusively available from physicians and guess what my co host he's a physician so we get to sell it and we bring it to a cost that you can't get anywhere else. So check out KB MD health.com Today Alright, let's get to some brain FM right now.
Hello Gacek project fans and KB indie Hill family welcome to episode number 64. I'm your host Eric Rinker, joined by my awesome co host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. And honestly you got a an awesome intro to make here for everybody.
Ken Brown 3:52
Yeah, so we're super excited. This is something I'm extremely passionate about because we have the CEO and the lead scientist for a product that I believe in. I love I have my patients use. I have my staff use I have all my family use, and it is called Brain FM, this if you have any trouble focusing if you have any trouble sleeping, if you have any trouble with anxiety, there is a really, really cool way to correct this. And we've got the owner and CEO, Dan Clark here, and Kevin JP woods, Ph. D. Super smart, and they're going to explain to us why well quite honestly why it's so effective on me why it's so effective on my patients. And one of the most exciting things we've been trying to do this for quite a while now pre pandemic, we realised Eric and I realised that when we tried this on a few patients at the endoscopy suite, not only did patients have a better experience, they were calm going into it. They woke up quicker and almost you vigorously every patient loved without question. And so I'm so excited because they're here in town visiting from New York because we're going to end up actually doing an official study where I think it's going to be groundbreaking. I think we're going to be able to change how people feel about outpatient procedures like colonoscopies decrease the anxiety. And it's not just anecdotal. It's because there's science behind it. There is a growing movement with this, and I am just absolutely thrilled episode 64 is probably going to be our biggest episode, ever to date.
Eric Rieger 5:33
I would imagine so and I don't want to take away time from you all feeding in but just so that y'all know, this is 20 months in the making, I mean, Coronavirus, COVID hit, and derailed all of our effort to really we should, we should be 20 months further down the road of actually implementing this. And it's really for patient benefit, which is what we talk about here all the time. This will enhance the experience, I believe, for people who come through and have procedures. So, Dan, Kevin JP, what's happening?
Unknown Speaker 6:02
Yeah, glad to be here. Thanks for having us.
Eric Rieger 6:04
Well, thanks for coming all the way down to Texas. How's Dallas, amazing, amazing. Not
Unknown Speaker 6:09
my first time in Texas, everything is enormous. The streets are three times as wide as they are in New York. I tried across the street, and I just keep on walking. Keep on walking.
Eric Rieger 6:19
Well, awesome. So yesterday was your first time to join us at the GI suite? And for honestly, I don't want to steal anything. But what was your impression that you thought you might see on an application of your technology? And then how do you see it fitting in kind of how Ken and I have been trying to experience it ourselves?
Unknown Speaker 6:39
Yeah, sure. So first, let's maybe tell everyone what the technology is. And then we can talk about how we jumped in and started this whole process. The backstory is actually interesting. So basically, brain FM, we make functional music designed to help people focus, relax, or sleep better. And mostly, we have a consumer product, where we have 2 million people that use us to jump into focus or switch into relax, or help them sleep. And we've been having really great success there. We have papers and some things in review in nature, which we're really excited about. So it's evidence and science backed. There's some really novel ways which we use music to basically switch you into that state. And I'll let Kevin, jump into that maybe come back to that and some of the science. But what's interesting is while we're chugging ahead on that, what my girlfriend actually she starts going to get a tonsillectomy. And she's signs her life to me, we're dating for six months, I now know we're in a serious relationship. And, and I realised that I'm terrified, and I'm not even getting surgery. And she's very scared. She's never been under before. And I realised at that point that we can use the same things that we're using science to advance on our consumer angle, we can use it in relax in a medical grade setting. Remember calling up Kevin and saying, Hey, can we do anything? And he starts looking at the literature, he starts looking at other things. He goes, Yes, I actually think we can improve it a lot. I pitched that to you guys. When we met. Yeah, like I think we met probably three months later. Just a coincidence. And you'd love the idea. And that's when we became here. So it's really cool. It's been definitely long time in the making. But it was amazing. When we were doing it some some yesterday. And then one gentleman woke up. And he was so he was so he was almost emotional. He was so happy. He's like, every single time I wake up, this is like the worst or most traumatic thing that can happen. And I was using this music and I woke up. And it was it was it was fine.
Unknown Speaker&...
Hello gut check project fans and KB MD health family. I hope that you're having a great day soon to be joined by my awesome co host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. It's time for episode number 61. And today's episode, I'm just going to ask everyone, no matter what part of the spectrum that you come from, come with an open mind on this episode. This is a fantastic episode very, very informative. Our guest today is Marcus ruark. He is the lead strategist for only one of three licenced medical cannabis companies. Good blend medical cannabis. And yes, that is THC, which is utilised as a medicine for specially designated criterion. And they update it every single year. So September 1, which we just recorded this right before September 1, there's actually a whole new list of medical conditions, which are now legal to be treated by medical professionals. And believe it or not, they have a network of already over 500 positions throughout the state of Texas since 2018, which are licenced and actively dispense medical cannabis. And good blend is one of those companies. So Marcus joins the show today to really answer some fantastic questions. And Marcus's an amazing person in his own right. He's, he's got a an electrical engineering degree from Stanford as well as his master's he served in the US Air Force, he led a team at National Security Agency, the NSA. I mean, this man is no slouch, he came to this profession to this company. By no mistake whatsoever. He simply doesn't want to just do good. He wants to do great by the citizens of Texas and simply help people live a better life. There's a better way for some of the elements out there and he has a very, very strong passion for helping out our veterans and the Veterans Administration. So I don't want to give away everything in the episode because Miko does a much better job of articulating all of that stuff. So let's get to our sponsors, of course are trying to they've been a sponsor for every show and I imagine they always will be because they were created by my co host, Dr. ken brown are trying to get your daily poly phenol is love my tummy, calm, stop the bloating, stop the abdominal discomfort. If you're an athlete, you need paly finos every single day. And I don't know maybe some of us are worried about a virus and I don't know maybe you're interested in things that function is natural zinc on fours. Well, polyphenols are natural zinc ion fours. So anyhow, without saying too much draw your own conclusions at what this awesome natural product can do for you, but go to love my tummy.com load up on your daily polyphenols today. Lovemytummy.com artron deal. And of course, KB m d health.com. You want to learn a little bit more about Dr. Brown learn a bit more about his philosophy. And of course connect with his own branded KVM D health CBD go to KB Md health.com. Use code GCP save 20% off of anything in the store that includes Brock elite that includes the signature packages of CBD artron teal, and rock elite, you can combine the whole thing in there KB Md health.com. Sign up for our newsletters. It's KB MD health is actually growing quite a bit. And we've got some new things in store this fall. So keep in contact with us. And of course do you like great food? Do you like food that tastes awesome? Do you have to sometimes worry about though what kind of diet it fits into? Maybe you're paleo maybe you're gluten free. Of course. I'm going to mention unrefined bakery. They've been a longtime sponsor, unrefined bakery.com go to unrefined bakery. And if you think that just because you suffer from celiac disease, that you can't have an awesome cupcake. Or you can't have some awesome tasting bread or some trail mix that you can trust pie crust, check out unrefined bakery, they My wife has celiac disease This is her go to. And it's just incredible food you'd have no idea that they were all specialty foods to fit specialty diets, unrefined bakery go to unrefined bakery.com you can get 20% off of your entire first order. By using code gut check again your entire first order. So low up on bread load up on pie crust load up on cupcakes, are you selling cupcakes are just incredible. No levy cake, I mean like cake and they got great cakes or cupcakes there and I love the unrefined bakery.com check it out. Use code gut check 20% off your entire first order. Okay. Love those sponsors. they've kept the show going But what really keeps the show going just as much is awesome guests like Marcus ruark coming up next episode number 61
though KB MD health and gut check project fans, I hope you have a great day. It is now time for episode number 61. I am joined by my awesome co host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. And we got a special guest today, Mr. Marcus ruark. Ken, why don't you go ahead and fill us in.
So it's gonna be super exciting show. Today we have Marcus ruark. And this is something that is very, very important. It's important for my patients. It's important for anybody that deals with all kinds of diseases, but I'm thrilled to have him here. thrilled to be here. Marcus, thank you so much for coming in Marcus ruark is president of good blend, Texas, which is headquartered in Austin, Texas, and proudly sells cannabis products that are cultivated and produced right here in the Lone Star State as one of only three state licenced medical dispensaries. Now, Marcus, I saw your bio, this is super cool, you have a very interesting background. And prior to joining good blend, you received your electrical engineering degree from Stanford. Then you received your master's degree at Stanford and I keep saying Stanford because Eric and I both have kids which are applying for college. And when I see Stanford, that's the sort of crown jewel that most parents want their kids to go to. And they like tennis players. And they like you received your master's degree at Stanford in management, science and engineering. Following this, you went on to serve as a captain in the US Air Force, where you lead your team in the National Security Agency, followed by advanced Systems Division of us Space Command. That's crazy. Following that, your bio discusses a lot of other really fascinating things that I want to get into. But before we get into that, I want to talk a little bit about what's not in your bio. Okay, tell me about you. Family. What's going on with Marcus?
Sure. Well, we just had a big week in the ruag family took my daughter to college, which you just alluded to a little bit ago there. She's going to San Diego State nice, pretty excited about that. But also, you know, it's a little bit anxious and first first kid out of the nest, so to speak. So that's exciting. And then my son started up eighth grade first time back in school since spring of his sixth grade year, right when everybody went home for COVID. So very exciting there too, and he's trying out for football. So fingers crossed,
right on, right on.
That's a plate right there. And so San Diego State that's Trojans, she's a Trojan Aztecs, Aztecs. Yeah. I'm learning too. Nice. All right, that's a Southern California Nevermind. Sorry.
So the family, your background, there was this huge section in your bio, we're very clearly you have an entrepreneurial spirit, you have leadership skills, you are willing to push the boundaries a bit and try some different positions technologies. Can you give me what led you up to this?
Absolutely. So after I got out of the Air Force, I was very interested in joining the the high tech scene that was happening in San Francisco. So did that ride around? Actually not the best time for that because it was right around the bubble here is where there was a big crash back in 2000. But that being said, really got interested in bringing new products to new markets, and bringing new benefits to customers who maybe hadn't seen those ben...
Hello gut check project fans and KB MD health family I hope that you're having a great day. It's now time for episode number 60. Soon to be joined with my awesome co host Dr. Kenneth brown board certified gastroenterologist and we are digging in to my colony Yes, kicking it off to fun guys talking about fun Gus so let's get straight to it. I think that you will really like the series which we are about to kick off So with no further waiting let's get into the people that pay the bills are trying to get your daily polyphenols and artron to go to love my tummy.com slash KB MD. Get your very own polyphenols from artron to love my tummy calm today. Second, of course go and feel like great food. Don't forget that you can always head over to unrefined bakery calm or you paleo eater. You can't tolerate gluten you want just some great bread but you're worried about the way there's gonna make you feel unrefined a bakery, take 20% off your entire first order it unrefined bakery.com use code gut check and save 20% for your entire first order unrefined bakery.com And last but not least, head over to KB m d health.com. For your very own Dr. Brown signature packages artron teal CBD from KB MD health as well as the only professional curcumin added to broccoli. That's right so if you're feigns for you, your health use code GCP for 20% off of any order a short intro because we're kicking off an awesome series here no guest today so we're going to get straight to the to the information for about mycology and fungus. There's over a million different types of mushrooms which you may or may not be aware of, however, does tune in Episode 16 starting now.
Hello KBMD health family and gut check project fans. It's time now for Episode Number 60 with my awesome co host here, Dr. Kenneth Brown. I'm Eric Rieger. Dr. Brown, I think with this episode number 60 we must be a couple of fun guys.
that's a that's a pretty good pun. Because today we're talking fun guy.
We are talking about
mushrooms. So we're it's pretty exciting. I was watching on Netflix of a show called fantastic
fungi. logs. It was talking about that.
Yeah. And so a lot of people if you get a chance go and take a look at this. Paul Stamets I learned about this pre COVID when Paul Stamets went on Joe Rogan. And at that time he was talking about it and they're trying to raise money. So I rent or I purchased the movie, sure through Amazon Prime or one of those and watched it. Because they're supposed to go to various locations and show it at theaters like yeah, like in like in really cool locations, and outdoor theaters and stuff like that COVID hit, didn't get a chance to do it. And now it's on Netflix so you can see it. It's great. But what it does show is just how complex fungi are and the whole kingdom of fungi, which includes the mushrooms, which everybody thinks of them as mushrooms, and we're gonna get into that a little bit. But today we're gonna talk about that and not just kind of what they talked about. I mean, there's a lot of stuff in the medium right now about magic mushrooms and different things like that. But we're gonna talk the nutritional aspect, because an article just came out recently and I think you're gonna start seeing a big push of people discussing Well, how do we use this as a functional food, and that's what I want to get into today.
That's huge and interesting, because growing up, I think that my only exposure to mushrooms were if they happen to come in a soup or if it was a you know, a portabello or a baby Bella or just a traditionally a white Texas mushroom and really didn't know much else than if they grew in the yard. And of course your mom was like, don't touch those are probably poisonous. So I I think it's kind of amazing how people kind of transitioned on this is actually something that can be very, very beneficial given the right circumstance.
Absolutely. It's so cool. There's so much science with it. And you're right like it could be poisonous. Unfortunately, a good friend of ours, Dr. Rusev, Ron, a gastroenterologist in San Antonio, if you're anywhere in that area, make an appointment with him. He's amazing. His chocolate lab ate a skullcap I believe in cause liver failure. And his poor dog is really close to his dog and so that happened to our pig.
Oh, that's right. Snoop hoggy, hoggy,
hoggy hog you have pig we
did and Snoop Doggy hog a to death cap and it's very sad but it literally followed the the timeline of what happens when a mammal
eats exists. skullcap or death tap is a call to death camp.
I was assuming skullcap was another one I didn't really know but
I'm barely getting into the one You can eat, let alone a boy,
but you're not supposed to. So they, I think the death caps, at least in Texas, they'll follow the tree roots of oaks or post Oaks. And we've got a lot of okay. And so we're where we lived at that time. And so he was kind of lethargic for a day or two. And then there was about three days where he was really energetic and hyperactive. And I hated to see it, but it's almost like there's this turn, it's about a six to seven day rule. There's not a lot he knew.
Regardless, I was just sitting there this morning, actually, this morning, I was doing the like news feeds. And of course, something always makes it up on Reddit. There's a woman in Taiwan where her landlord won't fix the leaks. And she was showing pictures of her bedroom, where the leaks are coming down to the wall. It's becoming a whole wall. It's a mushroom growing apartment, Natalie. Yeah. And she was just showing it's just like strips of mushrooms. And you know, it was getting a lot of comments, like if you you know, is that this will, if that's that, then you can eat it. And that's good news. And other people are like you're just breathing in spores. Pretty sure. Not the best place to have mushrooms all over your bedroom, but it is part of it.
I don't know if it is or if it
isn't. We'll get into all of this about the beneficial aspect of mushrooms. This is not a show about what what mushrooms can kill you. We're going to talk about how you can utilize mushrooms for your overall health benefit. And I was blown away by how healthy these are like people aren't talking about it. I always thought mushrooms were just something to add texture. And she didn't really think much about it. No. Now, this is really cool, because we're going to even sample a mushroom dish that has the nutritional value of this is pretty cool.
Yeah, I'm excited to sample it again.
Speaking of cool, yeah. I want to give a shout out to the wonderful Dr. Christian mill vilem you're that's how you say
Oh, yeah, last guess. Yeah,
yeah. Kristin. Well, she did something really cool about this now, and she sent us signed copies biohack your brain your Eric says right there dear Eric, left a little message for you. biohack your brain on our last episode Episode 59. Dr. Kristen, it's it's spelled Willem here. It's pronounced the villa Muir, PhD super smart, fantastic woman she sent us both signed copies of biohack your brain. And I think she's gonna end up coming out with addition to after she hears this episode, because I think we can help even biohack your brain more with these mushrooms.
They are amazing. Thank you, Kristen, this is this is a very, very nice gift. And I mean, the feedback from that episode alone is really kind of amazing and ongoing. And people are are wanting to learn from her book because we referenced it. But yeah, she's
a smart cookie. And a study just came out today, sort of verifying everything she has in this book study just came out with a huge, huge number of people that showed those people that eat flavonoids, which she discusses correct in her book, significantly decreased dementia later in life. Oh, we talked about polyphenols all the ...
Eric Rieger 0:00
Hello gut check project fans and KB MD Health family. I hope you're having a great day. It's your host, Eric Rieger, soon to be joined by my awesome co host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. It's Episode 59. And we have an awesome guest. This is Dr. Kristen Willeumier. She is a neuroscientist. That's right. a neuroscientist. She has groundbait goodness can talk groundbreaking, science driven plan for revitalising nourishing and rejuvenating your most essential asset, your brain. And she is the author of biohack your brain how to boost cognitive health, performance and power. It's essentially the first book to outline a strategy for COVID long hollers including those dealing with neurological issues. So you can see this is going to be an incredible episode. Let's get to our sponsors. Of course, it's artron to go to artron to calm or easy enough. Just go to love my tummy, calm and get your daily polyphenols. Guess what? This neuroscientist Dr. Wilma? Yeah, she says it's a great idea to do it for your brain. Also, we're not even making it up. So head to love my tummy, calm, pick up your own artron to today, not just for yourself, but for your family for your kids. Get them on it, protect them, given the polyphenols that they need daily artron to love nighttime e.com and of course, you can get Incredible Food unrefined bakery.com That's correct, unrefined bakery.com get 20% off of your entire first order. Just by using code, get check. That's the show that you're listening to get check 20% off your entire first order from unrefined bakery. It's incredible food. It's doesn't matter if you're keto, paleo, gluten free. And you're like me, I don't know if I can ever have an awesome tasting muffin again. Guess what they have developed incredible food at unrefined bakery. I don't know why I'm giving y'all such weird pauses in between zone my words, I guess because I'm looking at my notes and we're falling down regardless. last not least go to KB Md health.com kB Md health.com and use code GCP to take 20% off of any order, anytime. from Dr. Chris Brown's CBD or his combo signature packages, you can take 20% off of any order at any time at KB MD health calm. So just so you know is we had an episode number 59. We do an intro several minutes into a discussion with Dr. Willa Meyer. We started recording and just didn't want to lose some of the exchange that we had at the very beginning. So without further ado, here's Episode 59. With Dr. Kristen, will, Mr. neuroscientist.
Unknown Speaker 3:10
Oh my god, I had a patient last night who has ulcerative colitis and fainted and just got sent to the hospital. So she's in the hospital as we speak. Her colon is horrific. her brain. When I imaged it, it's it is off the charts anxiety. And so she's sort of the perfect illustration of, you know, the gut brain connection. And was it her anxiety that led to you know, the issues with a colon in the gut? I think so. Because she's very lean and fit and thin and healthy. But I said to her last night, I'm like you need to stay in the hospital, because she didn't she didn't want to stay but she fainted. And her her colon and her. It is it is a scary, you know situation that she's going through and and then I have a patient when I found out about your supplement, who he has horrible gas and bloating. I'm talking horrific. And he follows a lot of the dietary and nutraceutical recommendations. I mean, I've he's been a patient for my god almost a decade. But I'm learning about yourself and I'm like, wait, he needs to try this. So, you know, I was curious about the efficacy and yeah, I mean, I hear I'm like oh, I have questions for you.
Ken Brown 4:32
Oh yeah, we'll send you will send you our resorts and all that stuff. And yeah, the whole backstory of that what's really hilarious is because I'm I was going to do the same thing to you. Okay, because I am giving a talk to the ataxia society this Saturday. Oh, wow. I had off the record. I had sort of forgot that I committed to it and yeah, happens to be the person that started this is a very good friend of mine actually was by a med school roommate. That She allowed her to. And so her why now in life is yes, try and help those that have a taxi. And so that's why I applaud her. It's not to let you know it's a small population of people, but it's, you know, horrific for people who are only present. But the beauty is because of your book when talking about the total volume of the cerebellum versus having 50% of the neurons. So the whole talk I'm, I'm, if you don't mind, I wanted to ask before I do this, I would like to quote you in the book and sure, do some stuff and put it in the talk specifically, I would love for sure your supplements and your brain health diet and all that other stuff,
Unknown Speaker 5:43
I would be honoured. And the beautiful thing about the book, you know, sometimes people ask me why I wrote it. It's like, you know, there's brain health books out there there. People know about supplements, you can go on the internet, but I am, I am blown away by what I have seen using neuroimaging. So it's like the book was really guided by what we've seen clinically with imaging. And as you saw, when you read in the book, you There was a time I didn't believe in supplements, like, Oh, my God, these really weren't yet right there. Right. Yeah. It's, it's, it's amazing. So I think, you know, probably both you and I, when you're in the profession, and you actually, you can look up all the research papers in the world. But when you see the changes in patients, and you see it, the measurable changes, whether it's imaging or whether it's your labs that you do you know, I'm a huge fan, so So, yes, please go quote, I'm happy to help you, you can email me if you have any questions.
Ken Brown 6:49
I love that. Because I think that when I read your book, I was like, holy cow, we are speaking the same language here. Yeah. And the whole gut brain thing. And you know, what we should do is what that will just flow into this. Because Yeah, I think you're giving away a lot already kind of talking about everything. So here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna Eric introduce you, but the podcast actually started about six minutes ago. Perfect. So if you're tuning in now, rewind it and do this. So
Eric Rieger 7:23
a very late introduction. This is taken away, Eric. Thank you. And this is episode number 59 of the gut check project. And if you've tuned in now, you've heard an awesome guest. This is Dr. Kristen Willem your she is a neuroscientist and she created this awesome book that that will actually she wrote this awesome book that Browns been holding up here. This is biohack your brain.
Ken Brown 7:49
Yay. And look how much handsomer I am with the book over my face. I love it. Okay, yeah. colour. Colour coordinated to the book as well, which I love.
Eric Rieger 8:05
Definitely, he definitely has. And basically this is biohack your brain and it's how to boost cognitive health performance and power. The first book to outline a strategy for COVID long hauls, including those dealing with neurological issues, cognitive decline, and brain fog. For years. Dr. William year has worked alongside with Dr. Daniel Amen. Rahman. Amen. Amen. who published over 30 books 70 articles just to just to prove the importance of brain health. Dr. Christian, William, your thank you so much for joining us on the gundry project. And I mean, what an awesome this is the probably one of the most unique coolest kickoffs of any podcast we've had yet. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Unknown Speaker 8:52
Well, well, first of all, thank you, too, both of you for inviting me to come on the podcast. I love talking to all things brain health, and gut health. And truth be told, I am a huge fan of gut ...
Eric Rieger 0:00
Hello gut check project fans and KB MD health family. I hope you're having a great day. It is now time for episode number 58. And of course we got an awesome guest. It's Dr. Sabine Hasan, who is she a world renowned research gastroenterologist, she is based in California, and she is an expert in faecal microbial transplants, FMT trusted it fast. I couldn't do it. Anyhow FMT. So essentially you're taking healthy poop from a healthy person, and using that microbiome that's inside of there to be transplanted into somebody else who may not be doing so well and could have all kinds of disease etc. Regardless, she's at the forefront of finding real solutions that can be accepted by our bodies to make us better make us well even help you lose weight. That's right. Could poop because somebody else's poop Have you lose weight, and earmuffs in case you have any young kids in the car, but she wrote a book and it's called let's talk shit, although the AI is upside down like a exclamation point. So regardless, let's get to her interview. And well first got to pay the bills though of course brought to you by artron to artron to get your daily polyphenols that are Tron teal.com or just go to love my tummy calm get your daily polyphenols. That's right. Developed by my partner, Dr. Kenneth Brown, gastroenterologist, these polyphenols are terrific for you. Whether you having digestive issues, maybe you have symptoms that are similar to those of IBS. Or you're just an athlete and you want to be your best artron to love my tummy.com use code. gut check and save I believe 20% Next, of course, unrefined bakery they've been a longtime supporter, unrefined bakery.com excellent, incredible food, regardless of your specialty diet that's unrefined bakery.com if you are keto, paleo or vegan, they've got it in that is desserts breads, etc. pie crust yeah pie crust, do you think that you are gluten free or celiac disease and you can't have pie crust, unrefined bakery.com use code gut check and save 20% off of your entire first order delivered to all of the lower 48 states and last but not least go to KB Md health.com to get your very own KB MD health CBD and Brock elite which has severe veins or ultra until you can get the signature package from Dr. cans Brown. kb Md health.com. Now it is time for oh I'm sorry, KB Md health.com. Use code GCP to save 20% off of any order. Now it's time for episode number 58. Dr. Sabine Hasan
Ken Brown 3:03
Hey, what's up everybody? Welcome to Episode 58 of the gut check project. Ooh, today's a really, really cool one. We have Dr. Sabine Hasan, who will be our very first gastroenterologist as a guest. So I'm a gastroenterologist, but she's way smarter than I am and does all kinds of really cool stuff on read. What's that? Cool stuff? Yes. Cool stuff. Indeed. It's awesome. So I put together a quick little bio for you. I apologise that I don't have your probably standard bio. So I hope I get some of this stuff, right. This is Oh, and you'll notice there's an empty seat here where my co host, Dr. Eric riegert crna, who's usually here on time. Don't do that. It'll make it blurry. It'll make it blurry. It'll get us out of focus. He almost photo bombed us. Dr. Hayes in this is Eric reser. We've already been talking and we practically had a whole podcast before this podcast. You missed it. Sorry. Oh, that's
Eric Rieger 4:05
okay. Another topic that I'd like to talk about is promptness, and being on time, that's another thing that really well, apparently I wasn't very good at today.
Ken Brown 4:14
So I'm really surprised. You know, what is what's interesting, and I hope it's something that we can comment later is that Eric got a round of antibiotics. And ever since then, it's so weird. He's just always late for everything, and I'm blaming it on the microbiome
Unknown Speaker 4:26
100% I think we should test this microbiome. I'll send you a kit. That's the first thing I do.
Ken Brown 4:34
Alright, so Dr. Sabine Hasan is a Board Certified gastroenterologist and avid researcher. She has a thriving practice in Ventura, California, and she started her own clinical trial company 16 years ago called Ventura clinical trials, and has been principal investigator and sub investigator in over 150 clinical trials. Now you say that number but I'm in like, For, and it was exhausting. So 150 Holy cow. Alright, so during this period, she became an expert in the microbiome with an interest in cdiff. Clostridium difficile. So through this process, she became one of the world's leaders in faecal microbial transplant. And through her research and expert, and through research and experience, she realised the unmet need to dive deeper into the microbiome. And she founded progenitor biome. So she is the founder of her own company, progenitor biome. And most recently, she published a fun, easy to read book for the lay person called let's talk shit. And I got it, and I read it and I laughed a lot. And it's really good. Written in a great lay, lay person point of view. And I loved it. So Dr. Hayes, you want to talk some shit? Talk?
Unknown Speaker 5:57
Let's talk shit, for sure. Oh, at least finally a podcast that's like willing to go there? Like, oh, I don't think we should talk about it. Or we should say another word. And I'm like, Are you kidding me? I've seen half the books that are out there. The Art of not giving a f EU Oh, that's number one bestseller. But let's talk shit. We can't even say the word shit. Since when is the F word more acceptable than the shit? Come on?
Ken Brown 6:28
This is true. Unfortunately, I think I use the words quite frequently, both of them often. So I really do not discriminate.
Unknown Speaker 6:36
I named it that way. Because too often, you know, we sugarcoat microbiome, right? We made it pretty. But I think we're entering in a world of microbiome, we got to tell the public and the consumer what it's all about. And that's why I wanted it. First of all, I thought it was funny. I mean, this is like a tough topic, right? People come to us as gi doctors, bloated, gassy symptoms of you know, bowel changes, etc. And so we hope to, we have to explain to them and how do you explain a topic like the microbiome, without, you know, a little bit of humour to digest it a little bit better? My opinion, that's what I that's why I named it. So to give it full transparency. And then the other thing was to, essentially, you know, make people smile, because there's so many jokes you could say about it.
Ken Brown 7:30
I heard you on another podcast where you're exactly right. As gastroenterologist, we have no problem talking about it. But I have the same issue with patients. They're like it was so embarrassing. I don't want to discuss this. I'm like, we have to discuss this. And then that goes from that to Okay, well, as long as you're comfortable with it. Here's some pictures.
Eric Rieger 7:49
Not all the time, like no pictures, please. Okay, sometimes randomly the nurses they showed up with the bag.
Unknown Speaker 7:58
Field great. I mean, you know, you probably know Neil Stallman, right? Yeah. So Neil, when I was a fellow at University of Florida, and I was presenting my research on visceral hyperalgesia, which was super clean, would come to me and say, You better start getting your hands dirty, because we're going into the ship business. I said, No, please, they call me Gucci girl in the GI lab, because if it's dirty, if the colonoscopy was not clean, I was out of there. I'm like, sorry, we do the prep, come back next week. I'm not cleaning the patient, right. And then the mere mention of having to actually play with tools and putting it in there was just something I neve...
Eric Rieger 0:00
Hello gut check project fans and KB MD health family. I hope you're having a great day. This is your host, Eric Rieger, soon to be joined by my awesome co host, Dr. Keith Brown. It's Episode 57 of the gut check project. And today's topic is kind of, well, it's a few different things. Let's just put it that way. We let our guard down a little bit, we get a few emails say don't be so tight. So we're not. And Anna, if you're listening, thanks for the feedback. She's an awesome technician that we have at the GI center. So without further delay, let's get into the sponsorships Of course, are trying to get your daily polyphenols that are trying to calm it's a lot easier just to go to love my tummy.com slash KB MD. Get your daily polyphenols It doesn't matter if you're an athlete, or if you have IBS, like symptoms, or if you just simply want to make certain that your body has the tools necessary for your gut microbiome to give your body things like your living and course attend etc. It's all inside the large cup broncho poly phenol molecules and I slowed down there for a little bit because we talked about it quite a bit. But again, the cook broncho poly phenol molecule specifically and almost exclusively found only and I'll try and do so get yours today. Love My tummy.com and of course unrefined bakery, unrefined bakery.com amazing food doesn't matter if you're keto paleo gluten free vaid got it unrefined bakery.com that's on refined bakery.com they delivered to all 48 states continuous sorry, Alaska, Hawaii. They just don't have the means to transport. Some of these very perishable yet delectable items. They're far away. So what's that say? It says that they only want to deliver fresh, great tasting food, go to unrefined a bakery.com use code gut check and save 20% off of your very first order. And last but not least, KB MD health comm go there and get your very own CBD endorsed by my partner Doug brown as well as his baby artron deal and also Brock elite you can get all three of those at KB MD health calm around the clock because it's online. It's an online store very very easy to order. Use code gene CP to save 20% Okay, let's get into it. It's Episode Number 57
Hello, go check project fans and KB MD health family. I hope you having a great day it is now Episode 57 This is my awesome co host Keith Brown. I'm Eric Grenier what's up Ken?
Ken Brown 2:58
Oh man, I'm excited Episode 57 so we did our little three part series tried something interesting but didn't want to make a three hour podcast over one topic erectile dysfunction. That seems like it'd be a little heavy after a little bit.
Eric Rieger 3:10
three hour Boehner talk.
Ken Brown 3:14
There's, there's some science behind that one, maybe a little too sciency. I don't know. That's, uh, I feel like sometimes I go down rabbit holes. And I apologize if I'm too much of a nerd. But you know,
Eric Rieger 3:24
we're gonna call this episode two scientists one lab.
Ken Brown 3:30
You're doing a reference on the two bears one cave.
Eric Rieger 3:34
Bert kreischer and Tom Segura our get familiar, but we're going to try to not get too sciency today, have a little fun with some health science and probably show a little bit more of just how we talk in the lab. That's really what.
Ken Brown 3:49
Yeah, so we're sitting there scoping and one of our great texts on I was sitting there saying, hey, sometimes you guys get a little too sterile, like you're too eager to talk about the science and I'm like, Okay, and then you and I got to talk and because this past weekend, it typical things. I'm driving Lucas, up to Melissa, Texas, which is like 45 minutes north of where we live. And my son 16. Lucas goes, Oh, on this great podcast. I had never heard it. So I'm listening to two bears. 1k with Bert kreischer and Tom Segura. Just like, This is nuts. I spent like hours preparing these guys literally are like, I'm gonna get out of bed, not brush my teeth and show up and there's a whole episode on just that not brushing your teeth.
Eric Rieger 4:35
Kind of pisses me off a little bit because Joe Rogan and all of his comedy guests talking about how hard stand up comedy is, and what I see them do is just stand in front of a microphone and
Ken Brown 4:46
like, whatever thought pops in their head does that. Sorry. Anyway, so Okay, so we're two scientists, one lab, two scientists one lab,
Eric Rieger 4:52
at least for Episode 57. Email us as we go through here, and let us know what you think. Oh, just do a quick recap. Though, Episode 55 through 57, pretty, pretty awesome. Talking about certain viral infections and erectile dysfunction if you haven't seen 56 or 5556 57 get caught up. And I think we're kind of being shadow banned a little bit by YouTube. And suddenly,
Ken Brown 5:18
because now we're looking at these different podcasts like,
Eric Rieger 5:23
everywhere we go.
Ken Brown 5:25
It's fascinating because now we're seeing all this stuff. When you look at Dark Horse podcast, Brett Weinstein's, and he is blatantly open, he's like, I'm gonna put this up, it's gonna last for a little bit, and then it's just gonna disappear, because what I'm talking about is controversial. And we were talking about some viral infections, that can actually cause inflammation, resulting in long standing, erectile dysfunction, which I think is extremely important, because we're going to be seeing a lot more of this, even if it's not important, irrelevant to you at least hope that this can be passed on to a urologist in the future that looks and goes, Oh, this is why I'm seeing younger men with this. But it's really interesting because I tried to search it in different ways, and it's not popping up, then you search our poly phenol ones. It's like, well, right there.
Eric Rieger 6:04
Yeah, man before, before the pandemic, hey, you can search any of our topics on the show, and it will pop up immediately. And that's, that's, that's what's happening. So if you like what you hear, just try to like and share share with a friend. And then obviously, we just we're just wanting to share information. It's not it's not medical advice. It's just, it's just stuff that we read. And we feel like it's important. It's how we talk to the patients when they come to the clinic.
Ken Brown 6:27
Yeah, exactly. You and I both did something recommended by Mike Logsdon. for business. We both read the same book this week. This is almost a book club right now. Yeah, start with why by Simon Sinek. So I'm gonna ask you everything that we do. And it's really fascinating, because so much so that Jr. Actually texted me and said, Hey, you should consider getting this for your family. And you should for yours also. But really, it plays into everything. It's a book by Chris Bosh that says letters. For a young athlete,
Eric Rieger 7:03
something like that. But that's the one that letters through young athletes. Pat Riley in it. Yeah,
Ken Brown 7:07
it's Pat Riley, it's letter three athletes. What's fascinating is that the guy was on a podcast, the author and he was discussing. When you go into something, whatever skill you're trying to do, there has to be a why because eventually you achieve what you want. If you're an athlete, if you're a pro athlete, you get the fame, you get the money, you get that but if you don't have the why, then everything falls off as a physician. You go into school and you say I need to get four oh, I need to get four oh, I need to get through high school. To get through college. I need to get into med school. I need to get in ...
Eric Rieger 0:00
Gut Check project fans and KBMD Health family. How are you doing today? It's your host, Eric Rieger, soon to be joined by my co host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. This is episode number 56. And if you've heard 54 and 55, which we've gotten plenty of email about, thank you for all of that. You know that 56 is kind of the combination here. So we're talking about issues around erectile dysfunction, and more or less kind of the catalyst that causes it as it pertains to inflammation and systemic disease and certainly virus infections. So that being said, go ahead and dive in here to 56 I think that there's a lot of hope here. There's a lot of things that people can actively do to stave off some of these manifestations because that's what erectile dysfunction is it's it's a signal that something else is happening. So without further ado, let's get to our sponsors. Of course there is artron to get your daily poly females that are trying to go to love my tummy calm again. It's love my tummy, calm us, slash KB MD and get your daily poly phenol today developed by my co host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. Dr. Ron teal is chock full of polyphenols does not matter if you have gut issues if you suffer from IBS or related symptoms or you're just a a an active athlete and you want to optimize your daily health so that you can be your best you need polyphenols, there's no way around it. So are trying to go to love my tummy.com slash KB MD. You got great tasting food, unrefined bakery go to unrefined bakery.com because it does not matter. If you have a specialty diet or not. unrefined bakery can make things available to you that maybe you thought were now impossible because you are celiac, or because you're paleo, or because you're keto? No, they have cracked the code using all natural ingredients. Go to unrefined bakery.com Get yourself some bread, get some tasty, tasty bread, knowing that you're both celiac and paleo. You can do it there. And it's gonna taste great, so unrefined. bakery.com use code, gut check and save 20% off of your very first order. They delivered to all of the lower 48 states even though they're based here in the DFW Metroplex of North Texas, so unrefined bakery.com Last but not least, KB and D health.com. kb MD health calm is the home of the gut check project. That's where Dr. Kenneth brown makes available his own CBD as well as broccoli and artron. teal, so check out KB Md health.com. Use code GCP and save 20% off of any order at any time. Okay, without wasting any more of your time. Let's get to episode number 56.
Hello, Gut project fans and KB MD Health family hope you having a great day. It's me Eric Rieger here with the awesome co host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. It's Episode 56, a continuation of 54 and 55. So, Dr. Brown, why don't you kind of set the stage for us?
Ken Brown 3:32
Yeah, so this is part three of what we didn't really realize it would turn into a part three series, right? That part one of this particular series. So Episode 34, was that I was seeing so many patients that were coming in. And because of the job that I have being a physician against neurologists, they're willing to talk about certain things. They're young men that had never had issues were showing up with erectile dysfunction. months, like eight months after having COVID. They want to know if there was a correlation. Well, because of that, I started looking into things. And then we actually did find that there's some studies going on with this. And so it's going to be much bigger than what people think we're just a little ahead of the curve on this. So Episode 54 was about how it's doing it. Episode 55 is a natural ways to try and protect yourself and Episode 56. It's a continuation of that. As it turns out, there's tons of science on this. And if you just look and you know where to look and you have access to people that can get these articles. It's fascinating. fascinating, because what we're talking about is not just a reptile health, we're talking about overall health. Every one of these topics that affect Well, if something affects your penis, it's probably affecting other parts of your body.
Eric Rieger 4:44
Yeah. If that were to happen, it would probably affect your mentation, your mood, your drive to do a lot of things. So yeah, it definitely it's everything is universal. Everything that seems local is really universal. Yeah, vice versa.
Ken Brown 4:58
Yeah. So it's We're gonna go over some really cool stuff today.
Eric Rieger 5:02
So just briefly personal Eric anything cool going on man we're still remodeling kids are fine. Marie's on a, she took a trip to Montana she's on her. They were hired her social media conglomerate that she built is the Montana filming awesome stuff that probably looks different than a GI sweet I kind of wish I was looking at it.
Ken Brown 5:23
That's awesome. For me. Same stuff we're remodeling, no big deal only issue is is that with some countries in some states having different COVID stuff, my kids want to start traveling more, but I don't know if that particular country would is going to cancel the tournament. And I'm trying to rearrange my schedule to go and book flights. It's just so annoying. And what a privilege to say that the what not, I mean, honestly a privilege to say it's annoying that I'm trying to plan a trip, although I'll be extremely important for my kids. We're in a position here in Texas where most of the economy is opened up. Oh, yeah, yeah, there's still places where everything shut down. So if you're a restaurant owner in New York or California, it's still super difficult. And I'm kind of complaining about the fact that I can't book a trip because I don't know if that country is going to, you know, do some blocking have
Eric Rieger 6:18
been talking about this today. But before you walked into the room with one we had a patient from Canada, originally from Canada, so as a sister who lives there, and she was sharing with us that they are still you it's almost like textile blue laws out there every day. So you can't go into a Walmart and shop on the side of their textile
Ken Brown 6:38
blue laws. Me. Ah,
Eric Rieger 6:41
so then in the old days, and I think even a New Jersey, in this, it's changed, it may still be the same. On Sunday. You can't buy certain textiles. Really? Yeah, it's just a blue law. I mean, I don't I don't know. I don't I don't want to talk out of turn there. But back in when I was really, really young, you couldn't couldn't go into a mall and shop at like a dillards was closed on Sunday. So yeah, I we don't do that anymore. No,
Ken Brown 7:07
we don't cuz that's like the only time I'd be willing to go to a mall, like, really early. But, but really, Mother's Day anniversaries come on? Yeah, I have the moles that are, you
Eric Rieger 7:20
know, no one in my household. But what was interesting is she said that in the Walmart, for instance, is kind of a universal way to break it down, that they have blocked off or quarantined off, anything that's not food related. So you go into the store, and you'll see everything rubbed off, you cannot go over there to make a purchase or anything like that. And that's it. That was in Ontario, Canada. So I don't know if that's universal for the entire country. She just knew what her sister was relaying. And so if you're watching this, this is recorded. May 19 2021. It's starkly different here in Texas, where our governor released here recently that we're at the at the low, and everything's pretty wide open,
Ken Brown 8:06
it's pretty wide open mass are no longer require they're suggested. And I don't think we're seeing a big bump. I talked to the doctors at my house. And they're like, no,...
Eric Rieger 0:00
Hello gut check project fans and KBMD Health family, I hope that you are having a great day today to host Eric Rieger soon to be joined by my other host, Dr. Kenneth Brown, and Ken Brown KB MD, he's the reason that we get to gut check project. So let's talk a little bit about this episode that's going to follow these announcements. And it's episode number 55. It's continuation of Episode Number 54, where we talked about men's health, specifically how inflammation from various diseases and, and viruses, for instance, can cause erectile dysfunction, and what can be done about it, maybe to recognize it. But what 55 is going to talk about specifically, is the continuation of what we talked about in 5474, we, we kind of delved a little into, you know why inflammation can cause such a problem when two people are trying to be intimate. And now in 55, we're going to talk about what actionable items you can take to hopefully avoid these situations. And if you're experiencing them, maybe you can try this and get over it instead of just always having to turn to pharmaceutical. So anyhow, of course, this is an informative podcast, so we are not your direct healthcare providers, but
just definitely want to share the information. So without wasting any more time, let's get into our sponsors, of course are trying to talk to kids browns, baby, and artron deal is where you're going to get your daily polyphenols, we talk a lot about polyphenols and for good reason. It's what the bacteria in your microbiome in your gut, what they not only wants what they need, in order to provide the post biotic materials and compounds that your body uses every single day to stave off inflammation to stave off disease to give you more energy to protect your telomeres. Why because that can actually be an anti aging mechanism. So regardless, polyphenols are what your body needs. artron teal just happens to be chock full of some of the most stable polyphenols known to man instability matters, because that's how the bacteria is going to get them to break them down and give you what your body wants. So are trying to go to love my tummy.com that's love my tummy.com slash KB MD. Pick up your daily polyphenols today. And of course, unrefined bakery, we've talked about it. And for good reason because unrefined bakery has incredible food and it does not matter if you need to avoid bread because you are a gluten free eater or you're a keto eater or you happen to be paleo. They specialize in those types of diets. And they make the right kinds of breads, desserts, treats, packs, snack mix, all of the things that possibly you thought you couldn't have any more why you adhered to a specific diet, unrefined bakery has unlocked industry and they shipped to all the lower 48 you can go to unrefined bakery.com that's unrefined bakery.com and use code gut check at checkout, save 20% off of your entire first order. Like I said, it's just great food doesn't matter if it's keto, paleo etc. They've got all of the different diet specialties spelled out on there, but they will deliver or shipped to your house. And, you know, check them out unrefined bakery.com delicious food, use code gut check at checkout save 20% Last but not least KB MD health name for Ken brown MD. And this has not only the store that features the three products that Ken has absolutely no problem standing behind Brock elite as well as adriaan deal in KB and D CBD. But you can leave us a message you can inquire a little bit more we're trying to build up a little bit of the content that we have on there but a lot of that's going to come from what it is that you want. So shoot us some more messages I know the way we produce the podcast but we're looking to see if we can't expand on some of that. So go to KB MD health comm check out the store as well as the archived podcasts and if you have any questions or just a comment to say shoot us an email from the button on there and we will do all we can to get back to you as soon as we can. So without wasting any more time go let's go to what I mean go to I'm taking us there we're gonna go to Episode 55 right now on the go jek project
Hello gut check project fans and KBMD health family. It is great
And I'm here with my awesome co host, Dr. Ken Brown, what's going on, man?
Ken Brown 5:04
We got Episode 55, which is part two of the prior episode that we did regarding Men's Health and some erectile dysfunction stuff. And it was really good timing because we got some pretty cool research to go over today, and it's all appropriate. So sit back, learn a little bit about how to protect your penis naturally,
Eric Rieger 5:27
naturally. And so that's what Episode 55 is going to be about a continuation of Episode Number 54. But before we get into that, I think that we, we need to touch on some things that I know that you've been doing with someone who was actually on show.
Ken Brown 5:43
Alright, so we always do a little personal stuff. Yeah. So what's been going on in my life? I got my stem cells. So shout out to Dr. Wade McKenna and his team, which by the way, his staff is awesome. Yeah, they are. They are absolutely amazing. So it's the first time I've ever been sedated. And so I've had two colonoscopies three and das cuppies, two of which I did on myself, which was, which was a gag fest. And I've always been the owl that we put people you put people to sleep right all the time. First time I've ever received propofol. Wow, it was amazing. It was like the coolest thing ever. It's like I just like suddenly two hours labs and Dr. Jerry Lewis shout out to him, it's a way brought him in and they were able to actually float a catheter into my foraminal opening, and I got pictures of this. And injected stem cells after doing a bone marrow harvest on me. I don't remember any of it, no pain. And quite honestly, I'm feeling really good. And it's only the beginning because I'm doing IV infusions now.
Eric Rieger 6:47
So the crazy thing is, is working with you and st talking everyday like we do at work, etc. I saw when you had true deficit, like you really could not extend your right arm, the the tricep really was not responsive. Literally, Brown is standing while we were scoping, you were kind of positioning yourself to work the scope differently than you just normally would, because you'd lost basically faculty in your
Ken Brown 7:14
yard. So what happened is, is that with the disc bulge, it actually compressed the nerve. I've got foraminal which is where the nerve comes out. I've got foraminal stenosis, and I was the swelling that took place from the disc bulge was compressing the nerve, and I didn't have all my usual strength and one of them being these six, seven when I saw Wade the first time Yeah, he was like all here's like, Oh, yeah, yeah, you're not gonna have tricep strength, you're gonna lose your medial pec Rouse, which is exactly right. And he goes, that happened to me years ago, and this is what I did. And Dude, that guy is such a stud. He had a back thing where he did his own bone marrow harvest taught his colleague, because he's the only guy that has done it this much said, this is exactly how you're gonna do it. And did his own bone marrow harvest, made his own stem cells and then had him injected in him? And I didn't want to say that was like 10 years ago or 11 years ago that question, yeah, you know, and he's, he's done well, so if you're somebody that has knee injuries, shoulder, for sure. Knee, low back shoulder, they do this all the time. Neck for me looks like it's going to be a really good success. I'm no pain right now. And I'm gaining function back. It's really it's a it's a humbling experience to go to the gym. Yeah. And be proud that you like can you know, we're usually dumbbells would be? It's this. It's my ego gett...
Hello Gut Check project fans and KBMD Health family. I hope you're having a great day. It's your host Eric Rieger soon to be joined by my awesome co host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. It's time for Episode Number 53 and this is a really informative episode about what causes Hemorrhoids and believe it or not, would you maybe listening to this podcast on could be making your hemorrhoids worse? That's right The phone anyhow, how is this possible? We'll just check out Episode 53 it's it's very light but really informative and without wasting any more time let's get to our sponsors. And as always, I'll try until formulated by my partner Dr. Ken otter ideal chock full of polyphenols go to love my tummy calm doesn't matter if you're an athlete trying to protect your gut health. If you just want to protect your body from systemic inflammation, trying to daily go to love my tummy calm that's love my tummy, calm slash, KB MD get your polyphenols today, and of course unrefined bakery, great food, regardless of your specialty diet. If you need to be paleo or keto or certainly gluten free, head to unrefined bakery.com use code, gut check and save 20% off your first order. This is just great food, great groceries delivered to your door unrefined bakery.com use code gut check and save 20% off your first order. And last but not least, go to KB Md health.com. And you can peruse the three signature products that Dr. Brown endorses his own CBD as well as Brocelite chock full of severe things and of course auto deal. So go to KB Md health.com. Use code GCP and save 20% off of any order anytime. Alright, let's get to it. Episode Number 53 what is causing my hemorrhoids every day?
Hello Gut Check project fans and KBMD health family How are you doing? I'm Eric Rieger flanked here by my awesome co host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. It's Episode 53 What's up, man? That's
awesome. It's Episode 53. And you rarely refer to me as awesome. That's why I'm gonna use it three times in the same sentence. That's an awesome sentence. Usually it's I'm I'm here with my adequate co host, Dr. Ken Brown.
Yeah, I've never said that. And y'all will never use awesome again. That's probably not even true. So what's what's shakin here for Episode 53.
And this is exciting because Episode 53 it's gonna be all about hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids and Roy Roy. Yeah, this all came about because I was treating a patient in their mid 20s. And that person asked if it was unusual for me to be treating a person that was they felt that this was an older person's disease. And I said no, actually, I treat a lot of people in their 20s. And I started thinking about it. And I went, you know, I do treat a lot. And that person said, Why is that? And what I have not paused to think about and he goes you should do a show on it. Yeah, and I went absolutely. And as suggested we're doing a show on hemorrhoids. So I am declaring today officially national hemorrhoid Awareness Day. That's very
ambitious. I actually you're not you're not gonna believe me, but I actually believe that there is a hemorrhoid day. And there's actually a hemorrhoid month the hemorrhoid days October 19. And hemorrhoid month is November and I don't want to take it away from you. Maybe this could be hemorrhoid
30 minutes. Yes, yes. We all know this. Everyone knows that October 19. Everyone knows and it's also national clean your virtual desktop days national Kentucky day. National seafood bisque day 10 National LGBT Center Awareness Day. hemorrhoids gets buried under all that so I'm pulling hemorrhoids out and declaring today national hemorrhoid day.
So we're shining the light on him right. I'm changing. Everyone likes to have their hemorrhoids eliminated. Oh,
I emailed the national hemorrhoid committee and found out there is not one I made myself president. And by doing so. I voted. I was I filled a quorum and I was able to change it this morning. Today's national hemorrhoid day quit arguing with me. So I'm done. And I'll just go ahead and move on to I like the fact that you use the word quorum and they were using the words hemorrhoid because both of those are kind of hard to spell. Once you give me you were telling me you were second runner up in the deck. cater local spelling bee in 1978 was it
yeah much like your impromptu declared hemorrhoid national day I was the only one who showed up and I still came in second.
Alright, so before we jump into hemorrhoids man what's going on with your life? What's going on with the Rieger household?
We are preparing to actually follow your footsteps we are about to renovate the house and sweeping changes about to move everything out today to the house the one that we just moved into so we're going to really just
is upgraded did you do the renovations? Like we did? Did you flood the house first? No choose to renovate it. We
tried to order a freeze and it didn't quite work out. But now in about a week and a half we get started should take about a month. I don't think it's nearly as extensive as what you're doing. But yeah, we'll update some stuff. Mack is back in the throes of offseason basketball. Murray's got her new company up and going gage is back out finishing up his first full year in college. So you know, they're doing well. How
about you? That's awesome. Oh, the brown households doing well. Lots of tennis going on. I think Lucas is playing on that ITF circuit and both Carl and Lucas have tournaments this weekend. So that's, that's cool. love to see everybody healthy out there able to do that kind of thing. You know, suffering through a little bit of a small neck injury that I now i i appreciate when you can get out there and play the sports that you want to play and have fun the way you want to have fun. So
definitely check that what episode was was Wade McKenna,
who early on very early. Yeah, that was back in the original students how we even did this that was back in the spoony studio.
So his episode was specifically on stem cells from his perspective. He's one of the world's leading experts.
You throw a little y'all bro. Yeah, I'll throw a little information out there. Right. So I injured my neck. And which is a really, really common injury and there's typical traditional medicine that people do. And one of our read one of our guests maybe guest number five or six
Wade McKenna,
he's Dr. Wade McKenna happens to be a world expert on stem cell. So I texted him and said, Get an act thing going on. I want to I don't want to play around with this. I went and made an appointment with him. Super cool guy. Super cool staff absolutely phenomenal out at trophy club. He spent a long time with me. And we went through everything and I'm going to do stem cells. We're gonna see what happens. I hear Joe Rogan talk about stem cells all the time. Yeah. And honestly, there's varying differences with how people respond to it. But if you're gonna do it, you go with the person who's been doing it the longest that does the most the person that that Rogan had on to talk about it was who Wade used to open up his Panama clinic with Neil Riordan. Yeah. Neil Riordan.
I'm pretty excited. And we won't spend too much time because this is about hemorrhoids. However, I think it's really cool on that episode, if you go back and check it, you'll learn that lots of stem cell failure is due to people not knowing how to even even the physicians themselves may not be using the best technique for sure there's there's
handling of stem cells doing things but he did on our podcast, he explained how he did research as a residence. He has been doing this autologous bone marrow use with stem cells, which nobody, which people are now just scratching the surface. He's been doing it for a long time and even had the Panama clinic where because the laws were a little bit more relaxed, and he could do...
Hello Gut Check Project fans. Welcome to Gut Check Project and KBMD health family. I'm Eric Rieger here with my awesome co host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. We have another special show.
We just keep we just keep outdoing ourselves with smart people. I'm like I normally I've well I'm becoming very comfortable being the stupidest person on these zoom calls right now this is like this is the new norm, me being the absolute dumbest person on the screen right now.
If you're the well, that's thank you. That's really weird. And and if you're the dumbest, then this is gonna be a really, really intelligent show. So today, Episode Number 52. We have a special guest. This is Dr. Charlene Van Buiten. She is an Assistant Professor of food science and Human Nutrition at Colorado State University. Hello, Charlene. How are you doing today?
I'm doing well. How are you guys
Doing great. We're doing great. I'm not going to introduce the paperwork that we're going to get into. But what I am interested...before we get into some incredible information about your research around celiac disease, and how essentially people can stave off long term inflammation. We always like to get to know a little bit about you. But we did print off your resume. And it looks to me like from all of the stuff that you do in the CV, that you started sometime in the womb getting things done.
So you've been like publishing papers in utero somehow.
Yeah, yeah. It's it's a really rare skill. So.
So where are you? Where do you Where are you from originally?
Originally I'm from Connecticut, grew up there. And then did my bachelor's degree at University of Connecticut in nutrition.
Nice. And how long have you been at Colorado State?
I've been at Colorado State about a year and a half now. So I got about six good months before everything shut down. Still happy to be here. It's a nice place to be locked down in at least.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. The northern part of Colorado. It's it's definitely beautiful up there. So before you read Colorado State, let's see where else you were a postdoctoral fellow, obviously. And then, is there any other stops along the way that really leapt out to you and ended up pushing you into Colorado State to do you know, good nutrition for human?
Um, yeah, I would say probably the most important step in my whole academic journey was at Penn State where I did my PhD in food science. That's kind of where all of the research that we'll talk about today was really conceived. It was just kind of a one off idea that my PhD advisor and I had just one day, you know, oh, what if we looked at interactions between gluten and tannins, and then, you know, I kind of went back to my office, first year PhD student really excited. And all of a sudden, it was like all of these ideas just in terms of the chemical interactions and what this means for nutrition just designed this whole project. And in a really rare case of circumstances, everything I had designed in my first year of my PhD ended up being what I eventually did over the course of the next five years. I don't think anybody is ever that lucky. Yeah, and the project turned into what you all were able to read before inviting me here.
We will definitely dive deep into that. But I'm really curious. So I've, we have the CV here that shows your academic pursuit. I want to know why Charlene, Dr. Charlene, Dr. Charlene decided to do the study of food science and nutrition. Let's just start from there. And then I get the passion once you've latched on to something, but I'm always curious how people find their way like, like, how you how you got there.
Yeah, I think I discovered Food Science a little earlier than the average person. Most people will get into it in college, having followed a path of chemistry or biochemistry, and then realizing they can apply all of these concepts to food. But I actually was in the Future Farmers of America when I was in high school. And I thought that I wanted to be a vet, and then realize that I was not really into like blood or sick animals or anything. And one of my teachers was like, we have this competition. It's called food science. you design a food product, you talk about safety and everything. And I was sure sounds cool. And the first day that I met with that team for this competition, we got a textbook chapter on canning. And I was reading about canning, and I was like, I was really interesting. Like, if you can something it'll last a really long time. Or if it's done incorrectly, it can be so dangerous that it can kill you. Kind of dichotomy there. I was like, food science is crazy. And just from there was like obsessed with it. And, yeah, I was for nutrition, grad school for food science.
This kind of reminds me of the whole mycology thing that we were talking about before. Where like you might find a brave food canner and you might find an old food canner but you won't find them in the same person. I'm going to just dabble in some aggressive food canning and see what happens. They don't walk around anymore. We were we have Paul Paul Stamets was talking about that. And then the other mycologists, we've talked to mycologists that actually discuss that they feel the same way where it's like, look, you can have a mushroom that will save you. But if you prepare it wrong, or eat the wrong one, you're gonna die. If you have food canning, you can have food forever. But if you do it wrong, you can die. Well, that is awesome. So reading your article, or reading your paper, which is a review of your thesis, which tells me that you know this essentially better than anybody in the entire world because you did a thesis on something that I have been searching for for a very, very, very long time. I developed Atrantil to help people with bloating and irritable bowel syndrome. And then we started learning I late started learning about these effects of polyphenols came across your article, your review, which is titled gliadin sequestration as a novel therapy for celiac disease, a prospective application for polyphenols. This is the thing that really I've been looking for for a long time, we've known the benefits of polyphenols, but you're the first person that has been able to explain why I'm gluten sensitive. And once I start, once I started taking Atrantil whenever I would eat gluten, I didn't have issues, and I really couldn't explain it. We've had patients that say, when I, you know, when I take these large polyphenolic compounds that are in Atrantil, I can eat wheat. Why is it I didn't know I couldn't actually say from a molecular reason. And then I came across your paper. And this is absolutely fantastic. It's 32 pages of incredible material. And 185 references my goodness, you put some work into this congratulations on putting together what I think is the most comprehension review of polyphenols in the setting of celiac disease. So once again, if anybody listened to this, know somebody that has celiac disease, or has a family member, or has celiac themselves, this is something that really we need to share as a community. We need to get this out there and your work is really pivotal to explain the science, which is so cool. So let's jump into it. Because it's awesome.
Yeah, I don't even know where to start. Because you you described multiple different mechanisms of action on why polyphenols begin to work. So what drove you to to put these two associations together? Why celiac disease and why polyphenols?
So at the time that we came up with this project, I had recently joined my graduate advisor Ryan Elias at Penn State, I joined his lab, and he was doing a lot of work on wine quality. So as a food chemist, you know, we're looking at oxidation of polyphenols, how that can affect wine astringency, etc. And so I was, you know, showed up to grad school thinking I ...
Eric Rieger 0:00
Hello gut check project fans and KB MD Hill family. How are you doing today? This is your host, Eric Rieger, soon to be joined by my awesome co host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. I'll be feeling great today. This is episode number 50 halfway to 100 What does that mean? I don't know. But I can tell you what we've got an awesome show. Our guest today is the author of healing CBOE. Shavasana. That's right, the same one who founded CBOE SOS community online. shavon, has written an incredible book. And I wish that we had had our hands on just essentially a publication like this to share with our patients years ago, so that they know that they're not alone. shavon has written this book, and you'll hear a lot about it here in the episode, that essentially, if you're new to suffering from SIBO, or you've got a a family member that just got unsolvable gi issues, and they they think it is SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. This book is for them. It's not overly medical. It's actually written from the patient's perspective. Why? Because she avans that patient, she dealt with struggling to find her solutions for CBOE 40 years. She can tell you how she thinks that she developed it, what stressors caused it, who she talked to how she failed. And then ultimately, what she began to learn by connecting the dots and talking to a bunch of different professionals. And then tell you a little bit about not only how to heal from CBOE and how to maintain that status, and most of all, how to improve your quality of life. Because it's all about healthspan it's not just about lifespan, and health span is critically important if you're gonna live long, live long and healthy. So let's get to it. Our sponsors today are of course all trying to go to love my tummy, calm, love mydomain.com slash KB MD guess what is in Shawn's book. I'll try until That's right, is right. She suffers from CBOE and she helps direct several people who deal with CBOE and she openly recommends artron to what do you know, polyphenols go to love my tiny.com slash KB MD. Get your own polyphenols today are trying to gigantic proanthocyanidin polyphenols in there. That's right. So love my tummy.com forward slash KB MD and of course, unrefined bakery, get fantastic food and if you have a specialty diet, it's keto paleo, gluten free or otherwise, and you want some of the foods that you felt like you had to avoid. Go to unrefined bakery.com use code, gut check and save 20% off of your entire first order. That's unrefined bakery.com Last but not least, get your very own signature products from Dr. Keith Brown. It KB Md health.com. That's KB MD health calm, especially the CBD. And here pretty soon to be a new product rolling out so definitely check out KB Md health.com. See what we have to offer arm our year for 2020 one's going to change quite a bit as we grow the community and kind of have some really awesome revelations in terms of health and discovery. So check us out KB Md health.com. Check out the store, use code GCP and save 20% off of any order any day all the time. Okay, let's get to it. Meet shivan Sarna, She's the author of healing cebo, founder of Siebel SOS. She's a delight. I think you're gonna love episode number 50.
Hello, project fans. Family, I hope you're having a great day. I'm Eric here with my awesome co host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. And again, for our 50th show. We've got a we've got a guest we've known for a long time
Ken Brown 4:10
well, so this is awesome. We've waited for this. And it just so happens that it coincided perfectly. That one of our favorite people, one of the people that is so knowledgeable about something that we are passionate about happens to have a brand new book, and she waited to release it till our 50th episode
Eric Rieger 4:31
that was very nice of her. What's up chevonne
Unknown Speaker 4:34
Hey, anything for you guys. Thanks for having me. And I'm very thrilled and honored 50th episode and my new book that I've been working on for what feels like 50 years.
Eric Rieger 4:45
Heck yeah. What I mean the and you're you're so much bigger than than just that book. I mean, you started CBOE SLS. You mean you're literally the founder. You've been working with Dr. Allison c Becker for quite some time. I'm going to forget something in here. Oh, and she has a cat named Belle.
Ken Brown 4:59
She Tennant Bell, I would actually I would venture to say that shavon because of your passion, because now that I understand your reasoning, why you're passionate about it, because the book is phenomenal. I loved it. It was it's a, it's a really easy read, it's really awesome. I'm gonna recommend it to all of my patients, because not only did you really expose yourself on a very personal level, so that you can show how, and all my patients are not alone. I mean, this is like what you actually explained in the beginning is exactly what my patients say. But then you got into the science and you interviewed so many of the world thought leaders on this, and then ultimately, you ended it with Look, I'm not just going to tell you about this, I'm going to tell you how to eat. And the last half of the book is a really cool recipe book about how to do it in the one thing, which is you're doing something unique. It's how to heal your Siebel in 21 days, and I'm covering your name their Shavasana beautiful Shavasana one of our favorite people and I'm gonna say that you are the voice of Zeebo. There's lots of scientists out there, Allison cvac, or Mark Pim and tell Roussel all these people that you've interviewed, awesome, we know them, well, we love them. They're great people. But you have a very unique history in that you have the ability to write, produce, and do these different things. So we need people like you to be the voice of this. And that's what you really are becoming with this book. Congratulations on the book.
Unknown Speaker 6:34
Thank you so much. It's been a dream of mine, my best friend told me while I was going through all of these treatments and discoveries, you know, you really need to write a book and I would like bring my notebooks into the doctor's offices and appointments and they'd look at me go, you know, you really need to write a book. I really got to know. And I, I, you know, writing a book is not easy. This little baby like looks like a one and done. Oh my gosh, it was very laboris but I am a TV person. So I did the CBOE SLS summit one, the CBOE SLS summit to the IBS and CBOE SLS summit, the microbiome rescue summit. And now it'll be my mother had lymphoma back in the 90s. No one knew anything about anything it felt like and I'm just working on the lymphatic rescue summit. So I really took everything from those digestive summits and put it into this book. And I have interviewed hundreds of people about the topic, including you. And I wanted to give everybody a book that was inexpensive, because 20 bucks for all this is crazy good. And sometimes Amazon has already put it on sale for 18 bucks, which is also crazy, probably won't stay that way for long. But I'm thrilled. And I, you know, I wanted to get everybody a book that I wish I had had, because I was doing like Dr. Google and you know, staring at the incredible website, cebo info.com, which is Dr. C. Becker's website. But I needed everybody to know that they weren't alone. And if I could share a couple of stories and some recipes, and how to get through the day more easily plus the science. Then as I was talking to God and the universe and the angels begging for help. I was like, Look, if I have insurance, I have a brain. I have a great computer, I have a little bit of time on my hands, because for the first time my husband was studying become a CPA. And so I actually had some free time while he was studying. And I was like, Look, if I'm havi...
Bienvenidos Ah, this is where no, sorry, I screwed it up. So I got really nervous. It's like the lights came on. Okay.
Remember, we're actually saying that Yeah.
Okay, there we go. Three. You ready? Oh, yeah. Okay. Three, two on bmnh Oh, god check project. Your soy, Eric. Esta Dr. Brown,
Dr. Brown Como estas Morgana, grassy asmita story super emotional o por el podcastone tenemos en invitado fantastical. gephi ancestors that podcast story.
Sylvia done this style of video.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, guys, I can't speak English. Oh, okay.
Oh, thank goodness cuz I'm pretty sure that's all the Spanish Eric knew. And banyo I got that down too. So why don't we Why don't we start over and just take it from the top in English. Now that we know that our wonderful guest who lives in Spain to learn all about That's right. actually speaks English. Okay, probably should have figured that out. Before we started the podcast
guys. I'm gonna start all over. So welcome gut check project fans and KB MD health family. It's now episode number 49. I'm Eric. This is my awesome co host Dr. Kenneth Brown. And today we've got an incredible special guest that I tried. I you know, I can't I tried Spanish.
I tried. You did so Eric. Eric dusted off his eighth grade Spanish. He was trying to impress Silvia you know, I mean, we're both a little nervous because what what we have on the podcast today is super special. Everybody has heroes in their life and Silvia is my hero because she is a poly phenol expert. She's getting her doctorate in specifically the polyphenols that we use on Tron teal. So she knows more about it than anybody I've ever met. And I'm so excited and nervous that we actually tried to speak in her native her native language.
I'm just embarrassed that but there'll be a welcome to the show. Welcome to go check project. Thank you so much for making
She said y'all she's trying to
learn some Texas now first of all, Silvia get us up to speed you're living in Granada Spain. What is going on there? You You WhatsApp to me You guys got a little earthquake situation right?
Yeah, we were we were we were that weights. But now where? We stay better here. Fortunately, visitation is is better.
You said it so calm. When you just WhatsApp you're like, oh, things are good. Here. We're dealing with a lot of earthquakes. Thanks for asking. Tough in Spain.
We used to.
So this is this is super cool. Thank you so much for coming on the podcast. I have followed your work. Some of the work that you have done as the lead author I have used we've discussed it on multiple podcasts. If you've seen Episode 47 Episode 46 multiple other episodes, we always refer to the large stable polyphenols and how they get broken down by the microbiome and the purse that articles that always reference. This is the author of those articles. Sylvia Molino, who is I almost called you doctor but you're almost a doctor, right? almost almost.
Nice. Nice. Hey, so
why don't you tell us a bit about your background how you ended up there? What's going on? Everything Everything about Silvia Molino.
Okay, so I am a biologist. I got my master's degree in Italy. But I the my train sheep here in Granada, where we started working with embitter. And they're just in implementation. And I fell in love with this argument. And then in one Congress, I met Michaela Battaglia is the CEO of silica team, that Britain is a b2b company that produced what the word leader is producing tannins that are polyphenols, sure, and he got interested in my work. So we started collaborating and and then we had the idea to create a new project to investigate the application of tannins in humans. And so I just started with my PhD working on that, and I'm still working on that and we have continuing on that
Yeah, that's awesome. So when you when you first hopped into it, were polyphenol something that drew your interest in their immediate applications for for health or is it something that just kind of just happened over time? What was it that drew you into wanting to study about polyphenols?
Well, um, I ever I always have been interesting in polyphenols about more in general about nutraceutical okay, because I believe that we could treat some diseases or some dysfunction with natural product, because actually, we are using a lot of synthetic treatment, but they were discovered from studying nature. So sometimes I think that we could go back to the power of nature. And in this case, 10 is
absolutely Well honestly, the timing really couldn't be better and where we find ourselves not just in the United States, but obviously all the way around the world for us to find and escape from synthetic solutions to what otherwise are just natural problems. And if probably we were consuming more polythene hauls as a you know, for the entire earth we would be in better shape. Yeah.
Repeat that.
Eric was just saying that you're exactly right. We have always we have a we have felt that the consumption of polyphenols is what what we're lacking in the western American diet. If we had more polyphenols we would have better health.
Yeah, yeah, for sure. Yeah,
I was just gonna say you use the word nutraceutical, which is, which is interesting because we've, we've coined that term, but what does nutraceutical mean to you as a scientist?
Wow, it's a hard question for me and you're just starting over is a solution that could be assumed for from a person by person. Like it will be a part of the natural diet like it will be a tude. Okay, so something more natural.
Okay, so a functional food, nutraceutical interesting, a molecule that can have health benefits, but it's found in nature?
Yeah, exactly.
And so you through your research, you found that these beautiful molecules called polyphenols have hold all this potential to be bioactive and possibly a nutraceutical for humans. So, for anybody that has not heard this, can you explain in your words what a poly phenol is?
Well, polyphenols are molecules if we can find in a network, obviously, the name derives from the chemical structure and they are well known for the multiple by activities beneficial by activities. First of all, they are antioxidant, they are what non antioxidant. And this is a super important characteristic of them because they help us to counteract the action of the oxidative stress. The oxidative stress is a normal events that we have that happens in our bodies, and can lead to a lot a lot of diseases and a lot of problems.
So leading to like inflammation, is that kind of what you're talking about there with long exposures of oxidative stress?
Well, can you repeat, please?
Sure. Are you saying that oxidative stress leads to inflammation, like more inflammation around tissues? Is that what you're saying?
Yeah, for sure. Well, normally we our normal metabolism, I produce free radicals. Okay. And this normal normal process of power rally, but what happens if we produce a high amount of, of these free radicals, and it's normal to breathe in sometimes to produce a lot of free radicals. And the causes could be external factors, such as stress or bad diet, for example, we have some endogenous mechanisms of our body to counteract these production of oxidative stress done by the free radicals, but these are not sufficient and are not not the most of the times. So we need to intake somehow. From from external hub. And in this case, we have to take antioxidant. And antioxidant we can find, for example, polyphenols, other one on the oxygen, for example, our could be vitamin C, Vitamin E. But from our study, for example, we could discover that time knees, among other 43 years has exert a higher activity than this well known molecules, such as vitamin C. So we cou...
Hey, gut check project fans and KB MD health family. This is Eric, I'm here with my awesome co host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. And this is Episode 48. I don't have a clue what we're gonna talk about.
Well, I think that Okay, so if you did not see Episode 47, we put a lot of work into that one. Yeah, we've gotten a ton of great feedback on that. And it's just the beginning, because because of that episode, we've been contacted by a lot of other scientists, a lot of people. And we're gonna be having a really special PhD on to describe her research soon. And it's, you know, thankfully, it's pretty cool. Yeah, it's
really, really cool. We actually got a lot of feedback not only in the traditional sense, thank you all for who've been emailing in and messaging. But the two patients who came through and watched it right before we scoped them, I was impressed to how many of them tried to do what you did to me and made me list everything out. And so that was that was pretty interesting. So
just a recap of 47 it was important because we've uncovered a lot of important research showing how the polyphenols like polyphenols in atrantil can actually help your innate immune system. And it's, it's the tip of the iceberg because I've been contacted by out both allergist epidemiologists, some PhDs going wow, that is exactly what my research is in. I'd like to talk about it more.
What about just this morning, we had that discussion with somebody over in the UK who is specifically utilizing guess what polyphenols for athletes and elite athlete training. Never met the guy before has an incredible program. What do you think of that? Oh, that's
great. It's actually Aiden Goggins. And he he wrote the cert diet, which is the I believe it's the diet that Adele lost all her weight on and it's all about the benefit of polyphenols turning on these sirtuin pathways. He's he agreed to come on the show also great guy super smart. That was awesome hanging out with him this morning. So what's going on with you? Let's let's get let's make this more casual this time. The last couple of podcasts have been so intense with the immune system and stuff. Let's change it up a little.
Yeah, man. I chatted with gage this morning. He scores out of tech he's loving School, which is great. And you know he's he's enjoying his time as a freshman. His most college kids who are freshmen should be doing Mack is in midseason basketball. He loves it. He just He scored his 106 point where this basketball team is last week. He's super pumped about that. Okay,
let's let's clarify that. So he scored his 106 documented point or he scored the 106 I
scored the 106 which is the high watermark for his current code. That's awesome. That's awesome joints. He joins his brother who was the first person to push a coach over 100
Yes, that's awesome. So the reader brothers doing proper to the basketball team.
Their dad's terrible. I know.
I got a shiner got a little shiner. Here you go look at the camera here. Yeah, look at the mirror image of me. Yeah, we're doing little remodeling on the house. And unfortunately, the middle of the night I tripped over a box and face planet. So as I was telling my patient I walked in and we're gonna put him to sleep. And he's like, Whoa, Doc, he's like, do a get a little tussle. And I'm like, no. And he's like, well, it'll probably only affect your modeling career for a bit. And I'm like, Well, I'm actually a hand model. So that's why I protected myself with my face. Yeah, why don't you show that finger
and see how good of a handball you are?
Well, I played I play the before picture and all hand model. A bunch of Orthopedic Surgeons jabbed me they're like, hey, yeah, can I use that in an ad?
I specialize in ring finger. Yeah. We're gonna straighten it out.
Oh, guess what I signed up for what? I signed up for the Wim Hof breathing. Wow, awesome. I'm doing the Wim Hof if you don't know who Wim Hof is, he's this crazy guy that has this incredible breathing course which we're gonna talk about that I read. I read James nesters book called breath, the site the lost science, and everything is all over there. Oh, dude, it's because we're all just like, Whoa, you can change your life by breathing. And that's what the Wim Hof Method is just breathe. And it's so I've been doing this every morning for we're going on two weeks now. And the problem is it also involves cold exposure. So every morning instead of waking up and doing my Yani coffee and warm hot shower, I'm breathing a ton and then jumping into a cold shower so we'll see
feedback on it. Okay, well, just real quick, since I don't know where we're going with today's show. I'm just gonna go ahead and ask is this one of those things from Wim Hof where he is having you breathe in at a certain interval breathe out a certain interval so that you can achieve something and then it can you can you shed a little light on them?
Yeah. So the Wim Hof Method in a nutshell is a cyclical breathing where you, you over inflate and then you exhale to atmospheric pressure. So you go above atmospheric pressure to atmospheric pressure. You do this in a cyclical way, almost like a wave and you train yourself to breathe in a cyclical way. And what that does is that increases your oxygen saturation of the cells decreases your co2, and I know where you're going because last time we I started talking about putting physiology, we ended up doing a whole podcast on that. Check out COVID episode three or four. But what that does is that actually raises your pH because the co2 retention will increase the pH. Okay. So in this book, in breath, I got really into that because we realized that in our stress society and the more stressed you are, we tend to shallow rapid breathe, which actually is the improper way to do it. So when you want to relax, you breathe six seconds in six seconds out, that should be the proper tempo. This is a different method. This is to supercharge your parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system interesting. And then you do 30. In this case, you can do like 30 cycles of this. really deep breathing and then it on number 30, you exhale, and you hold your breath. So you and you time it and it's really funny because I'm following him on the course. And he's this very, he's been on Rhonda Patrick show and always been a me Joe Rogan. And everybody and so he's so funny, because he's the same all the time. I think he's always Wim Yeah. And so he's been on Ben Greenfield and stuff. And so he's, you know, you feel like this bond, because I'm like, holding my breath. And he's like, it's okay. You're good. You can do longer. You're,
I mean, the guy is a physical walking experiment. He's done everything, especially when it comes down to this controlled breathing situation.
Yeah, he holds like 20 world records and stuff. Yeah, but but it's all but it's all based off science. It's not like and that's what he tries to tell everybody. He's like, anybody can do this. So that's what I'm, that's what I'm going to experiment. We'll
see if I can interesting. I'm curious how how they're explaining to lay people because that's probably what this is written for. From lay people all the way down to the science. So maybe that would be a topic that we will get into after you experiment with it a
little bit. Yeah,
I'm really interested.
But we want to keep this episode light. Okay, this is just gonna be a fun, easy episode. Or we're just gonna relax. Gosh, I was sitting ...
Hello, everyone, welcome to the gut check project gut check project fans, KBMD health family, how are you doing? It is now time for episode number 47. I'm here with my awesome co host, Dr. Kenneth Brown.
What's up Episode 47. This is part two of our immunology. So this is I'm pretty excited. Because just this morning, you said you better check out Joe Rogan this morning because Dr. Mark Gordon is on there. And this dude was saying everything that we've been talking about, but I feel like we even have it to the next level. So we're talking to scientists that understand the whole concept of functional nutrition, functional things that I felt like he was saying, everything that we've been talking about now for quite a while like yours
is no doubt the coolest thing is another thing that we'll we'll get to it in a moment. But it's it's all about eating right. having great nutrition, he used an incredible example of India, where Let's face it, a lot of people don't have the economic means that we do here in the United States. However, they're facing COVID, they have the same health issues that we do here, roughly, and they've got a large population. So when comparing apples to apples are talking about nutrition, and there's some specific things in that nutrition when you say,
oh, and we're gonna get into that, in fact, I got an article here that we're gonna go over and I'll spoiler alert for you. But it's exactly what what what we're talking about right now. So we got some feedback. I apologize to everyone the last podcast we did, we were trying some unique things. And we didn't have such good sound quality, but that's what you get when your sponsor is lousy Lavalier comm so we had LousyLavalier.com Yeah, so we dropped them. And so I'm happy to announce that we got a new sponsor, which we did get a new sponsor, and this is awesome. It's actually a hot dog company. They're called diarrhea dogs. And their slogan is, we're not sure what's in the dog, but we know it will give you diarrhea. Yeah. who's who's betting our sponsor?
The cool thing is, is it's a it's a host specific sponsor, so I'm looking for you to tell me how I
know seriously, who in the company is? Is it Mike? is Mike getting sponsors for us, Mike, because I've already cashed a check. We got to keep talking about diarrhea dogs.
It's, I can't this can't keep happening.
We had lousy Lavalier as a sponsor, then we followed up with diarrhea dogs, yeah. Oh, my goodness,
this is not working out.
We're gonna have a little talk with Barry Weiss. How you been man?
doing well, so we're into a brand new year now. What brief amount of time had a great vacation with the family? And it really just in time, right. I mean, there's, everything's kind of limited on what you can do. Yeah. But we it was, it's good to always have the older son come home spend time with him. We started building some furniture over the last couple weeks. So it's a great bonding experience with me and the boys. And of course, Maria is telling us what she wants us to look like. So trying hard to make it. Yeah. But you know, it's it's been a lot of fun. Mac is in the swing of basketball. And so life, normal life is starting to take on a new meaning. But it's it's good.
Yeah. What about you? Well, for us, um, you know, the, the whole COVID lockdown, you start looking at your house a little bit. And so loida kind of convinced me that maybe we should start considering making a few little changes. And it started out with the master bath. And she's like, you know, shoot, can I do a few other things? I'm like, Yeah, absolutely. So I'm really busy with work and come back. And then you know, next thing I know, the builders or the contractors there and he's like, Look, okay, so this is what we've designed. Here's the plans, bla bla bla bla bla, and, you know, he's like, we're gonna buy the neighbor's house and we're gonna, you know, tear, tear this one down. But I mean, it was just I'm like, Whoa, we're doing a lot of work here. So I'm already in it. We're gonna be in this house for a long time. It's a great area. You notice everybody's moving to Texas. They definitely dragons bringing everybody down here. So following him. So at
any point, did you have a spreadsheet that said, redo house or simply burn house?
Well, then it's like one of those shows. Like once you see the plans, you're like, Oh, yeah, I want it to look like that. But you know, and oh, guess what I did today was that guess what I did? 30 seconds ago. Oh,
I know what you did? Yeah, you got into crypto.
So as we're setting up to do this show, we started having a conversation about cryptocurrency and Bitcoin and people have been telling me to get involved. So in a spur of the moment, while Eric was setting up the mics and everything I bought some Bitcoin Yeah, go Bitcoin.
Yeah. And and we need to probably have a disclaimer that we know nothing about cryptocurrency. Oh, absolutely. Nothing nice. But yeah, it was really kind of cool to watch you do it.
Yeah. So we've covered our sponsors. A little word with the person that's choosing them in the future. And so let's jump into the immune episode part two. So even if the audio is a little bit off on that last one, I encourage everyone to look at our last podcast, because I do a detailed explanation in or at least detailed for a simple country butt Dr. That's living in Texas for the innate immune system, and I actually rewatched it when we were getting the comments great information, audio bad. And at the very end, I go, so that covers the adaptive immune system. I'm like, No, I should have no it was the innate, we did not cover the adaptive yet. There's a reason why that's coming, because then we're going to lead into the vaccinations for COVID and things. Right. So that was the innate. But here's what's really cool. We're gonna talk about what Dr. Mark Gordon was talking about on Joe show. And it's super cool. Like we've been on top of this the whole time. It's been it's it's actually huge, huge news for everyone.
I think a lot of people can learn a lot about what they can do just to protect themselves. And let's small preface, you don't have to just apply the knowledge that you'll pick up today to COVID. COVID actually can begin to fit into other viruses with this talk that we're going to have today.
Yes. And specifically, this is not a COVID talk. We're not saying that at all. What we're saying is we're gonna talk about how to optimize a well running immune system. Yeah. And so when I talked to some of my colleagues and people discuss different things, Angie, and I were talking that she's like, have you looked at our Mendeley account? So Mendeley is where we put all our articles, and I just did a quick look. We have over 1000 articles regarding immune health and how to optimize it through nutrition and lifestyle. Yeah. So even that is science backed. Everything we're talking about here is completely science backed. In fact, one of the things I wanted to discuss because I think it's really cool is this article that just came out in 2020. It's called the antiviral functional foods and exercise, lifestyle prevention of Coronavirus. That's a very boring title. And those are the kinds of things that I read. And it was published in the Journal of nutrients. What's fascinating about this is that they discuss the things that other people are now just finally starting to talk about. Yeah, so I want to review this article really quick. Then I want to get back to the whiteboard. And hopefully sound ...
Eric Rieger 0:00
All right, everyone, it is now Episode Number 45 Hello KB MD health family and GCP gut check project fans. I'm Eric here with my co host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. We've got an incredible show today. And well, this guy's always referred to a special secret weapon and I'm gonna let him unveil it here in just a moment. But I'm gonna go ahead before he talks about why this secret weapon is a secret weapon. Let's just talk that here in just a moment. Angie cook is a registered nurse. She has some issues such as dysautonomia, miles Ehlers danlos, colonic inertia, severe constipation, all of these different things that she's got experience with that she could actually share a personal story. So, Ken, what brought us here? All right, so
Ken Brown 0:53
this is what Alright, so this episode is very dear to my heart. And people that don't experience this, you're going to go out? That's kind of an odd topic. But I'm telling you, you want to listen to this. Because we know that there's a connection between digestive health, gut inflammation and the possibility of developing other symptoms, other issues, like dysautonomia, and before you just turn it off? You're like, what's that? Like? Whoa, that's what Angie is going to tell us about today. So Angie, I've always referred to her as my secret weapon on the podcast, you can go back to almost one of the first episodes that we've ever done one, Episode 45. And first of all, Angie, thank you so much for your incredible diligence to researching and backing everything by science. So I get emails from all over the world. And people say, Hey, can you help me with this? And I will email you and say, is there any chance that you could find this article, and then you find me 50 articles related to that, and we sift through them. So one of the most impressive things is that you're a patient of mine, that has gone from having some symptoms, to learning so much about it, that you've actually gotten your master's in nutrition. And you realize that part of this process is that you and I are now a team. And I've gotten to the point where I'm relying on you for information. And this is my exposition of us saying, look, you know so much more than me about this, we need to get this out to the public. And this is what I want to do. I did Chris kresser, his podcast a couple months ago. And immediately him and I ran to the same conclusion. It's not about the bacteria. It's not about this, it's about the motility. What do we do about that? What is it and so what we're going to talk about today is the motility about everything. And your history is incredible. Because if you're somebody who's ever felt frustrated, by the lack of attention that maybe you've gotten in medical community, if you're somebody who's felt frustrated that you're being blown off or anything like that, this is what we're gonna do. We're gonna go from Angie's story about what she has gone through. And then we're gonna geek out on a level that I am so impressed by. So if you're shavon Sarna and you're the CBOE summit person, you're gonna want to listen to this one if you're Chris kresser. I got an email from Ben Greenfield just today or yesterday. Yeah, today asking about what different help with some CBOE people I feel like and what I feel like because this hasn't been done is because you sent me 30 pages of that, I know that you figured this out. This is like the first time ever, these puzzle pieces have been put together. And I'm so excited. So I want to say first of all, I'm honored to be your doctor. Secondly, I'm disappointed I didn't figure it out. And I have not figured it out yet. Thirdly, I'm super proud of your resilience, of your drive and of your determination to not only help yourself, but ultimately share it with other people. So I'm thrilled about this podcast, we have Angie cook on the podcast, Rn, a nutrition Master's in nutrition and just beginning her road to helping lots of people I know this and I know that you're gonna end up writing a book and I know that you're gonna be the motility expert, and that's what we're gonna talk about today. So, welcome.
Angie Cook 4:42
Thank you, no pressure there.
Eric Rieger 4:46
I just want to say that was the most detailed introduction we've ever done for anybody
Angie Cook 4:54
i know i kind of want to run into the other room and hide under a cover
Eric Rieger 4:59
in Episode 46 sakes, what are we talking about the stuff that we just did in the introduction.
Ken Brown 5:04
But in all sincerity, it's that important to me. And it's that important that you help me. You teach me so that I can help other people. That's why we're doing this. Definitely.
Angie Cook 5:16
Thank you. Thank you for having me.
Ken Brown 5:18
Absolutely. So I'm gonna throw it back at Eric and let him kind of lead. And I'm just going to try and pop in occasionally, because I'm a huge superfan of you. So I'm going to try not to interrupt every 30 seconds.
Eric Rieger 5:31
Not a problem, not a problem. So Angie, whenever we are dealing with issues of motility, not everyone necessarily understands what the problem is. So when you began to experience problems, and not really even knowing that it was a motility issue, what did you first experience? And then who did you go to to try to find out answers? And then also you take it from there,
Angie Cook 5:55
right. So I'm to share a little bit about my story. My problems started about eight years ago. And so what happened was at that time, I was actually pretty healthy. I didn't have any kind of diagnoses, I didn't have any medications, I didn't see a doctor on a regular basis for any kind of ongoing reasons. And over a very short period of time, I had sort of what I described as the perfect storm of things happening, and they sort of seemed a little bit unrelated. But the first thing that happened was I started having abdominal pain. And I did have a little bit of trouble with the bowel movements. But my main issue was I just started having really severe pain. So I started by seeing my gynecologist, and I went to him and they found a very large ovarian cyst. So I had surgery right away to get that taken care of. But I still had problems, I still had pain. So then he sent me to another doctor who was a surgeon. And they thought maybe I had appendicitis. So I ended up I did have a problem with my appendix and they removed it. But after that surgery, which was just 30 days after the first so I had two surgeries within 30 days. Both my gynecologist and my surgeon said, Well, we think you're just constipated. And I was shocked. I was like, What do you mean, I'm constipated. I've never had a problem with bowel movements. I've never taken any kind of medication. It's never been anything that has been an issue. For me, it's always been a non issue. Even though I've been having a little bit of trouble, I didn't really consider it constipation. And so I found out very quickly that I did have constipation, and that the pain was relieved when I took medication. But the problem was that I needed a lot of medication. It wasn't just like a normal laxative over the counter, I needed very high doses. And it took my body a very long time to do anything once I took the medication. So they told me to go find a gastroenterologist. And that's when it came to you, Dr. Brown. And all of this happened within about six or eight weeks from where I thought I was fine to where I was severely incapacitated.
Eric Rieger 8:10
So in that, at that point, when you when you end up going to obviously see Ken and you go to his clinic, I've gotten to know a little bit more about your story, just simply because not only do you experienced this issue and...
Hello KBMD health family and gut check project fans welcome to episode number 44. This episode's very special because we have is many of y'all know with my co host here, Dr. Kenneth Brown, he's only selected three products to be a part of his own store Atrantil, and CBD Of course, which has his own KB MD CBD label on it. But today, we're actually only going to talk about one. And that re ally was shot through seeing. So see that but this is
Broc Elite today.
It's all about Broc Elite. These are stable sulforaphanes. And we are joined with David Phd. No, David Roberts, John Gildea, saying that's why that's why I have a co host. That's why he has me one of the to David Roberts and John Gildea, john, good day being the PhD for Broc Elite. And Welcome, gentlemen, thank you all so much for meeting us this afternoon.
That's your tip.
It's good to be here. Thanks for having us.
So john, is if you're looking at the YouTube is the first voice that you heard in the purple shirt. And then David is the one in the buttoned up. So hello, there's David. So, Dr. Brown, you want to take us into the fourth year of introducing these two?
Absolutely. So all the only reason why I have three products on my website is because it's three products backed by science we do certificate of analysis and all these things we were introduced to Brock Elite through baby bathwater networks. And we had our first zoom call many months ago where I have been so excited about sulforaphanes as a supplement and finding out that these two brilliant men figured out how to actually make what I tell my patients is the world's first stable sulforaphane developed in science and been able to show clinically and through laboratory testing that you can increase the NRF two pathway. Now you and I did a whole episode on NRF. Two, in anticipation of trying to get these two guys together. Correct, which like typical entrepreneurs, and typical PhDs, they got a lot going on. And john did inform us I'm sorry, john, do you go by Dr. Gildea? Do you go by john? Do you just go by Dr. Brock elite?
My dad was a physician. So I I'm fine with a PhD John. Not a physician. So yeah, the doctor.
So when you write that when you write PhD, John, do people come up to him and go, John, John, your appointment is now available?
Yeah, some some some of my students call me dr. john. But that's, that's just them being kind of silly.
Well, this is something that is not silly at all. And what I'm really excited to talk about is how you guys got here, how you guys got to know each other. But I know that we have a little bit of limited time with you as the PhD. What I want you to at least explain while we have some availability with you, is why you decided to help David, develop this product and the lab that you have that?
Yeah, absolutely. I think the at least the crux of it was that when, during a commercial adventure that we're trying to do to figure out how to do personalized medicine. We have an arsenal of of compounds that we would try by culturing the cells from New grown from the person who had the cancer and then and then putting these bevy of pharmaceutical compounds on the, on the cells. And pretty soon after we have been doing that for a while. Sulforaphane kept on coming out really high on on the on the list, and it's because it attacks a specific type of cancer, cancer stem cell. And I know that's not even on people's minds right now. But that is the cell type that goes on to create metastasis. And we're all surprised that there wasn't a sulforaphane product out there. And so that combination of seeing this gigantic need, working with people had these cancer stem cell driven, driven cancers. We weren't we we knew that you know, you can buy the $650 for five milligram sulforaphane from from Sigma but that way, you know, one treatment would have been, you know, 1200 dollars to give person that. And so that was when we started trying to figure out how to make it and stabilize it. We grew up broccoli sprouts for a long time, got really good at that. scaled it up enough so that we could help help out one person at a time really. But, you know, from that we started down the journey of trying to figure out how to make it into a pill. Because a lot of people can't can't eat, you know, the, the cup of broccoli sprouts, that's necessary to get the right dose and, and so worked on that for a long time and then and then figured out how to stabilize it.
If you don't mind just to kind of paint the picture here. If everyone's not caught up. Brock Elite i derives its name because it's from broccoli sprouts, and it's elite because correct me if I'm wrong, john, but you essentially have the only stable so fear of fame delivery system available in capsules, in other words, and in other terms you can find so if you're a fan of different supplements, etc, on various platforms, some that rhyme or sound like a jungle, and they probably aren't the same. or certainly don't perform actively, like what we would find your broccoli does that correct?
Yeah, so the this sort of, I would guess the marketing hitch here is that they re coined an old name. The precursor to sulforaphane is called glucoraphanin. Correct. And so they changed the name of that to
sulforaphane glucosinolate. Yeah. Okay.
So that is the new marketing term, okay, because we're gonna I went, when I tell my patients, the first thing that they do, I say, Listen, I really think that for whatever reason, and I have a bunch of medical reasons why I want their NRF two pathway to go up. First thing they do is go I went on Amazon, and I found this sprout product that's $12. And I'm like, that's glucoraphanin and then that takes me down a rabbit hole. Can you just explain really quick, why glucoraphanin is not the same thing as so perfect.
So glucoraphanin is stable, and it's waterside long. It's relatively easy to isolate. And has been available for a long time, but you have to convert it through an enzymatic reaction. In order to make sulforaphane but then the sulforaphane is unstable. So you can make it all you want, but it's only going to stick around for you know, a day or so. So you can't put it in bottle and package it and get it out there. So that was that was sort of the magic because it is making the stable sulforaphane. And also along the way we were we're testing lots of other cruciferous vegetables and sort of the the added benefit was that we found that process that we landed on actually stabilizes all the, the isothiocyanates that's the term for all of the ingredients in in these cruciferous vegetables that are good for you. So like, you know, bok choy and, and watercress and, and cabbage, they all have their own individual combination of isothiocyanates. And so we found in testing in the laboratory that sulforaphane and another isothiocyanate from watercress called PITC act synergistically. And we basically used the most stringent test that you can do in order to measure for synergy. Just dilute the dilute the one compound sulforaphane until you see no response. And then you you dilute the PITC. Until you see no response. And then if you combine the two, and you see your response, you know that it's synergistic. So actually, the two primary compounds in our product acts synergistically. So even if someone else had a for fame, stabilized product, ours is going to outperform it.
That's awesome. So the beauty of this is we're leading with the science first because we're going to spend the rest of the time talking to David about the history how this all came to fruition an...
All right gut check project fans, it is now time for a very special episode. I'm joined here with my co host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. And we're here on episode number 43 with the 2020, libertarian vice presidential candidate Jeremy Spike Cohen spike, thank you so much for joining us here today here in conroe, Texas.
Absolutely beautiful. conroe, Texas, Eric. Ken, thanks for having me on. I appreciate it.
It's an honor to have you This is so exciting.
Absolutely. And sorry, for the brevity, we're going to have to move kind of quick because a lot of people want to talk to spike. So we're gonna get straight to it. Okay, if you were elected, and you have the opportunity to change the way that we handled lobbyists, specifically the corn lobby, the corn farmers Association battles to make certain that we keep high fructose corn syrup in all of our foods, we know that it can lead to disease. What is your position on how to handle things like that?
Well, the short answer is the government shouldn't be picking winners and losers in the market, it leads to this very type of thing we need to look at corn is a perfect example high fructose corn syrup. And the corn lobby in general is a perfect example of cronyism leading to actual death and harm as a direct result. So why is corn so heavily used in our foods? Why is high fructose corn syrup so heavily used in American foods and not really heavily used in other countries foods? It's because in the 1970s, the Nixon administration was approached by the corn lobby, which is a very powerful lobby, because they're based in Iowa, which is the first state that has primaries, in every election cycle, they were approached with an idea of stabilizing and lowering the cost of food in this country and the fluctuations in the change of the price of food in this country. By heavily subsidizing corn products. Corn is a hearty crop, it grows year round, it is a great way to provide an ever steady supply of food. Well, here's the problem. High fructose, high fructose corn syrup, is a great way to lead to larger rates of obesity, and diabetes and other issues because it is not processed the same way as other sugars. It is a very, very concentrated form of fructose, it can potentially lead to autoimmune issues, I have multiple sclerosis, I have not been eating corn or corn products for quite some time. And that's a big part of it. Anything that is high in carbs like that. And in general, this is another perfect example of what happens when government has the power to choose a winner and to choose a loser instead of the market. And which in this case would be consumers of food and health consumers deciding what is safest and healthiest for them and creating demand for that thing, which would mean an increased supply of it. Instead, the government goes in and says, No, everyone's eating corn, we're gonna lower the price drastically, it leads to those who have the least those who are the lowest income having to eat more of that because it's what they can afford. And it leads to what we have right now, the poorer you are, the more likely you are to be obese, the more likely you are to have diabetes, the more likely you are to have autoimmune issues, the more likely you are to deal with depression, the more likely you are to deal with a host of health issues that are directly related to the diet, and that the harm the poison that it's caused.
That is exactly what we just talked about. Wouldn't it be fascinating if on a more local level, we could subsidize fruits and vegetables? Get those farmers doing that?
And while that sounds good, here's the problem with that you're now picking another winner right? True. And so while that may be better than corn, without fail, you know, here's the thing. Fruit also was high in sugar. So I could very well conceive you know, a situation where now we're eating Apple syrup, or some other type of high fructose syrup that's coming from another fruit as a direct result of what was originally a well intentioned idea. This thing with the corn lobby, the I fully believe that the politicians who signed off on this Yes, they were getting their their you know, campaign coffer kickbacks from the corn lobby, they also probably thought it was a good idea. They're probably also thought that it was a good idea to be able to stabilize the food, in food pricing in the food industry in this country, it's led to massive harm. We don't know how many hundreds of thousands, millions, possibly 10s of millions of lives have been prematurely ended. And and and and the quality of life been reduced as a direct result of just another bad crony policy, what we believe is free markets, we believe that when people are empowered to be able to make their choices based on their best informed consent of what is the best way for them to eat, we're instead of trying to artificially lower the price of this and artificially increase the price of this. You let people make their choices with their themselves, their families, their health providers, what works best for them, and allow the market to dictate pricing and the market to dictate supply and demand, then you end up with a much more equitable, fair and healthy situation.
So while we're talking about lobbies, we can't ignore the fact that when we're looking at the corn refiners Association, and of course you have the sugar Producers Association, which includes RJ Newman, Archer, Daniels, Midland, Cargill, etc. They obviously have a big push to do sweeteners and then sometimes they work together and sometimes they battle for their own piece of the pie of this of these crony dollars. So with all of that said, so we know that there's this lobby for sugar, but we can't ignore the fact that there's Monsanto and Bayer so they have a lobby also, in essence, what is it that a liberal herion platform or a different platform, our ideal platform for that matter would look like handling lobbyists that essentially make us dependent upon things that are inherently bad for the core
issue here is that you have lobbyists and cronies stepping up to the federal trough to write themselves blank checks of your money that is stolen from you. The answer is to look at the root problem was the existence of that trough to begin with, get rid of the trough, give you your money back stop the cronyism at its core. And the demand for this these crony favors goes away. If the government can't give away crony favors, if they can't pick winners and losers, not just in the health care market. In the energy market, the corn industry is pushing for more and more higher levels of percentages of ethanol in your gasoline. And we now know not only is that know better for the environment, it's actually worse for the environment. It also was corrosive to car parts, which means it makes your car die faster. It makes your car require maintenance faster, turns out to corrode your insides too, right. So here's the situation that we have. This entirely exists because of the lobby system that is built around cronyism around the government's ability to hand out favors in the form of regulation subsidization taxes, mandates, and other red tape and bureaucracy and lobby favors that they create for their favorite cronies that by and pay for them to be in office, the libertarian platform across the board, whether we're talking about health, whether we're talking about education, whether we're talking about energy or anything in between, we are talking about completely dismantling the system and putting the power and the money and the freedom that was stolen from you back in your hands so you can make better choices, better energy choices, better health choices, better nutrition choices that are clearly have been made on your behalf b...
Eric Rieger 0:00
All right, we are here at gut check project. Welcome KBMD health fans and family. We are on location in Conroe, Texas at Southern star brewery with my co host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. I'm Eric Rieger Dr. Brown. It's Episode 42. And this does not look like our set.
Ken Brown 0:19
This is not our set. And this is very special. First of all, shout out to Southern Star Brewery, or letting us do this. Now we're here for a reason, a very special reason we are. This is going to be a really cool episode where we're going to talk about something really important and how it impacts the health and the future of everyone living in the United States. We're gonna talk about high fructose corn syrup. And there's a reason for that, because the next episode, oh, man,
Eric Rieger 0:42
It's huge if we won't give it all away. But if you're tuning in for this episode, you're missing out. If you're not watching the one that comes right after this, we've got a special guest. And it's the whole reason that we're here in Conroe, Texas, Southern Star brewery just north of Houston, you can hear the sound in the background, the music's going crazy, but it's all worth it.
Ken Brown 1:01
And the really cool thing is Southern Star Brewery, I just spoke with their brew masters, they do not use high fructose corn syrup. So we are in a perfect place to do that
Eric Rieger 1:09
We are in a perfect place to do this. So Dr. Brown this particular episode, we're going to really get down to the meat and potatoes we normally don't do, quote unquote short episodes, even though we try to do that. But today, we have a topic that we really kind of discussed that we needed to cover before we had our special guest on. And this is an election cycle also. So of course, the next guest the next episode is definitely I would say political when you say it is definitely political, but also like minded, very like minded and really much very interested in your health. So let's get straight to it. high fructose corn syrup. That's what's on the table today. Why don't you kind of steer us where we're gonna go.
Ken Brown 1:52
So we were planning on doing high fructose corn syrup, regardless. And then yesterday, a patient of mine sent me an article said, Hey, check this out. And an article just got published out of the University of Colorado, okay, where they looked at the lows. Yeah. And they, they were able to associate that symptoms, ADHD, aggressive behavior, and bipolar disease can actually be linked to high fructose corn syrup, not just Oh, if you drink this, this happens, scientists figured out that the reason why is that when you take in high fructose corn syrup, you are actually starving your brain. Your brain thinks it's starving, while your body's getting fat. And so because of that, your brain goes into what is called a foraging mode. It actually turns on remember when we talked about orexin and things like that when when you go into a forest? Yeah, guess what your brain is going Yo, we got to get some food here. Even though you're drinking mountain dews. And you're opening up, you know hohos and stuff and you are morbidly obese on the outside, your brain is starving for energy. And they're attributing that this could actually be the the reason why you have hyperactivity, creating ADHD, aggressive behavior, and bipolar disease. When you have foraging mentality, your brain tells you to go out and do something. So you end up with impulsivity, aggressiveness, and reactiveness. And I just want, there's no way a patient just sent me this article. It came out yesterday. And we were already planning on talking about this beautiful timing. So this is just one article. I mean, that just showed up yesterday. So that is, if you are interested in high fructose corn syrup, and you happen to be somebody who suffers from anxiety, ADHD, or impulsivity, listen,
Eric Rieger 3:41
well, another thing to take away here is where do you find high fructose corn syrup? Oh, I don't know, almost everything that's processed with sodas, breads, treats. It is a sweetener, per se. And a lot of people have even told me I remember when I was younger, that it was just like sugar. Well, it's sweet. And that's pretty much where it ends. We've already talked about the dangers of just even sugar exposure. Believe it or not, it's worse. It's truly worse. We're gonna get into it today, but Coke's, Pepsi's sodas, if they're sweetened. And I mentioned breads and treats. But in sometimes you'll find high fructose corn syrup and things that you don't even perceive as sweet. Which is the problem
Ken Brown 4:23
100% we're gonna get into that. Now, one of the things we do here on the gut check project is we want to bridge the gap. A lot of people always say, Oh, yeah, I've heard the same on high fructose corn syrup. And in this climate right now, it feels like everything could be politicized. Yes. And I feel like even bringing this up could turn into some sort of political argument. That's not what we do here. We're just gonna talk science. Let's, let's talk objective data. So I'm gonna throw this at you. You're better at the historical aspects of things. Let's just briefly go over how did we end up with high fructose corn syrup in everything.
Eric Rieger 4:57
I think if I recall the story, somebody What correctly, we needed number one to have sugar or sweeteners available, we wanted to see if we we mass produced products that the shelf life could be extended. And in doing so we also had farmers that had grown a lot of corn. And so you have the I think it's the Corn Growers Association or corn refiners Association, CRA that essentially functions as a lobbying agency for corn growers. And what they found is they could compete in the sweeteners market by mass producing high fructose corn syrup. And this process was, I don't know if it was discovered accidentally or on purpose. But ultimately, it's a two step process, which one phase of it is somewhat, I guess, naturally occurring if you force it, but it's not a natural thing to have.
Ken Brown 5:52
It sounds like you're describing a Labradoodle?
Eric Rieger 5:54
sorta a Labradoodle of sugar.
Ken Brown 6:00
Kind of natural, but it was forced. Yeah.
Eric Rieger 6:02
It's kind of like a liger. You're not supposed to have them.
Ken Brown 6:08
Did you ever see Dan Cummings? Chocolate squirrel doodle?
Eric Rieger 6:13
Oh, the comedian.
Ken Brown 6:15
He does a whole set on this exact topic. Yeah, mixing animals that shouldn't be missed. Anyways, off topic already, wow, are are super fast episode. on time, DeRay. A lot of the time. Everything you're saying is true. Let's just put a little historical context into it. So basically, since the 1920s, there have been farm subsidies. So the US government has said, okay, we need to help out. We've got a great depression going on, let's make sure we have enough food for everybody. And then, through a series of events, which I'm not an economist, but basically the 1960s. During the Nixon administration, there was a series of events like a couple bad harvest years, and then we made a bad decision to sell millions of tons of grains to the Soviet Union. And all of a sudden, we ended up with a shortage. This shortage, of course, led to the overcorrection, which happens in government at the federal level a lot. It's like driving down an icy road, you turn a little bit here and go well, and then you overcorrect and now you're spinning out of control. Yeah. So in the 1960s, they started this subsidies program where they were going to subsidize farmers and ultimately, the most...
Eric Rieger 0:00
All right, it is now time for the gut check project with the COVID file installment number 11. I'm Eric Rieger, with your co host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. Dr. Brown what's happening today?
Ken Brown 0:10
What's going on Eric? I love you sticking to your roots and the hair just keeps getting bigger and bigger this COVID do that. Yeah going on it's starting to starting to really rock right now.
Eric Rieger 0:20
You can you can see roots you can see some gray Kevin but yeah, roots. Whatever it takes.
Ken Brown 0:27
How have you been? What's going on with the family? let's get let's get caught up on that stuff. We're not doing enough personal stuff lately.
Eric Rieger 0:33
Man family. It's funny. You mentioned that. Yeah, considering what we're going to talk about. But this weekend, I get to go and see my oldest he is in his first semester at Texas Tech. He's loving it, but I'm not seeing him in over a month can't wait till this weekend for us to say hello to each other and youngest Mac has got basketball this evening. They're doing tournaments. And of course, both of them are having to do this readjustment obviously around COVID. And Marie, I couldn't be more excited to to obviously go and watch the boys play. And then go watch or go catch up with gage this weekend. And she and I just remain busy. So it's a it's it's the world we live in now. It's prefaced by my COVID. What about yourself?
Ken Brown 1:23
things are going really good with the family. We're trying to figure out how to get back at some of these tennis tournaments, as they put them on, and they cancel them and so on. So talking to mom a lot and trying to be very proactive about speak with mom trying to figure out how I can get my 79 year old, very Spry mom who's feeling better now than she did when she was 69. So and then 59. I think she's feeling better now than she has in 20 years. And so I started thinking about that I started thinking about family and how important that is. And this is what I want to kind of get into today today's I kind of threw you a curveball, I initially said we're going to talk about something and then I started going down these rabbit holes of research. And rather than rabbit holes, I'm gonna call them vole holes, the prairie vole holes. Alright, I'll explain how that ties in. But when we're looking at this, I'm sitting there talking to my mom, and she sounds great. And we're trying to do this. I've got, you know, we did some some zooms with some other friends around the country. And I'm like, wow, this is an interesting time. And I then started thinking about my practice. And I'm like, and my practice is really busy right now, like people are really struggling, and they're very desperate. So I started down this whole path. This is where it began. And this is going to end up being Angie Cooks podcast, because she's going to come on and I'm challenging her to be the expert in this, because I just got done doing Chris Kresser's podcast where he agreed, we need to bring this one thing out in the open. What we're seeing and what I'm seeing with patients is a consistent deal where if people have some sort of gastrointestinal problem, specifically CBOE, I can trace it back. And then you have these people that are showing up with dysautonomia, they've got pots. Ehlers Danlos and which comes first chicken of the egg did something cause that, if those terms don't mean anything to you, good. If they mean something to you, then you know what I'm talking about, because it's this. It's this constellation of symptoms that nobody has put together before, which is gut something happens to your gut, then suddenly, you're diagnosed as having Ehlers Danlos. And then it's postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome called pots. So for all those people that have this, and there's actually way more than we realize, that's what I started with this, I was like, Oh, I'm going to do a, I'm going to do the preface, the the sort of general 30,000 foot view of why we have this and then I started thinking, Wait a minute, why is this why are we seeing more of this now? Why are we having more gastrointestinal issues, which conceivably can lead to chronic long term stuff. And then I had a wake up in the middle of the night moment where I went COVID people are recovering from COVID. But then they're having chronic issues. And it's really all over the map. Now, cardiac issues, pulmonary issues, some some nerve issues, are we going to end up with a whole new wave of almost post Lyme, chronic infection type things that the immune system is turned on? So then that got me thinking, I'm like, Oh my gosh, we got to figure out this whole motility deal. And during this really busy time, I've got all these people and then I got a article was sent to me by the Journal of American Medical Association, this month, September 2020, that signs of depression have tripled in the US since COVID 19 pandemic So 28% of the people surveyed had at least one symptom of depression, you compare that to 8.5% pre pandemic. So it's not just the number, but the severity of depression is increasing tremendously also. And there's actually a significant number of people that have been diagnosed with serious depression. When you fall into that category, you start really worrying about suicide, you start really worrying about breakthrough of other problems. And it usually requires a ton of treatment and different things to try and get this under wraps. So there's very little research going on right now discussing this. So we've got this COVID problem, even if you don't get COVID. So if you get COVID, it's possible, you have to worry about a long term consequence. We know it can infect the gut. And then even if you don't, we're seeing the next wave of impending pandemic of depression that we're going to have to deal with. So
Eric Rieger 6:00
No joke. I was just going to add that the I guess the the syndromes that you're describing Ehlers Danlos, and POTs, etc. It is reminiscent to the time when you were addressing IBS and bloating, okay, because those were somewhat seen as throwaway trashcan diagnoses. And that's really kind of stealing a lot from you. That's what people felt they're like, well, I don't know, it's IBS, I don't know. It almost feels like it, we're we're now sustaining a wave of POTs and Ehlers. And we're seeing these people come through and they don't really know who they can turn to. And little bit by little bit, it seems like maybe we're making a little bit of headway. So drawing this connection really pulls me in, and others who may actually have happened to suffer from this, or who have witnessed family members suffer from this kind of stuff, because there has to be a way out. And there's usually a cause and just kicking it under the rug and pretending like it's not there is not really going to work. And if we know that COVID is setting us up to experience syndromes similar to this, then more than likely, we can walk backwards and figure out what was it that COVID did to put these things in motion? And what can we do about it? If we become infected to hopefully either curve it or not experience it all together?
Ken Brown 7:23
Well, I think one of the biggest things is that if you are in a situation, you cannot have a healthy immune system without a healthy gut. So what I'm saying is that we do have evidence now that when you have a something that affects your gastrointestinal system system, like an h2 receptor, where spike protein can bind to it, and then that's where the, the whole disease starts, that could lead to a domino effect of more chronic problems. And so I'm sitting, I'm just like, wow, okay, this is daunting, my practice is full, we're getting all these people showing up with these, I don't, I can't giv...
Eric Rieger 0:00
Hello gut check project fans and KB MD health family. Thank you so much for joining us. This is episode number 41. I'm Eric rigger here with my co host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. How
Ken Brown 0:11
are you doing Dr. Brown? I'm doing great, Eric. Episode 41. We're back to check project we kind of dabble between COVID this one is not it's not a COVID episode. This one's gonna be a very informative episode. And it might not be the most lighthearted topic. It might not be something but it's going to save lives. So I want anyone who's listening to this to realize what we're going to talk about is something that's pertinent in the in the media right now, and we're going to help people and that's a little teaser.
Eric Rieger 0:44
Well, so a couple weeks ago, what prompted where we are today is Chadwick boseman. Young man actor. He succumbed to colon cancer now. He has a different story that talks about how he kept it under wraps and really No one knew that he was sick and he battled this issue after being diagnosed with stage three colon cancer. He dealt with it for four years. And really it's kind of remarkable how he just wanted to go on living a normal life and and you know, Godspeed to to him and his family. What a what a hard thing to do but what a soldier he was for him and his family to carry on and try to live a very normal life. But really what it did for me being that I'm I'll turn 45 this year. It made me look at myself and my friends and just be reminded that young and younger people are being diagnosed with colorectal cancer. And it's happening at a large clip far more frequently than it did decades ago. And we'll use and I think that you will also will use around 1990 ish is kind of a marker or delineation of when things started to change in these trends. But why don't you tell me Can what you think whenever you've begun to notice the trend of younger and younger adults showing up for colonoscopies and we've, we've, we've found cancer, we found cancer together with some of our own patients.
Ken Brown 2:18
You know, you and I were talking about this and All right, so first of all, Chadwick boseman. I think one of the things about his very tragic death is what a badass. Okay? This is a guy that can act at a level that very few can get to. This is a guy that I mean, the the movies he's been in the people he's portrayed, he's been amazing and then to find out later that he was actually dealing with some of the stuff while it was going on. Absolute badass and leisure. While he was essentially dying. He was doing charitable work going out meeting with children. We're dying and everything and never once was like, Hey, this is what I'm doing. This all came out after his death. That is so amazing. And you and I were talking and I'm like, Oh my god, I did this article came out this article came out and you told me you're like, Hey, I was listening to the radio. And they were talking about Chadwick. And I really feel like he was a gastroenterologists and me as somebody that puts these people to sleep. We have to do this. And I was like, Yeah, but everybody was doing it. And you're like, No, we just need to do this because it's there. And now when I sit there and look back at how I have been trying to fight colon cancer, I'm like, wow, one of the greatest people that could move this topic that we're going to talk about, which is why in the world that a 43 year old man died of colon cancer. I want to give a why to that. Yeah, we're going to talk about today
Eric Rieger 3:58
without questions. So it's there's really no right way to set the table here. And so forgive us here on the show if we kind of jump at different ways on how to approach this issue or colorectal cancer has been appearing far more frequently in the last two and a half decades for younger people and by younger people. It's not or it wasn't, it wasn't normal for people to have colorectal cancer before the age of 40 at all. And and now, we've seen in the last few years where the screening age has moved basically for all insurance carriers from 50 down to 45. And this is to basically capture those who need preventative intervention before it's too late. And go ahead.
Ken Brown 4:44
Oh, no, I was just gonna say that's exactly it. You and I live this world. We talk it all the time. And now because a super likable, lovable person that was taken before his time brings light to something You and I talk about every single day, we screen people young, we find young cancers. So for me, it's like, that's, it's horrible that that happened. But we want to prevent it. And that's what this show is about. It's about finding the science, it's about talking about it. And maybe even if just one person sends their child to go get screened sooner, even if just one person listen to this, says, you know, what I've been ignoring the symptoms of my stool looks a little different, meaning it's narrow, possibly, there's little bit of blood on the toilet paper, possibly, there's something else well, then everything that we do is worth it because we have one person to go ask their doctor and say, I want to make a change. Chadwick boseman, was a tragic death. But the problem is, is that this is a trend of a growing number of people below the age of 50, who are developing colon cancer, and he had stage four colon cancer. This is horrific, it's horrible. And as two people that prevent this cancer. It's, it's, it's a timing thing. And that's what this is about.
Eric Rieger 6:08
No question and this isn't isolated and he's not even remotely the first high profile person to die at a young age from colon cancer. If we all know who Katie Couric is her husband, James Monaghan, he died at the age of 42. In fact, I think the the GI Center in New York affiliate with the Presbyterian Hospital, there's actually named for him cheap, donated quite a bit of money to help them advance the research not only for colorectal cancer, but to start the trend of people starting to detect it earlier. So honestly, kudos to Katie Couric and and the foresight that she saw that my husband should not have died from this and he shouldn't have. We just didn't know that someone is at that age at the age of 42. Back then, which has been over 20 years ago. Yeah, that could have that could have happened. So let's get down to some of the many different things that maybe could contribute to why someone wouldn't go get checked, I'm going to leave the science part of discovering the colon cancer to you. But as someone who's 44, what are some of the reasons why someone might not go when they should go. And we'll get to the symptoms a little bit, but there's just some, some normal or abnormal things that have had have occurred over the last few years that may be contributing. Our sources of food have continuously changed quite a bit as a person who was born in the 70s. And a kid of the 80s best food was normal in learning about GMOs. Who knows no one's really made all of the connections and of course, there's a lobby that wants is more or less to somewhat ignore some of the things that could be the the key factors to allow Our body to grow these tumors etc. So, there's no doubt though, that if you were to compare my childhood with my parents who their generation does not have a high incidence of colorectal cancer, when they were in their 40s, there's obviously some type of environmental change, somehow. And I would say that food may have played a part and then there's some other things. One would be males. Traditionally, males just don't go to the doctor when there's signs and symptoms that should be sending them there. I mean, we know that here with with artron to our biggest purchasers of artron. teal, are women. Even if it's for the men in their lives, they actually are the ones who purch...
Eric Rieger 0:00
Hello It is now time for the gut check project KBMD health fans and those at the Ken Brown clinic. I'm here with my guest host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. We've got an incredible special guest with us here today Dr. Tom O'Brien joins the show. Like and share of course, Dr. Brown once you take it away and introduce our awesome guests.
Ken Brown 0:19
Well, I'm so excited because Dr. Tom, you and I have been running in similar circles. And every time I bump into somebody including different lab companies, including different mindshare people, everybody's like, Hey, you and Dr. Tom need to hang out. I'm like, I keep missing him. I'll go on a summit and he'll be like before me or after me. And then I'm just like, Oh, this is awesome. So we finally got you, wrangled in, you've got so much stuff going on. You're an author, you're a doctor, you obviously do some incredible deep dives. And what I love about you is everything that I've seen you on a webinar on a summit is science backed and that's exactly what we do. So I'm just thrilled I I have no agenda for this. You got a ton of information. If we ended up talking about something that I need to learn about, I'm just going to peel off and say, Wait, explain that. And that's, that's for me. So I'm not trying to question you, but like, sure, where I've read some of your stuff. And it's pretty cool. We're talking the same stuff, fix your brain through your gut, that kind of thing. That's all about us. So, welcome. So excited.
Dr. Tom O'Brian 1:18
Thank you. Thank you so much. And I'm thinking a place to start if I may. The Alzheimer's Association came out last year and said one out of three elders dies with Alzheimer's or another dementia. So that means between the three of us, one of us is going down in our brain function, and it ain't gonna be me.
Ken Brown 1:42
It's gonna be Eric. It's gonna be Eric.
Eric Rieger 1:43
This is unfair.
Dr. Tom O'Brian 1:44
I feel like I understand. But that's a reality check. And with a reality check like that, whether we like it or nobody likes to talk about brain function, no one does. You know, we all know someone that had a heart attack and survived. They changed their diet, they started exercising, they lost 25 pounds, they look better than they've looked in years. Most of us know someone diagnosed with cancer that went through the recommended protocols. And they're doing better than they've done in years. No one knows anyone diagnosed with a brain deterioration disease that's doing good. It terrifies us. And so we avoid the topic. So I want to talk about first the reality check that our healthcare system is not quite working the way we want it to and more people are getting sicker, especially if we talk about the brain and kids with autism and the numbers are skyrocketing and all that, but how can we look at our health care if our bodies aren't working the way we want them to right now? What's the big picture view of that? How do I get a big picture and I want to suggest this concept because I have found that this works really well. When I moved from Chicago to Southern California in 2010 I needed a map. How do you get from Chicago to San Diego? You need a map, you know, and I may know how to get to Denver cuz you just get on I 80 in Chicago, it takes you to Denver, right? You know, I may or it actually doesn't, it takes you close and you have to go up and 94. But I don't know how to get to San Diego, you need a map. When your body is not working the way you want it to you need a map. You can't just look for a better form of vitamin C, or what brain nutrient Can I take to help my brain function better? We have to have the map and what is the map in healthcare. The map is understanding at a layman's level, how I got to where I am and if we don't. To understand how we got to where we are right now, we are just like a dog chasing its tail trying to get somewhere else. So the question about brain dysfunction, or the question about auto immunity is, why is the immune system attacking my own tissue? Why is my brain not functioning the way it's supposed to, and you have to do a deep dive. And you don't need to be a geek and know the science because there's lots of information out there now. But we have to be willing to be uncomfortable for a little bit of time in being overwhelmed with knowledge. And we take it just one step at a time. That's why the subtitle of my most recent book, you can fix your brain. The subtitle is just one hour a week to the best memory, productivity and sleep you've ever had. And it's not cutesy subtitle It is the only way to be successful at changing the direction your brains going. Because as you learn more and more about the things that you didn't know, you mean that little bit of mold on my shower curtain there, it secretes spores into the air every time I take a shower, and I'm inhaling those spores and they go right up to my brain. And the number one type of Alzheimer's of the five types is called inhalation Alzheimer's, meaning what you're inhaling is causing the inflammation in your brain killing off brain cells. Yes, change shower curtain, you know, or whatever the trigger is. People don't know what the trigger triggers are. So they don't know what to do and they're hoping for a magic pill. You need the map. How did I get to where I am, so you then can make the corrections over six months to a year that turn your health in a new direction.
Eric Rieger 6:00
I agree with that. I think that with where you're where you're beginning here in our discussion, many of the things you listed there, there's a lot to unpack, but many of the things that you listed there are, I think some huge tenants that that we discussed here on the go check project. One of those is that gut brain access, Dr. Brown talks quite a bit about the relationship for brain health and how it begins really with systemic health, which obviously originates in the gut. And then you're talking about issues of, of nerves and obviously the brain is a bundle of nerves but neural health and so what is it specifically that we need to do to protect our bodies from I would assume you're getting to long term inflammation what what the caveats are there that are initiating those inflammatory responses? So is there something that you wanted to kind of peek at there were
Ken Brown 6:51
Yeah, so love where you're going with this. I'm um, as a gastroenterologist what I'm seeing is an exponential growth of autoimmune disease, Crohn's all sort of colitis are those celiac disease. Those are the ones that I deal with. And we're seeing this huge exponential growth. What you're describing is one in three people getting Alzheimers, we are seeing that autism is increasing. there's a there's a common theme here. And it's this upward hockey stick that's going on with chronic diseases. I love everywhere you're going and you I'm my bandwidth is only so large, where I have to kind of focus on how do I improve your gut to improve your brain and now you're talking other aspects. I want to get into that, but I want to know more about the guy. I'm a real big fan of how I built this. So I want to know more about the guy, the doctor Tom, how did you end up deciding that you were going to go down this path? I've heard a lot of your lectures so I know that you're super smart. I know you're very well read, but I don't know you. So let's talk about you for a moment.
Dr. Tom O'Brian 7:52
Sure, sure. When I began my medical education in chiropractic school, very first week, the very first week I knew absolutely nothing. You know, we're working on a cadaver. I've just seen a dead body for the first time learning how to work with cadavers and genetics classes. There wa...
Eric Rieger 0:00
All right, welcome back to COVID files. This is actually an extension of COVID files number nine, so we used to call them 9.5. When we brought in Dr. Ackerman, we just call it nine plus,
Ken Brown 0:12
man, I think we ought to call it COVID file 10. It actually deserves its own thing. Now I understand that you've gotten some, some listeners that maybe were a little bit dismayed by how we ended the last podcast. Can you go ahead and get everybody up to date in case they didn't see it?
Eric Rieger 0:28
So there's there's actually a lot of things to attack number one, we had covered phone number nine, and COVID File Number nine, we talked specifically about the NRF two pathway. And we laid it all out there leading people up to the fact that how do you supplement the NRF two pathway because of how beneficial it is. If you've missed that. Don't watch this episode yet. Go back check out episode number nine. It's going to really lay the groundwork for this episode of COVID file number 10. Second thing, this is our first time this is my co host by the way
Ken Brown 1:00
But why don't you can write a long time since we've been together this close without without a mask on? We work together with a mask
Eric Rieger 1:05
No kidding.
Ken Brown 1:06
But you know, thank goodness, it's easy to get tested now. So at least I know as of this moment your test was negative. My test was negative, we can be this close together.
Eric Rieger 1:13
at least for as good as the test was. Yeah, it says that we're negative.
Ken Brown 1:17
And I'm super excited that you're able to multitask during this podcast.
Oh, yeah.
With you being so Eric, as you can see by the headphones, that he is a dual timing is a air traffic controller. Is that correct? You're getting feedback there. Is that why you're wearing headphones? And I'm not that is why I'm wearing them. Go ahead and raise your altitude.
Eric Rieger 1:37
Bet Yes, that's we're doing a little bit of double duty. Here we are in the studio. But we're all alone. We don't have anybody helping us. Paul is still doing a fantastic job of doing the production after we get finished recording. But for right now, we're keeping our exposure to a minimum because this is the first time that we've been this close.
Ken Brown 1:54
Eric Rieger 1:55
We've got a mask on
Ken Brown 1:55
It really is. And you and I have worked together this whole time. Yeah. Several times a week. But we have a Had a 95 mass on and so at some point you got to start to, you know, push the boundaries a little bit, we've got to get the studio, let's go ahead and do this. And why do I feel comfortable about this because what we're going to talk about today is an extension of last podcast, check it out. It's about the NRF two pathway. We'll recover that really quick, just briefly go over it. But I'm going to tell you how the NRF two pathway can be very effective in overall health right in multiple ways, but also the possibility that there is compelling evidence to show that if you do not have a healthy NRF two pathway, then you are at risk for getting COVID-19
Eric Rieger 2:39
Ken Brown 2:39
So you and I are trying to do everything in our power to make sure that we have optimized our bodies in case we get exposed. Last episode we talked about how Joe Rogan's always saying why don't healthcare workers talk about how to prevent getting it that's what that whole show was about? Definitely. So it was about the last episode we talked about the NRF two pathway. And so today, what I want to discuss are some papers that I have found that show how to use certain natural products to improve your NRF two pathway. And that's right where we ended, we ran out of time last time, but specifically how this could be a new target to actually prevent SARS cov. Two, which is the virus that causes COVID-19 and reduce oxidative stress and inflammation while improving your immune system overall, and down regulating these two receptors, so it's kind of crazy, because it's like the panacea when we start talking about this pathway. And I started looking into these different papers. I'm like, why isn't anybody talking about it? Right? And I think that frequently, you and I have kind of pushed the boundaries a little bit and talked about stuff before everybody else was because we're, well, because we're just two turntables and a microphone. Because we have the access to some microphones.
Eric Rieger 3:52
It's just yeah, access to microphones. But even more importantly, it's science based. What we're doing is we're staying true to the whole order. Have the origination at origin ation origination of the program which is we're finding compelling evidence to talk about as it applies to not only our but your health
Ken Brown 4:10
yeah and so I think something that we have the ability to do is that been in healthcare and having access to wonderful people that help us out like Angie cook where we can get these articles that say Angie I want to talk about NRF you know, just unloads incredible articles on me and then we go through and sift through this. It's essentially what we're not making any claims. We're not saying anything to run out and this is what's what you should go do remember the disclaimer is, although I'm a doctor, or crna, we are not your crna and your doctor if you do have anything unusual going on if you have that weird rash or if you believe that you need to dogmatically look at something that we're talking about here and say I'm gonna do this, it's gonna protect me that's not what I'm saying. Talk to your doctor. What we're giving you is information. We're giving you science backed information. You do with that what you want. Ideally, I want you to take it to your doctor. And say, look, these guys are talking about this right? We should be talking about this. Right? So that's sort of the disclaimer right there, but it's all based on science. So, recap. We did talk about the NRF two pathway and we discussed how ridiculous the acronym is the acronym is nuclear factor, e two factor related related factor. I'll say that one more time nuclear factor, e two factor related factor, hence the f2, which is really funny. All right, it's the master regulator of cellular health, and it detoxifies all your cells. It stimulates cellular defense, and if any type of insult starts happening that protects the cell, specifically when we're talking about SARS, cov two, it actually down regulates the h2 receptor which allows the SARS cov to to attach and I'm gonna throw in a new term that we did not talk about last time because now it's relevant. The in normal conditions your NRF two pathway remains suppressed and kind of controlled like a cage using something called the cytoplasma repressor protein keep one that is the KE AP one. Talk about bad acronyms that's ever decided the NRF two decided that the keep one. The acronym stands for kelch like erythroid cell derived protein with CNC homology associated protein one cannot make that up. Like whoever was discovering this did not go to any acronym training at all. Now, we thought the NRF was bad. Now I'm going to tell you that there's something called the keep one protein, which doesn't allow your NRF to become activated. This is going to be relevant when we get into the next interesting. And so in response to any type of damage or attack or oxidative stress, the NRF two will actually separate from the keep protein which is controlling it, dive into the cell, hop into the nucleus and then turn on On 250 jeans, that's wha...
Ken Brown 0:00
Welcome, everybody to gut check project, Episode Number 39. A super cool one because my co host is also our guest, the expert, the person that we all love whenever Eric goes out of town on a mountain biking expedition, which is what he's doing right now. So we have the super smart, super well trained Dr. Stuart Akerman as both our expert guest and our host, Dr. Akerman, thanks for coming.
Stuart Akerman 0:27
Ah, thanks for having me here. I was more than happy to pay for Eric's vacation so that I can do this.
Ken Brown 0:33
You are pretty sly like that. That's pretty interesting. You're sort of, you're sort of pushing him out. And so I think that's, you know, he thinks he's having fun.
Stuart Akerman 0:41
I made him think it was his idea. I mean, that was really what came down to.
Ken Brown 0:46
Well, in today's episode, this is really cool because when I said that Dr. Ackerman is both the co host today and our expert is because we're going to tackle a topic that a lot of people have and it is diarrhea specifically related to something called a epi exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and you're like, Huh, I saw a commercial on that. What's that? Exactly. That's what all my patients say. They're like, what is this? They come in and talk about this. So usually whenever Eric and I before we start, Dr. Akerman, what is going on with you and the Akerman family anything personal you want to share?
Stuart Akerman 1:20
Yeah, could share all kinds of things. It's been definitely interesting. And the quarantine life as we now gear up at the end of the summer trying to figure out what do the kids kids are sort of excited to go back to school not sure what they're going to do, but I never thought they'd have this problem that they've actually watched all there is to watch on TV and they need something else to do.
Ken Brown 1:44
That reminds me of I think I saw some funny video where somebody was sitting in front of in front of his computer and it goes, you've done it. You've reached the end of the internet.
Stuart Akerman 1:54
It's kinda like that. There's nothing. You only have so many subscriptions, I guess.
Ken Brown 1:58
Exactly. Yeah, well in the brown household. I took Lucas to a tournament pretty cool. in Wichita Falls, it was a well run tournament. So kudos to the tournament director out there. It was a college tournament. So Lucas out, unfortunately lost in a tough third set tiebreak to a really good player. And you know, we just kind of move on. And we got so excited to talk about what he learned from that. And then by the time we got back to Dallas, they had canceled the national tournament, which is why he was doing this to prepare for the next one. And so we're dealing with that where we try and make plans and keep these the passion up. So
Stuart Akerman 2:37
And you know, when we were talking the other night, I actually realized after we hung up that I wanted to ask Lucas, I mean, I know that it's a junior tournament. So there's no betting and things like that. But there must be some sort of handicapping system right because they are rankings. Where was he ranked in comparison to this kid who's several years older than him?
Ken Brown 2:58
Well, this was actually a college tournament. So it was for college players. And so he's 15 he played a 21 year old and actually they're just on ranking level is they were both on par so the two he's Lucas was the number one seed in the tournament. And that man was the second was the number two seed so it worked out perfect the bracket got the what I consider the two best players to play in the end. And funny you bring that up because him and I were in Panama right when COVID hit because we had to bust out a Panama he was doing what's called an ITF. And I happen to have a friend there in Panama who lives there and has been doing sort of digital marketing and all this stuff. And he was running a betting website. And he goes it's not he goes people from around the world will bet on anything. And then we started talking tennis and he goes the most rigged sport, like for betting where people like there's all kinds of junior level sports that people bet on because they know that they can kind of tilt the odds one way or the other.
Stuart Akerman 3:55
Oh my gosh.
Ken Brown 3:56
There's yeah, it was a whole new world for me. So like when you say that I kind of cringe because I was Just like oh, no, you know, we've got we're going to start like hustling you know peewee baseball and stuff like that.
Stuart Akerman 4:07
I thought I thought about how he took a, you know, someone who's I think five years or six years older than him to the brink and almost beat him.
Ken Brown 4:15
Stuart Akerman 4:16
But has such a competitive spirit to be upset by that.
Ken Brown 4:20
Oh, totally upset, like, on the way home just, you know, I had two match but he had two match points. I had two match points. I just, I just would have you know, I'm like, I know. I know. It's, it's life and what's really cool is that you know, you move on and do that. So I apologize a little bit if I'm a little nasally. I do not know what blew into town, but it is killing my allergies today. So and I, it's not COVID I smell great. Also two things. I don't smell great. But I can still smell things.
Stuart Akerman 4:48
Smell things
Ken Brown 4:49
Smell things. So let's get back at this. So before everybody's like, well, they're just gonna talk about their family the whole time, I want to reiterate something so we stole Dr. Akerman four years ago, three years ago.
Stuart Akerman 5:01
Five years ago.
Ken Brown 5:02
Holy cow time passes fast. We stole him from New York because he is a specially trained expert in advanced endoscopy. So he does the things that most of us have not been trained in. And a lot of that involves the pancreas. So you and I got to talking and we had a patient recently who showed up to have her endoscopy done and she said, Hey, do I have this? And I called you in and you looked at that unlike epi exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, I'm like, man, if these drug companies are spending so much time advertising for it, we better just address this head on and let's just have an episode you're a pancreas expert. I'm more of a lumenologists is how I like to consider myself and so the lumen I like colons and I like stomachs and and hemorrhoids but you are an advanced trained person that everybody if you have a pancreas call up Dr. Akerman and make sure that your pancreas is okay. So hat you know, that's what I'm saying.
Stuart Akerman 5:58
Yeah, so this is definitely something that's getting a lot of press. And, you know, if you look around TV, internet, I mean, it feels like the ads are just constantly jumping at you. And it's something that it gives everyone pause that has diarrhea. And, you know, there are different estimates, but more than 5% in a conservative estimate more than 5% of the population deals with chronic diarrhea in some form. And you know, 5% is a lot of people and not everyone gets to the bottom of what's going on with them and gets that relief and that, that feeling that they know exactly what it is and how to deal with it. And for years, pretty much we knew about inflammatory bowel disease and knew how to evaluate for it and rule it out. And then there's kind of a short list, you know, all we look for what we have, you don't have any of that you probably have IBS.&n...
Hello gut check project fans and KBMD health family It is now time for COVID believe it or not episode installment number eight. We can't escape it. It will not go away this this is going to be probably the most controversial episode to date that we've ever done on on COVID. Your co host here, Dr. Kenneth brown along with me, Eric Rieger. Ken, what's happening?
Not much, Eric. I mean, this is this this episode the way that we're getting into some murky waters. Now we're talking about some controversial things here. And, you know, after watching that video of that Scottsdale woman, barge into the target, and tear apart that mass display. She was wearing that $40,000 watch and it really got me wondering, What is she doing shopping at target with a $40,000 watch on I mean isn't that more of a Neiman's thing or she used to be tearing apart the mask station at Neiman's or I don't know.
You'd think you could use that watch to get somebody to go shopping for you.
It's just such an odd world we're living in. All of this stuff is being captured. And it's not like somebody filmed her. She sent out front filmed herself said this is what I'm gonna do. With a $40,000 watch on. I'm gonna go into this target and I'm gonna destroy this mask display because masks. So Eric Rieger this episode is controversial. What are we going to talk about today?
Well, it sounds to me like we're going to be talking about Karens on Reddit. Is that right?
No, not even close we're gonna be talking about.
Honestly you know what I'll get we got some fans out there and I know two friends of mine whose names are Karen and I think that sucks that they always have to be under fire for a good name.
Oh, your poor Karen friends. They're taking a beating right now.
Ridiculous. But regardless, so no, Karen's on Reddit, what are we going to be doing?
Well, we're gonna talk about masks, and we're just gonna kick some science like we always do. So this isn't a political thing. This isn't a controversial Well, it's controversial for some people. And I don't really understand why because I just want to go over the science of this. So before we get into that, let's talk about what's going on locally. And certainly one thing happened that you and I could not participate in, and it's our good friend, Nick and Jessica's wedding that happened on Friday. Why? Because big shout out to them. Congratulations. That's awesome. Nick is one of our most valued employees. He started the company with us. Love the fact that he got married and I hate the fact that you and I couldn't go.
Yeah, unfortunately, the procedure center that we do all of the endoscopies at...we had a confirmed at least two cases of people that came through we were advised as healthcare providers that we needed to be diligent for at least five days and make certain that we did not insert our presence into crowds of more than 10 publicly and that was, I mean, not to be able to go and support someone that we care a lot about such as Nick and then his new wife Jessica was no fun at all. But on top of that, it also led to doing next to nothing for five days over the Fourth of July weekend. So our freedom was basically sit at home and just trying to get people sick.
That's exactly it. I've got a great firework display of me with a one of those little sparklers in my backyard alone.
Yeah, that's that's about as far as is it gotta be here. We fortunately I live in the country. So there is a handful of folks who shot off fireworks but that pretty much concluded the Fourth of July weekend for 2020.
A quick shout out to my mom just turned 78 on July 4th, got a bunch of pitches from her love the fact that she's still kicking it staining her own deck staining her own deck, taking care of her own yard. 78 mom Happy birthday.
Happy birthday. Diana Brown. That's awesome.
Um, so this is a really interesting thing. I'm a little bit shocked about the whole way that we're kind of approaching this whole mask situation and all these other things right now. This is July 2020, we're in the middle of a pandemic, we're having a resurgence of everything. Everybody's flipping out again, we had the first flip out, and now we're having flip out number two, and everybody's wondering what the government's gonna do, but I don't blame them because we're six months into this pandemic. And there's so many things that have had misinformation from organizations that we traditionally would say, Oh, they said it, it's perfect. So like the CDC and the who the World Health Organization. Let's just go over a couple quick things. And if you look back at the earlier episodes of gut check project on COVID. We've been ahead of the science the whole time, and we've really just tried to talk science not conjecture, not scary, nothing like that. So this is initially, the who said, there's no evidence that this has human to human transmission. Wrong, learned that very quick, that was very wrong. And then the CDC came out and said masks don't matter. And wrong. Now they're mandatory. And we were told that hydroxychloroquine plaquenil was a panacea, it's gonna fix everything. It's gonna cure everybody. And then this article comes out and it says, no, it's harming people. And then everybody retracted articles from the Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine and said, what are we doing publishing this, this crap? And really, an article came out last week that said, no a much more refined, well done study actually shows that it saves lives. And then when they looked back and looked at the original study, that it was probably poorly done, and they didn't equate for certain risk factors and stuff. So it's really hard to know what to actually do this is, this is unprecedented times, this is not something that we have ever dealt with before. So it's okay to be wrong. just own it and know that you're wrong.
It is. And I do want to point out something before we get too far if you're watching this and you feel as if something's going to be presented from a political slant, trust me that is the furthest thing from what Ken and I want to do on this topic whatsoever. Science should be agnostic to any political affiliation. And I think what you're going to hear from Ken and I as we move forward, is just utilize data. That's what science is about. And that's how we save lives. It has zero to do with a with a political party whatsoever.
Dude, this totally reminds me This is deja vu for me, though. I mean, you have to understand remember, I take polyphenols every single day. So I remember back in the 1940s and 50s when seatbelts were first proposed Getting in huge arguments with people. Oh, yeah, just like yeah, seat belts. It aroused heated debates, despite increasing scientific research. It was between, I think it was in 1947 I get in a huge argument with somebody that affirming that the this actually saves lives. And among the arguments put forth against the seat belts, there were all these other things. And they were all disputed by researchers. But the opposition to seat belts remained in place and it took all up to the 1980s to actually make it so that you all cars had to have three point seat belts. And I don't even know when the law went into place where basically you get a ticket if you don't so, I've been through this before I've been through arguments for science tries to win. And so I remember 1948, that was tough.
That's it's amazing how young you look for having been around just after the World War Two and old enough to have that kind of conversation. So my hat's off to you for being around in the 40s. And, and and really just kind of keeping it together and passing for a 40 year old yourself now, so that's kind of weird.
You know it. It's odd. It's a little bit odd.
Yeah, it's really, really strange. I mean, like, seriously, you wer...
Welcome, everybody, KBMD health family and gut check project fans. We are back now with episode number 37. And we have an incredible guest. This is Gabrielle Grandell. She's gonna be joining us here in two minutes. But of course, this is the gut check project with your host, Dr. Ken Brown. Can you want to introduce Gabrielle for us?
Yeah, absolutely. I'm so excited about this. We were introduced through a mutual friend Gabrielle Grandell. She is currently practicing at living well Dallas, a certified health coach certified in functional med as well. And she calls herself an integrative dietitian. Why am I so excited about this because I would love to be sending her people like all day long. This is so cool. And my goal is that she has enough fun that she's a recurring guest slash co co host, because I think she's gonna really elevate all of our games and fill in a lot of gaps that that I need some education on because even though I got a degree in gastroenterology, we do about this much nutrition and I'm learning about it a ton. So thank you so much for joining Gabrielle.
Hi, everybody. Glad to be here. Thank you guys for having me on. Looking forward to chatting today.
Definitely. So Gabrielle, you are at living well Dallas, correct?
That is correct.
So tell us a little bit about what it is you do at living well Dallas because I have a feeling that with your experience, something that Ken and I've talked about is how we see there is a stark difference between our allopathic ideas behind nutrition and the approaches to nutrition. But really, there's this whole other world that's really started to gain steam, even though it's been around for a few decades. And that's the functional medicine approach to nutrition and how to help out with patients who have some some pretty hairy questions. So kind of tell us a little bit about living well Dallas and what you do there.
Yeah, thank you. So living well Dallas is the first Functional Medicine Center in Dallas. Oops, I hit some thing here on my screen.
It's okay. We all, sometimes we always do things.
So it's the first Functional Medicine Center in Dallas. And so functional medicine, right is is about thinking about the medicine sort of why. Why are things happening? Why? Why are these symptoms talking to us? And not just what is going on? But why is it happening and what can we do about it? And so functional medicine is, that's, you know, there's lots of different providers in the center that offer help and treating the whole person because it might be different, different things that they're dealing with, that they need support in. But where I come in is helping people with showing them how nutrition and what they're eating, their lifestyle, their environment, how all of that is helping or hurting them. And so most of the time, what's going on with these folks, whether it be digestive concerns, or headaches or hormonal issues or blood sugar dysregulation, we see all different kinds of people. But the different symptoms that they're experiencing, are usually as a result of what they're putting in their body and what they're putting around them, right, which is nutrition and lifestyle and you know environment. So I help people we have when they when people come in, they fill out a good deal of paperwork, which gives us a really good understanding of their history, kind of their goals, their readiness, we have a readiness assessment, which is really nice to try to gauge where people are coming from in terms of if they're ready to change their diet or their exercise or their sleep patterns or whatnot. We have them fill those things out. That gives me a good understanding of how they came to us and what they're ready to do what their diet history is like. Again, their environment, relationships, things like that purpose. And so we have them fill those things out. And then I'm going to go through that with them in their first visit. And we're going to talk about all the different ways that their body is speaking to them. What has worked before, what hasn't. One of the main differences, I think, between allopathic and functional for what I do is the amount of time that I'm spending with people. So before I was at the center, one of my other positions was at the hospital doing Clinical Nutrition and seeing, you know, 25 to 30 people in a short period of time, all over the hospital,
Which so you were in a major hospital
BUMC at Baylor University Medical Center. Yeah, in Dallas, which
So, I love this. So you went and the reason why is Eric's heard me complain about this. And I've talked to my patients about this. Whenever I do hospital work, I am just absolutely shocked at how many bad things we do to patients. Like, let's not let them sleep, let's check their blood glucose at 2am. And no results. Let's do vitals just so that we can check a box. And then somebody that's in the cardiac rehab unit, they're eating their cardiac diet, which consists of pancakes, syrup, you know.
But, it's low fat!
Oh, it's just as long as it's low fat. Yeah, exactly. So that's awesome. I did not know that you did that. This is this is fantastic. Okay, keep going. I didn't mean to interrupt, but that is that that shift of being a nutritionist in a hospital system to doing what you're doing is you cannot get more polar opposite.
And Gabrielle before you have to go too deep on on why I completely feel like the association for what Ken's looking for for his patients. And then what it is that you provide the audience may or may not realize that allopathic medicine itself is just traditional medicine as we view it today. And even though the word itself means scientifically based, I think that what has really appealed to Ken and me and others, like, like all three of us is that functional medicine has not forgotten the ideas behind applying new science to improve upon old methods. And the intake that you're talking about, traditionally, 15 years ago, there wasn't always a nutritionist who was experienced that took the time to one on one walk a patient through what's affecting them generally. I'm sorry, specifically, they were more general in approach.
Very yeah, nothing was was individualized. And you know, I think that I don't think there should be really a monopoly on who can provide health information and who can help people right...their their husband but hopefully that changes as time goes on. So yeah, so doing the doing the intake paperwork and taking the time is very different than at the hospital where we'd see 25 or 30 people and we'd, you know, it's almost, you know, no disrespect, because I know that there's a lot of dietitians and there's a lot of people in the hospital that are making a difference and, you know, really helping out but it's almost like glorified lunch ladies, like we don't we're talking about calorie counting, we're talking about, you know, tube feed all this stuff is important, but what about the quality? You know, there, there's not enough emphasis on quality of food and again, an individualized approach. And so, so I think that's number one. One of the main differences is just the amount of time so it's like 90 minutes for a first visit. And then after that, which sounds like a lot, but really once you get the people talking and you know you are understanding what's going on And then you start talking about their, their goals and things. Time goes by really quick. I often, you know, struggle with keeping it to that time.
You have...sorry, Eric really quick, just one of the best quotes I've heard in a long time. What I do is I find out what the symptoms are talking to my patients about you said the symptoms talk to us. Way different from my perspective, where you have a symptom, I treat it, it's saying something and we're ignoring what they're saying many times.
Exactly. Yeah. And...
Hello gut check project fans and KBMD health family We are here for what we think is going to be the last installment of the COVID files Episode 7.0. I'm here with your host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. And I honestly we, we got to a point where maybe we've just kind of COVID'd out. So we're going to book in this with some very important information simply because it's stuff that just came up. So what do you say Dr. Brown?
Absolutely. I mean, I think a lot of people with everything that's gone on recently, it is just absolute overload. Part of the overload also is the amount of literature that's coming out regarding this whole COVID situation. We hear one thing we...you know, something else happens we know that all of a sudden, there's articles being retracted now and we're going to talk about that and then there's articles where this and that now it early on, if you look at our original COVID files, I really felt like we were doing a great job of staying of informing our audience and we stayed way ahead of the mainstream media. We were saying things quite honestly a couple months before stuff started getting out. And now we're finding out that okay, everybody's now starting to get or everybody you can get a preprint done, which now you can look up and you can do this and that's what we're going to talk about. I do have a kind of cool preprint whether it's true or not, but now it's almost like you have to put an Asterix next to scientific studies that are being put out there. And that's what we want to talk about today. Because as of this week, the who unfortunately got put under fire a little bit for saying some things and we want to talk about that. We want to then hopefully move on, get back to gut check project, get back to talking about food, nutrition, health, lifestyle, biohacking, all kinds of stuff that's a little bit more in our wheelhouse, but we I think we did a really good job of addressing the COVID attack that came on but I think it's, we just have to wait and see how it plays out now and then re circle back when everything's open.
I'm in no, no joke. So let's let's just get straight to it. So and I'll preface only by saying this COVID file 7.0. And then we've had the half sessions where fortunately, Dr. Stewart Akerman has joined Dr. Brown to bring pertinent information for tests and interpretation. We've we've really kind of slowed down on trying to dive in much more on COVID because there's just been so much information just like what you said. And then what occurred earlier this week with some probably more misstated information than misinformation.
Misstated is the way to say it, yeah, yeah, for sure.
It's the World Health Organization which, by which full admission from my end you sometimes you kind of have to wonder what all of their motivations are. However, I feel that in this particular situation where Maria Van Kerkhove or Kerkhove I could be mispronouncing her name completely. I don't want to butcher it.
Yeah, well, I've got yeah, I wanted to talk about that because her and I are actually pretty good friends. Yeah, I mean, like the press refers to her is Dr. Van Kerkhove, but I know as Maria Rosanna de Joseph Van Kerkhove and that's how I address her because we're close like that.
That's cool, she sounded like she was from Nebraska. There's no doubt
Maria Rosanne de Joseph Van Kerkhove. There's some Latin influence we've got some Italian we've got some I think de Joseph is what is de Joseph if you have a D if it's a MC, something McClanahan then you say Irish a de Joseph a D, with a little E. Large J what is that?
De Joseph? I'm not really...
Van seems somewhat Dutch. Kerkhove seems
Scotch Romanian.
Scotch Romanian Yeah, yeah. So, but it's funny because this this poor woman was at a press conference and was asked a question and she said something to the effect of basically oh, asymptomatic people probably can't transmit or it was just off the cuff. And literally, within minutes, reporters were tweeting the statement, which then became virally shared on social media, which then was immediately put on the news networks. And then we've got poor Dr. Fauci coming on going aye you know he probably call it i'm sure they're friends he's like, and I'm sure there is good enough friends as me and her are so Dr. Fauci called Maria Roseanne de Joseph Maria Rosanne de Joseph Van Kerkhove. I think and she just went I know Dr. Fauci, I'm that was at a press conference and I was just talking to a colleague. So
So let's let's break down what she said she she basically interpreted and she has backtracked, but initially she made it sound as if acement....asymptomatic people or people who are not showing symptoms, even if infected, rarely transmit disease. Now this is this was big news because the reasons why we worked so hard to actively flatten the curve was because there was a threat of you may be spreading disease and having no idea. So in essence, what she initially said or the way it was interpreted was, well, what we thought was this massive threat. It's not that it doesn't exist. It's just not quite to the level that maybe we first were describing. And even I when I heard that I turned to you, I was like, did you hear what they just came out with?
Oh, no, I mean, that's part of the problem. We're still socially distancing. But as soon as you heard her say that and you got the tweet, you drove the hour and 10 minutes to the studio and I was like, whoa, I'm like, what are you doing we're socially distancing? You're like, didn't you hear what the who said? It doesn't anymore! I'm symptomatic. We're fine. And, you know, unfortunately, you know, I was masked up wearing my body suit and stuff and I sprayed you with the hose, get out of here, go back, go back to Decatur. because we're still socially distancing. Hmm.
Well, I think I just offended Eric, because he apparently dropped off this zoom call. So we've lost him for a moment. But it is true. What he's saying is that the who statement that Dr. van kerkhove mentioned off the cuff was essentially I apologize to our audience that I think I offended you when I said go back to Decatur because you you fell off, I apologize. I'm just saying will you please accept my apology and remain on this podcast with me?
Yes, I will.
Ok thank you.
I was really, really hurt there.
You're very, very forgiving man. So I was just, I was just reiterating that the doctor said an off the cuff statement that asymptomatic people. But what's really what the reason why Dr. fauci had to get involved. And the reason why it suddenly became spread through the news networks is because everything seems to become political. So that was why did we close the economy down? Oh, my gosh, let's get out there. And, you know, we were just talking on the last call that we just had with our partner, Mike logs in about how he was given the numbers in Texas. Some of the highest hospitalizations that we've had. I mean, I didn't see the article. Did you? Take a look at it? Actually,
I did. And I'm going to butcher the last two digits. But essentially, the high watermark I think, was 1900 hospitalizations within one day. And the numbers that they came up with this morning, I believe, is they closed business yesterday was 2500. And change. Yeah, so significantly higher percentage wise, probably for a state of, you know, several million. Still a low percentage overall, but regardless, it's it's climbing and what's very, very important healthcare is trends, because trends are what guide us in what it is that we have to treat. So numbers, maybe not huge percentages. Certainly noticeable but the growth and the trend is is what you need to keep an eye on and currently, we are technically on an upward trend and I and by the way, I'll add that the last three weeks temperatur...
Hello gut check project fans and KB MD health family, it's time to get back to the gut check project. This is episode number 36. With your host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. I'm Eric Rieger. Dr. Brown, how are you doing today? I'm doing
fantastic. We thought that we would get away from the whole COVID burden for a little bit, because it's Father's Day coming up. And you and I are both dads. You and I both had dads. Yes. And I'm very, very particular to the whole Father's Day thing, because unfortunately, my dad died 28 years ago, but I was very close to him. And I had a very close bond. And unfortunately your dad died three years ago, and three half years ago, yeah, three and a half years ago and we talked about our fathers a lot. We talk about what our fathers taught us. We talked about how our fathers helped us, and we tried to share those messages with our kids. And because of the show, we also try and share health hacks and so today's episode number 36. What should we call it?
This is going to be the 2020 Father's Day. biohacker special, we think of that
bio hacker special I like that the Father's Day bio hack special. That's actually called our hack special. Yeah, Mother's Day bio hacks special bio hacks special okay before we jump into it because we're getting into so many cool things that help your dad with and if you're a dad, you're like, I'm gonna want to do that. Remember this is for information only it's not intended to treat or diagnose and all recommendations here are for your information. And as always, if you have something weird going on, talk to your doctor. Eric, that goes for you stop showing me those weird rashes. I'm here for information and entertainment only. But seriously, get that looked at at some point.
Think that you just broke HIPAA regardless.
You're not officially my patient. That's the point. I'm here for information only. You're not officially a patient. You put my patients to sleep and he doesn't have a weird rash. If you've ever put sleep I just realized how weird that sounded.
Yes, it's not a weird rash. It's completely common everyone likes to see it. It's not a big deal at all. So
it's actually a very, very beautiful rash. So if you Whatever it is, it's it seems to be helping you don't
wait, let's, let's talk about something real quick before we get into it because I do get a lot of questions about the products that we have on the site and they're all very, very good. Occasionally people want to know, why do you only feature just three products would you consider carrying and it fill in the blank doesn't matter. They want to know if we have certain other things that we'd like to carry and not that we never would. But currently right now KB MD health. What we want to do is offer products that we know our top of the line and categories that could be relatively new, because what we want to do is help enhance your life and give you the science on why shopping for these specific products with Katie and D health is going to help you so obviously we have KB and D CBD. We've gone ad nauseum over how CBD works, but what we love about KB MD CBD what we branded is that it is Seo a all organic sustainably sourced and extracted the way that we need it to be so that we don't harm you and we deliver the best product possible with KB CBD. Of course we have our Tron deal that Ken brown here is the one who invented it. It's the world's only polyphenols source powered by Colorado, Colorado. That's important because it is a very stable large tannin or poly phenol that works in the small bowel to do what it needs to do. And it's available on KB MD health. And as far as I'm concerned and what the studies prove it's the best in terms of a polyphenol blend used for not only gut health, but systemic health as well. The last thing that we just most recently added was broccoli or actually broccoli Pro. Now broccoli is all natural, superior things and you may read about that. Fear of things. But broccoli is actually the only company that US has been able to demonstrate that they have a stable form of Sofia things that they can deliver to you. There's lots of different Sofia things and actually if you really look close, different concentration levels you can see them on on various websites. There is a reason that broccoli uses what they use and they combine it with curcumin which means it's only available from a physician. And can brown medical doctor KB MD is the one who makes it available for you to purchase. So the reason why I bring this up not only that people ask questions, but today today heading into Father's Day 2020 we put together a brand new combo package now available on the website. It's the biohack package. And essentially, you can choose it either with natural flavored CBD or Senate flavored CBD and you can get all three of those in a minute. is a tremendous savings already but we actually reduced it. Believe $42 off of that. So you can either get the signature package, which is our 20 on CBD, or you can get the biohack package which is all three with Brock elite. And they're both significantly marked down and darker brown anything to add to that before we get into something
yeah significantly marked down as a complete understatement. You and I were talking and we got to describe a we got to talking about our dads when we were working together retelling stories, and we're talking about what the memories of your dads and then how we share them with our kids. And then we said we should just do some sort of Father's Day special. And then we started talking about the discounts and I just kind of let I we're pretty much breaking even on this thing. He's like it's for our dads. He's like we got boys. We want to show everybody that that what we're going to talk about is backed by science and the things that we want to make sure Is that dad stick around, because we're going to get into all the science here. But the only thing I can add is, holy cow. We can't run this very long because this is truly a Father's Day special. You're a dad, I'm a dad, we love our kids. We miss our dads. That's the biggest thing. We miss our dads. If we could have intervened 20 years before my dad died 20 years ago died of complications of diabetes and a post kidney transplant. Had I known what I know now, I think I could have intervened on that. That's super important to me. Your dad died of cancer. Yep. Had we've known a few other things we could possibly have interviewed 20 years earlier. That's what we're trying to do right now. We're trying to make sure that we can be the healthiest that we can be. We looked at all the science so yes, it's going to be a very temporary discount and probably a once in a lifetime because ultimately it kind of hits our pocketbook so but we love it because we love dads and dads are super important.
Hundred percent can couldn't say it any better. In essence, I would say that today's 2020 Father's Day biohack special is not just about lifespan, but it's about one of your favorite words healthspan. We are going to see what we can do to talk about how do you actually expand your health span today? And I think we've got some solutions. So well, Ken, wherever you're ready to start. Oh, yeah,
I'm like you would totally expect. Let's start. I want to start talking about science study study published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. And I want to talk about corvids. Do you want a Corvette is
AI? Well, Chevrolet makes them now
the Corvette? That's very close. All right, so corvids, our group of birds that include Jays, ravens and crows study just came out This is super cool. They're known to be one of the most intelligent genus of birds. So they're they're capable of using tools recognizing human faces and even understanding physics. Some researchers believe that crows may rival apes for intelligence and smarts. So this...
Welcome, everyone. It is now time for COVID Episode 6.0. We have an incredible special guest this time, of course, I'm Eric Rieger with your host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. But today, we have Aubrey Levitt. She is the CEO of Postbiotics Plus. She's very much into research and an incredible entrepreneur certainly knows a lot of the people in the scientific community that have inspired Ken and I to dig deeper to look further. Without further ado, Ken would you like to say hello to Aubrey, and we'll get started.
So you can imagine my excitement when I found somebody that was discussing postbiotics also. So Aubrey, thank you so much for coming in. Eric, do we have any...we need to shout out to our sponsors real quick?
No, we don't have to do that. We just did that. You're all you're all here.
So Aubrey Levitt. Oh my goodness. This is so cool. I felt like I was alone on an island discussing post biotics and then I have this little routine. I'm a very routine type person. I like to work out and go to the sauna. And I do a little mindfulness meditation. And then I just kind of scroll for the last little 10 minutes on podcasts and I just typed in postbiotics and I couldn't believe it. The CEO of postbiotics plus I'm like, not only does she know about it, she's an entrepreneur. She's smart. And she's got like, and then I went to your website, I'm like, she's got like six PhDs working for her like, holy cow, we have got to track this woman down. So I apologize that I stalked you. But thank you so much for coming on the show.
No I was so happy about that. It's so nice to have somebody else on this island with me. Yeah, we put our stake in the ground like postbiotics and then echoes for a couple years, just looking back but no, it's very...
So we're calling this COVID episode 6.0 because although we're gonna talk about the microbiome I want to let you in on something that you're doing. So congratulations to you and your desire to go through science first, hire these PhDs make something effective because you're going to change the world like I believe that we're helping to change the world. A article just came out this month, discussing the gut, the actual title is this gut microbiota and COVID-19 possible link and implications. And then another one just came out that said a comprehensive review on the effect of plant metabolites on Coronavirus. Plant metabolites means postbiotics and then somebody that we will get you in contact with is a PhD that we're working with her name is Silvia Molino, she did it to get her PhD. Her postdoctoral study is so cool. She actually looked at invitro digestion and fermentation of stable polyphenols. So she was able to do an in and of course, invitro means in a lab. So she was able to show the postbiotic effect once through digestion and then once the microbiome comes in contact with it. Absolutely brilliant and so cool. So COVID you're making a difference!
Yeah. All across the board. No, yeah, I just want to say that one of the things that started this fascination for me was you just look at fermented foods, right, which are full of postbiotics and how much of a role they have played in every culture. And we may not have known why in the past, but when we're looking through the lens of the microbiome, we can see maybe a deeper into what's happening here. You know, I know people know probiotics and they know prebiotics of fiber. But when the probiotics eat the prebiotics, then this magic happens. And that's what's also happening in your gut, right if you have all those elements working.
Yeah, totally.
And I think why and what I've seen also why it directly relates to COVID is, you know, people are getting are at risk for secondary infections. And also people are getting antibiotics and whatnot. And that directly destroys the microbiome as we know, which leaves them vulnerable to being populated by whatever's there. And, and weakens them.
If I'm knowing that kind of research and listening to the PhDs while y'all are constructing the studies, and or the clinical trials to find out what is actually going to work. What are some of the endpoint measures that you that some of your PhDs are examining? Is it because they're looking for what the bacteria will do with the things that you present like postbiotics, as you mentioned before, and how do you measure that, is it like short chain fatty acid stuff or what...
We were looking specifically at one thing and just diversity overall, so we were looking at a point of injury. So the one because we wanted to kind of pare it down to. Okay, we know, we're researching the microbiome, and we're looking all these various things, but it's a complex ecosystem, right. And the one thing we do know is that when there is a lot of diversity that always correlates with health. And so we really pared it back to that of okay, but in our modern lifestyle, we have many, many things that affect that diversity and really, you know, strip it. So we looked at antibiotics first in our first study to say antibiotics is one of the harshest things that wipe out gut diversity and leave us susceptible in this window afterwards to either an opportunistic, you know, pathogen taking over or maybe just not recovering to the diversity that we had before. And so we did a study our initial study was to look at these antibiotics because think about it, also, people are coming in for maybe a sinusitis. So having their gut wiped out is a, you know, side effect that is not intended. It's a consequence that's not intended. So we gave them a fermented herbal product, which is full of postbiotics, because essentially, we put probiotic bacteria with the herbal components and it's breaking them down with we gave them that with some live probiotics as well. And we had a control group and we we took their stool samples to see if we are protecting their diversity. So right when they got the treatment, and then you know, all throughout the treatment and 10 days after, and we saw Yeah, so the endpoint was gut diversity is looking to see if the ecosystem was intact.
I couldn't agree more and Brown we've talked about this in the past. And of course, we've seen this in the hospital. Oftentimes when people are given really powerful antibiotics and they come to the hospital. Unfortunately, the end result is often c diff, and it's exactly what it does. It goes through it wipes out all of the bacteria we and it tears down all c diff is all that's left in incredible diarrhea which persists forever so that you're certainly speaking
I think that bringing up c diff is probably the most extreme version of lack of diversity because you wipe out everything but one particular bacteria that then populates so it's almost like having a neighborhood where only one family dominates and they decide what happens well c-diff kills people. It's very serious. I'm a huge as a, as a gastroenterologist, I reluctantly ever try to put anybody on antibiotics and I see So my research was in bacterial overgrowth SIBO, which is, which is a consequence of antibiotics all the time. My classic patient would be somebody that said, I got a sinusitis just like you said, five years ago, took this big round of antibiotics and I've never been right since. And that's that's the patient comes to me as a gastroenterologist.
Yeah. And I was that patient because when I was a kid, I had antibiotics probably every week for years and then I had to go in and have two weeks straight of antibiotics, because I punctured a lung. And so they put you on IV antibiotics. And you know, ever since then it was just sort of this imbalance that couldn't get. I couldn't figure out how to right. And I didn't even know because that was sort of so early on. It was just this uphill battle that I wasn't aware of. So that was one of the things behind of like, you know, I could do everything perfect, but t...
What's up everyone? Here we are, again, we're on episode 5.5, I had to bring back my favorite second favorite co host, Dr. Akerman, because what we're going to talk about today is really interesting. It's the thing that everybody has been discussing in the news. It's how do we test people? Everyone needs to be tested. And then people go, Oh, well, there's these bad tests out there. Oh, with a sensitivity specificity. Nobody's explaining any of it. So as it turns out, Dr. Akerman is really smart at this stuff. And we've been working with a company because we want to introduce rapid testing here in North Texas. And Dr. Akerman has actually helped this company a ton in the type of tests that they're doing, how to explain it. And we're talking sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value, positive predictive value stuff that I struggle with a ton, well as it turns out, the other guy on the side of the screen here is super smart at it. So Dr. Akerman, can you comment on that real quick?
Yeah. First of all, Make sure you don't burn any bridges with your first favorite co hosts.
Yeah, right.
And, and you're right. I mean, we've pretty much turn on the TV go on the internet, and we're talking about, you know, testing, what kind of testing, is it available, how much do we need? And then you kind of hear from the other side that there may be tons of tests, but too many, and they're not as good. And, you know, you sort of take that all at face value. But what does that mean that the test is no good, what makes it a good or a bad test? And I think that's where, you know, maybe we can do a better job of explaining it to people. And you're right, it's it's super confusing. So...
We did Episode 4.5, where we talked about different the mcas and the antibody testing and things. So we kind of hinted at it. But now we're getting to this point where we're saying, Yeah, but what does all that mean? Nobody's talking about it. You You and I got in a discussion John Oliver. You watched a show on that.
Yeah. So you know, I don't want to sort of rehash I don't think we're going to do it justice. John Oliver with his extensive medical degree, did an excellent job last week explaining some of the differences between the tests and some of the pitfalls. But I think where we can add a little value to the discussion is to discuss why. Why is it that the test you might go get at your local, you know, minuteclinic, or doctor's office or anything, why that might not offer you the value that you're really looking for.
Yeah, and we can we talked before about the pros and cons of that. We don't know that. But what we're going to talk about today is why that's why getting a test may mean something different if you're in New York or if you're in Plano, Texas,
right? And you want to know the characteristics of the test the characteristics of the disease process, where you are, and what you're trying to get out of the test. And that will determine whether or not it number one makes sense for you to get tested, and how you can get a better result.
Yeah, so we've been seeing that the FDA is saying that you have to apply for this and then you have to achieve a certain. Let's start with the basics, a certain sensitivity and specificity, sensitivity, my friend.
So actually, what I want to do is I'm gonna I'm gonna share my screen with a couple slides here. And, you know, I want to I want to go over some important definitions. There's tons of stuff and you don't need a degree in statistics to figure this out. But it can be confusing. So I think if we sort of write it down, and might it might hit home a little bit better. So
I'm still impressed that you actually left New York I really because you seem like somebody who would be teaching at NYU or Mount Sinai or something like that. So, thank you for joining our group.
I wanted to have more time for podcasts.
There we go.
So a couple six definitions that I want to I want to go over here. And the first you alluded to sensitivity and specificity. The best way I would explain sensitivity is what percentage of patients that actually have the disease will test positive. Right? So the true positives coming out of the, of the test. And the specificity is the opposite. It's the percentage of the patients that don't have the disease and will test negative. So the patients who appropriately test negative for this disease process. Those are intrinsic qualities of the test itself. So you can apply the specificity and the sensitivity to any different population because the test characteristics don't change. What does change and this is the difference is the positive and the negative predictive values. So the positive predictive value, are the percentage of those positive tests that are accurately positive, and the negative predictive value is the percentage of negative tests that are accurately negative to say it another way, when I get a test, if it tells me I'm positive, what are the chances that it's right? That's what I really care about. I want to know If I think I have strep, and I go get a strep test, and it's positive, should I be taking antibiotics? And will I get better? That's what we're really asking. And it is different than the sensitivity and specificity, which I will clarify in a second. The other two really important definitions are the incidence of disease and the prevalence of the disease because these are two different things. The easiest way to differentiate is the incidence are the proportion of people who actively currently have the disease. The prevalence is how many people were affected, not necessarily currently infected. So when you talk about it in terms of the test that we're talking about the PCR test looking for active viral replication, that's looking at the incidence of disease, who's got it now. But the antibody testing, looks at who's got it or who had it. And that's more a test for the prevalence of the disease.
Well explained. Okay, yeah.
All right. So the classic way we look at this is using this, it's called a two by two table or a two by two plot. And you basically up on the, in the in the top bar here, that's the disease or the process that you're looking at whether you have positive or negatives. And then along the margin here, you're talking about the test characteristics, a positive or a negative test. So when you want to calculate the sensitivity, you're looking at this row right here. So the people who have true positives over the total number of positives, so 80, excuse me, if you've got 100% of people ten, let's say people who have a positive test and only eight of them actually have the disease. That means eight out of ten or 80% sensitivity for that test. When you look on the, the the right column here, that's where you're gonna figure out your specificity. That's your negative side. It's the total number of true negatives, people who actually don't have the disease and tested negative over all the negative tests that's going to tell you your specificity.
So I remember...
Go ahead. No, I was just gonna dumb it down to a level that this...I just remember that when I had somebody explained it to me that think of sensitivity and the specificity. If you were to look at these graphs, think of it like a car alarm, that if you make everything so sensitive, so that you could catch the person trying to steal your car. That means that a horn or a loud noise will set it off. If you make it super specific, that it only means that one method of a car being stolen. And so you have this issue of you have this trade off where you have the you want a car alarm that's super sensitive and will catch everything but you're going to get false positives all the time or do you want a specific test that only catches but every once in a while, they're gonna be able to steal your car a ...
Hello gut check project fans, KBMD health community. This is Eric with your host, Dr. Ken Brown, installment number five COVID file. We're here to, well, you know what, I actually I'm not gonna say what we're here to do because what Brown said he said do you know what I've got in store? And I said no, not all the way he goes good, cuz I'm not gonna tell you so
So this is COVID files number five 4.5 was me and Dr. Akerman and I love our little part time co host Dr. Akerman that is a smart dude. He challenges me to tear apart the literature and it is and we're gonna do more with him because it It allows us to critically eval the literature and he is very academic in his brain and he's an incredible doctor. But the point five is kind of wearing me out every once in a while I just need like a whole number. Really bad at math and, you know, so this episode, we've been so busy doing so many things and we'll get into that right now. But this episode, I realize I'm talking to all my staff. We're talking to patients. And there's an underlying theme here across the board. And it is I'm stressed, I'm worried, how does that affect my gut. And that's what I'm gonna talk about today. We're going to talk about ways to cope and be happy. This is gonna be a fun, you know, self help episode that based on science, always based on science, everything we do is based on science. So that's what I want this to be. I want this to be all about the tricks, tips to stay healthy, to stay healthy and get happy. Because if you're happy, then your other systems like your gut and your immune system are going to be better performing. So you didn't even know that we're going to do this episode, but that's what we're doing today.
Yeah, well, you know what, I'm pretty excited about it, and I can tell you one thing just off the top. Once we started doing the COVID recap, we kind of stopped a little bit as we got a little bit more serious and we abandoned a little bit talking of patients I mean our families I'm sorry, family and catching up and stuff like that. I gotta say, I know it's a pandemic and and hearts out to everybody who's suffered but for us personally been home, I got a senior who's graduating, we got to put in a lot more family time. Sophomore kiddo in the house is hilarious, wife and I got a lot more walks and bike rides in. You know, I didn't work for weeks didn't make any money. But at the same time, I feel a little richer just by some of the extra family time.
So Stu keeps sending videos. So he's gotten into the whole fact of taking some videos based on doing some stuff with us. And he's got his kids doing stuff. They're doing the Akermann News Network, he's keeping them busy. And I realized I'm like, wait a minute. Both you Eric and Stu, have found a way to remain happy, keep your family engaged. And I'm like, that's what this episode is gonna be about. Because you guys did it intrinsically, you naturally are able to find that and that's what I want to talk about. But more on kind of a science level. So it was very hard to sit there and do some of those episodes when the pandemic was starting. And we're like, hey, Eric, tell me about your family. And it's like and then the next line is 1 million people have coronavirus this many people have died this. We're getting away from that a little bit now, because we realized we were in a pandemic, we're in this thing, but now it's time to realize this may be a very slow exit from here and what you did and bracing your kids and what Stu has done, where he sat with his family, and they've, he's turned little movie stars out of his daughters and they're, he's absolutely screwed because they're gonna want to go to acting school now and all this other stuff. But that is the kind of stuff because when I sit with my employees that are stressed to the hilt single moms, they're like, I'm waking up with panic attacks. Dr. Brown, how can I do something and so I was, you know, we're starting to open up the economy here in Texas or open up, your governor Abbott's letting more people get around each other. Now I'm getting all these patients calling me going I'm terrified. I have this disease. My employer now wants me to go back. How do I have to go back but I'm having panic attacks. What do I do? Well, let's do a podcast on that. That's what I thought.
This, to me, I think it'd be a great idea to do exactly that because inevitably we've got to move on. We can't sit around and you just don't want to get lost in watching the counts on television or keeping up with the next the next latest fad on what was one of the crazy things I heard someone saying using a hairdryer shoving that up your nose to blast away Coronavirus? I mean, we need to be practical.
Can I stop you right there? Is that seriously a fad? Because I've been doing that.
Well, I want to let you know that your nose hairs are...they're beautiful.
I know at the very least I've not been clipping them so at least saves them back to a presentable level.
Yeah, I think we're gonna have I think we're gonna have some new fads come out of this thing. I think that some of the 70s hairstyles are going to come back. I haven't had a haircut...
Oh my gosh, I am absolutely loving the crazy hair. I mean, this is awesome. My kids. Well, we'll get into it. But basically you do these workouts you get sweaty and you realize how long your hair is. I'm just like, oh, this is awesome.
Well, you know, I've seen more and more people who've been wearing the mask in public Of course over time. I'm kind of curious if there's are people who generally snack it while they while they walk or why they do things. But now that they're in public, they had this maybe they'll who knows maybe maybe maybe weight loss will be inevitable because people will have a social covering where...
There's all kinds of things. So one of the things I want to try with this episode so that people are looking at this and go every time you do this get so bogged down with science, and it's an hour. I talked to Stu about that. He's like, man, I love doing this, but are we capturing the audience? I'm like, I don't know. Let's try and do a little quicker and see what happens. I don't know. I personally just like sharing information and being totally honest about this this is not about trying to develop it. I mean I want my audience to be happy and we're gaining a significant amount of traction but in this particular case, let's see if we can not get too off track because you and I I do you're always perfect but I always get off track so
It's kind of hard but we'll we'll see...thank you though for...
So I'm gonna throw this out to you tell me something a little personal now that we're not going to get too heavy what's going on with the fam?
Fam is doing great. Gage is still bracing himself they he's headed up to Texas Tech for this fall will be his, his first year in college. The orientation was moved to virtual orientation they have to do that. The level apparently trending in Lubbock currently is as it is apparently flattening out and for right now coming back down. So he'll have an online virtual orientation. Mac is is wrapping up his sophomore year at school. And he just left the house to do a bike ride and for how far who knows? Or who cares. He in his in his brother have taken off and traded out their their terms to to get some bike riding in and that's what they've been doing. Marie's remained busy for her in her business, social media is people still keep up like that. So she actually saw a boom in business over time. And then...
That's awesome.
Yeah. And actually, I went to work today for the first time. I didn't think it was the first time in seven weeks it was nice.
Did the patient flop around and scream the whole time and be like, I'm not out.
Yeah, it was a little bit of a learning cur...
Hey, what's up everybody? Here we are on our COVID files 4.5. That means a point five we have our recurring super smart guests, my friend and colleague, Dr. Stuart Ackerman. Dr. Ackerman, would you please introduce yourself?
Sure, Ken. Thanks for having me again. It's my name's Stuart Ackerman. I'm a gastroenterologist with digestive health associates of Texas. And we're glad that I'm here again to discuss more COVID type stuff.
So on Dr. Ackerman and I did a COVID 3.5 Episode three and a half episode where we looked into the role of COVID in the digestive tract. Today, we're going to look at some journals and discuss the role of COVID-19 testing specifically the role of antibodies, and you're going to be hearing a lot about this. And so a lot of the shows that we're doing, we're a little ahead of the media. So that's what I'm really happy about is that every time we do a show, and then later the media kind of catches up, so. The one thing I do want to address and if you're watching this on YouTube, Dr. Ackerman, you've changed your look a little bit. I mean, you had this very beautiful luscious beard, you know Wolverine like and it's a little different is that because you're getting all the notoriety from the show or what's going on?
Yeah, some sacrifices have to be made. So, as part of my practice, you know, although there's some restrictions because of COVID on doing procedures and seeing patients in person, I still I still have a significant number of emergency and urgent procedures that needs to be done and part of the protocol as recommended by all of our societies is that you've got to wear PPE these protective equipment and some of that is an N95 mask and an N95 mask when it goes over your your mouth and your nose, it doesn't fit to securely if you've got luscious locks like I did. So sacrifices needed to be made.
So Dr. Ackerman did this really cool video where he's basically explained the whole process of this, and how certain sacrifices have to be made. So I suggest everybody go to his website. What is your website?
It's www.stuartakermanmd.com Stuart Akerman dot com
You posted the video on your website, I hope.
Yeah, it's posted on my blog on the website.
That's awesome. I love the video. It's so cool. All right. So when you and I were discussing about doing this, and what I like is that you and I talk all the time. And we discuss journals and we do stuff and we kind of debate a little bit and we poke each other and you were you were discussing that, you know, hey, we should do a show on this. Do you want to do like a point counterpoint kind of thing where we should debate and I laughed because I immediately thought of airplane the movie from 1980 you're way too young for this but the airplane.
I've done I've googled it.
They were doing point CounterPoint. And you know, the whole point of the show is to be so obscenely on either end where the one guy so, a CRNA Jack Kerry that I'm not sure if you know him. Have you met jack? So jack would always laugh, he would use that quote whenever something would happen in the in our endoscopy center. If maybe the scopes weren't ready or a patient showed up late or something got off track, he would always say the same thing which I started thinking about about this. In the point counterpoint in airplane, the CounterPoint guy was like, they bought the ticket, they knew what they were getting into, I say, let him crash. This is not going to be quite like that. Because I think you and I will end up in the same spot ultimately when we're discussing this. So that's kind of where I thought where you and I were hoping to have a kind of a point CounterPoint. But I think we're gonna end up in the same spot. You kind of agree?
Yeah, I agree. I think that it's, it's good to sort of flush out both sides of the argument so that you're more well rounded in your discussion. And I think that's kind of how we approach it, you know, that, we're we're looking at the same data. We're drawing our own conclusions, and sort of coming out on both sides of the argument. I think that's, that's good for any kind of evidence based discussion.
Totally. And what we're going to talk about today is something that is super important, because it is how do we get the economy back on track? How do we use testing to do it? And we're going to take a look at the evidence based approach to this. And in fact, this is coming so fast that this morning I woke up, and I saw a couple different articles that that came out this morning. One of them was an article on a homeless shelter in Boston. And what they decided to do is do PCR testing on everyone in the homeless shelter, and what they found was that 36% of the people were positive at that moment, and we're gonna discuss what that moment means. So 33% were positive, but only 7.5% admitted to having a cough and only .7 even had a fever. The conclusion was in this article was holy cow, we need to do mass testing so that we can see who's really been infected. And then almost on cue, a New York Times article came out today, where it was a journalist that he opens with a with a classic Mark Moran. I'm a comedy fan Mark Moran line, where the the journalist says, "I know a guy. And because I know a guy and the connections I have, I was able to get my hands on a rapid antibody test. And I took the test, and I was negative. The problem is, I'm not sure it was a valid test." I'm like, this could not have been in a better time this guy did this. And that's what we're going to talk about today. You and I know guys.
Yeah, we know people and this is the national and international discussion. Now if you've at all been watching the news, or reading papers or going on Reddit, you know that Italy, Spain, the United States to some degree, they're all discussing this idea of how do we figure out who has immunity? Is there a way for us to figure out who can safely come out of their homes, go back to work, and sort of jumpstart the economy again and jumpstart life? And it sounds dystopian. It sounds like it could be a great idea, it could be a terrible idea and anything in between. But what we don't have is we don't we don't necessarily know the details yet. And I think that's, that's what gets everyone confused, because there's no shortage of media outlets touting this as you know, the next great idea, but is it? I don't know.
Well, we're gonna we're gonna get into that I there was an article written by I don't remember who wrote this, but it was just this just happened in the last couple days about ending the lockdown. And they interviewed a Harvard epidemiologist, and he said, well any of the lockdowns are going to be an effort with trial and error. There is no scientific evidence to this, he's like the best I can say this is we're all in a life raft. I'm not sure how we get to shore yet. What we're going to talk about is possibly how to get to shore. Because if you think about it, governments around the world, they need to triangulate the health of the people, the freedom of the population, and there's no scientific consensus. So what I wanted to do today with you, because you're a super smart guy, much smarter than me, let's kick some science. Let's go over some articles, and then play the pros and cons of each side of it. So I'll throw it back in your court. Where do you want to start with this?
So I think, you know, we, we have a few articles that we definitely want to discuss as the basis for the arguments about immunity. I think before we jump into it, just to get a better sense for our viewers, we need to explain some of the terminology and the differences between the testing methods to understand what best to use to acutely diagnose someone with COVID-19 versus how do we tell that they're no longer infected, they're no longer sick and whether or not or at least to start that discussion...
Hello everyone it is now time for gut check project COVID file number four. We have an incredible guest today with joining your host Dr. Ken Brown. We how now have Mr. Chris Austin from Waxahachie, Texas. He is here with sea long medical and you may have seen some of his incredible essentially their vent hoods they are hyperbaric vent hoods that allow people to breathe better. Chris, thank you so much for taking time out of I know is a very busy morning as you prepare for for more work at sea long medical down here in Waxahachie. How are you doing?
Oh, we're doing well. We're, we're we're feeling good. Oh, no. And first of all, I need to apologize a little bit. It's starting already. My voice starts to go away. Early and earlier every day because of so much talking and stuff we do but anyway, we're doing well just not much sleep and a whole lot of talking but it's all it's all great. It's all wonderful. People are being so, so supportive, it's just I can't even get my head around it still.
Well, no, it's it's awesome. We're obviously in the middle of the pandemic here with the with the COVID crisis but can you want to speak a little bit about what it is that you saw on the TV and why you called me and how I ended up reaching out to Chris.
Absolutely. I may sound a little different because the internet went out of the studio so I'm doing this by phone so that's yeah, so you and I are feeling the same thing here. So I was watching and I kind of joke about this that I've actually become my dad and I like 60 minutes now so a lot 60 minutes.
My granddad so don't...I'm with you there.
And they did this incredible segment. First of all, they they lead up to it with this with the the stress that the New York doctors are under followed by nurse segment, which was just incredible, and I don't want give anything away but I just sat down with holy cow, he's a neighbor. We're here in Dallas, you're in Waxahachie, Texas, and fortunately, like a like a good Texan you woke up early and agreed to do this interview just because you're a nice guy, so it's pretty exciting.
Well that's I appreciate all that but I we're up, we've been up working here for over an hour already. We've been starting at six because of the crisis and staying here til two in the morning the other day, I was there till four in the morning day before yesterday. Just the way it flows go. So, but thank you very much.
So Chris, before we started the interview, you let me know that sea long medical has been around basically doing these hyperbaric helmets since 1985. But you ended up acquiring the company and moving it from Kentucky down to Waxahachie, Texas back in 2016. What drew Chris Austin to sea long medical and then to bring it down here to Waxahachie?
That's good question the, the whole thing started because we have a mutual friend who lived up by Lake Possum Kingdom. And he manufactures hyperbaric hoods does a company called tekna industries and through mutual friends and something like that we became friends. And I have diabetes. So I have neuropathy pretty bad. And was having a lot of problems with my legs. Can you say, Chris, come up here. Let's do some dives. Let's fix that and I didn't really know anything about it at the time. So I said I wanted to come see him anyway it's a beautiful area up there. I went up and staying awhile and took took some treatments, a week's worth of treatments and it's It was incredibly incredibly life changing what happened. I could drastically reduce my insulin. The...neuropathy I'm sorry, it's just went away for not not forever it was gone for about a month. So it was definitely a you know, a changing event for me. I mean it was a whole bunch of other things happened that some people say doesn't happen but my eyesight got better my hearing my sense of smell. You know, it's like a Popeye when I ate this big can of spinach kind of and I said, you know what last getting off track here kinda I used the sea long hood. That's what I use for my treatments. And because that's what he uses. He wasn't he was pretty good friends but pretty good friends with the previous owner and after a while I've gone back and done several more and same results. And he called me. Philip called me and said, Chris, I need to talk to you. So okay, great. No problem. Got up there and did another treatment. And he said, you know, that product you're using, that's hood. Yeah, that's pretty cool. He goes, it's probably going to go out of business. The owners have been around a long time, and they're ready to, you know, retire and move on. And nobody has taken up on his offer to buy the company. And he stated that the company is so important and the product is so important. I really think you ought to buy it because I had just retired after 30 years as an aerospace engineer.
Oh, wow.
That's what we did.
Wow, that is incredible. So I'm actually far more endeared to the story. You are drawn to it because of your own personal experience and benefit. You knew you needed to save the technology so that other people could have that benefit. That drew you into it. You were in retirement, you said that this is something that we can do. You had no idea that there's gonna be a pandemic, though around the corner in 2020, did you?
Not really? But I'll tell you a huge cascade of events in my life for probably three or four years before that, Up to that time, and significantly after that time, made this all possible. No, it mandated it that this was going to happen. You know, we knew about the the aspects of the potential for a great life saving product for non invasive ventilation. And it just spoke, spoke to my heart and my mind right there said, this is what we're doing. This is our destiny. And that's why we're here.
That's incredible. Wow.
So You, you said that there was a gentleman who was at sea long. Was sea long medical created simply for the...the manufacturing of the hyperbaric helmet?
Correct. No, no sea long...he, see here. That's a big, big story. But Hill-he previously owned a very large injection molding corporation.
And a man by the name of shorty long, who was acquaintance of his, who was a professional deep sea diver said, I need something like this and it doesn't exist. They drew up a sketch on a napkin kind of thing. And the helmet was born. And shorty long said I don't I'm a diver. I've got a big diving business and stuff here. I don't want it...you run with it. You've already got all the equipment and all this. So I did.
Well, you kind of hinted at it already because of your own revelations on how you began to feel better. I had a question written down which was to ask you before the COVID situation if if beyond the helmet being an intermediary step before or hopefully saving somebody from intubation, if there were specific diseases that it worked for but you already mentioned, retinopathy and diabetes, do you know if anybody like with sickle cell anemia what...are those are those types of patients that also benefit from this type of hyperbaric helmet?
Well, as you guys know, in the medical field, there's there's a lot of things we have to tread lightly on as far as what we say.
Oh, ok.
No, I'm gonna say it. I'm just giving you that caveat up front. Because the vast vast majority of the indications that we have...I can't even count how many...people have told us this. Plus as we are so became so close to the industry and the and the the process I've personally seen been there and talked to amazing things. children with autism, PTSD course an incredible array of soft tissue damage. Incredible, incredible positive results for traumatic brain injury. And one of them in particular if you look up Joe Namath, you know, the famous New York Jets, quarterback, and few more, but he's g...
All right, gut check fans and everybody at KBMD health. Thank you all for joining us again for a third installment of the COVID file. Dr. Brown and I are here to talk a little bit about the physiology and kind of how people actually get sick. And Dr. Brown actually asked me to do a little role reversal. So can you want to explain a little bit what's going on here?
Yeah, so this is COVID files number three, and we got a lot of feedback when Dr. Ackerman and I did 2.5 we're all we did is talk about the gastrointestinal stuff. Then everybody else is in the news is talking about respiration, pulmonary stuff. And so we got a lot of questions about that. And I just happen to see that like, a world renowned infectious disease doctor, Dr. Peter Hotez was on Joe Rogan. And Joe was asking all these lung questions in detail, so I realized that you know, you're an expert in this your training is a crna. This is right in your wheelhouse. So I thought that we could just do some of that. Even on some of these other shows, they're interviewing virality and they're interviewing epidemiologists and they go really, really into the science. What we know that calm is contagious. And we know that the more information you have that can actually calm you down. And that's what we're trying to do in this show. We're trying to get people through this crisis. But I do believe that if you understand the physiology, then it makes sense why some people can get really sick and it makes sense why some people get better. And so you being an expert in this is just perfect. And we're getting questions like this like from a Mike Logzen from Texas. Interesting. We have one of those working for us also.
Yeah I know, names like that. Just keep popping up there's Mike Logzen one, Mike Logzen two I wonder if there's a Mike Logzen three.
I know, so Mr. Mike Logzen and asked what are your thoughts on why younger people and healthcare workers are getting hit hard as this disease goes on? That's a great question. And in fact very relevant. Newsweek just did an online publication that I received this morning, where it said the over 100 healthcare workers have died from COVID-19 So this is this is an important question. So really what we're going to do with you today is talk about the pulmonary physiology and what happens and when people say, oh, this can affect you, and you get this rapid progression that can be very frightening and different things like that. But just understanding what's going on, I think is the real important thing. So, I just want you to take it away. I'll interrupt. I'm hopefully not too much, because I have a tendency to do that. And if I am just gonna wait I got a slide on that. We'll get to that. So
A couple a couple of quick apologies that we learned in technology since we are all practicing social distancing and Dr. Brown or Ken is, is addressing his patients over in the Plano area I'm trying to help out over here in the in the Denton area. We actually are not together obviously, it's while we're recording like this, so I had to make some really bad drawing slides. Ken, you're gonna love these they are they're really, really artistic. And as I share them with you gonna pull our faces down from the screen. So bear with us, it's not normal. But we'll try to take some breaks in there, we've learned we can't put them all up at the same time at least we're not smart enough to do that. And Ken if I go too deep, if you feel like I'm losing votes just going back, hang with us though. The goal here is to show you how the disease itself is probably going to affect your lungs. And then to get to a point of showing you how we think we can work through it. I'm going to show you the tough parts, but at the same time, what it is that we're hoping to do to really get people through it. So that's
Really even if this is not relevant to you, I I do know where we're going to go with this. And right now, the mayor of New York City is thinking about bringing in a doctor draft where basically they're going to pull doctors out of retirement, they're going to ask doctors in different specialties to try and help out with these pulmonary issues. So you can even forward this to your doctor if you have family or friends that are in the healthcare field. This is something you could forward to them. Because if I happen to get called in, I want to be informed on how to treat people with their pulmonary situation, not just their gastrointestinal. So this this could also be very relevant for healthcare workers, our frontline people.
I agree, I agree. And I'm hoping that we can make some make some light of not necessarily light but bring some information that gives some people some comfort. So you'll see here my very first drawing right off the bat did not load the way I wanted it to. So that's a little bit of humor there. And that's about as good as these drawings are going to get. So I'm sorry, these are loans. That little green arrow is pointing up to a diaphragm, just a quick refresher, as a diaphragm contracts, it pulls down on the lungs, giving a negative pressure or pulling air into the lungs. And that's important when you're healthy. You're pulling air in, you're not necessarily having it pushed in some but what you need to recognize is that the lungs are made up of five different lobes the left lobe has two the right lobe has three and every single one of those lobes has tons, literally over 300 million alveoli per lung. So you a 70 kilogram average adult has around 600 million alveoli and that gives you tremendous surface area for oxygen and co2 exchange. That's what keeps us alive and that's what the oxygen keeps us alive in the co2, of course, is our waste gas that our body is pushing out. And if you were to spread it out flat, that equals to roughly a little bit larger than a tennis court, so Ken.
Wow, and so the analogy I always thought about this is a tree the main bronchus is the trunk, then you get split, and then it keeps going into smaller branches where the leaves could kind of represent the gas exchange or the alveoli. Do you visualize it like that?
Yeah, tree is exactly what they call it. It's a tracheobronchial tree and it runs all the way out. There's actually I believe, 23 generationss of tubes getting smaller and smaller and smaller until we get out to the alveolus itself. So alveoli is all of them. Alveolus is a singular one, don't hold me to it, I often interchange them myself while talking about them. So one particular alveolus. I've just drawn an arrow, it's in the lungs, it's everywhere. But I'm making an arrow and a draw here, because this is what we're really going to get started with on how it all functional I'm sorry, here's the heart. We'll we'll talk about this a little bit later in positioning but know that the heart lies anterior towards the front of your body a little bit, and a little bit over to the left. So but that's where the heart is located as it receives blood pushes it to the lungs receives the blood again and then pushes it out to your body. So let's look at that alveolus. The alveolus right here, you'll see inside the circle, that's actually the external air that we've just breathed in. So that's where our fresh air oxygen, oxygen rich air will come to, and it will be taken up by the capillary. The capillary is the blood supply that's bringing up the gas that needs to pick up oxygen and let go of excessive co2 carbon dioxide, that's the waste gas.
So that's the exchange, the oxygen goes in carbon dioxide goes into the little alveoli, then we breathe that out.
That's exactly right. And you'll notice, even though my drawings are poor, you'll notice you'll see the capillary here in a moment is going to start to kind of pull away in distance and that just makes it harder for that gas exchange. Inside the alveolus there are two specific cells that we have in there pneumocyte...
All right, welcome to the gut check project. We're going to call this episode COVID two and a half. It's going to be a shorter form. And in lieu of my regular host, I have asked my gastroenterology partner, Dr. Stuart Akerman to join us. Because what we wanted to do is go over two recent journal pre proofs one of them being accepted in the journal of gastroenterology and the other one with the American College of gastroenterology both actually augment each other and I think it's a great opportunity to look at something that a lot of people may not realize. Dr. Akerman, thank you so much for joining me on this lovely Sunday morning, March 29 2020.
Thank you so much for having Dr. Brown. And as you can see, we're both in our respective social isolation bunkers. While we have a conversation over the internet to talk about these two interesting articles, you know, the data coming out of China is fast and fast and loose. It just more information comes out every day and thankfully people are aggregating it and analyzing it so that we can get a better plan of attack against this viral pandemic.
Exactly. Right now, to date 683,641 people have COVID19 32,144 have died worldwide. Unfortunately, the US numbers continue to go up. We're at 123,828. 2,229 people have died from COVID 19. So I really admire the scientists around the world. It is like drinking from a fire hydrant at times when you go down these rabbit holes. But fortunately, these scientists put together data in two journals that you and I know it's very hard to get into, very highly respected the American Gastroenterology Association Journal and the American College of Gastroenterology. So I'm in...
And I just want to point out, you know, in case people are starting to feel like maybe things are turning here in the United States, you know, we're still very much in the thick of it and this is applicable every single day all over because, you know according to our current analysis, cases are getting diagnosed and doubling at a rate every two days. We're very much still in the thick of this increase in the curve
100% and one thing that we're going to be discussing today is we may be missing a lot of these people. And we may be missing a very important route of how we could be infecting each other. So let's just jump right into this because the science is well for you and it's pretty interesting because it really involves us if you're wondering why two gastroenterologist are talking about a virus. Neither one of us are virologists or infectious disease doctors, who are most of the people out there talking Well, now we got to play a big role in this. So let's talk about the first article. The title is COVID19 gastrointestinal manifestation, and potential fecal oral transmission. This article is out of Shanghai. Dr. Akerman, I will just throw it to you real quick that, can you give us an overview of this article?
Yes. So this article is, like you said, coming out of Shanghai, it talks about patients that were tested for COVID19 and found very positive and that even after discharge, so in other words, they did well, they thankfully recovered. And this is not, you know, similar to what's happening to us. This is not someone who, you know, was sick for a day or two, they may have been ill possibly ventilated in the hospital for weeks on end, discharged, and still displaying evidence of virus on stool specimens that were taken to culture.
Absolutely, because right now, the way that most people and certainly at the time when China was doing this, everybody to try and detect SARS, CoV2 the virus that causes COVID19. There, you're doing throat swabs. And what they're looking for is the viral load right there and I will say that on a prior episode, we discussed how this is 1000 times more contagious than the SARS 2003 outbreak, and they're actually showing much higher viral loads in the back of the throat. So it makes sense that that's where we're going. But now there's evidence that non respiratory routes like you're talking about include the digestive system. Now one of the theories behind that is is that the same receptor that the virus binds to called the h2 receptor, is heavily concentrated in the gastrointestinal tract, and also the lungs. And so once the virus comes in, it sees this receptor, it gets integrated into the cell. And then once it's there, it hijacks the cell, and that's how it replicates. So the implication that the gut is involved is huge. So what's really I think, fascinating is that these guys figured this out and figured out a test to actually look for in the stool.
That's right, and there are two. There are two laboratories in China that are currently successfully isolating it from the stool using PCR techniques. And hopefully we'll be able to commercialize that in the near future to have it available for water distribution. You know, it's a big deal to be able to isolate the live virus because evidence of virus is not the same as viral activity or active infection. And what they found in this study is that they have essentially proof of live virus and if live virus is shedding, that means that the patients can still be contagious can still give it to other people and act as vectors.
100%. In fact, there's we're probably missing a lot of people because this article goes on to say that this appears to show this fecal oral route the next article goes way deeper into it, and that's where we get into the nuts and bolts. They did reference in 2003, remember that this virus is very similar in structure to the SARS 2003 virus, that is the coronavirus so when they say novel, coronavirus, it's it causes a different type of infection. But a lot of the data they do look back and go, oh, SARS 2003 did this. What they did show is that some of those people had liver damage. And on liver biopsies back then they showed hepatitis. And they were questioning whether it was due to drugs or whether it was actually due to the virus. And the next article, the next article we get into really goes a little bit more into that. These guys even implied that if it binds to the h2 receptor, then there's h2 receptors in the GI tract, but also in the liver, which is something that you're very familiar with and even the bile ducts or cholangiocytes, can you explain everybody what that aspect means and that part of the gastrointestinal system?
Yeah absolutely. So the liver is an organ that we have it sits in the right side of our body and it helps kind of like a filtration system. And there are many, many different injuries that can happen to the liver. I think the most common ones, we think about our viral illnesses like Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, we talk about fatty liver disease a lot lately, and then probably the most common is alcoholic liver injury, right? If you drink either enough or enough over time, you start damaging those cells. But the liver has different kinds of cells there or the liver, liver tissue cells themselves, which are called hepatocytes. And then there's an intricate bile system called the bile ducts, kind of like a tree where all the branches are sitting in the liver and they drain down to the trunk, and that trunk exits out of the liver goes through your pancreas, and then empties into the small intestine. So when we talk about digestion and bile flow, we're talking about bile which originates in the liver and the cells that line that are called cholangiocytes. And in reference to this article, they found that h2 expression is significant in cholangiocytes in about 60% of cells and hepatocytes, maybe a little bit less, only about 3%. So to be more specific when we're talking about the potential for liver injury, yes, liver injury in general, but in specific, a lot of bile duct injury, also called cholangiopathy, or cholangitis.
So I want to clarify the Dr. Akerman this is actually his subspecialty. He is trai...
Okay, welcome KBMD health fans and gut check project fans, it's time for COVID installment number two. These are the code files where essentially, myself and Dr. Brown, a co host we're going to address the latest in research for coronavirus as it applies to healthcare and our community. Dr. Brown, how are you doing?
You know I'm doing is I'm doing well considering the state of how a lot of people are probably struggling through this process. Once again, the COVID files I think you and I really enjoy joking around and stuff, but this is not something that I want to joke around with today. So the show right now we're becoming much more sciency than we've ever been. And it is because I want to make sure that anything we discuss has a reference to it. So let's begin by saying that this is a show and not intended to treat diagnose anyone. I'm a medical doctor. With the current state of anxiety I'm trying to sift through hundreds of articles being published daily because this is a global problem. And I am fortunate enough to have our secret weapon which this week I was on Dr. Chang Raun's in Darrel Hill summit with Dr. Hyman and some other incredible people, Dr. Pompa, Dr. O'Brien and all these people and I, I told them all that Angie Cook is our secret weapon. And then on the CBOE SOS summit yesterday with Chevonne Sarna, I let it drop again. So Angie, thank you so much for working hard and diligently with me to try and get through all of this literature. Cats out of the bag. She is a certified nutritionist and Rn one of the smartest people I've ever met, and she sent me this email right before we went on. Today the numbers are staggering and the stories of what our healthcare workers are facing is heartbreaking. Please be careful. So what we're going to talk about today is mind blowing, to be honest. And I'm just going to be honest. In the sense this is no, this is not opinion. This is not based off of anxiety, or based...this is strictly the science. And this is not the time that I want to, I want to be perceived as I mean, because one of the concerns Eric, you and I've talked about this, I want to shout everything that I've learned from the rooftops, but I don't want to come off as somebody that's saying that I want to try and make money off of this particular crisis. That's not at all what I'm trying to do here. What I'm trying to do is show you the science. So that being said, I've got so much new information. Last time on our COVID one files, we're going to say how we're going to talk about what you can do with lifestyle and supplements. We're still gonna do that. Absolutely. And I actually learned a lot from being on Chang Raun's summit. You can look that up. It's Raun, Chang Raun. Some of his experts are functional medicine experts that understand the supplements better than I do. And I took notes while I was there. And I was a panelist on that. And the stuff that I talked about was really well received by his panelists as well. So everything is a moving target right now. So this is going to be I'm calling it a mic dropping show. Because if I don't get too geeky, and that's your job, Eric makes sure that I don't go into the weeds and be a nerd because I am a nerd to the nth degree. Angie and I have been nerding out crazy, like hair, you know, like reading articles and your hair just stands up because you're like, oh my gosh, there's no way this is here. Nobody else is talking about this. So if I come across here, and you're like, I've never heard of this. I feel like this it's because you're not spending 12 hours a day with the...a beast like Angie and I. She's uploaded over 20,000 articles to our Mendeley account. So I remember Dave Asprey when I listened to one of his podcasts. He's like, let me log into my Mandalay. I'm like, I wonder if his Mendeley is as big as my Mendeley, which is a repository of journal articles. So I'm super excited to get into this show. So that's my initial thoughts. That was my ramble. And I will, I will have everything else will be scientific data from here on out.
Well, let's go ahead and start there. So we last on episode one. Basically, we broke down the various aspects of what is coronavirus? How is it directly affecting and we even talked about the stresses on resources. But now on today's show, not only do we want to leave everyone kind of with an idea on what they can do to supplement their own diet and the day to day things that they could be doing to basically improve their immune system as well as basically weather the storm better. Well, let's get a little bit more into the science of what's been some of the more recent data that I know that you and Angie shared because we've we've had a lot of conversations between last show, you going and doing now virtual clinic, me going and having meetings on transitioning the ASC over to possibly new ICU rooms, which is something we've never had to do before. So I'll let you kind of take it away there.
Yeah. So you know, this is this is daily. It's hourly changing, let's be honest, and this is a global problem. So there's so many studies coming in what I think that makes us a little bit unique on the gut check project, is what we're doing is we're looking at the the data being published right now. 2020, late March, everything's been published, but then because of trying to link it to the 2003 we are able to look at articles back then also, because the SARS COV-2 virus structurally is extremely similar to the SARS first virus the COV. So a lot of these articles are a transitioning like that, where you can say that this is this and then because of that the links allowed us to find other things. So, a lot of what I'm going to talk about is preprints, meaning that I have access to articles that aren't even in publication yet. But the scientists are so passionate about it, that they're just sending it out. A lot of it comes from China because they have the most experience. I believe that when we did our first COV files last week, I don't know what was their 160,000 cases, something like that. I don't remember.
Yeah, they confirmed and that's that's a pretty important thing. So we talked about that last week to confirm just because we're increasing confirm number doesn't necessarily mean Doomsday. It's just that we're able to actually confirm that a number of people actually have it. However, it does become a data point that we need to reconcile with.
And we will yeah, we can we can get into that. But I just want to tell you I just looked about an hour ago and right now, the confirmed cases are 577,495.
Mm hmm.
That has jumped a bunch. There has been 26,447 deaths. I'm getting a lot of emails from healthcare workers who, when these patients are funneled to one institution, like my hospital, that institution, those health care workers are putting themselves on the front line. They are, they are the heroes. They are defending all of us by taking care of this and I just want to say thank you to every healthcare worker that is working shiftwork, that is in hospital, because you are the frontline of this and many times you don't even know if the person you're treating has this extremely virulent virus virulent being very contagious. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Yeah, without question. Thank you.
Now, I this is not a doomsday podcast at all. In fact, to the contrary, what this is going to be is a complete bright light on this whole viral pandemic. I feel like we have spent this whole time figuring or looking at data and piecing together things that will bring hope to everyone. And that's what this podcast is going to be: how do you actually protect yourself? This is based off science. This is based off a bench research. I understand that some doctors would say, well, we need a randomized placebo control trial. We are not in an era right now where we need to do that. I understan...
All right, welcome KBMD Health and Gut Check Project bring you COVID Files, episode number one. It's a little bit different setting right now. I am not sitting in front of or next to Ken Brown my partner. What's up, Ken?
What's going on Eric? Yeah, you sound a little bit different, but that's all part of it. We are practicing some social distancing.
We definitely are. Brown does have a nice brick wall behind him. And I've kind of got one back over here. So if you happen to be looking on YouTube, you can see we've got a wild lamp.
Yeah, just in case just in case somebody accuses us of lying. There's two brick walls.
Yeah, there's there's definitely two two brick walls. So Brown is...Ken you're sittin' what about 60 miles from me? And but we both been having to stay up to date with the facilities that we served the anesthesia you and gastroenterology you could call it a hospital that's actually handled a patient.
We had our first death two days ago from COVID 19. So this is a real thing. I was working in the hospital. This is something that I felt like, it's time although I'm not a virologist, you're not a virologist. Neither one of us are epidemiologists, we do have an obligation as healthcare workers to try and describe everything that we've been reading to get it out to people. So this is something that we cannot ignore meaning as a opportunity and a platform to give some information. Hopefully, we can give something that anybody watching this will at least clarify a few things. That's my goal here is to discuss some of the definitions get into what we're going to look at, should we panic, should we not panic? where's this going? All the things that I asked? Because I spent a lot of time looking at literature, we've got graduate students working for us, we've got nurses working for us, that look up a lot of things. So that's what I want to do in this show today is try and discuss all of it out there. Because the more informed you are, the more that you will be part of the solution. That's the important thing, and realistic, and a healthy amount of fear is appropriate. But not freaking out is the key here.
I agree 100%. And something else I've been home just like you have and in between taking care of work and then keeping up with work. And then obviously, having a great amount of family time while being in a social quarantine, you end up consuming a lot of different information. So what I don't want our show today to be is just the personal emotional things only really we want to do exactly what Brown said. And that is move into information that you can use. Top to bottom, we want to explain things from the top level down so that we can we want to get everybody into understanding. There's unfortunately because it's a new novel virus. There's lots of misinformation in terms of what does it do? How is it affecting us and rather than take a guess I think that what Ken has for you here today is lots of up to date information, we're going to try to put it into a, a mode that you can use, accept and improve and protect yourself.
Because I think what ends up happening is a lot of people, especially people that are trying to quarantine themselves, or they're staying at home, they do binge social media mediaing Is that right? Where they just kind of get on social media and just binge all of it? And it seems like if you look at that, there's going to be two camps of people. You've got the oh, what's the big deal? Nothing's going on. And I see these videos in Florida where people are playing tug of war on the beach, and there's hundreds of people and I'm just like, ph my goodness. And then it's the no, we're in a zombie apocalypse and they, you know, take all the toilet paper and hand sanitizer from the stores. So the only thing I've learned from that is that apparently zombies really hate toilet paper is the best I can tell about that.
They can't stand it.
They can't stand it. So the zombie apocalypse if that's the case, throw toilet paper at them. Unlike Walking Dead where you have to like smash them in the brain apparently toilet paper is the biggest defense that you can have against zombie apocalypse.
Yeah, we don't this is not this is not an avenue the COVID File Episode One is not an avenue to drive people to go and make a bunch of unnecessary purchases or to go in and hoard things that your neighbor needs. So this is let's stay factual. And honestly, Brian, I'm going to kick it off to you and let you kind of lay out the template now outline on how we're going to address the different things and
Yeah so you know, normally, I mean, one of the things that I really like to do on Gut Check Project because, you know, joke around and make light of things but I'm having a really hard time making light of this particular thing. So I am neither in the camp that this is oh, what's the big deal and I'm not in the zombie apocalypse, but I do really think that we all need to take this particular thing extremely serious, and we need to get into it. One of the things that I've noticed is a lot of people have trouble with the different terms that are being used in the news. I mean, they get on press conferences, and they just throw these terms out. How is this changing the world? I mean, there are single moms that are waitresses that their restaurant it has been closed. And this is there's a lot of things going on like that. And I've actually, I knew that we were onto something when I've been trying to get an infectious disease doctor to come on the Gut Check project that physically come on for it really kind of ramped up here in the US, and a few of them were like, nah, I'm good. I think I'm gonna lay low and try and separate myself. And, you know, they basically said, you're on your own on this and I'm like, okay, so this is, I'm gonna have to learn about this myself. And I just want to share the information that I have uncovered about my concerns. And so my concerns are what are all these different terms after we get that, you know, how do you actually present? What's going on with the numbers? What are these numbers real? How infective is this? And then I want to get into some good news about what's going on. And that's where a lot of the research is happening. So we can talk about all these things. Because when I asked my nurses, hey, these different terms, what do these mean to you? Most people don't really get it because CNN, and Fox and these different news stations, they interchange all these names. And so let's start with that. Let's learn the four virus related terms so that everybody's on the same page, because when you read medical literature, they refer to it as one way when you listen to the news, they refer to it, and then they lump everything into COVID19. So let's just start with this. So the definitions, SARS, CoV2, so when people when scientists talk about this, they always talk about as the SARS CoV2, you'll hear infectious disease doctors refer to it as that. It is a type of Corona virus. In the beginning when everybody kept saying this is a Corona virus virus you Google it and I remember I've had friends and stuff go, what's the big deal? It causes a cold like symptom. Well, the thing is, that's a family of viruses, the Corona the reason why when they first came out, they said this was a novel Corona virus, which was not the word that they should have used. That is the word that infectious disease doctors would say they should have said we have a scary Corona virus here. That would have been catching people's attention a little bit more but novel Corona virus meant that it was a different type of coronavirus. So in that family this Corona virus is the SARS CoV2 two because it is a SARS meaning as severe acute respiratory Syndrome type Corona virus like SARS CoV nothing in 2003. That's how come these names are so confusing. So it's SARS CoV2 is ...
All right, it is now time for episode number 35. We are here at the Gut Check Project. I'm Eric Rieger with your host Dr. Ken Brown. We've got someone special here today right between us.
Well, we are in some place special.
We are.
We're not in our home base.
We aren't in the home base.
We are in a basement in Austin.
We are.
Because we heard that this special guy, Ron Klabunde, the founder of Replenish Foundation and Generosity Feeds which you and I are huge fans.
You took your family to go do that. We went and did that. And what he's doing is amazing. And we decided to do a mobile show here. We had the opportunity to track him down. He's busy. He's an important person.
Ron. Obviously we're going to introduce you-the founder as Replenish Foundation as well as Generosity Feeds but we came down here specifically for an event that you're hosting. Without further ado, Ron, just kick it off and then we're going to after you tell us what we're doing here today, we're going to back it up on how you even got here.
Sounds good. So tonight, we are bringing the who's who of Austin together highly curated group of 100 people. And basically we're going to party on purpose we call it POP Austin "party on purpose." Too many parties happen it's just a party, right? What if we bring some meaning to that because all of us are looking for more meaning in life. So we've got the top people in Austin coming together to party on purpose. Obviously we know when the right people are in the room magic happens.
Happens from a business standpoint happens interpersonally. And then there's the purpose side. So tonight, now what you guys don't even know is that you're showing up and everyone there is going to have a chance to create about 2,500 meals for local kids struggling with hunger.
And then flow in the middle of the party.
Oh, that's awesome.
That's awesome.
And then on top of that, we're working to raise $60,000 tonight to help to help feed 50,000 children across America who are struggling with hunger and empower 64,000 volunteers that we're already working with, as an ongoing force for good. So there's our purpose side: party on...
Say that one more time. So tonight, this party that we're all gonna have fun at, everybody's...
Live band...everything.
It's gonna be entrepreneurs coming together, talking, sharing ideas, but you're going to feed how many people you're going to raise how much money and this is a party on purpose. I love that.
Yeah, yeah. So there will be about 2,500 meals created tonight throughout the course of the night. And then, and then we're raising money to help feed 50,000 children in 29 states across America, and then empower our 64,000 volunteers is an ongoing force for good.
So we can't emphasize this enough here. So Ron and...Ken and I met Ron around a year ago through the Baby Bathwater network. And not long after we ran into each other you invited Ken and I to participate in the Dallas Generosity Feeds and we looked at it and we thought, have no idea what this is. And just like Ken said, I was able to get my family-his was actually out of town playing tennis. But loaded the kids up, met Ken. My wife and I we got together and we packed 11,000 meals in about an hour and 20 minutes.
That's dead on.
And it goes to it went to all those kiddos who simply correct me if I'm wrong, but they don't get meals on the weekend. They happen to be on a free lunch Monday through Friday right? But they don't have anywhere to turn for the food so kind of tell us a little bit about Generosity Feed.
So, Generosity Feeds is kind of our...it is our premier initiative. It's what gave us influence and credibility across the country. It's It's why we have 64,000 volunteers today and we've helped feed over 170,000 children across America. I mean, it's crazy what's happened in...with this deal. And I can certainly give you the backstory on how that even started at some point here but but yeah, you came to our event in Dallas, by the way, our first event in Dallas.
Oh, nice.
Oh, was it?
Yeah, our first event our first event there with you. And 11,000 meals created in less than two hours. You probably had about 300 people at that one event alone.
That was...we were packed.
So that was the thing that I was super impressed. I showed up. Everybody there showed up kind of deer in the headlights like, what do we do? And you just you have one thing in common? We're all here to help. So people are like, Hi, I'm Joe. Hi. I'm so and so. These are my kids. This is my wife. He's like, yeah, we're here to help feed some people. Everybody had the same mission. It was so cool. Because suddenly you have a purpose.
Yeah, a shared purpose.
A shared purpose. Yeah.
Yeah. Well, and the beauty of this is it's these 300 people are coming from all aspects of the city. This is the business sector coming together with the nonprofit sector coming together with the local schools. And you probably even had some, some some politicians standing in the room. It but it goes further than that. Then you have people of all ages. You have kids with you-kids as young as three, sometimes moms or dads carrying the child on their chest, right as they're creating meals. And then we've had we had a lady up in Washington State 97 years old, helping start so it's crazy, right? But then it's beyond age, then it's it's the social economic difference. Because Ken you very likely were standing next to a single mom, whose child three weeks later was going to receive the meals that you were creating.
Yeah. And you didn't know it.
Did not know I talked, everybody that was standing next to me. We formed now the beauty is Generosity Feeds does a great job of the logistics of getting the food that's there. This is how we're going to pack this how we're going to do it. It's a well run business.
It's a very well run business and we're going to get into this because to have a good nonprofit...
You better have a good business.
You better have a good business.
Well and I'll even add that it's good business for businesses to be a part of and I think I've shared this with you in the past and Ken you knew it but when we went to go and be a part of Generosity Feeds and of course I'm gonna say this several times because if you're ever interested and Generosity Feeds is appearing in your neck of the woods. Gather your friends and your family and go be a part of it. You'll spend two hours helping out tons and tons of kiddos who just simply need a meal.
Having fun. Music.
Yeah, music.
It was fun!
But, I had never been to a Mod Pizza and mod pizza happens to be one of the sponsors, title sponsors of everything Generosity Feeds does. Because of their involvement and the the fun and the giveback opportunity we had, I've been to Mod Pizza now probably eight or ten times in the last year and I'd never been there before. So I connect with the the business aspect of wanting to be a part of something good. And suddenly I found a good and worthy business that actually has gluten free pizza that my wife can eat. Because so it's, there's there's lots of reciprocity, if you want to be a part of an organization that gives back so if you're, if you're a company, pay attention, Ron's who you need to hook up with if you're interested.
That's why that's why we're here. Atrantil KBS research as a company, we're here to support you. Because we are trying to heal people's guts. Yeah. And you are trying to feed people.
And keep them full...
Eric Rieger
Alright, we're going to get down to the gut check project starting on episode 34. It's gonna be a quick one, but you're gonna love it.
Ken Brown
Yeah, we're gonna try and do this a little bit quicker because what I've gotten some feedback is when you guys get all sciency that sometimes it's it's cool to hear the fun stuff, but the reality is that the science gets a little geeky and it gets almost like a lecture. So I apologize to everyone out there if I've been some weird professor but so my only thing so let's do the personal stuff is your family good?
Eric Rieger
Family's Great! Awesome.
Ken Brown
My family's great also awesome. And that's up for the personal stuff. So like I said, I was called by a good friend, Tim, our good friend his father had...
Eric Rieger
Tim Power been on the show.
Ken Brown
Yeah, Tim power been on the show. His father had a stroke. And he messaged me and he said, Hey, man, my dad had a stroke, and they don't seem to be talking diet. They don't seem to talking supplements. He's in rehab. He's getting better. I'm doing my own stuff. I'm trying to fix this. But do you have any recommendations? And rather than just knee jerk and go, Oh, I'm going to go ahead and yeah, just do this and this and this. I started thinking about it. I went Holy cow, my hospital. Medical city Plano.
Eric Rieger
Ken Brown
Is a level one trauma center and is designated as a magnet hospital for stroke, acute stroke rehabilitation.
Eric Rieger
Ken Brown
So they have a whole team that if you show up with a stroke, it's just like a heart attack. They're badass. Yeah, they show up with like this team of interventional neurologists, and they get in there and they do all this stuff. So I'm sitting there. My quick side note, I'm picking up my family from Mexico, because Luke was just playing tennis. You know, that was the the personal part of it that we didn't get into, but just assume it's tennis.
Eric Rieger
Assume it's basketball.
Ken Brown
Yeah. So I called. I called the stroke rehab unit. And I spoke with them with the nurse. The manager, nurse and she was so cool. She's like, She's like, hey, yeah, blah blah blah Yeah, we were our rates are this. This is the protocol. I'm like, what's a protocol for diet? We don't have one. What's protocol for supplements? We don't have one i'm like, Oh my goodness, let's look at this. So I called our secret weapon. And I started to get into it and it's a much bigger bite to chew off then we can do in this sort of quick episode. So this quick episode, I want to just focus on the endocannabinoid system and stroke. Because what we do with stroke victims is that we basically do everything wrong.
Eric Rieger
I believe it.
Ken Brown
In the hospital.
Eric Rieger
Ken Brown
And when I asked him, like, what is the typical diet? She's like low fat.
Eric Rieger
What's the science behind that?
Ken Brown
Exactly. And we know that the carbohydrates increase inflammation and this and that. I'm like, Well, what else and she's like you had traditionally everybody gets put on a Staten, which causes some brain inflammation, because we're chasing numbers on cholesterol. Anyways, keep listening, because we're going to end up doing another episode on we're going to develop a protocol that I hope everybody adapts, and the nurse was like, that would be amazing. nobody's talking like that. Because everybody has this hammer. I mean, we bring these people in, they have a stroke. And one of the most important things is sleep and what do we do just disrupt sleep, check vitals blood sugar, and all this other stuff. So basically, we focus up we focus on all this stuff. So I called a couple neurologists, and was like, Hey, man, what's the or Hey, woman? I don't want to be sexist here. I'm like, Hey, what are we doing here? What's going on with the you guys are crushing it. So basically they focus on the awesomeness science of clotbusters like tpas and blood thinners. And then they rush in with this incredible technology that is amazing. Where they get in and they do like cardiac clot, like the same thing that the cardiologists have been doing. That they end up just sort of extracting these clots and they just crazy stuff. It works, but then they don't think about anything else,. So here a gut check project. I feel like we check our egos at the door and we look and go, how can we do things a little bit better? I feel like that this conversation that we're having could be the beginning of something bigger. Sure. I feel like we're missing a ton of stuff. This is not to bash traditional medicine at all. This is just a glorious example of how medicine save lives. But unfortunately, if all you have is a hammer then everything's a nail. So we're going to go ahead and look at that today.
Eric Rieger
Let's do it.
Ken Brown
I'm gonna do one brief thing. Because we always do in in the news, we always do our personal lives in the news, mostly because it's a win for me. So I'm just whenever I find news that is pertinent to me, I'll talk about it. And I'll just kind of, like most people just sort of ignore the stuff that bothers you. Bottom line is a study just came out. Looking at coffee.
Eric Rieger
Oh, I love coffee.
Ken Brown
So February is Heart Month, right?
Eric Rieger
It is.
Ken Brown
So everyone talks about Heart Month, and we're strokes are almost parallel to heart. So the same vessels that can ruin your brain can ruin your heart. You're gonna die either way. Let's start fixing it.
Eric Rieger
Ken Brown
So a study came out this last Thursday. So just a few days ago, in a journal called PLOS biology that I follow, which always looks at like new and upcoming research, as it find it. As it turns out, we know that coffee is good in 2017. There was this big meta analysis that show that help with diabetes. And also helped with cardiovascular disease and different things like that. But we really never, we always thought it was the polyphenols. So these guys looked at this and they took mouse models. And what they showed is that the caffeine plays a role.
Eric Rieger
Ken Brown
Yeah. In case you haven't guessed that I drink just tons of coffee.
Eric Rieger
I didn't have to guess I see it all the time.
Ken Brown
Alright, so anyways, they took mouse models, and what they showed is that when you drink four to five cups of coffee equivalent in caffeine, you actually improve the mitochondria in the heart cells. They even show that the mitochondria is that you know, it's the powerhouse of the cell. It's what makes you walk around. It's what drives every single cell they found a protein called p 27, which is stimulated by caffeine. And when they gave heart attacks to mice, and then they gave them coffee, the mice that got the coffee, or the caffeine equivalent, recovered quicker, knockout mice that they took away the P 27 protein or whatever, they all died of heart attacks. So quick little thing in the news, coffee good, helps diabetes helps heart disease. And now we realize that it improves mitochondria. So I got to thinking and I was like, wow, the whole mitochondria is our aging thing. I found an article where they looked at old an aging mice, the more caffeine that they took in during the day, the more that their mitochondria were younger, and it was an anti agin...
All right. Welcome back. It's gut check project, Episode Number 33. I'm here with your host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. I'm Eric Rieger. Dr. Brown. What's happening In a day?
Not much I tell you what, this is really cool Episode 33. It's you and I know guest because we got to cover some serious science.
Yeah, we do. A lot of people want to know what happens whenever you take certain things that works as post biotics, not just probiotics, but what do I do to feed my bacteria? And is that even number one? Is that even a real thing? What's a post biotic? Do I care what happens with the foods that I eat and what my bacteria does with it? And if I do, what's happening? so I'm going to, we're going to deep into deep into, we're going to dive in deep into some awesome science about what happens when we take care of our bodies, bacteria.
Well, the reason why I wanted to get into this is that we got tons of feedback on the fecal microbial transplant episode. And then of course, when we had Panez on here talking about Crohn's disease. Yeah. So one of our viewers, Don sent me a message that basically said, so I'm more confused than ever. What do we do now? I started looking into it, and I'm like, Oh my gosh, now I know why so many things happen to poor Heli I, we're going to talk about that we're going to look into this, and hopefully clear up a few things. But I love the fact that we have viewers that are calling in be like, great episode, but now I'm more confused now and you know, follow it up. So that's what we're going to do today we're going to follow it up and talk about how Heli and Panez that has groans and Ellie, with her horrible autoimmune disease and everything like that with her fecal microbial transplant. I'm now starting to put the pieces together. I'm moving this big bubble of Venn diagrams, and I'm like, Oh, my gosh, this is here. So that's what we're going to do today. Your job because I mean, when I mean, I got excited, like, I my hair started going up in my arms. I was like, it's there. We're missing this. What I'm going to do right now is talking about some stuff that probably should have been put together before or maybe it has been maybe, but I looked at a lot of research I spent I just went down rabbit holes, and I'm kind of excited to talk about it.
Well, it's awesome. It's easy to do. I can tell you that I would imagine that we're probably going to talk about not only post biotics, but some really cool names like short chain fatty acids, right? We're going to head that direction?
We're going to talk about that ..Polyphenols
We're going to talk about SIBO, its IBS, all that stuff.
This is gonna be a great episode. If you if you if you're truly interested in gut health, you cannot ever stop expanding your knowledge and understanding why people say, health begins and ends in the gut. If there's a reason why that people who change your diet feel better, and this is what we're going to talk about today, so..
Yeah, totally. But you know, but before we get into that, we're not just, we're not just podcast nerds. I have a life.
I'm pretty excited. I went and I did Rachel Sheers podcast, Sheer Madness. With her little Frenchie thingy Bulldog, yeah, called Lily. And so we went and did that. That's gonna launch here pretty soon, but you can see pictures of that. So that's cool. Um, and I also feel like I've been working too hard and people ask me, they're like, you know, do you have a hobby I'm like, wow, I'm..No so I was watching 60 minutes and I don't know why I'm turning into my dad. We're now I watch 60 minutes on Sundays and rather enjoy it. But I'm gonna pick up falconry. In fact, I've picked up falconry.
That's amazing. You've already done it in such a short amount of
Yeah, specifically Golden Eagle falconry.
Yeah. So basically I watched a 60 minute episode and Mongolia Nomads depend on animals to get other animals because they have no agriculture. So what they do is they make this bond with golden eagles and they use them to hunt other animals for them. And they've been doing this for thousands of years. Well, there's a woman named Lauren McGough. She's a PhD, she traveled to Mongolia. She's from Oklahoma.
Oh, wow.
Yeah, like, imagine having that conversation with your dad. You're like, I'm gonna go to Mongolia. But she's from Oklahoma. She found this old book on Eagle hunters. And she's like I'm gonna go do this. So she figured out that this is such a unique way of living where you live in unison with the animals. So she went there, she captured her own Golden Eagle bonded with it, and then became part of their tribe and hunted with this thing.
And then has come back and it's been like, you know, a conservationist and she's a PhD and she lectures and all this other stuff. So these things, she owns her own eagle and what they do is they there's, they describe how you actually get it, but it's safe and everything in the ego bonds and then they let the ego go, like you're back out in the wild. I'm done with young either, you know, do you want to leave like when the ego wants to leave, it just leaves, but it hangs out so they can fly 50 miles an hour, and they can see seven times better than a human. And then they let it go. So anyways, I got into it. So I got my first Golden Eagle. And I've been trying to do this, but it just keeps bringing the neighbor's cat to me.
It's not working the way it did on 60 minutes.
While like he keeps bringing the neighbor's cat so it's unharmed, which is really really sweet.
Totally unharmed. It's it's a completely loving eagle, the cat loves it. I just pet it for a little while. Yeah. Then it delivers it back to the neighbor. I don't know where the neighbor is.. Could be different city who knows? Travels 50 miles an hour.
It's common knowledge of birds of prey just don't ever hurt anything. They just want to show it to somebody.
So that's my hobby.
Yeah, interesting. I can't even match that. So probably not going to the boys are about Star basketball playoffs. So that's what we're getting fired up to do. weekend was nice. Did some camping Saturday, Saturday evening. Woke up to beautiful sunrise Sunday. It was it was awesome. And that really kind of what we did this weekend is can take it easy. So..
Good for you. Taking it easy is good. I want to bring up one in the news article that I saw because pretty cool.
All right. You're gonna love this. Just published this month, actually. It was published the February 14th. So in the news, the American Heart Association published a study out of Northwestern on peace. With peripheral artery disease PAD, also known as PVD, peripheral vascular disease. Now peripheral vascular disease or arterial disease is a narrowing of the arteries that reduces the blood flow from the heart. So the further away from the heart. Imagine you have coronary artery disease. Same thing happens all over the body... But the further away it gets, it can actually affect people where you can't walk very, very far and it affects over 8.5 million people 40 years of age or older nationwide. It's a big deal. Sure. So this is so cool. In a small study of 44 people at Northwestern University of patients over the age of 60. They gave them a beverage drink containing flavonoid rich cocoa.
They gave them cocoa and then they added some epigalic tannins to it.
Hmm, sound familiar?
Thats polyphenol people right there polyphenols, they gave people polyphenols the American Heart Association is now starting to catch up they're, I think watching the podcast.
I'm sure they are.
I think the...
Although Dr Brown is a real doctor, the Gut Check project is here to inform, discuss and most of all have fun.
The show is not intended to diagnose or treat anything.
So if you have a new mole, grew and extra toe, and cant figure out that weird rash, we recommend that you go get checked out by your healthcare provider.
So sit back , free your mind, and get ready to think and step into the gut check project.
Eric Rieger
Alright guys, here the gut check project. It is now Episode 32. We have an incredible show today if you've ever suffered from ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, or anybody that you know has ever dealt with an IBD and inflammatory bowel Disease this show is going to be incredible. We have a special guest today and let's knock off a couple of our sponsors for today we have Atrantil, you can get your own Atrantil at lovemytummy.com chock full of all natural polyphenols you will not find a more comprehensive natural collection of polyphenols to address your bloating, your IBS symptoms etc Dr. Brown you know a little bit about Atrantil.
Ken Brown
I know a little bit about it and you know what I want to do to offer everybody you said lovemytummy.com I'm going to add a little something if you want your beneficial policy and also we're going to get into that with inflammatory bowel disease Crohn's ulcerative colitis, just put /KBMD you'll save some money.
Eric Rieger
Save some money go to love my tummy calm /KBMD Dr. Brown is exactly right. Treat yourself treat your gut treat your life Atrantil your bloating relief, it's what they do. Second thing of course here at KBMD health we have the gut check project at KBMD health we also have KBMD CBD and you can go to KBMD health.com and find your own physician vetted co2 all natural extracted, coa of everything that comes out and basically anything that you want out of a CBD we've got Dr. Brown
Ken Brown
Well the thing is is that everybody's kind of buzzing about CBD and I know even the Crohn's and colitis community people are talking about it but it's been studies have shown that over 80% of the CBD that people grab, don't have anything that is actually on the label. And what that means is you don't really take anything or you could be taking olive oil or whatever. Time and time again today today we treated people this morning and they said wow, I was on like three different CBDs and when we started the kBm the health CBD I'm actually noticing something
Eric Rieger
Happens all the time. So if you want reputable CBD, used clinically by gastroenterologist, check out KBMDhealth.com. Get your own CBD today and use code GCP to save 20% on your purchase
Ken Brown
Eric Rieger
20% Next, our final sponsor of today's show is going to be unrefined bakery. If you want to get gluten free keto friendly paleo vegan, they've got it if you've ever wondered I need to adhere to a special diet and I'm afraid that the food's gonna taste bad guess what unrefined bakery makes great food get just so happens to fit your special diet
Ken Brown
You know it's nuts every patient that we had this morning
Eric Rieger
Ken Brown
Knows of Ann & Taylor
Eric Rieger
They definitely do
Ken Brown
They love them like these like they are true celebrities watch that episode. It is awesome unrefined bakery, gluten free. They can do all the other stuff just watch a show it's it's fun
Eric Rieger
Based here in the Dallas Fort Worth area you do not have to live here to get your own unrefined bakery goods. You can actually go to unrefinedbakery.com use code gut check, and you can have yourself some 20% off I believe on your first order and then right 20% off anyhow unrefined bakery. com use code Check, save some money on your first order. So make it a big one,
Ken Brown
One impromptu sponsor.. and just keep watching the rest of the show to figure out why.
Eric Rieger
Ken Brown
If you are a reader and you enjoy novels, go look at a book called in the end written by Dr. Michael Weisberg. In the end. He is an honorary sponsor of this show and for reasons that you will soon see later on.
Eric Rieger
Yes, absolutely. As I hinted at before we got to the sponsors. This is a dedicated show to ulcerative colitis and Crohn's. And we're going to be visiting with a special someone who will tell us a little bit about her story, her journey, hopefully to relate to anybody that either yourself or a loved one on what it's like to face these kinds of challenges, but Weisberg is a fantastic supporter of the ulcerative colitis and Crohn's foundation. He knows a lot and he's, it's awesome. And he has a book like that available. So ..
Ken Brown
In the end
Eric Rieger
In the end
Ken Brown
Honorary sponsor.
Eric Rieger
All right, let's start The project. So now we just wait a little bit and then we're just gonna start talking. And I don't want to mispronounce your last name. Okay. Okay. eyeball 321
Eric Rieger
All right, we are here on the gut check project. It is now episode number 32. I am here today with your normal host, Dr. Kenneth Brown, and we've got a special guest. Paneez Kahkpour. Oh, you know what we had her and now she can talk.
Paneez Kahkpour
Am I back? Hello Everyone. Nice to see y'all.
Ken Brown
Well Paneez has been my patient for over 12 years. What do we have 14 something like that.
Eric Rieger
Awesome. Thank you so much for coming Dr. Brown. You have a monikor for her already that you just annoyed her with. What is that?
Paneez Kahkpour
Ken Brown
Something like that I've always referred to her as the Persian princess. And so she is the she's Dallas's own Persian princess to the end here to the Persian community. This represents you My life the Persian princess. So sweet. She went to Iran of what about three years ago and brought me back a hand painted? What was that? It was art, but it told a story.
Paneez Kahkpour
Yeah, it was. I'm trying to remember what it was. I'm pretty sure it was. Maybe it's like an old fairy tale. It's like a couple. I think it's called Laylee Imagine. I think it's their story, and it's the picture of them.
Ken Brown
Wow. So.. really beautiful. I took a picture of it and send it to my friend Reza, who's who's a gastroenterologist in Florida, whose Persian also and he goes that's that's really expensive. Be very careful with it was like,Oh, okay.
Eric Rieger
You're hanging out the window of your car.
Ken Brown
Using it as a fly swatter
Eric Rieger
Trying to direct traffic in Denver.
Ken Brown
Yeah I was. Let's go over here. These Atrantil ads Don't stick on it at all.
Eric Rieger
So you've had Crohn's Correct, yes. For how long?
Paneez Kahkpour
16 years
Eric Rieger
16 years, you've been a Crohn's patient. And today, I think that what we really want to do is get your perspective on what it was like to be diagnosed to learn about what it was. What led you to go seek help in the first place? So back at the clock a little bit. And what did you first experience that drove you to go? In fact, you didn't go to Ken first you went to another gasterologist.
Paneez Kahkpour
I was. I saw pediatric gi doctor in the beginning, I was 15 at the time, all right. Yeah, I just had all the symptoms. I couldn't eat anything anymore. I was just constantly going ...
All right everybody It is now time for the gut check project. Let's talk about some of our sponsors for today's show, Episode Number 31. Of course, we're going to start it off with Atrantil you can get your own Atrantil at lovemytummy.com/KBMD chock full of nature's best defense against IBS and bloating polyphenols. Dr. Brown, what do you want to add to that?
One of the things is that we know that the future of protecting our microbiome and if you listen to this podcast, you will realize that we're it's all about health span. It's all about protecting your health. And the microbiome is the most important thing that you can actually augment Atrantil augments the microbiome. If you happen to be somebody that has IBS and bloating well we fix that also. So in other words, if you have issues take Atrantil. If you want to protect your health span take Atrantil.
So Atrantil, not only for your gut health protect your lifespan lovemytummy.com/KBMD, lovemytummy.com/KBMD. Don't get it from, Amazon. Get it directly from the Atrantil manufacturers themselves.
You know what, because you need to just get on with this, I'm going to correct you on this. You said lifespan, I said healthspan. Two different things. I want you to be healthy. That's the bottom line. Doesn't matter how long we live. If you end up with Dementia, Alzheimer's Parkinson's, and things like that healthspan, my brother.
That's why we get Dr. Brown on the show and not just me. So lovemytummy.com/KBMD. Now talking about KBMD, we also have another sponsorship, KBMD CBD. KBMD CBD is all organic CO2 extracted and has been used clinically where we gotten results correct?
Correct Absolutely. So one of the things is everybodyis talking about CBD, CBD these days, but getting the proper CBD is the key here.
If you cannot get direct access to a Certificate of Analysis, you're starting off on the wrong foot. All KBMD CBD lot number to lot number. Every single run, has an associated Certificate of Analysis so that you know that inside that bottle is exactly what appears on the label. And everything that we've ever or the Dr. Brown has ever found as a benefit from CBD has been tested in his own GI clinic and not just with himself with many of his own colleagues. So KBMD CBD, you can get your own at KBMDhealth.com. And you can also find the Dr. Brown signature protection package, which includes CBD and Atrantil. Now why would someone want to do that?
That is great question Eric. And the reason why is because when we've been talking to scientists, we realize that when you take Atrantil with CBD, it actually augments your own endocannabinoid production. Meaning, you explain that please.
Well, if you enhance your own endocannabinoid production, what you're going to do is give your body all of the elements that it needs to balance your immune system along with your nervous system. And by having that type of balance, you begin to decrease the, the negative effects of over inflammation. Or you could find out that you could sleep a little bit better that you just don't say have the same aches and pains. Essentially, there's a great reason that we're discovering that CBD is essential as a micro-nutrient that we could consume every single day.
I'm so proud of you.
Thank you.
You've learned so much.
I've learned so much.
Go to KBMDhealth.com, use code GCP save 20% on anything that you wish to purchase.
So ultimately, what happens is that the polyphenols Atrantil actually decrease the enzyme that breaks down your own endocannabinoids and that's how come I started getting into the science of this and I realized that every time everybody takes the KBMD CBD with Atrantil they do better. It augments, it meaning, they work together.
That's on top of the discounts that already come in the...
Sounds like i'm going to lose money on that.
What's important, is that everybody can rest assured you will not have money as a barrier to entry for your health.
You know, that's exactly it. I don't even care about that. So we're gonna lose a little money on this, but you guys get healthy. I'm on it, my kids are on it, my staff is on it, you're on it, your kids are on it, everybody's on it. Everytime you get in front of somebody. Our job with the gut check project is to promote health.
And this is one way to do it.
Speaking of promoting health, we have our first external sponsor that we'd like to go ahead and talk about that is going to be somebody who made it a an appearance on episode number 30. The Unrefined Bakery so unrefinedbakery.com, unrefinedbakery.com. You can use, code gutcheck to save 20% off your very first purchase. And it doesn't matter where you live, even though they are based in the DFW Texas Metroplex, anywhere you live, they can ship to you. Gluten-free, paleo, keto compliant, whatever you're after in your special diet. That's what they specialize in. Low sugar, breads, cupcakes, mix. It's incredible food, that just happens to be gluten free. What do you think of the of the foods that Unrefined Bakery made this week?
Absolutely amazing. They were absolutely delicious. But, here's something else I want to say. I had a patient that just came to me, and they went to the Mayo Clinic they were Cleveland Clinic. They were like desperate, right? And they were told by their gastroenterologist that gluten sensitivity is not a thing.
Guess what? Gluten sensitivity is a huge thing to me. Because every time I eat it, I'm pretty much stuck in the bathroom. So Unrefined Bakery. I love the fact that we brought them on. We had Taylor and Ann. And they, they crushed it. They're super smart.
Definitely. They're dedicated to their customers without question.
Dude, they have the same passion that we do, which is ultimately just promoting health, that's it.
So I know, I had to laugh. This patient came to me and he goes, Yeah, my doctor told me that gluten sensitivity was not a thing. Like it, really is because I live it.
Yeah, absolutely. Unrefined Bakery, unrefinedbakery.com, use code, gutcheck, save 20% off your first order. Make it a big order. So save 20% off a bunch of stuffed.
20%? They're losing money also.
Absolutely. If you walked away thinking you can't have bread anymore, start here. They sell bread, they sell bread dough, they sell cupcakes, they sell cookies they sell like I said.
Can you get on the rest of the show, because I'm gonna drive there. Right now. And go get some cupcakes.
Unrefined Bakery.
You're doing too good of a job of selling this, holy cow.
We may not have a show, this may be it. This may be Episode 31 right here. So unrefinedbakery.com. Be sure and check them out. Use code gut check. And now we're onto the show. You're gonna love Episode 31. Dr. Brown is going to dive pretty deep and we'll get started here in 3,2,1.
Alright everybody is now time for the gut check project. It's Episode 31, we got a special topic here today that Dr. Brown is going to cover. Has anybody ever thought about fecal microbial transplants almost screwed up the way I said it, just then.
No, no, no, you can't screw up poop.
You can't screw up poop.
You can't screw up poop.
No, so I didn't. It's like. It's like everything's fine.
Yeah, I want to try something completely different here. So what, what happened and the reason why I'm to do this show, you and I is that I were surprisingly getting some reach. I got reached by somebody, instant messaged me from Sweden.
Someone from Sweden, Sweden.
Because they actually had GI issues developed bacterial overgrowth, SIBO. And then, in her ...
Welcome to gut check project. It's episode number 30. I'm here with your host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. Eric Rieger here sitting now with the founders of unrefined bakery in the DFW area. It's Anne Hoyt and Taylor Nicholson Thank y'all so much for joining us today.
You're welcome.
Founders? We got the stars of unrefined bakery here!
The stars of unrefined bakery.
The stars!
We're glad to be here, y'all.
I feel like every single show we just keep taking it up a notch. I'm like, how are we gonna beat this and you go I know how we're gonna beat it. We're gonna bring Anne and Taylor on.
People that bring cupcakes.
Yes, yes. cupcakes that won't make you sick.
There you go.
Yeah. And that is no joke. We're going to get to that obviously later in the show unrefined bakery being an incredible place that honestly it's great food that happens to not make you sick. I don't care that they feature that it's gluten free. And that it can be soy free or corn free. They have all of the things to take care of people who have food allergies, the fact is, the food is great. It just happens to be made of awesome stuff.
Well, I'll be totally honest Eric, Eric loves your store he's been eating your get your food I have not heard of it. So this morning I'm in clinic and I had a bunch of people and I said well I'm unfortunately have to keep moving here I have to get to go to a show and I explained who I'm doing the show with it. Oh, I love unrefined bakery I go every time I go to a vegan conference through there every time I do this every single patient talked about you guys and I'm like Okay, we got some rock stars showing up today. I better have my game face on.
Well so quick. We just have to do it to pay the bills right quick. Don't forget that. Every gut check project it's sponsored by Atrantil lovemytummy.com/kbmd to get your discount of course it's polyphenols created by the gentleman right across the table from here Dr. Ken Brown. Anything to add for Atrantil before we talk to the ladies of unrefined bakery,
Only thing to add is that everything that you guys tell your clients we also tell our clients which is we're trying to develop a healthy gut which leads to a healthy lifestyle which leads to anti aging which leads to health span. It's no longer about lifespan. It's about health span. How do we live a happy, healthy life where we share in this with everyone? And the relationship that you two have is so similar to what Eric and I have. I'm actually Eric father, and we started a business together.
You look great!
It's the polyphenols.
It's an anti aging molecule.
It's working!
Well, you want to know what's really cool. Eric's a grandfather also. Yeah.
You're a great grandfather.
Great grandfather.
That's amazing.
It's news to everyone.
So great. Breaking news! Here we go with it.
I think that the I think that teaming up with unrefined bakery and discussing the issues of gluten and celiac disease is so close to my heart. So what I thought we could do today is I want to talk about celiac disease. We always geek out a little bit and clearly you to know your stuff on some science. Your sister's a physician. Yeah, so so you guys talk science at home. We'll talk a little science. We'll talk a little about celiac in general, get people up to speed get everybody's like, celiac. Do I have a wheat allergy? Do I have celiac disease? Do I have gluten sensitivity? Oh, it's all BS. Who cares? That's all just Hollywood stuff. We're gonna get into all that?
And something to add a part that Ken doesn't always get to see is whenever we refer a patient to visit with our dietitians here locally like Susan linky unrefined bakery is always a stop that she's continuously recommended for the last several years because when people tried to bridge over to enjoying foods that they can then safely enjoy. Unrefined bakery has been a great, you know, beacon that you don't have to give up things that tastes great. You really don't. So let's start with the science. I mean, y'all y'all been a great savior for a lot of people..
Yes, I'm gathering that. You've passed that down.
We're gonna let we're gonna let you guys go into the whole story about this talk about food but because this is the gut check Project, our whole motto is you check your ego at the door, and we can talk about anything. So today we're gonna talk a little bit about celiac disease I just mentioned in clinic everybody knew you guys. One of the things overview, it's a common autoimmune issue. If you're listening to this show, and you're like, ahhh celiac, blah, blah, blah, I'm not going to do this. Basically, what happens is your body starts attacking your small bowl, but pay very close attention to this show. Because as it turns out, the prevalence is increasing. A lot. We used to think it was like one in 3000. The most recent studies have shown that it's like one in 184. That was an Italian study that just came out not too long ago. We now know that 15% percent of new celiac diagnoses aren't people older than age 65. So you were quoting Alessio Fasano right before we started this, I had a patient today that said, you know, what, is it possible that you can develop this later in life and I'm like 15% of the new diagnoses are happening at age over 65. So if you think that you don't know or you will never get this. Pay attention to this because there is a chance that you could have this. So you may have celiac not even know it. We're going to get into that. This is not an allergy by definition. It's and it's a little bit different than gluten sensitivity. We're going to talk about all that and clarify it. But before we do this Eric is a huge history buff.
Learned it from dad.
So Oh, one other quick thing we always forget to do this. Although I'm a medical doctor, you're crna and you provide medical care. The show is not intended to treat diagnose or do anything that they should but we're just not just this is for fun. Yeah, but you're gonna learn a lot.
If you have a funny looking toe get it checked out.
Yeah, if you've got some unusual growth, go to unrefined bakery first.
Do go to unrefined bakery first. We're gonna make you feel better. Buy a cupcake and feel better.
You know what, that's it. Recommendation if you do happen, this is not diagnosing or treating, but it will make you feel better if you notice an unusual growth swing by unrefined bakery before you go to the doctor to get that diagnosis of it as you're munching. Oh,
Take one to your doctor and bring some for their office. they'll treat you better..
All right. So what I would like to do is our first ever history quiz. I'm going to sign awards and points on this one. So we're going to do a little history quiz. So the this is going to be about the history of celiac disease. All right. In 1888, celiac was first described by this person, Eric, you get first crack at the answer. 1888 celiac was described by this person. I don't know his name. I just assumed that it's Oh, you're pointing at something.
Oh, it looks like was it Samuel? Oh, you want me to say Bernie Sanders.
But so my son is horrible at improv. Just absolutely horrible.
I thought you wanted me to guess. So I was thinking...
You probably would have guesseed Bernie Sanders...1888.
Well, he was there,
Right Trump is happy with that answer.
Tylor what would be your answer in 1888.
Remember, I am a real doctor Eric is a real crna. We do do real medicine. But this show is not intended to diagnose or treat. Please, if you have any issues like rectal bleeding, go to our website, kbmdhealth.com. Download the E book, learn about it, but make sure that you talk to your doctor about it.
Ken Brown
All right, here we are with the gut check project, Episode 29 a super special episode because we have a guest co host, Eric Rieger was unavailable. And so we had a guest co host today it is Dr. Doug Won, who's here. Welcome to the studio, my friend.
Dr. Won
Thank you so much for having me here. Truly an honor.
Ken Brown
Well, I think that this is gonna be a really really cool show. You're doing A lot of functional things you're really big into treating the whole person. Your background, I think is really cool. I am gonna warn you though. I hope you're a pretty smart guy because Eric's a smart guy. You got some big shoes to fill in. So why don't we at least find out like if you're, you know, like where you actually came from and everything. Tell us a little bit about yourself?
Dr. Won
Sure. I'm from South Korea, immigrated to Irving, Texas when I was 11 years old and went to elementary, middle school and high school in Irving MacArthur High School, go Cardinals. And then after that, I went to Northwestern University. I majored in biology and biomedical engineering, and then went to medical school at utmb in Galveston, and once I was done with the medical school, pursued orthopedic surgery at Washington University in St. Louis, and did spine surgery fellowship in Michigan, and then came right back to Irving, Texas, to treat my friends and family members and my local community and Irving, the city that I love, I went back to it and been there ever since.
Ken Brown
Yeah, you're way smarter than Eric. Yeah. Of course right now he's probably arguing I didn't hear anything about Texas Tech. So you know, so in his mind, you didn't go to Texas Tech. You're not nearly as smart. But I guess you did say a few other things Northwestern, double major biology, biomedical engineering and everything. So, yeah, I think that I think the show is going to be really great. What I want to do with this show today, you have you and I have very similar passions. We're really big into the functional medicine side of things. I want to cover some anti aging stuff. I want to talk about how supplements and nutrients can actually augment a lot of these different things that talk about your past. Now. You are one of the most accomplished orthopedic spine surgeons and I can I have to pick your brain before we even jump in. I was actually talking to a very difficult patient of mine and I wanted to throw out a disease and just see if you've ever dealt with any of this. I believe That we have somebody who is smoldering into ankylosing spondylitis. Now this actually happened to one of our co workers, but now I'm treating somebody who's acting a lot like she did. She spent about two years just sort of, you knew something wasn't right. And then pow it just kind of all popped up. Have you had some experience with autoimmune diseases and stuff like that specifically as ankylosing spondylitis?
Dr. Won
Yeah, absolutely. In our spine clinic, we used to see a lot of patients with ankylosing spondylitis. And then also patients who didn't quite have the the conditions, but they were HLA 27 positive, and they were brewing the different types of symptoms and conditions. And then we also deal with because I also deal with lifestyle medicine. We've actually seen a lot of different kinds of patients with autoimmune disease. And what we usually tell patients is that your genetics and genes may load the gun, but you actually pulled the trigger through your nutrition and lifestyle.
Ken Brown
i like how you say that. Yeah, totally. So one of the things I just want to get this out of the way that you You're a very accomplished orthopedic surgeon. You're currently involved a little bit of a legal situation that you're appealing. What I think is amazing what you have done is because you have to put your surgical practice on hold for a little bit. Yes, you have shifted, and have still taken on the role of being a doctor, helping people and being an educator, you have not slowed down at all, you are the embodiment of resilience of moving through. I'm super, I think that's really, really neat. And why did you decide to kind of shift gears, I mean, you were going from scalpel. And I get that you have to take a little break from that. But a lot of people like you would just say, I'll use this as a break to go tour the world and say hi to things and you went I'm gonna use this as my opportunity to help more people.
Dr. Won
Thank you. You know, helping people and making a big impact was my passion. That is a reason why I went into medicine and went into medicine because you know, my father suffered from back and he had four back surgeries, and his life was ruined for about 30 years with severe pain and in life You come up with so many different challenges. Either you can crumble or or decide to just sit back, and then the life continue to punch you, or you can stand back, you know, stand up again, and continue to move on forward. And what got me going was as long as I can make an impact and help all the patients, and my passion was biohacking, which I've been doing, you know, all my life. And what I realized was that in medical school, we really didn't learn how to cure the disease. We learned to manage the disease. And through this experience, I really learned how to better manage and then in many incidences, and cure the patients, and wanted to continue to make an impact and help patients. That's what gets me going and that's what's getting me up every single morning. And no matter what anybody says, as long as I feel good about you know what I'm doing and continue to practice medicine in different way. Through health coaching, and, you know, even approaching and these days, I also teach a lot of doctors in Africa. How to treat chronic disease.
Dr. Won
You teach doctors in Africa?
Dr. Won
Ken Brown
Okay. I got a segway out of that for a second. What? Tell me about that?
Dr. Won
Yeah, so I came in contact with a physician who was really into preventive medicine. He's a personal doctor to the president of Cameroon. In Africa right now, they're facing so many different chronic disease. In the past, before the Africa became developed, there was no such thing as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, or obesity. But as the countries are becoming wealthier, and countries are becoming more developed, they're now importing American disease such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's, and they obviously can't afford to treat the patients with American medicine. So they're looking for ways to treat the patients naturally, and also the citizens most of the people in Africa are still hesitant about Modern medicine. So we got in contact through a mutual friend. And we decided to teach the the physicians there, how to reverse the disease naturally. And then also importantly, to prevent them.
Ken Brown
Wow and so are you doing some sort of zoom with them? Do you have a lecture series? How are you doing this?
Dr. Won
Yeah. So every Saturday morning, I connect through them through zoom meeting. Thank goodness for technology. I don't have to physically be in Africa. I would love to visit the continent, sometime soon. When things free up, but utilizing the technology, we provide the lectures, mostly to physicians, but also just about anyone who's interested. And we open it up to the whole community. And at one point, we had people from seven differen...
Remember, I am a real doctor Eric is a real crna. We do do real medicine. But this show is not intended to diagnose or treat. Please, if you have any issues like rectal bleeding, go to our website, kbmdhealth.com. Download the E book, learn about it, but make sure that you talk to your doctor about it.
Eric Rieger
All right, here we are. It is gut check project, Episode Number 28. I am here with your host, Dr. Ken Brown. What's up Doctor Brown.
Ken Brown
What's going on Eric? Episode 28.
Eric Rieger
Episode 28.
Ken Brown
Lots of energy 2020. We're just wow.
Eric Rieger
We're so close to 30, it's what, six more years. seven more years. We could run for president release the show.
Ken Brown
It's so weird when I'm sitting there doing colonoscopy recalls. And I'm like, come back in 2030...gah! It's weird.
Eric Rieger
Yeah, that's good news for those. Everybody. One unique thing. everybody complains about the prep. So if you if you have to have a colonoscopy and you're not looking forward to the prep, you are not alone. Nobody likes it.
Ken Brown
You know what, there's a video that I have on my website, Kenneth Brown, MD. com. That's more for my my clinical practice, but I've got a video that can actually talk you through how to get through that prep and a few little bio hacks to do that. I've been through a couple preps myself. I've taken them all. So when patients are like, you have no idea I'm like, No, I do know. I do know,
Eric Rieger
I'm fully aware.
Ken Brown
Yeah, you can actually go on the website and see it or you can go to YouTube and see my bare bottom there for the world. Because I mean, the one thing that you and I do do we do...
Eric Rieger
You just said, doo doo.
Ken Brown
Okay I did, yea you're right. I am a gastroeneterologist but the one thing that we do is we live it. I mean, we We will last week I was fasting. I did a five day fast.
Eric Rieger
You did? And you did well.
Ken Brown
I did. I I liked it man, that erexin erexin is a hormone that kicks in that creates energy. I became euphoric again. I was just chatty Cathy run around loving it.
Eric Rieger
It's a wild thing to see play out the erexin. Having done it myself, it's it's when you're not expecting it especially.
Ken Brown
Yeah, totally. And this time I kind of did sort of the fasting mimicking diet where I kept the calories down. It was almost exclusively just water. But I did cheat a little bit, but not cheating. I kept my calories down. I allowed myself to choose some celery once in a while. And if you look at valter Longo's data when he talks about the fasting, mimicking diet, they allow you to have up to, you know, whatever 800 calories and you can still trick the body into fasting. What I really enjoyed was my family's getting more used to it so they weren't like I like I was a little irritable at some times and you know Loyda was cool with it. She understood. She's like, well, you're fasting. And, you know, so it was there and so the kids were kind of making fun of it. But when we sit there and look at it, and you realize that I'm trying to turn on some stem cells and all these other things, I really felt like I'm gonna make this a regular part every three months. I'm gonna try and do a five day fast. Sounds really daunting. But when you look at the data, if you get a chance, there's on amazon prime. If you're an Amazon Prime member, there's a documentary called fasting and they interview what I consider the fasting experts. They've got Jason Fung, they've got Sachin Panda. They've got Valter Longo and they all talk about the different types of fastings. And what you achieve with each one
Eric Rieger
Yeah, no, I totally worth it. Very low cost. It's something you can do and there are tons of benefits. We probably should do a fasting reset episode, just specific to what we can find and then we've had nurses and different technicians that we've worked with who've decided to implement fasting as part of their own healthy regimen. who already seen lower blood pressure and different things like that? So it requires really no true investment. It just requires a little bit of discipline.
Ken Brown
Yeah, and it's a it seems once and I remember what was the conference live it to lead it Conference. I was lecturing and I that that was the first conference where it was a fasting conference. And they purposely did not serve anything
Unknown Speaker
Ken Brown
We went all day.
Eric Rieger
All day.
Ken Brown
Everyone in that conference about 400 people.
Eric Rieger
But you're all in it together.
Ken Brown
Yeah. That that is Dr. Daniel Pompa. And he's the one that really kind of got me thinking about fasting. And he's, if you want to check him out, he's he's awesome. We know we know Angelo, his his. who's the CEO right now? Anyways, we're always doing business with these guys. They're amazing people. Dr. Dan Pompa. Check it out. I did his podcast and we and he is somebody that is extremely knowledgeable about fasting realizing that that turns on cellular health.
Eric Rieger
Definitely. Well, let's do a quick reset so we can get down because we have actually quite a few topics to get to today. So episode number 28. It is the gut check project. I'm Eric Rieger here with your host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. As always, still sponsored by Atrantil, Atrantil chock full of pro anthocyanin, polyphenols, polyphenols, you don't have to have gut distress to benefit from Atrantil do you Dr. Brown?
Ken Brown
You do not. We're learning a lot and I'm going to get into some literature today and get into some data explaining about how this is actually super important because what we're going to talk about is something that is affecting your health, and it is screwing all of us up. So if you are a human living on planet Earth...
Eric Rieger
Most of us.
Ken Brown
You need to listen to the rest of the show. I'm gonna geek out a lot this is gonna be some serious science, but it's super important because we got stuff going on in the world right now that is affecting you and I can tell you how the polyphenols actually help protect you against what I'm going to tell you about that's everywhere.
Eric Rieger
Go to lovemytummy.com/kbmd lovemytummy.com/kbmd to learn more and get your own Atrantil
Ken Brown
Eric Rieger
And then also go and visit our brand new website it KBmdhealth, KBMdhealth.com. You can get your hands on Atrantil there as well as Dr. Brown's signature package which includes Atrantil as well as CBD. So why in the world would somebody want to combine Atrantil and CBD?
Ken Brown
Well, that is a great question, Mr. Eric. And one of the reasons why we learned through the science was as I was developing Atrantil I started talking to a lot of different scientists and contrary to what people think there's tons of science on CBD cannabidiol tons of science on the endocannabinoid system. As it turns out the polyphenols in Atrantil, actually allow your body to produce and keep around more of your own. endogenous endocannabinoids, meaning you produce your own CBD like molecules called anandaminde and 2-ag. And I know you're going to talk about that a little bit. We'll get to that. Yeah. But basically, you can like it's, it's a exponential growth of your own endocannabinoid system. I started looking into this because when we were first treating people for th...
Eric Rieger
All right, you have now joined the gut check project. This is episode number 27. I'm here with your host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. I'm Eric Rieger. It's 2020.
Ken Brown
We're in a new decade. This is unbelievable.
Eric Rieger
So that's interesting. Some people will say that the decade does not begin on years that end in zero, because when the calendar started, there was no Year Zero. It was let's have a year this is year one. So lots of people end up saying technically a decade doesn't start to the ones but nobody talks that way. When you say the roaring 20s it started 1920. So I'm on board with you. I think this is the beginning of a new decade.
Ken Brown
How did you...I mean, how could you say when you were born when it was BC, were you like I'm minus 20?
Eric Rieger
Yep, that's pretty much what they did.
Ken Brown
Is that what they did? Yeah, they'd just walk up...
Eric Rieger
In 745 years they will begin to count. I think that's how it went down.
Ken Brown
Is that how the whole the whole calendar went down? Like All right, everybody, we're starting over.
Eric Rieger
Yeah, y'all are gonna love this. There's gonna be a Messiah. We're gonna start counting it's gonna be great.
Ken Brown
I love it.
Eric Rieger
Well, today's episode of course is brought to you by Atrantil developed by the guy right across the table from me Atrantil is a daily source of polyphenols to address issues of symptoms related to IBS, as well as definitely bloating.
Ken Brown
You know what I'm really getting into also is all the new information coming out with polyphenols in sports performance. Talking about how polyphenols actually can improve blood flow by increasing nitric oxide. I can't wait till we can start working with some endurance athletes and start testing them to see if we can get some new prs and some of these people.
Eric Rieger
Hundred percent!
Ken Brown
If you're running some marathons. If you think about it, if you're an endurance athlete, like a triathlete or something, you know, I got my good friend Ron Tribendis who has his own podcast also tremendous chiropractor and he's like high level performance and all that he actually sells Atrantil. But we were talking about that, that, you know, he gets so many of his clients that he trains and that are his patients that when they start training for these triathlons and marathons and they're taking in all that goo and the high fructose stuff to try and or not even just the fructose based sugars to try and gain fuel from it. That's when they start having gi distress. I feel like we can help all those people.
Eric Rieger
Definitely it's interesting that you bring that up right off the bat because at CPSDA and the reason why this is important is Atrantil is chock full of polyphenols. That's where the magic is. So that's why discussing Atrantil leads us to talking about athletes and when I was at CPSDA about a year and a half ago. Joe Votel
Ken Brown
The PhD
Eric Rieger
The PhD from Exeter University over in Europe. She came over and they've done extensive research on multiple different research opportunities where they've shown that daily polyphenol intake and athletes will decrease recovery time, increase blood flow, just as you pointed out, increase nitric oxide production. These are things that serious athletes love to know. And it's, it's natural. Even more importantly, though, you can always say, get rest, or eat polyphenols or have some fruits. But ultimately, when someone wants to do it, it's how much? And she was able to show that pre no, I'm sorry, proanthocyanidins, at 1000 milligrams per day was an optimal dose for active athletes. So anyhow...
Ken Brown
If you want it to get that, I mean, what would I have to eat? If it was like cherries or something.
Eric Rieger
If you wanted to have that. This was her example. It's awesome. She showed that you would probably have to have four to five bowls of cherries or blueberries. Good fruits. Unfortunately, there's a lot of high fructose or not high fructose. There's a lot of fructose that's in there. And serious athletes oftentimes don't want to over load their daily sugar even if it happens to occur naturally now-separate debate. But she she quickly pointed out that if you could consume proanthocyanidins that did not have high fructose content, you'd have something magical and just so happens that Atrantil four capsules roughly equals 1000 milligrams of proanthocyanidins...
Ken Brown
I've actually had a lot of patients tell me that they do better. Oh, one thing we're going to start doing in 2020, and we're going to go back. Let's just do a little disclaimer here. Although I am a real doctor.
Eric Rieger
Ken Brown
Do not take this as medical advice for that weird rash or that unusual, extra toe growing out or something. Go see a doctor, don't listen to us. We're here to have fun, possibly educate a little bit but more importantly, help everyone to discover some new things because that's what we want to do. We want to find new things in the literature, new things that are coming out and make sure that everyone can biohack in the way that we have tested on ourselves. So
Eric Rieger
Definitely. So find Atrantil at antrantil.com or lovemytummy.com is much easier to remember, forward slash kbmd Atrantil lovemytummy.com/kbmd. Not just for bloating, it's also for athletes. It's really for everyone.
Ken Brown
It really is. And so that's how I mean it's...this is fun. In fact, this brings me up to something so I just shot a video for this. We have a new website that has launched
Eric Rieger
Ken Brown
Finally! So go to kbmdhealth.com. Check it out, give us your feedback. There's going to be a video there where I kind of get into the things that I like the things that I like our biohacking CBD, I'll try and deal with polyphenols and making sure that you can have access to some of the best vetted supplements meaning a lot of the stuff that people are buying may not actually benefit you or may have something dangerous in it. In fact, there was um, I need to find out what she had. But there was a news article here in the DFW Metroplex, a very unfortunate 23 year old, who was taking some woman's multi weight management. They didn't say the name of the product or what was in it.
Eric Rieger
Ken Brown
But unfortunately, they believe that that actually caused daily drug induced liver injury. So that's one of the things when I've had patients come in, and you find out that they're on a supplement, but that supplement is not third party tested or that supplement is coming in from someplace else. Anything can happen to anybody. I understand that you can have a bad reaction, you can have an allergic reaction to something but make sure that you're at least if you're going out trying some different things to make sure it's third party tested, which is why we have the kbmd health subscription box.
Eric Rieger
Yeah, we, definitely you can find that health subscription box prominently located on the right side of the new kbmchealth.com.
Ken Brown
I think it looks so nice. You did an excellent job.
Eric Rieger
I did not do that. That was was the help of Stephen and people that understand how to build websites. So our bad website that we had before was me. And we moved over to a real one.
Ken Brown
Which is an awesome website for CRNA.
All right. Welcome to the gut check project. I'm here with your host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. I'm Eric Rieger. This is gut check project, Episode Number 26. We're going to wind up 2019 with some awesome info. What's up, Ken?
What's going on Eric? How are you doing, man? Episode 26.
I apologize if I'm a little too sexy today because I'm just coming off of a small cold.
I think the hottest people are those that are sick.
Well, I'm not sick. I'm post sick. Remember, the viral prodrome. The reason why we always like pass so many viruses is that you tend to pass the virus before you even know that you're sick by the time you're actually sick. You're probably okay
Yeah. At that point you can go back and say I heard you might be sick. I was too back then.
Yeah, exactly.
Good to see you?
Well, today's episode is going to be pretty awesome. We're going to tackle number one, we've received tons of email in your clinic because you also sell the KBMD CBD at your clinic, you get these questions. These have been coming in Fast and Furious over the last little over 14 days. And it's questions about the safety of CBD oil and its application. So we're going to tackle that I do need to tell everyone. Thank you. We're on episode 26 because the first 25 shows were so well supported by all of you who've been keeping up with a gut check project. We grow every single day. Paul, the guy who's helping us put together the production now and helping us spread the word. We just hung up the phone with him. We've gotten more and more downloads each week. So thank thank you every single one of you for liking, sharing, emailing, telling your friends about it. We sincerely appreciate it.
We learned so much about it like today we have a new a different guests we do Instead of gutsy our little mascot or green frog, but since we do film on a green screen, he gets blocked out did not know that didn't even realize that. So now we're going to go with a dung beetle, right here?
Yeah, yeah, we did. So that's Dilbert, the dung beetle,
Dilbert, the dung beetle. So one of my favorite things is whenever we're bringing any patients back and somebody sees you, and they're like, hey, you're Eric, I watch your show that just warms my heart. So if you happen to be a patient and show up and you watch the show, if you say that it just makes us both feel really, really well...needed wanted, appreciated.
Yeah. At least outside of me putting you to sleep. Take five or six good deep breaths.
Today's episode is sponsored by Atrantil. Your bloating relief, it's what we do. So go to Atrantil.com or lovemytummy.com/KBMD. Today it's also sponsored by KBMD CBD oil. You can find your own KBMD CBD oil at kbmdhealth.com which of course, the initials KB, Kenneth Brown, it's endorsed by the guy who's sitting across the table from me. So Ken, why is...
What does MD stand for?
Well, I'm not really sure.
I thought it was your buddy Mike Doyle, but I don't know.
Yeah, it's probably. So tell us a little bit about KBMD CBD.
Alright, so KBMD CBD oil. I got involved with the science of CBD because I saw the beneficial effect with my patients when we developed Atrantil I then learned that the science of Atrantil the polyphenols in it actually augment CBD. So I'm seeing this combination do incredible things for people. So this particular CBD is one that we have researched, I've seen it work clinically. And we know that it comes with a certificate of analysis. It is organically grown, it is naturally extracted with co2, so it meets all the criteria that you want in your CBD because this is important. The rest of this podcast is going to be all about the dangers of CBD.
Definitely and It's really interesting since we do have so many people who have begun to purchase CBD find benefit. It's really kind of weird what's occurred over the last two weeks. And what I would say is a little bit of misinformation. But it's more or less probably just misunderstood information and or or misapplied information. But regardless, the benefits of CBD used correctly, have been undeniable with the people who've come back through the clinic with people that we've scoped, and how well that they are doing. And so, hopefully today, we're going to provide some context on why more or less the dangers that you may or may not have read about in the news recently are really a little concerned. But we'll, we'll see. We'll see how far along we get in at the last. The last thing. Our last sponsor is the KBMD health box. You can find KBMD health box by going to kbmdbox.com. Now last week we did a full unboxing which is something I think we're going to try to do at least once a month. But essentially, if you want almost $300 of physician vetted supplements that can help you benefit your life and get them for only $147 which you would spend, not you would spend more than $147 worth of time driving somewhere to pick them out for yourself and having someone handpick them for you. Go to KBMDbox.com. What was one of the things that we had a patient come through just earlier this week, who showed us his lab results that he took to his primary care physician?
So we're starting to make a difference in the landscape of health here in the DFW Metroplex and different places. I've been getting emails and calls from people around the country that will actually hear the podcast and then they'll want to sign up for the box. And what we're seeing is that these vetted supplements actually are making a difference with both subjective how they feel and objective the labs. So the reason why I chose these things is they all have third party analysis. And they all have some scientific background that actually explains how they're going to help you. So much so that I'm thinking of ordering my household, another box. So although it is the KBMD Health box, I actually I love the fact that I can get these things that I'm going to purchase anyways, they come into my house, so my whole family's on it. Now we're running out of stuff. So I'm gonna end up having to double up on everything. So it's one of those things that I feel really good that we can look at different aspects. And when somebody says, Oh, I tried X, Y, and Z, I didn't notice anything. I'm like, oh, did you try one that had a third party analysis? No. And then they do and they're like, Oh my gosh, big difference. Same thing with CBD. I mean, a lot of CBD out there doesn't really have what's on the label. And we're going to get into that because we're going to talk about what the FDA thinks about it. We're going to talk about the different media and what they're doing, and hopefully get into all that but that's the whole point of that box is I want to deliver these vetted things to your house monthly so that you can continue to improve your health.
Hundred percent. So without further adieu, be sure to like and share the gut check project. We certainly appreciate all of the support to date. We're going to hop right into it. So what we've received here recently is a lot of speculation and concern from people who have said, Hey, I'm interested in CBD. I know that you and Dr. Brown have heavily studied, been entrenched with CBD and its application over the last few years. I just learned that the FDA is associated or made public a study that says that it may be hepatic toxic or bad for my liver. It's, unfortunately, it's a weird jump off point. So I'm going to kick it to you. Because immediately I had lots of different thoughts and instead of getting emotional, what did we do? We went and tried to find the sources of where this information came from. We want to backtrack on how they got to that conclusion. And I think that we can put a lot of questions at ease and even help people...
All right. Welcome back to the gut check project. This is now episode number 25. With your host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. I'm Eric Rhaegar. And can today we got an awesome guest, Michael Williams joins us.
Well, like always, one of the coolest things about the gut check project is that we check our ego at the door. And once again, we brought in an expert. And we spent the last two hours being schooled on some stuff that we should have been schooled on a long time. Exactly. We don't know anything about Mike. How you doing?
Pretty good. How you doing? You don't go by my hair. I go by Michael. Michael. See, that's what I did. I did it wrong.
Yeah. Well, the one thing that we've done wrong a lot is the lighting in the studio, the green screen. We're having fun with trying to learn how to do this. So as it turns out, Michael is an expert in video green screen. He has been doing this for a long time, and we're going to get into that. And if you're a podcast or if you like watching this stuff, you're going to understand that everything is not as quite as easy as it meets the
eye. You said something earlier like you know, Eric, one thing I really like is just talking to experts. Regardless of the field and that's what we're doing today.
Yeah, well we had the financial experts on we had CBD takeout we've done Marisol, the queen of Thrones who's interestingly an expert in pooping which but that's very separate from what Michael does.
But well I do that.
Well, interestingly, I know that will do quid pro quo on this. I happen to be an expert in that in pooping, not in lighting. So since if we should trade back in the day, you helped us out with lighting, I'll make sure you poop. Okay.
Appreciate that. Well, awesome. Let's do a quick rundown today. We're going to talk quick update on thanksgiving for all three of us. And then we have a new unboxing that we're going to share with everybody in the gut check project. Then we're going to hop right over to what Michael does best. Absolutely. So Thanksgiving, I I'll just go and start. I went over to my brother's house, Brad hosted we fried Turkey. We baked a turkey. We ate a lot of food. I had a blast. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I don't really have Any crazy details about it we just we played games we hung out my family, his family, my mom, we had a great time. Why is it your favorite holiday? There's no pretense around Thanksgiving. You just it's family coming together hanging out and spending time we we bonded over some some athletic events, football and basketball. We watched on TV. We played games. The entire time we're together. You just eat great food. You get lazy. You wear pajamas. It's
nice. You know what, you're right. It's kind of like there. Michael, how was your Thanksgiving?
It was wonderful. We had our first Thanksgiving in our new house. So we just bought a house in McKinney and you know moved in of mccamey. Peru. Yeah. Okay. But, and we've been there just a couple of months and we had four of our kids there. So for a six right for the six. Yes, we have our six one on either coast, New York and Brooklyn and everyone in Burbank in California. And, you know, we think they could make I think I'll be here for Christmas. We ate you know that all the turkey and the green bean casserole and lots of sweets and then afterwards, retired to the backyard with a single malt Scotch in a cigar. Oh, that sounds. And you know, it's the only holiday that it's really you're expected to watch football so it was kind of fun. Ran
well I decided to not be quite as this particular Thanksgiving I decided that it was my time to take the family on vacation. And so we went to my wife's from Puerto Rico and we went to Puerto Rico but I chose at almost 52 decided to pick up a new sport which is surfing, because I've seen Point Break and you know a lot of others. And so as it turns out, it's hard, man, but it's rewarding now. So cool. So I took the family to Puerto Rico for a week and it was really cool, sat on a beach made some good friends and some Virginia people that were sharing the house. With us, and it was it was exactly what Thanksgiving supposed to be, which is be with family have some fun. It was not relaxing, like watching football, but it was relaxing, like drifting in the ocean. So it was super cool. And I hope that everybody out there had a great Thanksgiving as well.
Yeah, I hope so too. Hey, let's get to it. You want to get to the unboxing?
Alright, so let's talk about the unboxing. So why don't you hold up the box. So we're having some great feedback, what we've been learning. So in my clinical practice, I know that there are certain supplements that can change people's lives. And one of the biggest frustrations that people have is that they don't understand what to take. Well, we took it upon ourselves to vet certain science backed supplements, which have Certificate of analysis so that I know what affects people. So every time somebody comes into my office, they go, Oh, I've been taking this and nothing happened. What have you been taking? Well, let, let me give you the brand that I've researched and then they start seeing some changes in their life. So what we want to do is change the landscape of our community so that people become healthier. So every month, somebody can get a box called the KB MD health box, which is, comes with a little love letter and explains everything just like this. And what we want to do is offer products that can change your life. So Michael, for you, what we're going to do is explain what this box is, okay? And what this does is we want to make sure that certain things, protect your gut, help your brain help you sleep better, and if I can get those three things done, you're going to be a better person, you're going to be able to like crazy studios, you're gonna be able to do your movies and all that stuff at next level stuff. So Ericsson go through each product this month, this is just this month. unboxing. So first product, no mystery are trying to we talked a lot about it on sale. So we talked about that otra until a sponsor of the show our Tron teal is my baby. We developed this specifically for one of the only products which has been proven to help with bloating. But not only that the polyphenols in it helped with anti aging and anti inflammatory processes. So we know that everybody needs to be on this, you're going to be seeing a lot of information about this, about these molecules in the future. We're cutting edge on this super proud to have this in the box. Retail Price Is $40 3995.
Save a lot. And the cool thing that that letters you get to see how much yeah, so
basically what we're getting at here is that the total cost of this box is about $270. And you get this sent to your house every month where we free at a fraction of the cost of $147. Awesome.
Also another core product megaspore
Thanks for probiotics, so megaspore probiotics, so this is very confusing for people everybody comes up and asked me and they go, Hey, I'm on a probiotic Which one should I be on? I'm going to tell you one to be on a spore based biotic and what that means is that the probiotics, almost all of them get destroyed in our digestive tract, right? Because everybody says oh, they're good for me, but they really never make it to where they should be. We met kid on Krishnan who is the CEO and scientist behind this, we actually did a whole podcast with him if you want to geek out and look at this super cool stuff, but spore based biotics Plus Ultra and teal are synergistic, and they actually help diversify your bacteria. Brilliant dude. Next one is upgraded nano magnesium. Oh my goodness. Alright, so nano magnesium. A lot of people don't realize that we are actually deficient in magnesium and it's needed for cellular health. The reason why I love magnesium, because the nano ...
Alright, welcome to episode number 24. This is the Gut Check Project with your host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. I'm Eric Rieger. What's up man?
Man I'm super excited we are going to do this together.
Here we're starting to work the few kinks out we had that really cool episode that we did with SurePath which is just gonna be launched and then Dr. Marisol which got launched last week. We're getting some really cool episodes building up here. So I thought that this could be an episode where we circle back with each other and get reconnected. You know, I mean, I'm still recovering from you abandoning me when Dr. Marisol came here and I was alone.
Yeah, I know. I was I was knee deep in talking to tons of dietitians up in Philadelphia. And so that's okay because up there they like cigarettes. I learned a lot of cigarette smoke and Philadelphia along with cheese steak but it was it was a great episode and of course since we've been at the new studio we have had CBD takeouts Jeremy kender. We've had Dr. Marisol and we've also had Patrick Brewer as well as Tim power of SurePath and now we're going to experiment with having a reconnection and talking about some research.
You know, what was really cool about that having Tim and Patrick on, that they're just so freakin smart at what they do.
Definitely .
And I'm so stupid in that world, that that's, I'm you know, it's just being around people that are specialists in that field. It's really cool.
And that gets me, man, honestly, it's really cool to hear somebody else who has, it really is it's a holistic approach to how you handle your finances and your money. And so many people get caught up in the race of making sure that they have their work, their job, their family items planned out that the last thing they think about is how well am I making certain that my money is not only secure, but working for me. And if you haven't checked out Episode Number 23 with SurePath that is actually a great primer, whether you use them or not, be sure you take care of your stuff. It’ll, it'll take away the stress.
It's so interesting when you start thinking about money and how money can create stress, or the lack thereof can create stress. And in fact, you know, forget that I have a lot of friends that have sold their businesses. And then suddenly the stress of what do I do with this money pops in which most people would love to have that problem, I get that. But even that in itself can be an issue. And so then you have the fact that money plays into this. And any type of stress can affect your intestines, your guts, whatever. And that can lead to dysmotility can lead to all different kinds of things. So we want to act like we have all these different fields and we want to act like that this is my such and such guy. This is but really we all have to be together. Because if my finances are going south, I'm going to be stressed out, I’m not going to sleep well. It’s gonna affect everything. And if your gut isn't good, and you've got the resources, you're not going to enjoy it, because what do you have if you don't have health?
Yeah, no, you're exactly right. And I would even go even a step further when, when I was just getting started off on my own and Marie and I just gotten married and you don't have a lot of money back then. It seems like stress was a little bit less because basically, let's face it, that extra hundred dollars, we knew what it was going to go to, it was already kind of spoken for. And so you, you kind of knew where your money was going. And then as you build your career and you a little bit larger, and you don't really stay in tune with what's happening, that's where the stress comes in. So having someone help you plan where you're effectively using your money, regardless of your income is a huge stress relief. You don't it's never too early to turn someone like that.
It's so interesting that everybody always talks about the simpler times the simpler terms, but when you're in the simpler times, all you're doing is looking forward to the time when you can actually not sweat the next bill. So this kind of comes down to that whole aspect of just living in the moment.
Just be true to this. I'm in the moment with you right now my brother.
That's right
Just in the moment.
So we got big news before we even get into research. What happened today?
Oh my gosh, this is so exciting. So in the CBD world, everybody's being jerked around by having these processors where the banks won't do this and we got a website we're having trouble running these different credit cards and stuff. Today we actually got a processor square processor.
We did and and for those of you who have been loyal and allowing us to manually process when your credit card doesn't go through because of various bank rules, it all ends this week. We've got a new website, we've got a new processor, no more of having to chase around to get that kind of stuff going and we got cool things are going to come because of it. Black Friday specials Christmas specials, you're going to be able to get KBMD CBD trusted, certified, etc. at a breakneck cost. What am I trying to say here at a, at a breakneck cost doesn’t make sense...
I always think about breakneck as speed but yes, you can have this CBD sent to your home at a breakneck speed. At a substantial savings because we have been so excited to get this out to everybody. When we sit there and talk about CBD, one of our sponsors KBMD health has CBD, we also have Atrantil, my baby there, the coolest thing is those two things work together. I talked to so many people and every time I meet somebody, they're like, Yeah, I don't really understand that. I see all these stores popping up and I try to explain it. Here's the bottom line. You have an endocannabinoid system. This system, if you live in the United States, you have a very high likelihood that it is not optimized
All this does is allow your body to bring you back to balance Everybody tries to make it too complex. Everybody tries to make these claims. That's not what we're going for here. My role is to get people to just get back to their balance. And then we can work on the other issues. Because it's an uphill it's a complete uphill battle. If I'm trying to fix your gut, and your anandamide a fancy scientific term of one of your own endocannabinoids is not at its optimal level. You're not going to function that way. So everybody says, Oh, I want my thyroid to be this, oh, I want. I want to make sure that my adrenal glands are functioning and my cortisol, I'm telling you, you're chasing your tail, because if your endocannabinoid system is not optimized, all this other stuff, and all this money you're spending on supplements, probably is not doing nearly what it can be doing for you.
Definitely. And so this particular episode since it's scheduled to be released on a Thursday, that's next week, and that's Thanksgiving. So this is actually going to be released at the early part of this of next week. So this is Thanksgiving week. Tune in KBMDhealth.com. We will have black FRIDAY SPECIALS running through the weekend all the way until What do they call it Cyber Monday? We’ll have specials exclusive to KBMD health shoppers. KBMDhealth.com. Tune in, save money trust the source. It'll be KBMDhealth.com.
KB as in boy, M as in Mary, D as in dog, health.com
That's correct. Go there. Check it out. And well, I couldn't be more excited for everyone who's who's helped us get this far.
This is it is so much fun to have this transition. I personally like the whole live aspect and I think that will eventually go right back to live once we get all the all the kinks worked out because we have to understand that we're we moved the studio Special thanks to all the people at Mojo and Spoony...
Alright, welcome to the Gut Check Project. This is episode number 23. You're here with your host, Kenneth Brown, MD. And I'm Eric Rieger. Let's, uh, let's talk a little about what we got going on Ken.
Well, we're, like always we're trying to push some boundaries. And one of the things that I see as a doctor is that I want to make sure that my patients are very healthy, both mind and body. And when ever my patients come up, and they're going through a stressful situation, they manifest it in their guts. And one of the most common things I see that I can't help them, which is why we brought our guests on today is that when people go through financial trouble or when they're stressed out about their money, they can manifest in their guts. They show up with all kinds of stuff so they end up at a gastroenterologist office, and I can't give them any real advice on their finances and how to help them with that. So like we always do with the Gut Check Project. Let's bring him in. Let's check our egos at the door and let's learn a little bit.
We got some experts here with us today and that is Mr. Patrick Brewer and Mr. Tim power both from Surepath Wealth.
Thank you guys for coming up all the way 35 to Dallas from Austin. How y'all doing today?
It was a joy. Well, we didn't die. Yeah, that's the first step.
We made good time on a rainy Thursday morning.
Now, that being said, I know that you said we didn't die. But Tim said, but if you would have your family would have been covered.
They would have been covered. Yeah, least 3 million. Maybe more than that.
So Surepath Wealth Management. It's far more than just taking care of someone's finances. Correct?
Yeah, I mean, the way we think about it, it's similar to being a doctor, right? And you have a holistic approach and you want to solve the person's problem. And sometimes they present with one issue that they think is really important, you know, they may have some issues with their their stomach or I'm not going to pretend to know exactly all the things that people could present with. I'm sure there's some, some strange ones out there, but they present with a particular problem. And they you know, that's what the that's the problem that thye think they need to have solved but in reality it's it's more than that there's other things that are contributing to the initial problem and making it worse. So our role similar to a physician, I think, is to lay all the pieces of the puzzle on the table and then start to assemble them and really get to know what's driving our clients and or people in general, and just figuring out what their motivations are and what they're trying to accomplish. And then, once we have a good sense of that, just putting it all together and hopefully solving the problem.
Absolutely. I mean, there's a lot of similarities. I mean, people come to you people come to me with very intimate problems. People come to you guys with similar issues.
When people somebody shows up to your office, they're saying, I'm going to give you my world, the world that much like the great prophet Kanye West said, money isn't everything but not having it is. And so when you get to the point where they're like, look, I've got this What can I do to grow it? What can I do to not lose it? That is one of the most vulnerable things just slightly less vulnerable than somebody taking their pants down and letting me stick a finger in their butt.
I don't know. I mean, I think it's about equal.
For some people that can be really stressful, there's some there's a lot of shame around money. There's it's a very intimate discussion, because you don't know the beginning of the conversation, what their experiences have been. Maybe they've made some poor decisions in the past, and they're reluctant to admit those, maybe there's some controversy with them and their spouse, they could view money differently the way they were raised, and the way that they think about money in general about how they could use it in their life or even their preferences for what they're going to do with it and retirement or when they pass away and they want to leave a legacy, do they not? So there's all these embedded psychological and emotional factors that go into how people interact and make decisions about their money. And the first step, similar to being a physician, I think is to peel back the onion a little bit and see what are what are the driving forces here that are actually contributing?
I want to get into all that Eric, can you explain actually that it isn't exactly like we just bumped into you guys on the street. Can you give a little history as to why we have these two super smart guys here on the show?
Sure. So we are a part of a mastermind group and Tim and Patrick both happen to be a part of it. The reason why we joined that entrepreneur group is we're all aligned from the same orientation that we want to be able to serve our fellow man the best way possible for us through healthcare. It's how do we reduce stress and increase health for y'all? It really is, just as you said, Patrick, it's a holistic approach to managing your own wealth and finances. And the great thing that I've seen and learned from both of you all over the course of the last year is you treat your clients like family, because this isn't an opportunity to shame someone with their previous financial troubles, etc. The thing I found really interesting though, is you and I have talked over the last several episodes and over the last several years about how can you help someone reduce their external stressors, right? Because by having that you lead insomnia, you lead to catecholamine circulation from high stress situations. So we've talked about people that regularly see a doctor usually end up decreasing chance of disease they, they come in to see a gastroenterologist, they're usually not going to have a polyp that turns into a cancer because it'll be detected. So what I found kind of interesting is someone who turns to someone for wealth management actually has less potential to gamble. They actually are better prepared for their financial future, obviously reducing stress so they reduce stress, they reduce their risk of bankruptcy, regardless of their income level. And then obviously, their family conflict is reduced. I don't remember what the crazy stat is, but it's well over 70% of marital strife comes in originates from some element of financial problems or disagreements in the first place, simply by having someone that I didn't have someone tell me when I was younger simply by having someone help you forecast and help you put your money where it would serve you better will ultimately reduce your stress and work out better for you and your family. So that's how we met Surepath.
I think we just met on the side of the highway.
When no one knows because you muted your mic.
I didn't mute my mic. I said, I think we met on the side of a highway. But I guess maybe we met...
Well, I mean it. And Eric said I was stupid for standing on the side of a highway with a sign that said, I'm looking for better than 8% yield. And you stopped. Let's talk. Because, and I said also, I'm looking to diversify my risk by hiring 20 advisors. And you're like, yeah, let's have a little talk. Yeah. So one of the things that I was really impressed with is you gave a lecture at the conference we're at , and I wrote down a few notes, which was really very interesting to me because everyone tries to outsmart the market. Everyone tries to do this stuff. We want to invest in America, America.
We're Americans.
You said several different things which were really interesting, like how percentage of stocks in the stock market that is outside of America. Can you get into some of the stuff you talked about in...
Welcome to the new location of the gut check project. I'm your host, Eric Rieger along with your other host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. How you doing Ken what's going on?
So well, we've moved from the Spoony studio and we are attempting our first own podcast over here at the new studio at the KBMD Health studio. We are and guess
what, you know we are still on the Spoony network, but I can't express how nice it is for you to now have a studio that's closer to the clinic. It's closer to where we do the procedures. It's the same distance for me no matter what.
And most importantly, it's closer for our guests like Jeremy who just flew in from Austin. All the way from Austin because we got so much closer.
Yeah, thank you guys. Much closer. Awesome. So our first
guest here in the new studio is going to be Jeremy Kinder here with CBD Takeout and I'm going to let Jeremy kind of take it away a little bit about what is special about CBD Takeout here in just a moment. Dr. Brown real quick, do we have any catch up items that we needed to do to kind of put in front of Jeremy to see if he wants to weigh in on anything?
Well, we got like several visual on so first of all, we want to hear the story about how you and Jeremy met Sure. We want to talk about how much synergy there is. Whenever you start meeting people and you start connecting with people. We came back from the baby bath water event and just met incredible people. We had Tim powers over here who we're going to have back on because we actually had the equipment. We were unpacking the equipment when our first real guest showed up and he was kind of helping us just show how to...
like we were like wiring this stuff together. Check this
out. Before Tim came over here, he was over at a hotel and then put his iPhone down to simply turn around and pay a guy at the bar. No, no, no, he was going to turn around and refill his ice tea. Oh fill his iced tea.
Like five feet away at like a Homewood suites are just like some. Yeah, you know, like normal family.
A little hotel. Did somebody grab his phone? Within
like three seconds, three seconds took off. So he was in town. And so me my wife, my daughter, my son was out of town, me, my wife and my daughter, we're going to take him out to dinner. And I pick him up. And this is what we have to do is figure out so now we're, I'm learning how to move the camera. So now we're back on me. Yeah, nice. Sweet. So we're working on that. And I picked him up in like a boss. I mean, like a boss. He was like, Hey, man, what's up? I'm like, why did I have to face you know Facebook you? Yeah, funny thing and he stops in the car, funny thing my phone just got stolen I'm like when? He's like, I don't know eight minutes ago. I'm like, you are a boss. I stopped the car. I'm like do we go to BestBuy? Do we get you a flip phone? What do we do here? This is crazy. So was he calling you
from like an iPad
or something? He sent me and I'm not a Facebooker and so he sent me a message said hey, phones, phones not working. It was cool about it phones not working. message me through this and I'll I'll do it through my iPad. When I picked him up, I mean, he was just like, I would have been curled up in a corner, crying, whatever. And he's like, yeah, let's just go to dinner. It's all good.
Let's go get a drink.
Let's just I mean, he was just cool and super, super neat about it. And then that evolved into a realization for himself and go ahead and expand on that. The coolest thing was is he found how addicted he was to his smartphone.
Yeah, he said he began to sleep better, he communicated better with people that are in front of him. His anxiety level, he said, the first day was palpable, where he didn't feel captivated by the phone constantly vibrating for something for him new to look at.
So, man, I don't know how much y'all want me to talk because I bet I'm a talker I'll throw in stuff on everything. But my wife and I have been talking about how do we decouple from our devices and I've tried everything if you're getting a second device or getting an Apple Watch and you know, all kinds of different stuff and honestly, the thing that that's helping me the most is just discipline you know, but I'm not going to you know get on my device and it's freaking hard I mean it's really like a you know like a drug fix of it My mind is telling me Hey, I need to check my phone go through the cycle of okay check Instagram, check the email check, you know. And then 15 minutes later I've been on my phone the whole time and I I literally don't need to be on there. But that's probably about a year ago we started talking about how how we can improve our lives and have better sleep quality and a lot of that stuff and decoupling from electronics was a big part of that
I don't remember was that Aaron File at baby bathwater who made the statement that there's a box
there's a box..No it was Jack Olocka. Oh Jack Olocka. So it was Jack Olocka . So Jack Olocka...
I’m a little bit echoed here. Is that you know what, whatever we're just we're just gonna run the first one is studio thinking first one new studio figured out. So Jack Olocka . So Jack, so this group that we're with is like, it's like, you know, like when you like meet a bunch of people and you just go oh my gosh, I'm I'm like around a bunch of like minded people yeah well Jack Olocka is a PhD in psychedelics, all his research has been in this and like not like, Oh, I'm really good at psychedelics like he actually has a doctorate on the neuro plasticity and what happens I mean, just brilliant guy. And he gave a little speech there's this thing called a Baby Einstein, we're just going let it echo doesn't matter now. Where the Baby Einstein where everybody kind of gives either an ask or a give. And you know, his give was there's something called a kitchen safe. And what you do is you put your phone in the safe in the kitchen. Yeah. And when you set the timer, you nothing can get that phone out until the timer stops. Like there's like like even if somebody breaks it, it's just pretty much like yeah, you better have a landline going Yeah, yes. You know. And so unless you have dynamite and a crowbar and the reason is is because people are so addicted to their phones and we know that the blue light affects sleep. If you look at the how important sleep is and how affected it is just getting in just shutting your phone off and not looking at it is probably the most important thing that you can do.
Yeah, yeah. My problem though, is you know, I come from the technology world and my house is wired like I have sono speakers everywhere and I have lights that are on smart plugs and all that stuff. And I did all this before I knew the the harmful effects of emf and so now I kinda thinking. So if I put my phone in a safe like I can't turn my lights on or I can't listen to music.
Or turn the air conditioner down. I’m hosed.
Just honey. I can't flush the toilet. Right. My phone's in the safe.
Yeah, yeah. So you know we're talking about how to it maybe shut all that down and all that but
yeah. That’s funny.
So let's talk a little bit about CBD take out that's why you You came up here today we're going to explore opportunities that are synergistic between the two of us. I was going to kick it off by saying one of the things that allowed you and I to get on this wavelength to start talking. So I went down to Austin to join a friend of mine. Marie and I are really good friends with the Leath’s. Rennon Leath is basically the founder of a podcast called Lazy Sundayz Lazy Sunday, Lazy Sundayz and that’s with a Z. So lazy Sunday's podcast. It's really kind of cool. It's four people who got together and have anxiety issues. So they forced themselves to start a podcast to...
Hi I'm Jay Farner CO Quicken loans 30% of Americans who are planning home improvements of $5000 or more will pay for those renovations with a high interest credit card that may not be a great idea a better idea may be to take cash out of your home with the Quicken loans 30 year fixed-rate mortgage the rate today in our 30 year fixed rate mortgage is 3.99% APR 4.08% call us today at 800 Quicken or go to rocket mortgage.com 125% B receive it is not real because of drinking and nobody six and 130 and Haley IRA as they get check project episode number 20 with your host Dr. Ken Brown I am Eric Rager Dr. Ken what's up episode number 20 Lovett sleep now going to tend to time wow I know it's amazing the beautiful spoony studios excellent excellent so no just today no guest today because we can do some cool new low fund that I were to do that were to push the boundaries what we did we talk about today well we have several people have written talked about sleep apnea not only through email but we have people who come to the clinic with people who come through the procedures they want to know what can I do about sleep apnea and it's funny because whenever we have them go sleep for the procedures oftentimes we are able to recognize you may need to go and get checked out for your sleep apnea problem and then they ineffably say I know I had sleep apnea and then many times they end up going getting tested right back and say I did thank you exactly so we always talk about this that the three pillars of health gut brain and sleep sleep is so important that for next month's KB MD subscription box your health has arrived is to be an addition of things to help people sleep better get into a deeper sleep get into good sleep hygiene because it's so important and just the fact that people will have obstructive sleep apnea right like this guy right here so I learned I have obstructive sleep apnea and I've snored my entire life didn't think anything of it and then of course you know we know that my kids by love tennis I took Lucas on a turn at one time and he said you kept me up all night snoring and then he lost the message that is match and I went okay. Checked out so once my friend ear nose and throat doctor Dr. Keith with a knee and he sent me home with an at-home sleep monitor and we were both surprised me he's like a friend and source that there is like you know you just kind of appeasing the family is like do you horrible sleep apnea what I don't fit the profile of no little chubby but the but I'm not and I don't have big thick neck and have those other things but as it turned out I have a lot of redundant tissue in the back my throat right word and address that we got some cool stuff on look at some studies about that because now I realize oh my gosh as we attempt to bridge the gap between natural solutions and traditional medicine there's stuff that has been published years ago very easy to do very life-changing and were to work on that today so if you have trouble sleeping make sure you tune into the show went in and talk about what it is to have symptoms of sleep apnea a lot of people don't even realize why they suddenly feel fatigued why they feel like they're trying to lose weight but simply co-I don't know I think that the most common symptom of sleep apnea is a bruise on your shoulder from the wife punching you all night long I know I know I snore real bad when the shoulder hurts because she's rolled me over on it and then I got a big bruising that's out that's the most common symptom of sleep apnea is the spousal attack as you continue to keep the whole house up so that I'm really lucky because I don't snore and fortunately not my wife does not snore either so it's pretty quiet but my dad did and he had sleep apnea and it was he did not want the machine he did not want to address it but when he did there was no turning back he felt better he had better energy he was glad that he was able to address the issue that he didn't realize was sidelining him for so long my goal for our subscription box and the D had subscription box which I am eating again what they had on Tuesday were to continue to launch as things could be so exciting we will change the landscape of health in the DFW Metroplex and hopefully spread beyond the Metroplex and get way out there and really start looking at some things that's one of the reasons why I think that we can use a subscription box to try and get these aspects of health improved so that everything works when you don't get into your proper circadian rhythm of sleeping your gut motility changes and you can then have got issues which is my primary thing but then we start looking at that that leads to autoimmune disease right let alone the other aspects of increased cortisol increased weight gain insulin sensitivity actually decreases and now you've got this whole recipe of why is a nation we continue to get sicker one of the problems as we do not have proper sleep hygiene one thing that happens also which is that vicious cycle is it when you don't sleep good that stressor decreases and they shown this your two endogenous Endo cannabinoid site known as a nano might into AG Ananda my goes down to AG goes up which is your stress and a cannabinoid in response to the stress it's going on and then because a jury in fight or flight also signed all of the time so unfortunately if you're one of these people you hopefully are listening to this and you're driving to work and if you're one of these people that notices that you get tired on your drive home and everything a lot of this is out of your control a lot of this is a hormonal response due to improper sleep and even if you go into sleep a long time select one of the things ultimate Joe's podcast I've always been a big fan of Adam ruins everything right yet you know that show if your chat site is Adam Conover I think is a really funny guy and if it is a good actor and all this other stuff but what they do is that they look at different things they haven't a team of researchers do different stuff now he sort of taken that show in his own podcast so is bringing those experts on the just little snippets on the show and hold you like a full hour with them will get a sleep expert on and he freely admitted he goes I grew up in a home I think it's a town of Argosy's Irish group at home or having a nightcap is very normal then you will so for years I would work odd hours I would have a drink to get tired and go to sleep and then she said will here's what happens with that yes alcohol is a sedative you go to sleep but what it does is when it wears off you have a spike in energy in it will draw you out of your circadian rhythm and it moves your REM sleep further along so that typically when you're in your RAM is when you're waking up at six or 7 AM yeah and it disrupts the whole process so even though you went to sleep and if you get a good sleep you screwed that up same thing will happen sleep apnea the second you go into an ethnic episode it raises your awareness cortisol goes up pulls you out of that circadian rhythm and that happens so today were going to do some cool tricks on how to help sleep apnea forcibly like me if you get redundant tissue in this different stuff that's really cool the other really cool thing that were to do today is do you remember that kick ass guess that we had named Brandon Brown I do remember Rainer Brandon Brown from a flower power no flower child flower child our child sous chef at flower at the flower child great episode check that out is super cool dude he he contacted us he said you know what you guys as such's something really unique your doctor you there neuron's booty network which is kind of a ghetto chef Patrick's got his show is a catch start doing a little. Today for the first time where you have the tracking with KB MD CBD show it did happen and we have results were going to show how to make one thing and so something that was made already and ...
Bryan Bradford is a certified health coach and nutritionist. He is also an owner of the Sunflower Shoppe. Sunflower Shoppe is a long tested pioneer of healthy grocery and supplement stores located in Tarrant County (Fort Worth) Texas.
A US Army and Gulf War veteran, Bryan found inspiration to serve his fellow citizens by helping his family business become a stronger resource for health.
Bryan joins the GCP to discuss the process of vetting quality products, the importance of certifications and COAs, the dangers of misinformation, bad labels and chemicals.
The Sunflower Shoppe serves Tarrant and surrounding counties by having well trained staff, fully screened high quality products, and frequent open forum lectures to educate all of heir customers.
And now an ad from dad save money on car insurance when you bundle home and auto with progressive what is this where did you get this I'm talking to you with the hair yeah where did you get this good stuff so that's another nearly solid stuff progressive can't save you from becoming your parents but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto progress casually intrinsically affiliates and other insurers discuss not available in all stricter situations all right it is August 1, 2019 this is episode 19 the gap check project with your host Dr. Ken Brown I'm Eric Greer what's up can August 1 August 1 does it give a final become summer here in Texas because it's been really mild it's amazing we haven't I don't think it officially which I think official temp records in our area By DFW airport I don't think they've officially recorded 100° day in all July which is amazing if you're not from Texas that does not happen often I was listening to a Jim Gaffigan set on the way over here we talked about living in the Midwest spring just it sometimes it did vanish like louts it's April it's 30° the next days like 90 music well there was spring on every thrill hot pocket juggling hey so it is it is August 1 and for all of the several hundred of you that wrote in to let us know that you have liked and shared get your project back to the month of July for the contest for the signature package from Dr. Brown being a month supply about trying to heal and keeping the CBD thank you thank you thank you so much for the help the growth the the spreading of the word all of the winners will receive an email by the end of this week we were advised not to read off your names here because we need to have your permission which kinda stinks but I really didn't think that that's being new to to podcast and that's why we have a producer to make sure that we don't step on her on her feet that way Ron is like now you gotta get that kind of in writing so you will be notified the good thing is is after all of the success of the present especially in the art inside we don't have five winners of six winners six winter so it's awesome that's over $600 worth of giveaways right there that you make available to everybody so thank you again to everyone we will have more contests and more chance to share more opportunities and incentives on the good stuff coming forward but what a great way to to roll into the summer so absolutely so you have is our guest today guest today is the great Brian Bradford from sunflower shop and some flower shop if you don't know you live here nor Texas you are missing out basically they are they are the pioneers especially here in Tarrant County so it started to bleed by his grandmother run by his father down in Fort Worth they've expanded now they get a gigantic store appear in Colleyville right off of the 121 and you've given to records – on a super impressed is super smart guys certified health Coach got his own podcast called the healthy approach former military veteran really knowledgeable and I've given two lectures at his store with great turnout like standing remotely like people really enjoy going to stores and hanging out little lecture I does the first time that I've had a differing age population right and you know we always hand out cards to see how people react to its first time I got like didn't understand a word like oh I need to remember not talking to healthcare professionals all the bad I want to like redo it for her to drag her house and be like when he does redo this or catch maybe a little science as well but was also pretty funny and some of those responses were great lecture and they circled one so they just backwards on the net on the numeric scale which I thought was funny that all the time whatever doing those online, root reviews through Keith world somebody will sit there and say you amazing that it save my life and the one you calm up joke hey kid you change that formula, ruining the curve yeah it's not first place any five stars is that's funny stuff well out Brian in his store there was so much more than store which is why were having him here they their pioneer in the community what does it mean to choose healthy foods to have supplements that mean something to have someone guide you to something that it's going to actually benefit you that's why they have such a good turnout whenever you went there to get those lectures these people the customers and the clients that they have their date they don't shop there just because it's convenient place to go to they go there because he getting information on how to live better yeah I can't wait to bring about article with him also trying to was NSF certified I do and the polyphenols have been shown to augment athletic performance correct by increasing nitric oxide an article just came out that's Asada warned athletes about rise in ligand role use so the Australian sports anti-doping Authority warned athletes less than a year ago the ligand role was appearing regularly in random supplements so people are putting this in ligand role is a storm a storm is a selective androgen receptor modulator it's a class of compounds that have very similar products or similar properties to anabolic agents have less androgenic properties and so athletes were using this started in the bodybuilding world and now it's ending up in all these supplements and people to realize it so you have these pro athletes that are being stripped of their titles and stuff like for instance Joaquin Noah tested positive for was suspended for 20 games the best ballplayer emits mixed martial arts athletes that have been find money and had to sit out for six months or so and they swear that they were taking it on purpose and it just shows I can't wait to talk to him about how he vets the different products ago in his in his store and how many NSF certified products he has and so on so because that is exactly why we go to the trouble doing NSF I think really be going to what's the nutrition oh were going to fencing and that that is at the house but on my dates incredibly that is the last week of October or the last
regardless it's a gigantic nutrition conference for our registered dietitians coming there they're basically the front line of how we are reaching so many people 100% not sure that Brian will talk little bit about that because I pretty sure they have registered dietitians startled yeah I know that he is a clinical health coach and not Kunkel nutritionist himself so so this is why it's so important that when you have a product that you can not only to help with bloating not only do we help with the note G.I. distress different things like that bacterial overgrowth SEBO but you know we can show t...
Travis is a former collegiate team roper and bronco rider, that has found a career in relationship building and sales.
Incredible science review about polyphenols vs aspirin
Travis' experience and hobby with raising cattle
Team roping
The conundrum of pharmaceutical representation vs fairness and the law
SERIOUSLY FUNNY examples of medical sales experiences, from erection pills, to pain relief side effects, to unexpected results from an experimental weight loss drug... You will love it!
Nancy husband and wife may kiss the bride connectivity care whenever you need video chatting with the doctor right from your phone so I don't need stitches thank you Dr. United healthcare health plan benefits may vary helps if I need to make their morning live show I was on so that out of the mud you Mary and for Larry where is Jeff when you need him for this is the gotcha project episode number 18 I McGregor with your host Dr. Ken Brown what's happening what's going on up so the writing were already up to this is fantastic were having some great responses I'm even like bumping into people that are looking us up that's a good show gut check project canalboat we are 18 why not 18 years not quite there love my tummy.com just who had knocked it out the bag lobectomy.com/spoony check that out if you would like to get your own Arbitron teal the reason why moving so quickly today is because we've got some studies to get to we've got an incredible gas from an industry that we don't always get to represent on the show that in a course is going to be Travis page 3 of Travis page on he is a drug rep but is also very interesting upward to talk about a lot of different topics but were not to talk specifics of anything know it is to be a general just Pharma thing when I can get him in trouble now is generic company will not be brought up is generic drug won't it's going to be really neutral so there you go Travis yeah Travis will will not reveal his company and I even asked him if I can rhyme it with other words said no idle whiteboard all the guts to hold it up with
he said it won't won't happen so that's about what is a lot of stuff but one of things I do want to talk about is the stories that you had being a grubber the stories that I've had through the years in training what's going on how the drug industry is changed in like this the regulations that have been placed so it's a wild thing because I didn't realize as a young person going to the doctor with my parents what why in our small town to Gainesville occasionally was somebody in a three-piece suit sitting amongst all of the people in the in the waiting room and they always seem to be holding pamphlets and couldn't wait to get in and they didn't have to have their name on the list and they would go back but a lot of things has changed since those days and the way that pharmaceutical representatives have to become educated how they represent to the physicians how they support the positions with their staff and patients etc. so there's so want to get into in a coursers lots of others lots of funny stories to go along with having a yeah a pharmaceutical rep but yes the big news in the big news happens to be in conjunction with the KPD health box and before we forget I wanted you to touch on the feedback that you got this last week and then what you have coming out is a little there's actually an updated change so we did the box opening last week with the KB of the health box but this is a really exciting thing this is a brand-new venture for us and for member box and they did an amazing job and I've had some great feedback my patients were to make big differences you met him boxing is a primary got box yesterday we sat was Sarah Jean and were building next month's box and were making it even better because more vendors are allowing their products to be part of member box you can build your own box once you get going this is really exciting I want to personally change the healthcare landscape naturally and allow people to really start changing things about themselves this pretty awesome because some of the feedback that we got from our patient just yesterday it was scope to received her first box and she said this is amazing I don't have to guess anymore and I thought that was really awesome to have yet another new element of a patient testimony it says this is helping me be healthier and saving money, the biggest thing about the boxes once you realize that there is that study that came out the chilled 79% of the stuff that you're buying at big-box stores or the Walgreens GNC late that article came out which showed that it did not have on the label what was arching the capsules so we took the liberty of going okay you [email protected] consumer labs and you make sure that things are third-party tested then you realize okay what studies have been done that have actually shown O for instance tumor does do this or trunk teal can help in different ways we get the science to back it and we vetted the products and you're able to get it a huge discount so this particular box hundred $47 for some people that's that's out of range but a lot of people are spending to 5300 on supplements and you may just be throwing it away so hundred 47 to over $250 worth of vetted supplements one of the really exciting things is one of my patients her husband passed away of Alzheimer's disease right and she he was an artist and so she took his original art and she's made cards for basically blank cards thank you cards old-school member like instead of just texting somebody hey thanks that was awesome to catch you write thank you for doing whatever will on the back of it all the proceeds go to the Alzheimer's foundation so were you put that in anybody's box so our office purchased all of her cards and were to put that in the box and I just want it's an opportunity to Cordish to share that message others diseases like Alzheimer's which are really devastating and people you will be reminded of it Mrs. original art that's being sent to restart interact on hey we can put this in your box like that's awesome thank you that is awesome and if you've ever wanted to go and use a physician's recommendation as you move through the aisles of where what supplements actually work which brands are the ones that I can trust and which ones can I save money on to accomplish all of the things that I want to to supplement mount health that's what the K BMD boxes all bouts of KB MD box.com will direct you to where you can learn more to see a video of Dr. Brown on boxing the first months box that'll be replaced here pretty soon when we basically updated and unpack month number two which was very similar to one that always has small little tweaks just to basically improve your health and you can join and you can pause at any time there was never go to the you can go to the the member store and build more build you can deftly build more he can remember boxes getting more and more products in their really and it's all you know I want do is build a box it's based on science speaking of one of our people has member box set me article this morning that I normally would really go to personal stuff here but remember you can little love my Tommy.com/spoony and get a big discount and outrun till you're wondering okay will I don't have bloating or anything like that this article was just sent to me about 15 minutes ago in the article is anthocyanins protect the gastrointestinal tract from a high fat diet -induced alterations blot within burial integrity disposal really fancy these are the molecules are talking about right anthocyanins and what they do they looked at mice and they fed them a typical high sugar high fat American diet and they demonstrated that when they did this that the mice became fat they had insulin resistance they developed steatosis which is fat in the liver and they showed despite Elsa so the bacteria got screwe...
Brandon Brown is non-traditionally trained sous chef at Flower Child, a top health restaurant in Dallas, TX. Brandon has personal experience in living in dealing with a parent that suffered from ALS, learned how to deliver home health care, and then worked his way up through the ranks of creating incredibly nutritious dishes at a premier restaurant.
Kiran Krishnan is a microbiologist that has made huge waves in health and microbiome science. Well beyond concepts, Kiran has helped engineer, create, and study Spore probiotic delivery systems. It is incredibly unique in that before Microbiome Labs' data, there was almost no conclusive evidence to demonstrate probiotic efficacy en vivo (in humans/living animals).
Kiran shares with GCP the basics of natural vaccination that we all should be doing everyday.
Hey hi Mandy if you don't know me it's probably because I'm not famous but I did start a men's grooming company called Harry's the idea for Harry's came out of a frustrating experience I had buying razor blades most brands were overpriced overdesigned and out of touch and here is our approach is simple here's our secret we make sharp durable blades and sell them at honest prices for as low as two dollars each we care about quality so much that we do some crazy things by world-class German blade factory obsessing over every detail means were confident in offering 100% quality guarantee millions of guys have already made the switch to Harry's so thank you if you're one of them and if you're not we hope you give us a try with the special offer get a Harry starter set with a five blade razor weighted handle shave gel and a travel cover all for just three bucks plus free shipping just go to Harry's.com and enter 5000 at checkout that's Harry's.com code 5000 enjoy good morning it is that God check project I may agree or hear with your host Dr. Ken Brown what's going on again and we got all kinds of good on this is kind of exciting show because we did a remote location with a really really cool guy Kieran Krishnan get on condition and get on so we ended up taking all of our equipment down to IFN that's the functional medicine meeting and we film the podcast with him and I think it's fantastic it really is some of the coolest microbiology an incredible explanation so the second hour or second hours are to be amazing and it's so cool this is actually really cool because we can look into the future and say we know 100% that we are going to deliver in the second hour because he did an awesome job there's lots of eye-opening anecdotes that I will call them anecdotes they would they were just new in concept the way that he said the but the look back you like it just makes sense it just makes sense he deed he is the backrub microbiologist behind mega spore and it's a spore-based probiotic were going to get into that whenever we have them on the show here and I think if if you have ever been interested in taking a probiotic absolutely have to listen to this because he has a lot of evidence about the industry probiotics how many people are making probiotics that are really not on the up and up and that we know where the product is coming from oh we covered that we covered why a soil baseboard biotic is much better and then with deep dive into the science of how it does so I really really like that that whole podcast that we did with them I did to if you are new to the gut check project this is the gotcha project with your host Dr. Ken Brown we check our egos at the door because nothing is off the table and you may already want to know I saw your post we can Winfrey outrun teal and keeping the CBD so let's just get straight to a doctor can what should they do if they would like to win the signature protection package for signature protection package go to gut check project sign up subscribe share and do they have take a picture of it to get the get enrolled how does it work they want take a screenshot just so that you happen to win when we will draw a winner in the mid part of July actually at least five winners if the if the numbers keep coming in online iTunes like they are now we may have more than five winners which would be great but you can go to iTunes or YouTube search get check project basically subscribe take a screenshot you wish but then go to get your project.com connect let us know that you subscribe and then you're entered that's all there is to it subscribe to let us know get your project.com search for gut check project on YouTube and or iTunes and dad tell a friend about because the more we grow the more giveaway that's all there is to absolutely and if you are enjoying this let us know so that we can keep doing what y'all want to hear about note no doubt so when you reconnect you'll see that you can you can actually suggest guests topics for the show we've already been able to book some in advance with with some of those it suggestion so really looking forward to that today you'll get a glimpse of one of those suggestions they came from a friend of ours named Bridget a little over a year ago when she knew that we wanted to have a show and this this delivers if you've ever really wondered what is it about probiotics that even mean anything and my taking the right one I promise if you're not taking one for mega sport or a mega mega spore a micro biome Lansing to get that right sorry for someone there then you're probably not taking a reputable or a probiotic the can and should prove that it's worth so as we launch the KB empty box we get a lot of feedback from people they will know what's in the box and one of the reasons why you're going to have two really cool things which is trying to heal and mega spore is because in this podcast he explains how the polyphenols not trying to actually augment the spore base biotic and you can improve your health and improve the diversity of your micro biome with that no doubt in on top of that the biggest hang at that you had long ago is how do I even know these probiotics of people are taking are getting to work where I need them to work if you're here ingesting them and their encapsulated in their breaking open the small bowel that the model does cut hole in your billing is pouring a bunch of stuff that is it makes sense he essentially addresses all of that in talks why the science behind spore-based probiotics is the answer so I went on Melanie Avalon's new show called the Melanie Avalon showing I got on Monday and we talked exactly like this that when you listen to guys like Eamonn Quigley who have been studying probiotics for 40 years the thing that he says the best as we can they do amazing things in a petri dish we just can't get them to replicate that in the human body because it's very very complex we get into big detail about how that actually happens how many people have we had come to the G.I. clinic who have said I had G.I. distress or whatever that whatever sentiment was happy but I had G.I. distress and then begin to take a probiotic and it went away for a little while and then after name the time interval for weeks six weeks 12 weeks whatever it is suddenly they returned to that feeling of the symptoms and often times what I hear is it was worse and so basically it's your the idea environment applying what Kant said correctly is that taking the wrong delivery system of probiotics is actually just dumping bacteria would know doesn't necessarily belong so when I see these people with really bad natural overgrowth say hello and they start taking the way worse that gives me a hint of what's going on sure the Cedars-Sinai protocol Dr. Pimentel is a little let the patients take probiotics now to Ron has some great research showing that the spore based biotics can actually help with leaky gut intestinal permeability I think it's funny because patients go oh I've tried probiotics before but that's a lot like when people say oh I tried to CBD before right and the like I didn't get any response Michael CBD is a lot like the supplement industry there's a l...
How can Near Death Experiences affect those that go through it? How can superstitions be shown to actually have benefit? What actions can you take to improve your health today? All of that in this month's GCP science reset with Ken & Eric.
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every time we start going to these different meetings which you just came back from a meeting in we've done different meetings recently so which to keep bringing all that knowledge into this room and shared it with everybody and definitely we would so even just this last week number one thank you to everybody who began to ride into a so it seems like were very iTunes heavy in terms of subscriptions and people that are lacking in sharing the show so it was noticed thank you very much in case you happen to have forgotten all you have to do is like and subscribe to the gut check project on either iTunes or on YouTube and then you will be entered into the contest where you can win a free month supply of the signature protection package signature protection package which is all Tron tail and either KB MD sentiment or KB MD natural after you subscribe you simply have to go to get your project.com go to contact choose an email that says I subscribe to GCP we had several hundred last week and thank you for all the comments down there to there's lots people who just want to know more about trying to heal and know more about CBD they say that either or both of them are already working and that's that's great and would several guest suggestions as well think I've ever had the advice to be contacted by several patients who said that they were taking CBD and that after adding upfront feel that they notice that they feel like they are little bit better improvement is a placebo or is there something else going on and actually got some science behind it the reason why we called the signature package once you explain the science well long long ago is getting so I have CBD of course works as a supplementary micronutrient for your Indo cannabinoid system which is something that really we need to get onto the website it's a little bit about the meeting that we just went to Swint's last week talking about how to better convey this information but essentially the way the website looks awesome developed by a cRNA for cRNA doing a website it's pretty dang good yes if for a cRNA doing a website that's right that's basically the way we get away with saying it's a terrible website but were trying to make it better I promise so that was a little bit of the of the meeting that I went to for the last day and 1/2 and dad it's some great people out there want to say hey to donate and to Sarah and to to Brad great group of people out there in Phoenix but in Jake's charging only the Sarah Silverman yeah Bradley Cooper they were all there there into their there into web stuff and Nate McGillicuddy that there there all they are three people yeah I work so hard as you will never know they work there anyway but so the CBD will actually augment or work as an micronutrient fear Indo cannabinoids system and that's it that seriously is like any other system that we have in our bodies it's over 600 million years old evolutionarily speaking through all types of animals if you're a bird of vertebral meaning that you have a backbone you're guaranteed to have any CS so essentially what happens is taking CBD allows our ECS are you know can have annoyed system to better regulate and function as the governor between our immune system in our nervous system you've all heard of those systems so essentially whenever you have chronic inflammation it's either one of those two that's kind of working out about CBD doesn't yeah so I think one of the biggest issues that people are having with the CBD stores are popping up everywhere that I was I have news this and that's going on but nobody really understands why what so I get my patients a command and will say things like oh I've tried to be do nothing happened but I'll just say well here's part of the problem there's a lot of companies out there that even even the people that are making some CBD don't really understand the science behind it and once they try to BMD CVD the electrical back and say oh my gosh I took X, Y, and Z did notice anything now I'm able to my back pain is gone my neuropathy is gone and then I can explain why what's actually happening we all have an Endo cannabinoid system I keep coining the term and end of Caleb and all just because I really feel like the more and more I read about it the more it is really complex and there's some really cool science out there but the signature packages there because all trying to kind of stops in enzyme that breaks down your own endogenous and a cannabinoids meaning your body makes CBD you called Ananda my and that's part of the issues that we start going on these rabbit holes of explaining stuff but it's really easy you just have to realize that when you take CBD presses the reset gets everything back in balance and that's a come I think it's more than adapted you meaning that when you take it in your body will figure out what to do with it that's why you can't overdose on it that's why so many people can have incredible results that's why some people takes longer because maybe you need more of this what would you call micronutrient or an adapted you because I can go by a lot of different terms but people of your left and be my my goals to really try to explain a lot of the science and once I can put together good signature talk that is sort of as we always say bridges the gap between this complex science and natural solutions then were, to get out there and were to put that on the website on this evolving website yeah what you want and nothing's off the table of course so through that research and and I was there firsthand as you began to have patients who used CBD and then use a couple different brands and manufacturers not seen that the different changes in terms of once I finally have a high quality CBD so up I do want to say that what we offer the KPD health is not the only awesome CBD that's out there but what I can tell you is it does check all the boxes so if you're hunting for CVD to make a difference begin with a legitimate COA certificate of authenticity if they can't do that then move onto the next one that's if you can't check that box there is no reason to continue the discussion did you see I saw a news article where somebody got fired from their job because they were drug tested and they tested positive they were fired the personally got fired knew that they were doing anything all are doing CBD that it starts going around that CVD can cause false positives sure that person send it to a third-party analysis and as it turned out and even that particular one so that the amount of THC was none came back actually very high level so unfortunately somebody lost her job over this and now they're suing the CBD manufacturer for all of that so will CLA's can unf...
Cooper Read is a GREAT storyteller while his career journey includes playing college baseball, a surgical technician, an adventurer and journeyman, MAPS & Zendo Project Advocate.
Cooper has tells how he found inspiration knowing that he wanted more out of life than what the health care industry could provide in traditional institutions. Also, a mention from Ken & Eric about how you cannot out exercise a sedentary lifestyle and a customer story about CBD and vagal mediated atrial fibrillation.
Instagram: @cooper_read
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really cool desk alone and I'm super excited about this sort of things that you what I have done we get a lot of feedback from people that are been writing in is that we bring just on that were try to learn some stuff from correct and I think that almost everything will episode I become more knowledgeable it is expanded my mind I think today is exactly where we need to be because we have somebody who's a great storyteller that's got some incredible experiences just throws himself out there that's kind of a sort of how work, doing everything right now and if you're new to the gut check project I think it would you find that what can I both want to do out of the guest is find a little bit about their journey that took them to where they are now because life is a journey to find that you you're going to be satisfied once you know more about yourself and how you know what you want until you have exploded morality so exactly so work we have Cooper read on the show today and he is somebody who is really it's a lightning she actually inspires me and other people around him and he just jumps and of to explore different areas different ways of health and easily get into a lot of different stuff but if you're somebody who's kind of stuck in a rut right now this is your show converted to cover novel French stuff that I think is actually something that can change both health and mind yeah absolutely happy at think that Cooper has a great story of just being dissatisfied is where he found himself and decided to do something about it so allowable I'm not going to ruin his story that will get to that whenever he joins us here about just so happens that is doing something about it in a field that I have tremendous interest in and medicine is going that way and I think that we will all be talking about this five years from now as how really to improve mental health without question without question real quick of course if you also knew to get project and even if you aren't should always go to love my tummy.com/spoony where on the spoony network so/Bernie will give you are trying to heal outrun teal at a discount that you won't find hardly anywhere else so what is that all 20 oh that makes it so unique to Brown so this is kind of exciting this is my baby right here in a little shout out to Siobhan Sarna who is the head of the IBS SEBO SOS summit because probably much to her relief I finally got done filming my webinar for the experts on that is so nice and we got a chance to one of the reasons why I was looking at the other of future lectures and she's like you're the last one to do this of Mark Pimentel the psyche shroud it is we've got to know Tom Osborne that that is all these other people and Allison C Becker she's like you're holding up the whole show they yell for those who are into keeping the health and follow us and get the emails that we get every week that we send out just be sure and tune in because what Dr. Brown is referencing is see below SOS some and if you've ever been interested in why certain people suffer from G.I. distress and they can't quite find the answers that's kinda what this whole summit is about not everything is going to apply to everyone but there may be something in there for everybody who tunes in supercool about this particular summit and what Siobhan is put together is that you have people that have had different experiences doing different things right and my experience was in trying to find a natural solution for people with reputable bowel syndrome bloating change in bowel habits and that's how we discovered trying to with two trials which have been published and we been out now for about three years and the reality is worse in the same clinical results that we did in those trials which is 4 to 5 people to get better if you have the classic symptoms of when you meet you blokes now the other cool thing since we launched is that we have since learned through other scientists contacting us that the polyphenols in front your action extremely beneficial for you they work on an antiaging level there's data to show that you are living goes up which helps get rid of old and aging cells this data to show that you increase nitric oxide to the muscles so if you're an athlete so it's really exciting I started this journey to try and help people that were bloated that have bacterial overgrowth and we just keep expanding and knocking down your doors and that's what's so exciting about this I'll try to love my tummy.com/spoony putting code spooning SP 00 and why and you can also experience the so this is my baby show little support at least cash in one coupon that's that's your mission I want everyone to commit to cash in one coupon so that I know that people are at least realizing the importance of both gut health and overall health threat on the battery cell five for a friend or family member that may separate from my G.I. issues so I of course got check project like and share like and share like and share thank you for all of the new subscriptions we reached out to our KB MD health community for the first time this last week to introduce to them the contest where we are giving away to at least five winners the signature protection package of arch on tail whether it be with community CBD natural flavor or sentiment and keep those submissions coming get a friend get a family member to do the same for you like and subscribe to get to project either on YouTube or on iTunes choose an email through going to KB MD.com Sino community health.com and you click on contact sheet is an email it's easy that's all you have to do sign up and then in July we will be drawing at least five winners so the public to be more solid and make you kick the science this time why do you call that the signature package what do those two things blend so well together CBD and affronted absolutely no great thing that you're doing with CVD is that everything that you put behind this and this and I'm in if you're listening through the audio only I picked up both the CBD and the John Teal you have real cases that have come through the clinic and was shown improvement so using this combinatio...
Leif Harrison has entered the world of the Hemp business after a multi-varied work experience in both high-level corporate business and post US Navy career. Born in AZ, raised in OH, Leif was a scholarship competitive sailor for the US Naval Academy. He is a trained parachutist, and tells of his religious calling to embark upon a 40 day fast.
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And now I thought from Geico motorcycle it took 15 minutes to take a spirit animal quiz online please be the cheetah please be the cheetah and learn your animal isn't the cheetah but before less appealing blog fish come on let insult to injury you could've use those 15 blood fish minutes to switch your motorcycle insurance to Geico Geico 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on motorcycle insurance hello listeners out there it's a gut check project here with your host Dr. Ken Brown I'm Eric Rager and a course I got check project you check your egos at the door and nothing's off the table this is episode number 13 Doug Brown with that number 13 I miss that music bandwidth we actually had to travel little bits we missed last week we did a rerun on that one but I love that music and get my little metal groove I'll never hit him like a word and have some fun today yeah you know it's it you remind me of that you say you miss at music the music that I remembered when I was younger on Thursdays was cost show but were not going to be putting anything anybody's drinks so just mean you great way to open the show will will be, oh boy you will about sweaters anymore is it stepping out about sweaters so let's let's touch on that last week we've been trying for two and half years to you to get to the Institute functional medicine shall and this year we got our first chance to be a part of it I would say it right being Trond Teal trying to and that we were joined by Mike Logsdon and I think the three of us unanimously decided that not only was a great exposure for trying to heal we connected with people that have been using arch on teal for a long time and on top of that I think that we found a lot of new fans who just basically wanted new explanation on how much until could fit into their practice they love the fact it was less expensive was all natural solution for bloating and a course in Canada we can say IBS and Joseph say afterwards a I BSA but not BSC and obviously is IDSA but it was what you think I thought that the exposure to that level of really involved in caring practitioner was cute well so we the I FM this was the international IFN meeting we been trying to get in there for a long time what I learned from that was holy cow there are a lot of very smart doctors who are now adopting this functional approach because the system that we have right now are we just treat diseases it's breaking the bank lately it is a broken system that needs to feed on itself so these are a group of doctors that have flown in from all over the world and there are trying to help people at the base level so that we don't have to get to a point where they're being prescribed opioids or whether being prescribed this were to do this thing and so have a booth there without trying to and then have all these doctors that already knew about us was such a cool experience speaking of all of those positions that were there think about some of the other people that were there talking about their new delivery systems or for instance Carolyn Krishnan and just so everyone knows we can do a quick reset writ right here if you don't mind last week we did have shell so because we were on the road we didn't have the ability to do remote show because we were doing a completely different set up that being said Ron Krishnan of mega spore or actually it's like bio lads the makers of the megastore is a fantastic probiotic and we ended up doing a recording which will be released later this month of thus interviewing with Charon those kinds of innovative minds that's what's all over the IFN it's new ways to deliver health and wellness in a savings to the patient using in most cases natural approaches and they work they have science that backs it up is really super exciting that was so cool so first of all thank you get on yeah for taking us to have future results with amazing Peruvian Asian fusion restaurant and we just had a blast we did and I love being around like-minded people and entrepreneur who's a scientist she's a microbiologist in his training when he came to the house we did the podcast he kicked some crazy knowledge absolutely phenomenal as to why you should be using a spore based probiotic and not a traditional probiotic based on plausible science replicated in the lab that is what is amazing she is all about will that makes sense let's test he is a researcher first entrepreneur second and that's kind of the model we have outrun to you is because really we've got some science to back it and that's why we developed it and that's why think were gonna be able to possibly work together to really help a lot of people using the combination of the two dad hates he says he's pretty amazing in the way that he talks about science it's like he's talking about a friend oh he's just I mean he describes the you have to listen to this episode because it's so into it that it's so cool but we come from bacteria make no mistake about it yet and we have lost sight of that and we have developed a world that kills what he calls the whole mobile which is a term of never heard is a real rain forest when you take out the canopy things die and we have systematically been destroying our own God given reason why were here which is our micro bio and were all about the microbe I'm also talking about polyphenols talk about probiotics protecting Mike by Marissa said he just came out I just saw that yesterday where they were looking at how the micro biome affects aging if you have a healthy micro biome is an anti-aging situation then and it set in really when you start digging into the science that your Acheron and now is butchering his name so Chiron uses to back up where why spore-based probiotics are not only more efficacious but actually more natural and then you begin to look at how the micro biome itself benefits from having a spore base probiotic make its way to the: it's it really the mysteries no longer mystery it makes sense on why you need to care for that for your body and your you're basically a vehicle for bacteria and if you're keeping them healthy and happy you can be healthy and happy it's the signals we talked about what we've always talked on the bottom of this we talked a few episodes ago were in TCU they did the study with injected people would like the polysaccharides and they show that the new information created impulse problems the lead to anxiety all kinds of stuff please brought up LPS that's exactly what he talked about was a better marker remember that instead of just using C-reactive protein and other markers to find true long long-term information in order to find out if you could heal the gut LPS was a better marker and you could speak to distant is that something that current practitioners through traditional medicine are using no traditional medicine does not look at LPS I do have a science article today were really touching a little bit Because when we talked about the leaky got leading to leaky brain right well I got really cool article just published this month 2000 19 June 2019 will real look at how CBD and a cannabinoid like Endo cannabinoid called PEA actually some really cool science on that and that's what we always come back to bridging the gap or to trying take some science and bring it over here John was talking about that the whole time because this doesn't make sense why people are doing this with probiotics when we should be doing this because this makes a lot more sense we want to ruin that episode because I think it is one of the coolest funny nerdy e...
Ken & Eric tackle the outlying topics, nice GCP show contest, learn about NBS (Narcotic Bowel Syndrome), selfies are killing people, PTSD and med marijuana in Texas... Drop in the GCP and enjoy DR. Brown addressing the topics that could be shaping the world around you.
Nancy husband and wife may kiss the bride connectivity care whenever you need video chatting with the doctor right from your phone so I don't need stitches thank you Dr. United healthcare health plan benefits may vary welcome to the projects with your host Dr. Ken Brown I Eric Rieger will we all check our egos at the door and nothing is off the table again what happened man we are on episode number 12 we are big doesn't it is a big dozen so it's always like this on this is like a recap episode were just going to cover a lot of stuff just you and I and really really really cool like this is super exciting so on we call this episode topic talk simply because next week we actually will be out of town to go to IFN down in San Antonio the functional medicine Society corrected outwardly running the booth there outfront you there and I FM in San Antonio I love San Antonio it's a great city absolutely and it's kinda wild so if you never heard of IFN we have tried for this is our third year it's so popular but even though we were asked by the IFN to go ahead and be a part of the show we just wait we can sign up in time they heavily that everyone is going to be a part of the show they wanted John Teal in this year now they've moved venues to a larger one John Teal was definitely invited were really really excited to be there on behalf of trying to heal so looking forward to the show next week on how the Antonia I love the functional medicine doctors because they are open to just talk about checking your ego at the door they will at least listen to anything at all prior episodes episode number 12 we covered a lot of things that could be considered a little bit atypical you know the photo bio modulation things CBD talked to were always doing all that kind of stuff himself stem cells that stuff is novel and it's the functional medicine community it typically leads the way and they start using it and then we can start getting some data and then we can start putting into traditional medicine definitely so today's today show we decided we would kind of reset we got a great contest to remind everybody about we've got does some some viewer emails that have suggested some incredible topics to one of their particular from the believe it's leaves David and I were going to get to that in a moment but can a reset of course to begin speaking about trying to heal if you ever suffer from bloating or abdominal discomfort get yourself your daily polyphenols with all trying to heal go to love my tummy.com/spoony love my tummy.com/20 why/spoony can muddy think would say that because it makes everybody a winner when you put in the code spooning you out of the vision rolled into our discount contest in your hundred percent guaranteed to get a huge savings on this so SPO and why putting codes booty definitely so love my tummy.com/spoony spoony so the network continues to grow the popularity continues to grow I checked out trays chow down again just as last week I'm a terrible cook you know this I'm getting a a nice girl sets a big green egg yeah green egg having him come in the worst on the grill but now I follow directions I can actually what makes food the people will eat not just the menagerie of animals that is charred remains and I you know is less easily but no it's is a lot of fun but Trey shot out is got great information check them out on the spinning networks money.com has a full lineup of his ally would be all the times that I realize there are a lot of people who catch the repeat go to spoony.com and you can see for all of the shows but definitely trays chow down where it finishes and where it re-airs throughout the week awesome the one of things only try with you okay right now just I realize I think one of the things we should do is continue to grow intellectually okay you know that I like to read the daily stoic every day they always have quotes from scholars Jeff Solomon read you a quote but I want you to tell me which scholars said this okay this sounds hard yes it's gonna be really difficult okay I am probably in the sky flying with the fish or maybe in the ocean swimming with the pigeons see my world is different I'll give you a hint okay who loves lasagna oh is this this is God belittling this little why I should've known that now yeah yeah I know that's good he had a real Jesus movement sounds like lasagna I got in real Jesus move in silence like lasagna yeah man I got as deep on lyrics sure that's funny so what do you what you are going on as best we can mass past weekend was the beer I have a stuff like essay on repeat but where were back into into basketball and hip so that a couple times I have said that 12 times the exact I know no doubt and debit actually this last Sunday because of basketball the boys missed they miss their traditional celebration with with mom so Marie and the boys went drove I went drove vast electric go carts which we are introduced to backhaul crewmen knock her out in California I think you may miss that woman I want to go with them in thesis racetrack called K-1 and I have one now here in Dallas and that means great they loved it K-1 the one that so I did one when I was it I was given a lecture at ECG I went to the morrow and ready one and it's it's basically a tract that has light turns that little beat dips up the down it's not just a straight flat what was this one that is deathly not flat but I don't think it has any bridge volley or anything else I can think it's all routine S-curve about it but it is deftly technical and of course the boys and Marie came back and they send in one's great number to their surprise at the max speed limit is 45 and Max said my youngest he said that's scary scary dad but nope I really want to be out jet when you were almost tight turns like that oh yeah yeah for sure so the great Mother's Day no not typical but really not typical she liked do I do things are adventurous so that was that it was deathly fun for them speaking of carts do you remember when our good friend Russ ironic Dr. Veronica San Antonio which were to be seen next week sure he called into the show when we were talking about Lou Gehrig's disease and you know the effect is that dying of that right one of his good friends their son was a go Carter like always the child became really good when on the circuit and now like races for Porsche no way is like a 18 or something cool scratches will tell Mac to stick with it just seemed it seems so hard and I know it's it's a career pathway that I'm completely ignorant to I don't know how they how they get to that point where was someone said when I want you to drive for my team even though I'm pouring millions of dollars in this car in for a crew and equipment etc. that just seems it seems while was not sunny like okay you look it's you wonder how people end up in certain sports like for instance Tim Duncan was when he was a swimmer yeah you know if Michael Phelps didn't jump into the pool what would you be doing in certain countries they certainly communist countries were back in the day when they would find Olympic athletes they would like looked like you you're to be a power lifter based on X, Y, and Z user to do this I don't know yet so that give you a Tim Duncan is doing now no I believe that he has been training as an MMA fighter post-NBA career no way I yeah I'm certain I read that somewhere but yet that's that's what he spends his time doing is its MMA training etc. mean so from awesome swimmer if I remember correctly story about Tim Duncan I d...
Ric Moore was a photographer at Playboy Magazine for over 20 years. His skills allowed him to be a part of the first ever rock concert for in the former Soviet Union in 1987. Ric has always followed his heart to find interesting career choices for himself from teaching at Oklahoma University, Playboy Photographer, student pilot and owner of his own plane, student of improv and stand-up comedy, and now a proprietor of a dispensary (RedBub Medical MJ) in the OKC area after learning the benefits of medical THC and CBD.
RedBud Medical MJ FB Page
Gut Check Project Connect
Nancy husband and wife may kiss the bride connectivity care whenever you need video chatting with the doctor right from your phone so I don't need stitches thank you Dr. United healthcare health plan benefits may vary well good check project with your host Dr. Ken Brown hi Eric regularly had Jeff Collins on the board Chef Patrick somewhere back there in the booth and here at the GCP we all check our ego at the door and nothing is off the table it now episode 11 can I do today episode 11 I think if we ever use that model of nothing is off the table today show is really going to demonstrate that I think were to go all over the place today then no joke I really hope that the audience has been growing the emails that keep coming in and what they see today is that we know we would talk science talk health they were taught a lot of fun we that we had some great shows about charity getting back feeling better today it's, laughter is the best medicine yes so this is our guest today it's super interesting guy before we even begin talking about that I want to have a riddle for you a riddle riddle okay I do you know what a Playboy photographer the grounded pilot comedian and medical marijuana all having, they are hard to major in there are hard major in but that's not the answer okay I don't know what the answer is yes Rick Moore is going to solve the riddle for nice nice he brings back and brings all that together take schedule around the nuked a new marker that we gave in the the Josh of some trades instead of the jack of all trades show the Josh of some trades he is is mediocre at everything that's awesome if you want to be entertained today to be a great show Rick Moore brings well he brings lot energy he's got some fantastic stories and well I think will be will be captivated I hope that we stay on top but what's awesome is that a guy like this she's been watching several shows and he has expense with stem cell yes she got his pilot's license and we got a pilot on events then select but on then of course Rick is now actually the owner of Redbud medical MJ in Oklahoma City just opened it and like a true entrepreneur that is doing things he just jumped in with both feet and said sure I'll get my license I need a girl license to get a grow license and now he's got this dispensary called Redbud medical MJ and what's amazing about it is he actually is the first dispensary to be carrying my baby up front you and our CBD KPMG health CVD the only physician recommended CBD available right now amazing and Rick is already a mighty big fan a rec.to what this kind can experience I feel like that I kind of already know not him so much because of the journey of doing just a bunch of different things it's kinda cool to meet somebody else who's like by doing this and now like doing that because it's it's a lot of fun there's not a whole lot of is not a whole lot of podcast or broadcasting training in anesthesia school yet and I saw him walk in with a big cup of coffee so you want to listen to the rest of the show because what we ADD people are severely caffeinated something function happily, hey I J I am ready for erected to join us here and hit the bottom of the hour but first I Screwed up last week we start up the show by saying that we were going to develop a contest and yes Martha Karen James several others I get your email we didn't make good on the contest there were going to create so were going to do at this time but I love the fact we had people email to maybe just email trick in the comfort of the Contessa so here it's we thought about it delight when hundred dollars hundred dollars that's very important I love doing things when and when it takes very little effort in this is all that you have to do so here's our contest step one gut check project go to YouTube search gut check project you'll find our channel deal you'll see little blue microphone says KPMG on the top so go to YouTube go to the gut check project channel step two subscribe subscribe to the gut check project all that does it doesn't cost you thing it basically just means every time we have a new episode and publishes it goes into your YouTube account you always be made aware hey there's an episode here that you may want to check out step three just take a screenshot whether you do with your phone over the do with your computer just take a screenshot and save it somewhere you hang onto it and I'll get to that here in just a moment so step number four you just go to get check project.com you click connect send us a message and I made a little drop down that says I subscribe to GCP that's all you have to do send us a message say hi say hello love the show whatever you wish to do and then you send that message so alright so that what step step five below what we are five steps of five step five steps to win step five just repeat that same sequence with iTunes so you get you to you got iTunes you just can subscribe to the gut check project on both of those sent as an email saying that you didn't and that at the end of June to randomly select five winners five winners five winners they will all receive the fantastic newly released only physician recommended branded CBD KB MD CBD whether you want natural flavor or sentiment doesn't matter what's the going value of that retina MSR money is actually $89 we have it for 79 but they get it for free just stop there my excluded from entering this does this sound like a really good thing you've Artie subscribed event but he simply just subscribe and then you're already entered to win E and you get to tell us do you want natural or sentiment and then that's one month supply one supply right there and then you also get a one month supply about Sean Teal packaged sent to you just are saying thanks and don't stop there you want to enter a few more times have your kids do the same thing have your spouse your friends your parents whomever just have them subscribe to gut check project channel on YouTube and iTunes go and sin is a message through such a project.com you'll see connect send us a message and then once we have all of those we can't wait to welcome our new and growing family to the gut check project I love that I think it sounds like a great thing so for us ADD people let's walk to the five-step superquick Subic number one what is go to YouTube and tried to get check project channel number two what is subscribe number three take a screenshot with your phone or computer number four go to gut check project.com click connect and send us a message that says I subscribed and number five repeat the same steps as iTunes why you have to say that picture is if we select your name were just going to send you message and say hey you one since you picture send that picture you got and that's it and share with everybody share with anyone so there's probably people out there that know one or the other trying to lure CBD limited white super important have both at the same time we found out that the polyphenols and all trying to actual...
Robo Hendrickson is a lifelong inspired entrepreneur and philanthropist. "Be Good. Do Good." is the epitome and slogan of FullBucket Health and for Robo himself. Robo and his partners have built a company that researches and produces incredible supplements to protect the health of horses, dogs, & cats. Gut health is a pillar of their current projects, and for each and every purchase, a portion goes directly to other parts of the world to educate local and impoverished families on proper animal health care, incentivize veterinary practice, and actually foster sustainable economic growth.
Robo is a serial entrepreneur and an accomplished visionary. He tells his story of growing up in South Dakota as his father used the family home for a vet clinic to care for working animals and pets. Later becoming a collegiate and then professional bareback rodeo competitor, Robo found his biggest joy was in creating and executing vision for companies and products that could deliver good to the world.
This episode is very inspiring, and you can really see Ken and Eric just get taken into Robo's story telling as he paints a tangible picture with just words.
Also- Special Call in from Linda Snider, MD- Living with Ataxia
Be Good. Do Good.
Protest your pets here:
Nebraska Ataxia Organization
Hey hi Mandy if you don't know me it's probably because I'm not famous but I did start a men's grooming company called Harry's the idea for Harry's came out of a frustrating experience I had buying razor blades most brands were overpriced overdesigned and out of touch and here is our approach is simple here's our secret we make sharp durable blades and sell them at honest prices for as low as two dollars each we care about quality so much that we do some crazy things by world-class German blade factory obsessing over every detail means were confident in offering 100% quality guarantee millions of guys have already made the switch to Harry's so thank you if you're one of them and if you're not we hope you give us a try with the special offer get a Harry starter set with a five blade razor weighted handle shave gel and a travel cover all for just three bucks plus free shipping just go to Harry's.com and enter 5000 at checkout that's Harry's.com code 5000 enjoy alright it's time for the object project with your host Dr. Kim Brown MD I married Grigor will forget dead Jim Collins on the board is you Patrick in the booth at GCP we all check our ego at the door and nothing is off the table it's episode number 10 were now in double digits long we just attend that's also nothing off the table I think we got something really cool over the show today are gastric and start talking animal health that's a new one for us it is a brand-new and present is more than just animal health domain you can actually confuse you can actually help people all around the world by engaging with our guests company and course are talking about Robo Hendrickson cofounder of full bucket health and full bucket is a company it is taking action with innovation and charity and making tangible differences all over the world they have a parent company called animal stewards international couple other smoke companies under that umbrella but regardless Robo is going to be easily fantastic as organist show our audience that if you you come accustomed to what we been doing to type things are unchangeable that is can be a lot of fun that his daughter bring a lot of different stores the table here is that a lot of different industries and you'll actually know health animal health human health there is a lot of overlap including things like CBD services this could be a really cool topic I can't wait to pick his brain we know he's here to show how they can make it easy for you to help impoverished people from all corners of the world basically for axis small is just feeding your pets it's asking a lot to say but full bucket health is a high level research company for animal health and they have a passion for helping all animals pets working livestock they know that in many parts of our planet the people depend upon the health the contributions of animals and to carry out daily living Robo and his team have created a very humane initiative to help those animals and then on top all at ease be actually funny as hell so and then in this first half hour also came across a really cool article linking we always talk about the brain got access now the science started to catch up to give the mechanisms of how this is so I can't wait to get to that that when it gets it's pretty inventive as I'm driving I know I know I just left I found that actually done right around the corner over here Texas Christian University and just published this month nice will be sure if this is your first or 10th time to tune in to get checked project be sure to subscribe like in share subscribe I can share I'm available in the way number one thank you all for the messages that the people who ask who are you have next in the show the comments from from before but go to gut check project.com and you can hit connect you can write to us about any show ask any questions send them to me or to a Dr. Brown will both read them and then you can go to YouTube search for the gut check project channel subscribe and share the same for iTunes and the coursework were live on iHeartRadio so that's awesome I got some pretty good feedback on our gigantic box gigantic box of the front seal here is so upfront to deal we develop this to help people with bloating abdominal discomfort and we can show that really growth and fortify people benefit by taking this and I see every single day in my clinic and were to talk will be about gut health and the gut brain Access upfront you can help with that so where should they go to get huge discounts as big as this box they can always go to love my tummy.com/spooning love my tummy.com/spoony use the code that's on that page which is just spooning it sparely and save money save money heal your guide don't blow it anymore love my Tommy.com we should run a contest to see how many outrun teal boxes or capsules can fit into the big one and do a real big winner when something cool something I don't know I tell you what come up with that and you know it will do that let's let's talk about maybe even the break maybe before in the shogun come out with a contest that any viewer or listener can guess yeah will will through that part out in low-level get back to you by will go to some of our other men I'm sure we can get some really cool make a nice box were somebody could get a lot of the cool stuff that other host its bony radio possibly mojo 50 speaking a box we get an important call today to finalize something here don't we do have a box with a box we'll call a very important call to finalize a few things about the box they went to a date and well worked out last week we had Jacob around was talking about the D hat member box the D hat health box were finalizing a few things on that and we just came back from Scottsdale where we were with JJ Virgin and she offered to be on the call with us today to try and just make sure that were doing everything correctly because she's so experienced at doing that with her other brand and she's been doing it which are they just super cool so today were to try and get some business advice from JJ on how to do this properly so that everyone benefits for the one thing that I can tell you that she puts as a priority in terms of how she handles people to buy things from her on all of the health things that she delivered she make sure that everything is true to its word and that c...
Rachel Scheer is a fitness model, BS Nutrition and Dietetics, and Functional Medicine Nutritionist . She has several years of experience directing clients to better whole health, and has personal journey of having to find better gut health. She has long collaborated with physicians to allow her clients a more comprehensive picture of improving and maintaining health.
Dr. Jay Yepuri, MD, is a board certified gastroenterologist, the CMO of Riduzone, and has served the gastroenterology community in many capacities including being a former president of the TSGE. Dr. Jay is an ardent patient advocate, and has long worked to improve health and patient outcomes by looking beyond the traditional establishment approach.
Both of the guests in this episode have played a critical role in creating the DHAT Health box. (DHAT = Digestive Health Associates of Texas) A vehicle for consumers to get direct advice on home products and supplements that are fully vetted, approved, and shown to deliver health benefits, at a competitive cost delivered monthly.
Instagram: @rachelscheer and @rachelscheernutrition
Dr. Jay & Riduzone
https://riduzone.com (DRJAY for 30% off)
Instagram @DFW_GI_Doc
Progressive number line number two employee hey Jamie it's me Jimmy this is your daily peptalk I know it's been rough going ever since people found out about your a cappella group met harmony but you will bounce back I mean the guy always helping people find coverage options with the name your price tool it should be you given me the peptalk now get out there get that high note and take Matt harmony all the way to nationals this is sorry the insurance company and affiliate by state law and gentlemen welcome to the gut check project where we all take our egos in the door with your host Dr. Kent Brown MD I am Eric Rager 10 it is episode number nine we think that this is so exciting my lysing cats there's nine it's a great number so it's also number there's a Seinfeld I think it was that no no I know it was a fierce Buehler 19 kind every time I hear the date faded number nine this is so exciting though because were starting a little traction were being get on the message by people this is really fun and I cannot tell you how excited I am about today show today show it we actually have we actually have a real offer we've got viewers who have been watching us weekly and now we have something we can actually give back to them and then well know you're right I'm pretty fired up in fact today's episode is unlike any other we have an offer for everyone here to tell us about that often help us explain it is going to be Rachel Scheer certified sports nutritionist and fitness model as well as Dr. J Dr. J Perry and I he is a course a board-certified guesser neurologist and he happens to serve as the CMO of Rich's own which a lot of our listeners are probably heard us talk about absolutely so this is not so the reason I'm so excited about this just wouldn't be doing offer but more importantly our two guests are actually amazing people so Rachel has this fantastic story she's super smart she's a nutritionist and she's able to stay in incredible shape and she's got help our listeners hopefully look a little bit like her someday so we were just on mojo and I had to laugh that Brad Brad encouraged her that she is off to a good start which was pretty funny yeah and I just hope she can hold together before she got ahead and like like many people that are very passionate about their jobs she has a heroes journey that she's young tells about and choosing to explain how she ended up doing this and you're getting her degree at Baylor and overcoming some obstacles and all of the above which is awesome and so that's gonna be super excited talk to her about that she's a big advocate of I'm trying to my baby that's her and I got to know each other and that she can talk about proper way to eat properly to exercise and it might surprise you because a lot of people are probably being way too restrictive for there being two other trying to do this and that and she's you and explain how look like she does still pretty much what you want sure you get to know her story a bit better it's really cool because she has her own personal journey did that relates to a lot of people the May you may think that people they want to come on and talk about things like that that their story does relate to you that it at the case at all she would just recently spoke at the millionaire mastermind is over 500 people to pay a lot of money to be a mastermind group and they had her as a speaker discussing this and she's really open about that because when you look at somebody that is overcome some struggles you realize hey I can do this and there's people like that out there that have learned how to use nutrition which I consider the foundation of all health because if you have good nutrition you have a healthy.all health begins and ends in the chair and she also collaborates with lots of other gastroenterologist including yourself to help serve the people that you serve and it's it's a great unified front she's a great collaborator in that capacity absolutely and then somebody that I completely respect so that we have on that his name is Dr. J you. He is an influencer in the gastroenterology world definitely she was the former president of the Texas Society of gastrointestinal G.I. TSG whatever that stands for but anyways he was president of that he got a political science degree from Penn University super smart I worked with him for the last 17 years he's an influencer always doing the right thing always looking at things from both a political and a patient centric view how do we do the right thing politically and make sure that the patient gets the best of everything we need more people like him out there talking about laws making sure that patients get access to healthcare and he's also the chief medical officer of the product or trauma ridges on emergent get into that and that's super cool also if you haven't heard of it stay tuned because it is so neat we're going to cover so much ground to the front so excited I respect both our guests so much and Anna learned a ton every sewer guest we have had I've learned a lot and that's one of the reasons why we do the show edit without question more thing to add to Jay I like to say that I've doing anesthesia I've gotten to work with a lot of different positions all different kinds of capacities but the people that often times stick out are those that you can tell are altruistic and function as real patient advocates has deftly Dr. J he's been that way since the day that I don't and it's it's no wonder why it's put him into the position that he's in now the cool thing is is that either one of these guests could easily get deftly have either one of them on specifically to talk about what all of their interest are just by themselves but they join together because they actually want to talk about this offer that's coming up later absolutely Emmy is more likely will have each one of these guests back on to give them a full hour and have to say whatever on their mind but today we have such a big offer that we believe it to really important people should announce it with us sure without question real quick paying the bills don't forget that if you ever suffer from bloating go to love my tummy.com/spoony that's love my Tommy.com/sp...
Chris Husong is a market expert in the hemp industry. Accounting for the challenges of public perception, legal challenges, and the burdens of science to prove the claims for hemp benefits have all shaped the climate in which hemp is used today. Born in Texas, Chris moved with his parents a few times throughout the country, studied theology in California, worked in finance and telecom, and after confronting his own biases, discovered that the hemp industry needed legitimatization. Teaching the skeptics, directing messaging for correct use, and ultimately using education as the chosen tool for sales, Chris shared with GCP why the truth behind hemp is the only way to properly build its acceptance.
Facebook: @Elixinol https://www.facebook.com/elixinol/
LinkedIn: @Elixinol https://www.linkedin.com/company/elixinol/
Twitter: @ElixinolCBD https://twitter.com/ElixinolCBD?lang=en
Instagram: @Elixinol https://www.instagram.com/elixinol/
Why should you buy a $0.99 now the bag because it's no ordinary bag can save you 20% of three or more items you can fit inside some call that magic others say it's the eighth wonder of the world but whatever it is this the best way to save you 20% outbreaks filters wipers and more quality parts helpful people that snap a no no dissipating up auto parts store's loss was last minimum three exclusions apply conference 10 3119 well it's a gut check project this is episode number eight project we check our egos at the door and they get your health in check I'm here with your host Dr. Kenneth Brown I'm Eric Rieger Doug Brown I doing today I'm doing fantastic episode number eight holy cow I feel like we have the words flying through these episodes every time we come always a better guess today is no exception at all this is gonna be really exciting now is to be very exciting is your mind when you said episode number eight remember that show it is enough I don't want that to be the theme as well as Rabbi and it won't be today she was incredibly excited we have on today Christian song long term market experience within the hemp industry and he has me setting it is getting an incredible tale of coming from a world of high regulation in telecom and in banking and basically what the hemp industry means to America he's got lots of interaction stories and what it takes to make people understand the importance of hemp and how to accept the message of me what did you can you gather out of that amine Christmas we met at first two years ago yeah so my my initial meeting of Christmas two years ago that's we told the story before will repel your facts right and I walked by the lexical booth and another salesperson other than marketing person Christine Thiel grab me and the thing I remember most about that is Dave Christine and Chris all super tall like this is a really tall child apparently hip will make you taller I know you call me someone will be involved with that company so we could do some real basketball or something you know join the election all basketball team what you honestly if you're in listening to get your project today if you've ever wondered about hey look at him is new to me and I'm not really sure what to think that's that's okay today's episode is really kind incredible as Chris can walk through what it's like to to not just look at Hampton say minutes taboo that's taboo it's okay so many people started there and he's got a lot of experience in helping people understand the benefits behind him and what he can do to change their lives for what I love about this is that he comes from these industries are so regulated and she had to transform that into an industry that is so misunderstood you know when you look at that you look at his bio he only looks on website it says it is skilled in helping people and companies overcome their psychological creative and strategic barriers so that they can achieve the professional personal and creative goals so more than just be the chief marketing officer this guys can be my life coach break through all those barriers yet when Ken and Chris Chris's got a lot of a lot of expense he actually went to theological theology school in not in California but were to talk about that for sure yes that means because just think about the transition nearly everything he's gone through in and of course and he's either great guy can't wait from to join the show hit the bottom of the hour course that they were have KPD KB MD's corner where basically Dr. Brown will die do like he's been doing the last seven shows in address some recent research topics and get tiny previews about what to talk about your two minutes yeah so what we always like to do is try to have a bootable format here so everyone knows what to get it into the show so we know we have a fantastic guest I also want to talk about some recent science it's out there so we have forcefully graduate student that helps us out and she sent a really cool article about ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease the same disease that killed Stephen Hawking right I have a very personal tide of this because when my good friends Dr. Russell Veronica in San Antonio a gastroenterologist that I've trained with and with medical school with his father unfortunately passed away of this so I saw this article which to my knowledge the first one that actually looks at ALS and CBD ties in perfectly because we have Christmas song near chief marketing officer now we can't make disease claims what we can say is look it may help some of these different diseases where there really is no treatment and this is a really cool study that I wanted didn't and it's also even said that because today shows can be so incredible and that the way we learn how to balance real information and what we can legally say as a marketing person and then what the consumer can do with both of these angles to kind of piece these puzzles together much like the episode we had last time in stem cell oh yeah you know this fascinating cool stuff you like why don't more people know about this will Chris has to deal with that every day is like no we can say this we can't say this oh my goodness yes is be fantastic if we did this but we have to do it this way because his background I think is a perfect background coming from the super regulated industry to an area that is so gray that you really need somebody very disciplined like him to sort of take the reins and that's why think election all such unique company yet without question let's get some of the paying the bills out of the way and first off the bat love my tummy.com/spoony what could that be in reference to well I believe you're talking about my baby trying to I am trying to so we talk about how our transit was initially developed for bloating and digestive issues change in bowel habits abdominal discomfort what I am seeing a whole lot of which is really cool really getting into this practice of just coming up in the next few weeks that are professional triathletes we have different bodybuilders and things like that that we have slated to come in one of the things we do realize is that the polyphenols in trying to actually increase blood flow to the muscles so that you can have better performance in just about everything so the polyphenols go to your: where your own colonic archer will break them down into anti-inflammatory and basically antioxidant species so that you can r...
Dr. McKenna has successfully treated an incredible array of diseases, inside and outside of orthopedics with stem cells. McKenna has been on the front line of stem cells and their clinical application for decades. If you have ever wanted to know the vast array of proven applications for stem cells, do not miss this episode.
What stem cells are, how they work, where they are and are not taken from, why cord blood and PRP are NOT the same as stem cells technology used today, the issues of the FDA, his association with RMI (Riordan, McKenna Institute for stem cells with Neil Riordan), treating Mel Gibson and other celebs & lawmakers, the future of research in stem cells, why all SC healthcare providers are not practicing equally (or ethically), why Panama & the Bahamas are used for advanced stem cell therapy and more.
Prolon Fasting
Hey hi Mandy if you don't know me it's probably because I'm not famous but I did start a men's grooming company called Harry's the idea for Harry's came out of a frustrating experience I had buying razor blades most brands were overpriced overdesigned and out of touch and here is our approach is simple here's our secret we make sharp durable blades and sell them at honest prices for as low as two dollars each we care about quality so much that we do some crazy things by world-class German blade factory obsessing over every detail means were confident in offering 100% quality guarantee millions of guys have already made the switch to Harry's so thank you if you're one of them and if you're not we hope you give us a try with the special offer get a Harry starter set with a five blade razor weighted handle shave gel and a travel cover all for just three bucks plus free shipping just go to Harry's.com and enter 5000 at checkout that's Harry's.com code 5000 enjoy all life we are here with a gadget project this is episode number seven on marriage for you here with your host Dr. Kendra I was going on today good morning good morning how you doing I am doing well how are you doing this more well than what I am on the day number four of the fasting mimicking diet how about you I am also on day four the fasting mimicking diet made by prolonged made by prolonged so I want do a shout out to Dr. Joseph onto the CEO prolonged and Dr. Walter Longo who wrote the longevity diet they sent us some prolonged kits and were given a shot the fasting mimicking diet they are it is the fasting mimicking diet so I am comparing it to a previous experience of doing a water fast it's very interesting and this is far more tolerable quite honestly and just this morning I did check key tone levels I was it 2.2.1 date date three you're supposed to start doing it so by as this day goes on you probably start kicking up a whole lot more yeah so I found that to be beneficial it's only falling in line with what you want I did comparing this to a water fast at this point I was big meal for being in three nap days I feel like I was really ready to start eating the by day four that was enough for me I did dad it four full days of the water fast but with Pro line I feel actually feel really really good it's not too bad it is nice the way they can portion out every days meals what were going to be eating so my wife's doing with this also the only hard part was it earlier this early this week I had to cook dinner for the boys because they still gotta eat and family had some nice juicy steaks to sit there and you can have any of it I couldn't do anything with it was not the box about yourself how was yours will I'm you I'm doing well this is my fourth five day fast I guess is a little over year trying to do them every few months I first want to prolong which is not a big deal all second one I did kind of my own little fasting and keep mimicking style I didn't have that what I'm in a call that burst of energy right or possibly it was stimulation of stem cells listed in that in a few minutes here and then I did a water fast only my ketones went through the roof but I was quite miserable sore back to the prolonged given this a shot and we'll talk about that in the second but I mention the stem cells today's guest while this is going to be if you know anybody to have autoimmune disease if you know anybody that has back pain anybody has joint pain to an end because we have a stem cell expert Dr. Wade McKenna orthopedic surgeon skies a bad ass in this field and we were sitting there talking just outside I'm like holy cow I'm just considering take notes like we brought in a professor of stem cells may ease size pretty amazing how he actually played football at Oklahoma State went to med school I perform indices with him several years ago whenever he was still heavily just as he is today doing orthopedics he's a fantastic surgeon all of this is led to somebody's actually can remind me you he never wants to stop learning and so it's it's led to areas where he is today and he is I would say quite the expert with stem cells and where the future is going with them so this is so exciting that we have to time to fast for this episode because you know people throw around the word stem cell a whole lot and much like the CBD industry people throw around there's lots of misinformation there's lots of quality differences the people that are actually giving stem cells there's lots of differences with that so we could clarify all of it I really feel like there's some parallels you and I have brought in several CBD experts right and there's some parallels here and so you know this is a super exciting for that anything going on with the family anything going on socially well this last week whenever Morreale moved into preparing to do this fast I would say that the boys have the have enjoyed teasing us and other than that they've they thought back into all season basketball quite busy and is kind of the every day as usual at the round Renner household self typical tennis weekend both the Lucas and Karla were playing tennis and they both did really well it was kind of a little curb although I'm really proud of my team because as working to be launching the D hat health box Dr. Lisa Alvarez actually did a little commercial for she did so yeah and so do I get a chance to pop into the set see it the move honestly try to see what that happens I appreciate her taking her time to do that so another chemical thing I just go phone with Dr. Chang Ron Houston yeah great guy fantastic functional medicine doctor he actually has ties with prolonged him and him and Joseph were friends okay to be having a huge conference coming up on April 27 were he to talk about brain got issues where you have them on the show because he's got some incredible stuff on brain waves and its affect pre-and post trauma and its effect pre-and post-diet change and using hemp dry products so super cool I just have a phone with him so to get a chance go to his Facebook page a lot of really cool information so awesome I think the work on the move and all these unique directions right but what's the big deal stenciled what we want to talk about I think that it's it's the newest new frontier it's no different than the way we've been spending time talking about CBD why why just a few years ago the revelation that you had into polyphenols and how I could do these are it's a lot of what nature is giving us to work with and it's kind of amazing that it's it's all coming to fruition nowadays and you hit on it a little bit earlier I know that...
Joy serves as the Regulatory Officer & Industry Liaison for Elixinol (Elixinol specializes in premium hemp products and extracts, noted for purity & quality). Hear about Joy's experience with hemp policy as a federal and state resource for the respective law makers. She has ben a part of the hemp advancement for over 25 years.
Joy discusses her crazy experience with the secret service, the evolution of the federal opinions of hemp, the active challenges of the DEA, and where complicated states such as Texas are in the process for better defined laws regarding hemp.
Also, in the first half hour, Ken and Eric talk about plane trouble and why food may taste worse when at high elevations and around loud noises.
Texas HB 1325
James Carroll serves as the CEO and an expert & ambassador of photobiomodulation (PBM) the world over. Why is this well researched and safe & proven method to decrease inflammation and shorten healing time not better known? James explains his association with Harvard medical school and how he is training the world's newest health care practitioners how to better care for their patients non-invasively. Applications for pain, athletic injuries, CTE, PTSD, dental procedures (James discusses his tooth extraction with no numbing agent!), macular degeneration, wound healing, sciatic pain, analgesic applications and more...
PBM has successfully helped patients in over 70 countries, and features LED as well as laser healthcare technology. Learn where you can locate a PBM THOR health care practitioner close to you!
All right it is time for the gadget project here with your host Dr. Kenneth Brown nine Eric Rieger this is episode number five episode number five is a big one because now we have another episode we can be found on over to submit iTunes and the other a platform it's where everybody has to start somewhere you gotta start somewhere and I think that we got a pretty good start we got some pretty incredible gas that is no joke I mean the feedback fortunately and thanks to everyone who's been watching and listening and sharing sharing obviously helps us spread the platform but certainly appreciate it also big shout out to the other spoony host Chef Patrick the cowboy chuckwagon I mean everybody else who's been kicking and for helping spread the word even the partners and our sister station across the road mojo mojo 5.0 mojo 5.0 absolutely we got to show some love this is exciting everybody try to get this station this digital station off the ground chef Patrick is he is living it and you don't today in the booth being our producer again this guy works overtime every day vacation rather everyday vacation every day can be a vacation if you can improve your quality life and that's what this whole show is all about sent yes absolutely I'm so excited about the show we got somebody really cool a great speaker scientist James Carroll of four laser something that I know nothing about something I bet most people know nothing about but I know how that feels when we started looking into bacterial overgrowth see below when nobody else is talking about it people would look at me there confused this is why this show got check radio check your ego at the door any things on the table to learn and world to learn together that's is this is what so excited about today show and is no joke so for everyone else who's who's joining today and one thank you number two at James Carol's complete different this is someone is going introduce something that really to me it was introduced to me by my by my wife she was the one he said have you ever heard of photo by modulation and I looked at her and I said no I haven't but really because of the mindset of a living doing a KB in the healthfully done even before it KBS research without trying to heal on and on we've always wanted to remain open if you have something show me how works to little bit about it and as I began to learn a lot more about photo by modulation indoor laser it was more than impressive it is kind of just captivated me yeah those of us in the industry Eric called PBM so so when you brought it up to me we are actually working and you like yeah hey my wife's got this new photo bio modulation laser at her health clinic correct and in his eye, what that is and we started looking we had little break in patients and I went holy cow there is some serious data on this it's and it's it's it's date it's not just something new later then edit a while yeah it's one of those things I like wait a minute if this is true let's find the guy who owns this company and you did and goodness he he travels all the time this is insane so his time is very valuable so this is going to be an incredible episode just so you know we are in episode five and we have an international guest James Carroll hails from London that's right I was just talking to only spend 10 days in the UK were his home is 10 days in the United States within 10 days traveling the world that is a tough life you are charged a Patrick I was impressed how well he speaks English from out of the country and out, wild, wild I'm you know what I'm really looking forward to that British sense of humor all of it yeah I mean it's it's just like it is here in Texas they speak of guess I do want to bring this up when I went to clinic and people at her show with Mark Lisa Hatch feedback patients that have overcome cancer patients that love the idea that he overcame cancer and then gave back that story was pretty incredible and I want to thank Embry for listening and if you didn't listen to it go back and check it out because it is a story of accomplishment story of survival and he did a great job telling he really did do a good job telling on top of that we received well several email not just in terms of no thanks for having Mark on but we got share a couple with them with those with you yesterday and it was that I've overcome cancer and I'm trying to find new things to do to get back I'm suffering from cancer currently and hearing someone like Mark gave me hope we had some others who just were simply how do I get involved with Raquel's wings for life which is exactly what Mark's charity isn't and they they take people just to recap a take people from one end of taxes and give them opportunities to have safe travel to a large cancer treatment facility such as MD Anderson or up in Tulsa Oklahoma and I were free for free no charge to the cost to the customer to the patient whatsoever and and deliver them safely so they get treatment and not return home as it were the cool things about that as we did talk about the fact that the the pilot as a cancer survivor so the people that he's taking are terrified yet have questions and he could tell them the story hang in there working trying do this and sometimes he would drop people off you wouldn't bring them back and that happens I'm a doctor we see things happen all the time but the right frame of mind the willingness to keep going sometimes you can overcome without question and he does know that he can the great thing about Mark Aziz he's belly working on he soon to become a well-known public speaker that being said he's he's got the anecdotal stories to the make them feel comfortable like a squeaky butt cheeks and if you missed it go back to get check radio.com to be directed to the direct RSS feed on our page were improving all the time but right now you can go back to the episode where Mark was and listen to it or you can check out the YouTube channel spooning radio or get check project will take you exclusively to get your project episodes awesome speaking of improving all the time we always like to start the show something personal we do so last week I think I know I brought up my my children my son Lucas was playing a large tournament called the Easter bolts a national tournament and right after the show it was broadcast live and we were able to watch it as a group it was really cool to watch my son the inner getting second in singles very impressive big tournament and actually got gold in double source no really proud of them for that then he went immediately there he's been playing in this IETF now why is that relevant because I'm a single dad this holy cow it's hard all props to any single parent out there that tries to work and still managed to pick up the kids get into the things it is kicking my ass oh my gosh it's hard trying to work in be there at the right time and everything in the so props to everyone t...
Marc is the ONLY known 5 year survivor of de-differentiated chondrosarcoma. A former D1 football player for the University of Texas, father of 3, and devoted husband learned almost a decade ago that his life was most likely to soon come to a close. With his optimistic and make the most of it attitude, Marc is beyond 9 years of being in remission for a once thought to be incurable condition. Marc has since turned his experience into giving back and has become a private pilot and flies today's cancer sufferers to treatment from North Texas (Decatur), and volunteers his time with many charities including Raquel's Wings For Life.
"You're gettin what you're gettin, cuz your givin what your givin..."
Hey hi Mandy if you don't know me it's probably because I'm not famous but I did start a men's grooming company called Harry's the idea for Harry's came out of a frustrating experience I had buying razor blades most brands were overpriced overdesigned and out of touch and here is our approach is simple here's our secret we make sharp durable blades and sell them at honest prices for as low as two dollars each we care about quality so much that we do some crazy things by world-class German blade factory obsessing over every detail means were confident in offering 100% quality guarantee millions of guys have already made the switch to Harry's so thank you if you're one of them and if you're not we hope you give us a try with the special offer get a Harry starter set with a five blade razor weighted handle shave gel and a travel cover all for just three bucks plus free shipping just go to Harry's.com and enter 5000 at checkout that's Harry's.com code 5000 enjoy and here we are it is episode number four of get Jake project here with Dr. Kenneth Brown I am Eric Rieger again hey doing today I'm doing fantastic episode number Quatro number Quatro that is Spanish for radio no as mentioned before that is Spanish number four yes you are you pretty well versed in Spain Georgia were bilingual home absolutely well do you like to speak Spanish and I'm probably the worst speaker in the house. Let's say okay hey just a quick tough nod off the jump don't forget that today's episode of gut check project is brought to you by John Teal get your own [email protected]/spooning use code spoony same sums of money so have I been taking some voiceless and also trying to nail that the throne going it's going horrible was that it was that your that you shot that was my best shot is that you back also brought to you by KPMG health brand-new KB TCDD but now you can get to the gut check project.com and be linked directly to the KPMG store and find your own KPMG CBD awesome baby if I gargle with that before trying single improvement it could work well we got a great show today and were going to get to him in just a moment that our guest today is Mark simple minimal touch on that here in just a moment incredible story of survival new lease on life and what he's doing after his battle with cancer but if you been watching get check project for all of the last three weeks you know that dark to our first half-hour is news and notes for gut check project so Dr. Brown what's happening new in the Brown household here since Elisha well in the Brown household what's really exciting is my daughter in her improv it's just theatric class she's a sixth-grader she came home and taught me something really really good that basically whatever you doing improv what you have to do is say yes it's yes and secondly if dues trust third thing is listen and then the fourth thing is make a statement and I heard that no like I need your teacher to come over to KBS headquarters we can work on that as a teambuilding exercise improv exercise to make a team yes and I love that yes and and then I want to trust what's coming next I loved this pretty while the basically an improv class she is learning just great communication skill left I thought we were laughing about it last night so Zachary know to come home with like what you learned today and that's were talking about the really cool thing our house is my son is currently playing in the finals of a really big tennis tournament out in Indian Wells California the Easter bowl to big one so at 11 o'clock our time he will be playing in the finals were very very proud of it in both singles and doubles so the brown households having some good times right now about you well number one shout out to Lucas and Karla those are both the great notes to to be able to carry around the data know that you're proud of both of them for me both of the boys have moved into off-season basketball there really fired up they've been out of basketball all of about 10 days which I think if you shoot who apparently that's way too long so they both get started but something that we did as a family that was a lot of fun just a little week ago I should've mentioned it last week show I'd never done it before my oldest son actually done it before a couple of times and that is we all sat down relaxed and got pedicures and I'm here to tell you that include dad included nice if you haven't done it don't knock it did you try it because I'm going back that fell awesome and now I mean table I got really ticklish feet but I didn't know something learned about myself is that my left foot is more ticklish than my right because as they began to exfoliate the bottom of my foot especially the left side I was crying from laughing so hard as I got in my mouth and of course the other woman doing is looking up and laughing again with everyone else as they exchanged their own jokes in another language I'd alsojust like Spanish and did it at my expense was completely worth it and I will deftly be back so I almost got a pedicure once I know standing out front and I looked at my feet and it remind me of the scene from dumb and dumber with a grinder to toenails a wireless want to do that to anybody to put the clause back in the shoe keep on walking now is he always worried he wanted done it when I reveal like a Frito toenail or anything else like that but I think I walked away as best we can be that had since probably I was a baby's kids really good pedicure now don't even have to ask what you been up to because you and I rush to hang out we were this last weekend he and Emily were business makes a little bit of pleasure yeah and that was in the Utah powder mountain that was awesome incredible skiing lots of powder fantastic so much snow for late March he was beautiful is a great place to go and visit not crowded either now our ski experiences were little bit differently where they were loaded and so to put it in context Eric was like Kelly dropping and taking these tractors up and I actually had escorted down the mountain by two wonderful people Lindsay Vaughn and Susie Chapstick but it was Juliet and Karen are awesome so I survive it was a big thing didn't break anything didn't do anything but the our expenses were totally different you came back just on my couch that was incredible backcountry all powder and I was like oh yeah my little different I had two women sort of guiding me down the mountain the whole way so there's no shame in effect I'll even say whenever you but whenever we yeah got into our skis the first day you had planned on even making a few runs together it was snowing so hard I stopped to buckle up my helmet is safe and I looked up and Ken and the other four people that I was skiing with were gone they probably want you probably want 20 feet away from me but it was a complete wideout for the first what our we skied oh no I Don't I ended up staying in that area and like true why don't I lost everybody like it was you couldn't see your hand in front of you who not o...
Chef Patrick joins the show, also serving as producer of GCP for the Spoony Digital Radio station, to discuss the launch of the new show, planning executive chef level meals for large groups, and medical vs restaurant trivia!
Hey hi Mandy if you don't know me it's probably because I'm not famous but I did start a men's grooming company called Harry's the idea for Harry's came out of a frustrating experience I had buying razor blades most brands were overpriced overdesigned and out of touch and here is our approach is simple here's our secret we make sharp durable blades and sell them at honest prices for as low as two dollars each we care about quality so much that we do some crazy things by world-class German blade factory obsessing over every detail means were confident in offering 100% quality guarantee millions of guys have already made the switch to Harry's so thank you if you're one of them and if you're not we hope you give us a try with the special offer get a Harry starter set with a five blade razor weighted handle shave gel and a travel cover all for just three bucks plus free shipping just go to Harry's.com and enter 5000 at checkout that's Harry's.com code 5000 enjoy and welcome back to the chase project episode number three we are still here and love and we think we can keep doing this to like episode like Joe Rogan episode number 2068 they still let us back on 2068 means only have 2065 the ghetto Jordan close we are getting closer so thank you again for joining us that the feedback is that once awesome it's a it's impressive I had no idea it this many people in such a short amount of time and want to hear what we had to say about bridging the gap between health and nine natural and medical science absolutely I love it we've been as we get to hear shortly is a big message by a bunch of people and had a lot of friends from you know all over the United States contact us and say hey that was that was interesting is recovering some cool stuff special last week with Sean Brian's on if you did not check it out please deep dive into CBD and a little bit into the cannabis industry but really cool such a deep dive that the material was so informative that YouTube of course allowed us to keep spreading the message but Facebook will hold our our recording down for little while we had replaced it with YouTube so I guess if you want to know the truth then sometimes I suppose, slow down a little bit about the debts and we covered those topics like they obviously did that because of the particular topic that were time as we are all about the science of it where showing everything that's working to do really continue to do this and today what could we have our show today we are going to be joined by Chef Patrick Mosher now if you listen to the spoony network already chef Patrick Mosher is already somebody they are quite familiar with however get experience from all different aspects of cooking for gigantic hotels being a part owner of some large chains and putting together the food items ever essentially he's he knows how to build food and how to make something out of his message is you are what you eat my messages all health begins and ends in the gut this is why teaming up with chefs and getting out those can be supercool thrilled to have him is actually the producer of our show so this is going to be any reason to tune in to be that were to move him over here and easier to be a guest so we had to on the fly he had to on-the-fly teach Eric's wife Marie to run the to the production desk over there so if anything let's just stay tuned for that because as a camera isn't where it's supposed to be don't be mad at her doing what she did she just learn how to do it two seconds ago hey you can't blame her for me setting the camera incorrectly can't blame her yelling at the right way that are really fun though regardless speaking of let's get caught up on our on our recent week weekends anything big happened with with you and your families last week it's pretty chill something conical I just mentioned a little bit about how people been messaging us now remember we are the gut check project I phrases check your ego at the door everything is on the table and somebody had messaged me on Instagram and asked why do we what was to get your project Y check your ego at the door and only last week was actually my birthday on our show and I I read a book written by Ryan Holliday called the daily Stoic all this is a fun little way to start your day by those every single day he takes a lesson from a Stoic philosopher McKenna dumbs it down and gets it through okay so March 14 was one that I had I thought it was way too coincidental that somebody message me for this and this was the actual thing so bear with me while I explain this but it makes total sense to me and this is the kind of stuff I start my day with so the quote is from DRG this layer to this Zeno would also say that nothing is more hostile to a firm grasp on knowledge than self-deception so what I like about it Reinhold he then breaks it down basically says self-deception delusions of grandeur these aren't just annoying personality traits ego is more than just offputting and obnoxious instead it is the sworn enemy of our ability to learn and grow as Epictetus said it it is impossible for a person to begin to learn what he thinks he already knows today we will be unable to improve unable to learn unable to earn the respect of others if we think were already perfect and a genius admitting it so that was the philosophy that you and I have ordered set up the show it's got check project check your ego at the door sitdown and let's learn from each other let's teach each other and that's why we have a chef on today is regularly about food right we deftly learn little about food you well it's good question so I speaking to my wife who is going to work in Camas today for a show thank you Marie this this last weekend we spent our time with my boys putting down a new floor on the chicken coop so alive has had experience in the past we've had her own chickens and we harvest on eggs is the best tasting as you can possibly imagine but if you like spending around 72 $73 and egg get yourself some chicken because it's awesome they taste terrific buddy on the great that reminds me because I do believe that you guys tried some beekeeping at one time you and I put together what we've taken care of carob some patients which I'm sure that be okay with me saying that that they were beekeepers so there was a Dr. Robert Bender was a gynecologist in town unfortunately died of cancer but it was the funniest thing having lunch with him and he thought about how him and his wife decide to get into making honey results fantastic to goes I'm a gynecologist I know how to deal with women I sent you will treat one queen really good and I get all this honey and were selling this honey its local natural honey it's $7.60 a bottle only cost me 28 per bottle exactly what you say and I love that guide I love the quote unfortunately always best on book I like it when people take risks like that kind of owner will completely own it, check your ego at the door to tell you that were having fun doing it were not making money the farm fresh eggs taste great we just got to get to the point where we don't have our dogs take chicken that's others to hate the originals you mentioned a book and some is really cool/we even reading this book from Isabella Wentz ideas yes you and I both receive this fantastic book Isabella Wentz is an amazing PhD once you have
so can I fortunately meant to admit Isabel and her husband's a year and 1/2 ago when were working in San Diego and she was diagnosed Hashimoto's and dad she then asked she was diagnosed with Hashimoto she went on to change her diet laminate some of...
Shawn Bryans, VP of operations at Green Tree Medical and Chief grower and cultivator for Okie Herb discusses the benefits of CBD, medical marijuana, the variety of customers from the elderly to PTSD veterans, the new laws and landscape in Oklahoma, and how "Bud Tenders" function to deliver great care to consumers.
Nancy husband and wife may kiss the bride connectivity care whenever you need video chatting with the doctor right from your phone so I don't need stitches thank you Dr. United healthcare health plan benefits may vary fantastic second episode of the gut check project and we have our inaugural guess this is going to be a fantastic show on super excited about this I'm pretty pumped also so today we have this is episode number two of the gut check project brought to you by your host Dr. Kenneth Brown and well we really appreciate everyone but Joyce did you know we actually have feedback from our first show actually open content by love people I thought that you and I were just talking to each other the whole time as it turns out some people actually listening what you what you know beyond my mom beyond my wife your wife we actually had some of the people who watch that was really cool hate one of the things that we handle in terms of questions was can I take John Teal and do I need to continue taking probiotics or prebiotic's may want to dress like so there's lots confusion around these terms prebiotic probiotic all the prebiotic is on digestible food source that your bacterial breakdown so fiber is a prebiotic okay so the skins of vegetables and fruits are prebiotic's probiotics are the good bacteria that people want to take into replenish your micro bio the reality is when you're taking out trying to you you don't need to take a prebiotic or a probiotic in fact the molecules known as polyphenols are actually a form of a prebiotic they go to your: the bacteria will break it down into beneficial things so essentially and not to be too confusing but you're basically taking a form of a prebiotic by definition by taking out front feels no it's not necessary to take a pre-or probiotic if you feel better on the probiotic I say continue to take it if you do not feel better than you might want to hold off on that so if last week have your listener and you're curious about arch until you can learn [email protected]/spooning that's love my tummy.com for discount use forward/spoony also just a reminder if you ever want to keep got catch up with Dr. Brown and what I was doing has a brand-new website called KB MD health.com so it is only a week old there might be a bug or two in there there's actually a probably a lot of bugs and there have changed and I encourage all the feedback if you don't like the language of going to change the wording is a couple pictures of myself that I would change but you know we have to do what we can do and get things up because that website is there to give information about things that we know that at least my patients are swimming towards us and asking questions about what you have all kinds of information on CBD on got health on sleep on brain protection on everything it just a platform so we want to get up there and also to get access to people to get high quality CBD to get access to upfront you and so on so yes there we encourage feedback hit me up tell me you're not a English major are you Meno English majors yeah me bad at language also so basically Eric and I made this website and there's probably some grammatical errors we would love we learned about it sooner than later I know what you're talking about but I do check out KB MD health.com because there is a lot there's got to be resourceful there's lots of research there is a store where you will find the brand-new KB MD CBD as well as trying to heal and will have other things added to the store as we put research behind yes recent research is one of the things I'm most excited about where you have a guest on today and were to be talking CBD in the cannabis industry and all of that supersmart guy Sean Brian's was just talking from outside not just I love historian you guys gotta stick with this show today because it can be super exciting but one of the things I want to do is I really want to do clinical research on my patients less early research I just want to track the results and were to be putting those kind of things first on the website as we await publication and then once we get published then will go and replace that but anybody go to that website is going to see the white papers first before while they're being submitted for publication way it works you submit it takes a few months this is just a way to get access to things much sooner much sooner last mention here a quick for a sponsor that we had for the show which is down weed is happening now with the medical director of Bridgestone and happens to be Dr. J Perry also a gastroenterologist at the top of the hour you probably heard if you're listening already mentioned ridges own and it was being rented by the late great Doc Thompson so I shout out to Doc Thompson again thanks so much for having us here the team chef Patrick Ron everyone couldn't be happier to now start our second episode of the gut check project on spoony radio so we we did not get pulled off the air last week which outcries and actually said you can come back and do another show I got another shirt is amazing so it's been a week before we jump into all the cool stuff to talk about today what you been up to man for a week it has been a week so last week my oldest son the whole family my youngest son the wife and I took tons of family down San Antonio we live in North Texas if you are familiar that's 5 Hours Dr. S. went and I saw my oldest son compete in the state basketball tournament they did well and dad and after that we it inquired when the whole thing so we decided to take off and enjoy some family time out in San Diego we do know I logged around couple hundred bucks I guess online scooters if you are looking for a way to enjoy an urban environment written lime scooter similar while you heard did you get a chance to jump into one of the Navy seal bug training techniques of water cold immersion we did decide not to do that after we put on a wetsuit and tried to serve tennis: water is not warm at all wetsuit is correct your wet your wet and cold and then you're still wet but we did serve it just got out of there soon become fully we went to do good for you let yourself or even wow I had an equally exotic experience I had to go to which I didn't have to I went to Wichita Falls Texas because my son had a tennis tournament there and my wife and daughter went down to Waco because she had a tennis tournament there which coincidentally shot out to her Carlos she double gold singles and I won the whole tournament love that my son Lucas and I in Wichita if you've ever been there Wendy very very windy candy yet and it was raining so we had tons of rain delays all the stuff I did bring my X.3 bar which you will be writing about this also but the X.3 bar is a portable exercise system developed by a PhD named John Jake wish and I had a long conversation with him not to long ago and he's done some great research showing how variable resistance and volatile bottom line is I sat in a hotel room worked out watch rainfall pendulum was probably as wet and cold as you yeah I without question down if you notice now the Wichita Falls in Texas actually is the region that varies the most from year to year in temperature fluctuation it has the biggest swing I believe throughout the entire state shock about the back me up on this by the time he gets in here but it literally has the biggest average temperature swing throughout the entire state that...
Welcome to the GCP, your host Kenneth brown, MD along side Eric Rieger, CRNA. Dr. Brown introduces why he launched the project and where he wants to take the project in his journey to bridge the gap between medical and natural science. Check your ego at the door and listen up to the GCP!
All right welcome to the gut check projects I am Eric Rager and I am joined by your host on the object project the board-certified gastroenterologist Dr. Kim Brown what of your own show while so we are now on the gut check project this is the inaugural show John just thinking that we been planning on doing something like this for a long time with this incredible opportunity to do it with these great mentors Jeff Patrick and all these other great guys here doing this incredible production value now we have a studio on thinking that maybe our tagline should be something like the gut check project let's all check our egos at the door and learn from each other nothing is off the table nothing is off the table in fact we have a bunch of stuff on a table so this is our first episode people may say get check project sounds great who in the hell is that guy he says he's a doctor but is not wearing scrubs want you tell us a little about yourself Dr. Brown so my name is Kenneth from a board certified guesser neurologist I do want to back up just a second and explain exactly why were here because of a few weeks ago I had the opportunity and the pleasure to come and actually be a guest on Dr. Thompson's show here on mojo 5.0 chair and then we came over to spoony radio and we had a great show you can go to the YouTube channel take a look at that and unfortunately a few days later he was actually tragically killed so I just want to pay respects to that and say thank you we wouldn't be here without him I had such a great time with him and he's the one that explained man you you can do this you guys should have your own show it's really fun so unfortunately you know we lost as great guy and he's the he's the real reason why were sitting in this particular Studios I got so excited hanging out with him so no doubt yeah so as I said my name is Ken Brown board-certified gastroenterologist I'll give you almost give you the whole story this probably led people to don't know anything about me so I probably don't I'm I was actually born in Lubbock Texas that's right big red raider big red raider briefly parents moved almost immediately to Nebraska so I consider myself more of a Nebraskan and I went to medical school Nebraska my fourth year of med school and scraping ice off my car and I just went now done with this move someplace cool and warm and I just ran to Texas and so I end up doing the rest my training in San Antonio and became board medicine certified in internal medicine and then gastroenterology and since then moved to the Dallas area Plano Texas have been practicing astrobiology for while too long now capture a good while not a rear end yeah yeah a lot yeah we do I know you know I may, but Dr. that's why say nothing is off the table were over here and so I have two kids I have a Puerto Rican wife so we speak Spanish in the house I worked very hard so that my family can play a lot of tennis and world spoony radio we got chef Patrick being a mentor here and as it turns out my family's total foodies we love sort of bonding around foods was a perfect environment when this diner setting to great way to launch the show so I will ask you Eric super fly reader think that's your juror yeah yeah now would I? My parents always told me to find the esoteric I know that you are a child actor would breathe. You did you are a rodeo clown right and then your male model yet and so what if what you doing now besides help me host the show well I was in the middle of inventing a mechanism to create high temperature ice cubes and I didn't really work out so I was a melting every time there was nothing I could do but I will say that that led to me deciding to become a cRNA or a certified registered nurse anesthetist in and back in 2012 and in meeting you and we've been I was your anesthesia provider is that you are working in gastroenterology and course I work get a few places outside of the G.I. clinic to deliver anesthesia as well but I also have a wife and two sons they are not into tennis but very much into a competitive basketball and both in high school now and so that basically led to me working alongside you and next thing I know just like every aspiring gastro neurologist and anesthesia provider I ended up on a podcast there we go so you so it looks like your tRNA you've got kids that are heavily involved in basketball trip I do believe you work for another company called trying to let you dear to my heart which will talk a little bit yeah and you even have worked for a particular company and still have a part owner of that right yeah I am a small owner of that at one of my best friends I grew up with in Gainesville Texas his name is Scott Willis and several years ago he just approached me and said I'm gonna start to kill company by myself unless you want to help and I knew nothing about an essay that sounds great let's do it so we asked people for money with a like to invest into killing people like investing in alcohol and he back in 2012 when I met you he launched tequila 512 and that's based at Austin and they slowly are going out as an organic tequila and he's a doing quite well very excited so we both are involved in several companies this what happens when ADD just meets momentum and just keep going and we decide yeah let you several podcast now beautiful studio that has no great mentors like I'd mention like working I have the ability to have his high production value would get the cameras this is stuff that we could never do with you and I have talked about in the pockets before but I'm so excited that were on spoony radio right now to actually launch this weave we been involved with a lot of great people of last few years I but I've done a lot of podcasts without question yeah and we've made some great contacts and basically all those guys everyone the practice we got on guys like Chris Presser and Rob Wolf and I could just name we've Done Ben Greenfield Tunl., Park as they've all been so clueless and kept in touch and said would you guys have your own show we can do this I would love for spoony radio to get big enough that we can start flying these people and having great shows and talk about different things that's my ultimate goal with this so no support of the shows will be really important I would say with the mentorship of Doc Thompson in the course in his wake you still have Patrick you still have Ron you still have that Tom and all the company really picking up and pressing with spoony radio that it won't be long until that happens and you know you do doesn't just stop at those that podcast that you mentioned in your event on know you even on the wellness mama you even Rhonda Karen Fitzgerald the exposure that you had there from the going on all those different types of podcast I think is well this is really eye-opening so tell Silbert about why are you doing this podcast after doing all of those podcasts every time that we have the opportunity to go on with such great people that were really established if they had like Melanie Avalon okay intermittent fasting I went on her intermittent fasting podcast and because of the research I did for that now I practice intermittent fasting so I start looking at what everybody's messages we look at Ben Greenfield's bio hacker love the stuff is doing I looking everything that he has going on that's all, now I have a infrared sauna I got a vibration plate I got I'm doing all the file hacking because of going on been showing talking him but all that stuff and you know I essentially I read Rob Wolf's first book I have read a second book yet but his first book of the pillow solution great book I realize oh my goodness I I'm...
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