Okay, welcome KBMD health fans and gut check project fans, it's time for COVID installment number two. These are the code files where essentially, myself and Dr. Brown, a co host we're going to address the latest in research for coronavirus as it applies to healthcare and our community. Dr. Brown, how are you doing?
You know I'm doing is I'm doing well considering the state of how a lot of people are probably struggling through this process. Once again, the COVID files I think you and I really enjoy joking around and stuff, but this is not something that I want to joke around with today. So the show right now we're becoming much more sciency than we've ever been. And it is because I want to make sure that anything we discuss has a reference to it. So let's begin by saying that this is a show and not intended to treat diagnose anyone. I'm a medical doctor. With the current state of anxiety I'm trying to sift through hundreds of articles being published daily because this is a global problem. And I am fortunate enough to have our secret weapon which this week I was on Dr. Chang Raun's in Darrel Hill summit with Dr. Hyman and some other incredible people, Dr. Pompa, Dr. O'Brien and all these people and I, I told them all that Angie Cook is our secret weapon. And then on the CBOE SOS summit yesterday with Chevonne Sarna, I let it drop again. So Angie, thank you so much for working hard and diligently with me to try and get through all of this literature. Cats out of the bag. She is a certified nutritionist and Rn one of the smartest people I've ever met, and she sent me this email right before we went on. Today the numbers are staggering and the stories of what our healthcare workers are facing is heartbreaking. Please be careful. So what we're going to talk about today is mind blowing, to be honest. And I'm just going to be honest. In the sense this is no, this is not opinion. This is not based off of anxiety, or based...this is strictly the science. And this is not the time that I want to, I want to be perceived as I mean, because one of the concerns Eric, you and I've talked about this, I want to shout everything that I've learned from the rooftops, but I don't want to come off as somebody that's saying that I want to try and make money off of this particular crisis. That's not at all what I'm trying to do here. What I'm trying to do is show you the science. So that being said, I've got so much new information. Last time on our COVID one files, we're going to say how we're going to talk about what you can do with lifestyle and supplements. We're still gonna do that. Absolutely. And I actually learned a lot from being on Chang Raun's summit. You can look that up. It's Raun, Chang Raun. Some of his experts are functional medicine experts that understand the supplements better than I do. And I took notes while I was there. And I was a panelist on that. And the stuff that I talked about was really well received by his panelists as well. So everything is a moving target right now. So this is going to be I'm calling it a mic dropping show. Because if I don't get too geeky, and that's your job, Eric makes sure that I don't go into the weeds and be a nerd because I am a nerd to the nth degree. Angie and I have been nerding out crazy, like hair, you know, like reading articles and your hair just stands up because you're like, oh my gosh, there's no way this is here. Nobody else is talking about this. So if I come across here, and you're like, I've never heard of this. I feel like this it's because you're not spending 12 hours a day with the...a beast like Angie and I. She's uploaded over 20,000 articles to our Mendeley account. So I remember Dave Asprey when I listened to one of his podcasts. He's like, let me log into my Mandalay. I'm like, I wonder if his Mendeley is as big as my Mendeley, which is a repository of journal articles. So I'm super excited to get into this show. So that's my initial thoughts. That was my ramble. And I will, I will have everything else will be scientific data from here on out.
Well, let's go ahead and start there. So we last on episode one. Basically, we broke down the various aspects of what is coronavirus? How is it directly affecting and we even talked about the stresses on resources. But now on today's show, not only do we want to leave everyone kind of with an idea on what they can do to supplement their own diet and the day to day things that they could be doing to basically improve their immune system as well as basically weather the storm better. Well, let's get a little bit more into the science of what's been some of the more recent data that I know that you and Angie shared because we've we've had a lot of conversations between last show, you going and doing now virtual clinic, me going and having meetings on transitioning the ASC over to possibly new ICU rooms, which is something we've never had to do before. So I'll let you kind of take it away there.
Yeah. So you know, this is this is daily. It's hourly changing, let's be honest, and this is a global problem. So there's so many studies coming in what I think that makes us a little bit unique on the gut check project, is what we're doing is we're looking at the the data being published right now. 2020, late March, everything's been published, but then because of trying to link it to the 2003 we are able to look at articles back then also, because the SARS COV-2 virus structurally is extremely similar to the SARS first virus the COV. So a lot of these articles are a transitioning like that, where you can say that this is this and then because of that the links allowed us to find other things. So, a lot of what I'm going to talk about is preprints, meaning that I have access to articles that aren't even in publication yet. But the scientists are so passionate about it, that they're just sending it out. A lot of it comes from China because they have the most experience. I believe that when we did our first COV files last week, I don't know what was their 160,000 cases, something like that. I don't remember.
Yeah, they confirmed and that's that's a pretty important thing. So we talked about that last week to confirm just because we're increasing confirm number doesn't necessarily mean Doomsday. It's just that we're able to actually confirm that a number of people actually have it. However, it does become a data point that we need to reconcile with.
And we will yeah, we can we can get into that. But I just want to tell you I just looked about an hour ago and right now, the confirmed cases are 577,495.
Mm hmm.
That has jumped a bunch. There has been 26,447 deaths. I'm getting a lot of emails from healthcare workers who, when these patients are funneled to one institution, like my hospital, that institution, those health care workers are putting themselves on the front line. They are, they are the heroes. They are defending all of us by taking care of this and I just want to say thank you to every healthcare worker that is working shiftwork, that is in hospital, because you are the frontline of this and many times you don't even know if the person you're treating has this extremely virulent virus virulent being very contagious. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Yeah, without question. Thank you.
Now, I this is not a doomsday podcast at all. In fact, to the contrary, what this is going to be is a complete bright light on this whole viral pandemic. I feel like we have spent this whole time figuring or looking at data and piecing together things that will bring hope to everyone. And that's what this podcast is going to be: how do you actually protect yourself? This is based off science. This is based off a bench research. I understand that some doctors would say, well, we need a randomized placebo control trial. We are not in an era right now where we need to do that. I understan...