Alright, welcome to episode number 24. This is the Gut Check Project with your host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. I'm Eric Rieger. What's up man?
Man I'm super excited we are going to do this together.
Here we're starting to work the few kinks out we had that really cool episode that we did with SurePath which is just gonna be launched and then Dr. Marisol which got launched last week. We're getting some really cool episodes building up here. So I thought that this could be an episode where we circle back with each other and get reconnected. You know, I mean, I'm still recovering from you abandoning me when Dr. Marisol came here and I was alone.
Yeah, I know. I was I was knee deep in talking to tons of dietitians up in Philadelphia. And so that's okay because up there they like cigarettes. I learned a lot of cigarette smoke and Philadelphia along with cheese steak but it was it was a great episode and of course since we've been at the new studio we have had CBD takeouts Jeremy kender. We've had Dr. Marisol and we've also had Patrick Brewer as well as Tim power of SurePath and now we're going to experiment with having a reconnection and talking about some research.
You know, what was really cool about that having Tim and Patrick on, that they're just so freakin smart at what they do.
Definitely .
And I'm so stupid in that world, that that's, I'm you know, it's just being around people that are specialists in that field. It's really cool.
And that gets me, man, honestly, it's really cool to hear somebody else who has, it really is it's a holistic approach to how you handle your finances and your money. And so many people get caught up in the race of making sure that they have their work, their job, their family items planned out that the last thing they think about is how well am I making certain that my money is not only secure, but working for me. And if you haven't checked out Episode Number 23 with SurePath that is actually a great primer, whether you use them or not, be sure you take care of your stuff. It’ll, it'll take away the stress.
It's so interesting when you start thinking about money and how money can create stress, or the lack thereof can create stress. And in fact, you know, forget that I have a lot of friends that have sold their businesses. And then suddenly the stress of what do I do with this money pops in which most people would love to have that problem, I get that. But even that in itself can be an issue. And so then you have the fact that money plays into this. And any type of stress can affect your intestines, your guts, whatever. And that can lead to dysmotility can lead to all different kinds of things. So we want to act like we have all these different fields and we want to act like that this is my such and such guy. This is but really we all have to be together. Because if my finances are going south, I'm going to be stressed out, I’m not going to sleep well. It’s gonna affect everything. And if your gut isn't good, and you've got the resources, you're not going to enjoy it, because what do you have if you don't have health?
Yeah, no, you're exactly right. And I would even go even a step further when, when I was just getting started off on my own and Marie and I just gotten married and you don't have a lot of money back then. It seems like stress was a little bit less because basically, let's face it, that extra hundred dollars, we knew what it was going to go to, it was already kind of spoken for. And so you, you kind of knew where your money was going. And then as you build your career and you a little bit larger, and you don't really stay in tune with what's happening, that's where the stress comes in. So having someone help you plan where you're effectively using your money, regardless of your income is a huge stress relief. You don't it's never too early to turn someone like that.
It's so interesting that everybody always talks about the simpler times the simpler terms, but when you're in the simpler times, all you're doing is looking forward to the time when you can actually not sweat the next bill. So this kind of comes down to that whole aspect of just living in the moment.
Just be true to this. I'm in the moment with you right now my brother.
That's right
Just in the moment.
So we got big news before we even get into research. What happened today?
Oh my gosh, this is so exciting. So in the CBD world, everybody's being jerked around by having these processors where the banks won't do this and we got a website we're having trouble running these different credit cards and stuff. Today we actually got a processor square processor.
We did and and for those of you who have been loyal and allowing us to manually process when your credit card doesn't go through because of various bank rules, it all ends this week. We've got a new website, we've got a new processor, no more of having to chase around to get that kind of stuff going and we got cool things are going to come because of it. Black Friday specials Christmas specials, you're going to be able to get KBMD CBD trusted, certified, etc. at a breakneck cost. What am I trying to say here at a, at a breakneck cost doesn’t make sense...
I always think about breakneck as speed but yes, you can have this CBD sent to your home at a breakneck speed. At a substantial savings because we have been so excited to get this out to everybody. When we sit there and talk about CBD, one of our sponsors KBMD health has CBD, we also have Atrantil, my baby there, the coolest thing is those two things work together. I talked to so many people and every time I meet somebody, they're like, Yeah, I don't really understand that. I see all these stores popping up and I try to explain it. Here's the bottom line. You have an endocannabinoid system. This system, if you live in the United States, you have a very high likelihood that it is not optimized
All this does is allow your body to bring you back to balance Everybody tries to make it too complex. Everybody tries to make these claims. That's not what we're going for here. My role is to get people to just get back to their balance. And then we can work on the other issues. Because it's an uphill it's a complete uphill battle. If I'm trying to fix your gut, and your anandamide a fancy scientific term of one of your own endocannabinoids is not at its optimal level. You're not going to function that way. So everybody says, Oh, I want my thyroid to be this, oh, I want. I want to make sure that my adrenal glands are functioning and my cortisol, I'm telling you, you're chasing your tail, because if your endocannabinoid system is not optimized, all this other stuff, and all this money you're spending on supplements, probably is not doing nearly what it can be doing for you.
Definitely. And so this particular episode since it's scheduled to be released on a Thursday, that's next week, and that's Thanksgiving. So this is actually going to be released at the early part of this of next week. So this is Thanksgiving week. Tune in We will have black FRIDAY SPECIALS running through the weekend all the way until What do they call it Cyber Monday? We’ll have specials exclusive to KBMD health shoppers. Tune in, save money trust the source. It'll be
KB as in boy, M as in Mary, D as in dog,
That's correct. Go there. Check it out. And well, I couldn't be more excited for everyone who's who's helped us get this far.
This is it is so much fun to have this transition. I personally like the whole live aspect and I think that will eventually go right back to live once we get all the all the kinks worked out because we have to understand that we're we moved the studio Special thanks to all the people at Mojo and Spoony...