Kiran Krishnan is a microbiologist that has made huge waves in health and microbiome science. Well beyond concepts, Kiran has helped engineer, create, and study Spore probiotic delivery systems. It is incredibly unique in that before Microbiome Labs' data, there was almost no conclusive evidence to demonstrate probiotic efficacy en vivo (in humans/living animals).
Kiran shares with GCP the basics of natural vaccination that we all should be doing everyday.
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project I may agree or hear with your host Dr. Ken Brown what's going on again and we got all kinds of good on this is kind of exciting show because we did a remote location with a really really cool guy Kieran Krishnan get on condition and get on so we ended up taking all of our equipment down to IFN that's the functional medicine meeting and we film the podcast with him and I think it's fantastic it really is some of the coolest microbiology an incredible explanation so the second hour or second hours are to be amazing and it's so cool this is actually really cool because we can look into the future and say we know 100% that we are going to deliver in the second hour because he did an awesome job there's lots of eye-opening anecdotes that I will call them anecdotes they would they were just new in concept the way that he said the but the look back you like it just makes sense it just makes sense he deed he is the backrub microbiologist behind mega spore and it's a spore-based probiotic were going to get into that whenever we have them on the show here and I think if if you have ever been interested in taking a probiotic absolutely have to listen to this because he has a lot of evidence about the industry probiotics how many people are making probiotics that are really not on the up and up and that we know where the product is coming from oh we covered that we covered why a soil baseboard biotic is much better and then with deep dive into the science of how it does so I really really like that that whole podcast that we did with them I did to if you are new to the gut check project this is the gotcha project with your host Dr. Ken Brown we check our egos at the door because nothing is off the table and you may already want to know I saw your post we can Winfrey outrun teal and keeping the CBD so let's just get straight to a doctor can what should they do if they would like to win the signature protection package for signature protection package go to gut check project sign up subscribe share and do they have take a picture of it to get the get enrolled how does it work they want take a screenshot just so that you happen to win when we will draw a winner in the mid part of July actually at least five winners if the if the numbers keep coming in online iTunes like they are now we may have more than five winners which would be great but you can go to iTunes or YouTube search get check project basically subscribe take a screenshot you wish but then go to get your connect let us know that you subscribe and then you're entered that's all there is to it subscribe to let us know get your search for gut check project on YouTube and or iTunes and dad tell a friend about because the more we grow the more giveaway that's all there is to absolutely and if you are enjoying this let us know so that we can keep doing what y'all want to hear about note no doubt so when you reconnect you'll see that you can you can actually suggest guests topics for the show we've already been able to book some in advance with with some of those it suggestion so really looking forward to that today you'll get a glimpse of one of those suggestions they came from a friend of ours named Bridget a little over a year ago when she knew that we wanted to have a show and this this delivers if you've ever really wondered what is it about probiotics that even mean anything and my taking the right one I promise if you're not taking one for mega sport or a mega mega spore a micro biome Lansing to get that right sorry for someone there then you're probably not taking a reputable or a probiotic the can and should prove that it's worth so as we launch the KB empty box we get a lot of feedback from people they will know what's in the box and one of the reasons why you're going to have two really cool things which is trying to heal and mega spore is because in this podcast he explains how the polyphenols not trying to actually augment the spore base biotic and you can improve your health and improve the diversity of your micro biome with that no doubt in on top of that the biggest hang at that you had long ago is how do I even know these probiotics of people are taking are getting to work where I need them to work if you're here ingesting them and their encapsulated in their breaking open the small bowel that the model does cut hole in your billing is pouring a bunch of stuff that is it makes sense he essentially addresses all of that in talks why the science behind spore-based probiotics is the answer so I went on Melanie Avalon's new show called the Melanie Avalon showing I got on Monday and we talked exactly like this that when you listen to guys like Eamonn Quigley who have been studying probiotics for 40 years the thing that he says the best as we can they do amazing things in a petri dish we just can't get them to replicate that in the human body because it's very very complex we get into big detail about how that actually happens how many people have we had come to the G.I. clinic who have said I had G.I. distress or whatever that whatever sentiment was happy but I had G.I. distress and then begin to take a probiotic and it went away for a little while and then after name the time interval for weeks six weeks 12 weeks whatever it is suddenly they returned to that feeling of the symptoms and often times what I hear is it was worse and so basically it's your the idea environment applying what Kant said correctly is that taking the wrong delivery system of probiotics is actually just dumping bacteria would know doesn't necessarily belong so when I see these people with really bad natural overgrowth say hello and they start taking the way worse that gives me a hint of what's going on sure the Cedars-Sinai protocol Dr. Pimentel is a little let the patients take probiotics now to Ron has some great research showing that the spore based biotics can actually help with leaky gut intestinal permeability I think it's funny because patients go oh I've tried probiotics before but that's a lot like when people say oh I tried to CBD before right and the like I didn't get any response Michael CBD is a lot like the supplement industry there's a l...