Ian Stevenson was a scientist from UVA who passed away in 2007. He left behind a locked safe in his office, and said that he would share the "phrase" or "word" that would unlock the safe if someone was able to connect to him on the flipside.
In this talk, we begin with a discussion of Dr. Bruce Greyson's new book "After" - Bruce was at UVA when Ian brought him into to the Dept of Perceptual Studies (funded by a grant from the founder of Xerox.) For three decades, Ian travelled the world studying reincarnation. Dr. Greyson started examining near death experiences along with his colleague Dr. Ray Moody. (Who coined the term "near death experience.")
In this interview, he refers to Dr. Moody, to Bruce Greyson, has messages for him and Dr. Jim Tucker, Ed and Emily Kelly PhD - member of DOPS that I meant when I presented my research from the documentary and book "Flipside" when I visited their offices in 2011.
As noted, I am planning to have three different mediums access Ian Stevenson for the "secret code" to his safe - but in this one, he states that it's E=MC2 written in long hand (E equals M C squared" or perhaps "EEqualsMC2") I badgered Jennifer about it - and because of knowing how she works with law enforcement agencies about missing person cases, I asked for images that could lead us to the answer. First she got Albert Einstein ("about four or five times"), then she got "He's showing me a battery or electrical charge" and finally; "he's showing me E=MC2" - I repeated it a few times, and asked about it - and she said "He's saying "spell it out."
Jennifer has no idea there's a puzzle or a contest to open his safe. I never mention the safe - I say that it's like a crossword answer - and it's a phrase or a word that I was looking for. I have reached out to my friends at DOPS, Dr. Greyson, Dr. Tucker and Ed Kelly to see if we can arrange to film them trying these various combos - of "E equals MC squared" to see if that opens the safe. Or maybe it's simply EMC2 or E=MCsquared - some variation on that theme, as noted in the clip.
This was my idea - my demonstration or experiment - Jennifer didn't know anything about the "contest" or "puzzle" left by Ian Stevenson, and I just asked him to repeat the concept or show Jennifer images that relate to the concept "that I was thinking of."
Will let you know if it opens the safe. (It did not. But am eager to see if variations would work!)