Another unusual podcast. For those viewing it on - there was a fly in the ointment - a glitch in the file that occurred every few minutes - so a number of things were dropped. However, when possible, I edited the piece together so it made sense.
For example, when Jennifer mentions Al Capone, she's trying to say "Marlon Brando in the Godfather." Later on in the conversation, I introduce the film that we went to see in Vegas, starring its most famous former resident.
We've spoken to Elvis before, a number of times - and listening to it back I realize that I interrupt Jennifer WAY TOO MUCH and not just let her speak on behalf of Elvis. However, there are extended interviews with him, a couple in the books "BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE" as well as TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE.
He also has shown up on the podcast, and as mentioned there's a 44 page document at where I detail the amount of times we've spoken to him before.
All I can do is report. Apologies for the glitches in the podcast, as well as portions that are out of synch (which is for the viewers of instead).
Glad to hear that our pals in class had gathered to celebrate David Patlak's birthday. Truly one of a kind - a gem of a person. I'm not remembering that she said Charles Grodin was also in attendance - and was hanging out with us in Vegas. Chuck was particularly fond of David, as is everyone who meets him.
Happy Birthday Dave.