Tonight's podcast begins with a reference to the documentary AFTER DEATH which I happened to go to their premiere. It's about the data, research from near death experiences, and focuses on some of the NDE's that included visits with "heaven" or "god" or "Jesus." studios is a crowd funded distribution network, and their members vote which films they'd like to see.
In this case, something that's up my alley - I saw the film and wished I had made it. They interview scientists talking about the research, and do excellent reenactments of events. The only quibble I have is the quote that "23% of NDE's are hellish" - I asked the author of that quote where he got it from, he said "The guidebook of NDE's" which was written by my friend Dr. Bruce Greyson. I have the handbook, as well as his latest book AFTER which clearly states that figure is "1 to 3%" - not "23%." But that aside, I understand the need for people to believe that hell exists - or that it might be waiting for people who are less than honorable.
Which leads us into tonight's podcast, because in it, Luana Anders, our moderator on the flipside who passed in 1996 brought four disruptors - icons, Einstein, Hawking, Tesla and Genghis Khan. The reason he was there was to point out that "everyone plays their role on the planet" which can include some pretty awful stuff.
Genghis Khan's army was responsible for an estimated "40 million deaths" - more than Stalin and that German fellow combined. But that doesn't mean that we cannot speak to him - again, I don't make the guest list, Luana brought him to make a point.
And so I interviewed him, asked him the same questions I ask every new member of our class. From there he spoke about his journey, and the three scientists spoke about how to fix the planet, and a methodology to do so. (Think tanks where people do exactly what we're doing.)
Finally, my friend Margaret Lindsay showed up - Luana mentioned she had been to visit me a week ago - and Jennifer saw her with a woman. I guessed correctly that the woman with her was "Helen" - as Margaret owned her home on Martha's Vineyard, where I stayed, and signed Helen Keller's guest book.
Just another mind bending podcast in an ocean of them.