Our once a year podcast from Jennifer's office in Manhattan Beach. Another mind bending adventure, this time with numerous folks stopping by to wish me happy birthday - from Luana Anders to Charles Grodin, Bill Paxton, Prince - and the Akashic librarian "Five."
He talks a bit about how anyone can come and visit him and explore previous lifetimes.
Charles Grodin points out that if he was still on the planet, he'd be taking me out for a birthday lunch or dinner - Chuck was the type of person who never let us pick up a tab when we were with him, and the one time we did, slipped the credit card to the waiter before we sat down - he was not happy about it.
A wonderful charming fellow who never ceases to amaze or amuse. Today's podcast includes an unusual conversation with my old pal Coleman Hough, who appears in my book ARCHITECTURE OF THE AFTERLIFE, an excerpt of her session is on the "MartiniZone" page on Youtube where she talks about her Parkinsons.
What makes the video so compelling is that she stopped shaking altogether during the four to six hour session, but her symptoms came back afterwards. She makes a bold suggestion, that the same methodology we've heard from the flipside for helping with brain damage (CTE) would help people with Parkinson's. (Hyperbaric oxygen therapy.) I asked if she was aware of anyone on the planet who was using it, and she said "Michael J Fox."
That could be something his organization has looked into - if someone is reading this and knows someone who works there, please share this unusual idea - if they haven't already tried it.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been shown to help people with traumatic brain injuries, and as noted, we had Paul Allen, Junior Seau and Dave Duerson (the latter two who died from CTE and stopped by during one of our sessions) point out that "Joe Namath has cured his CTE using it."
Look up the research about Joe - and while he's tried telling people about it, I have no clue whether anyone believes him or not. But folks on the flipside have mentioned it more than once (and its in the documentary "Talking to Paul Allen, Junior Seau and Dave Duerson" free on YouTube.)
We also had birthday greetings from Bill Paxton, my old pal, Sally Kellerman, Luana Anders' best friend, and Charles Grodin - who was pals with Luana first. They're all on the flipside now.
Just another mind bending podcast as I'm found of saying - and sharing.
For more information JenniferShaffer.com - the book they're talking about on the flipside is "Close Encounters of the Flipside Kind" and I'll be talking about it at Contact in the Desert in late May, early June.
Thanks for tuning in!