Another mind bending session with three individuals on the flipside.
In the first section, Jennifer's dad Jim stops by. A Mormon Bishop, he's stopped by in the past to show his daughter some amazing things. We took a visit to her Akashic Library some years ago, as well as introduced us to a classroom on the flipside where the subject was "astrophysics" - but the class was in deep space. At first he warned Jennifer not to be "freaked out" by his teacher - who appeared in a cloak with 8 arms.
Because of my extensive travels in India and Tibet, I suspected she might be someone that people there were aware of, and after looking it up, we returned to his class so I could ask the question, "Do people in India refer to you as something?" and Jennifer said "Ma." (As in Ma Durga).
We've spoken to her a number of times, but in this session, Jim says he's taking another class as well, a class about "the energy of love." And as an example, he talks about visiting another galaxy, and "viewing it through the lens of love" - the idea that we can view other galaxies or planets with "unconditional love" is the key to understanding or comprehending those realms.
Mind bending.
But when I asked about the teacher, he self identified as "Five" someone we've interviewed before on this podcast. (Search the word "five" and you'll hear other podcasts with him.) It's equally mind bending, because I initially met him (as noted in the podcast) during a hypnotherapy session reported in the book IT'S A WONDERFUL AFTERLIFE.
I was filming so I wasn't doing the interview. But then another trip to an Akashic library as reported in ARCHITECTURE OF THE AFTERLIFE, I was conversing with a Harvard graduate, whose guide ("Trixie") was asked "is there anything else we should look at?" she said "Yes, she's saying she wants to visit the Akashic library" and there, introduced us to the SAME LIBRARIAN.
Mind bending as I say - when I asked him some questions, he said "You've already asked these questions" - and then reminded me that I was in the room when the hypnotherapist Scott was asking them (not me).
Then he's shown up a few other times, in our podcast as well. When asked about his role, I would be remiss not to mention that he's self identified as the "head librarian" - meaning, he's in charge of all the Akashic records (even though others may see their guides, teachers, classmates in their own library, he's identifying himself as the "head librarian" for this part of the Universe and all the beings in it.
Like I say - mind bending. No other way to put it.
Then after a discussion about quantum mechanics as well as what he meant by saying "God is beyond the capacity of the human brain to comprehend, it's not physically possible, but that we can experience God by opening our heart to everyone and all things."
Finally a visit from the Oscar nominated screenwriter of "Greystoke" Robert Towne's dog Hira, (Robert's pseudonym) who has been a frequent guest on the podcast. He talks again about how animals are aware of how incarnation works, but humans are not. How animals seek out and "find their humans" through a lot of hard work and manipulation.
Again - not an opinion, theory or belief. Just reporting.
For more details: see - for the book with a variety of people accessing this information without hypnosis, see for links about the latest book which has a number of interviews with the alpha and omega, or watch the film - to see Jennifer in action talking to the flipside (as well as research).
Thanks for tuning in!