Jennifer returned from her trip to Mexico and we dive into what people in our class on the flipside wanted to talk about; the upcoming "Contact in the Desert" workshop on Saturday, June 1st. (
First up was Ma Durga, the Hindu deity who has appeared in a number of conversations with people on the flipside. Jennifer's father identified her as the 8 armed teacher from his astrophysics class.
She's shown up in other conversations, guided meditations - and after asking her multiple questions. she is seen by most people as this kind of 8 armed octopus time person/woman. She told us previously that she was incarnated as a young girl on earth, as well as an octopus, and "kept the 8 arms because they're useful as a teacher."
She's funny, slightly off beat - and has offered to show up at our workshop on Saturday to talk about "aliens" and how we don't need to fear what we don't understand. Mind bending stuff. She was interrupted by "Five" - the Akashic librarian that we've interviewed before, that I've also seen or met in multiple other avenues, during someone's hypnotherapy session (Divine Councils in the Afterlife) as well as during guided meditations with people (Architecture of the Afterlife) as well as multiple times on our podcast. (Search "Five")
He uses the number because it's non denominational, has no gender. He's a sage, wise person, a bit like Yoda in stature. But he too has offered to show up at our workshop (Not literally, but to answer questions that I pose to him).
Again, I can't see him or Ma Durga, but Jennifer can (and Ma Durga is a bonafide Hindu deity - look her up). Then we had a visit from Harry Dean Stanton.
Oddly enough I was reading Ed Begley Jr's hilarious autobiography, which mentions Harry a number of times. ("To the Temple of Tranquility and Step On It!") Harry Dean Stanton is/ was quite a character, funny, and much beloved by his closest pals (like Fred Roos).
Anyways, a conversation with Harry Dean about telling people not to get hung up over the word "God" or the concept of "God" - but to just allow that there are things, beings, people that exist that are higher intelligences than us - and that's okay, also that whatever one believes doesn't change the fact that there is an afterlife. (Something he argued against for much of his career.)
He had a private message for Ed Begley Jr. so I will forward it to him. Thanks Jennifer!