This is a podcast from Simon Bown in the UK.
He told me in advance that he had been "denied entry" into his council during a past life session he had done, and asked if I could help him to access that venue. We did so. In his extended podcast (through patreon) he offers the extended version (another 40 minutes) where we interviewed someone that he recognized from his youth.
He mentioned something about a fear of "aliens" - so I went to the obvious question - if he had ever met any. And indeed, he was shown an event as a child which we explored. Using this same method "asking questions"
I asked the ET questions about his life and journey, whether he had chosen his path, if he had incarnated on other planets...this is something I've done often and there are number of these interviews in "Architecture of the Afterlife." However - I had never encountered an interview quite like the one that Simon recounted - live on air.
At one point the ET actually said "I'm not sure if I should be sharing this with you" - and that led to more questions about his journey, and what role he might have in advancing consciousness on our planet. It's not for everyone - and is why Simon has put it into the "extended coverage" of his site.
We are the 19th podcast there - and it may be the same here on "Hacking the Afterlife." Either way - this was done without Jennifer's help or participation, but is equally interesting in terms of hacking what's going on in other dimensions.