Hey team, this week I had a great conversation with Shell Mendelson, a career counselor who specializes in working with adults with ADHD. We talk about how traditional career advice often doesn’t work as well for ADHD, how we don’t want to dictate success purely on financial outcomes, the importance of deadlines, and whether or not we should consider disclosing our ADHD at work. Support me on Patreon Ask me a question on my Contact Page Find the show note at HackingYourADHD.com/139 This Episode’s Top Tips
- Traditional career advice doesn't always work for people with ADHD. Many of us ADHD often have difficulty finding the right job because we can feel resistance to taking instruction and we often need accommodations to do our best work.
- When considering disclosing your ADHD at work it is often better to consider a self-accommodation process first and then having a win-win conversation with your boss about how you do your best work.
- When considering entrepreneurship and self-employment it is important to way the pros and cons of being your own boss. While we can focus more on what makes us happy we also have to find a balance with prioritizing our most important tasks.