The whispers are back baby! FF7 Rebirth is the followup to the beloved FF Remake which preceded the disappointing FF7 Ever Crisis, the sequel to the much maligned FF7: Dirge of Cerberus which continued building on the world established by the pretty awesome FF7: Crisis Core that chronologically came before FF7: Before Crisis on mobile phones that was released after FF7 Advent Children which brought the team back together from the original FF7 for the PS1.
This series has become an unwieldy beast with MCU levels of world building, sometimes to its detriment. But my brothers and sisters in Jenova, this game fucks. Most players clock in around 100 hours of game time with a plethora of side content, great character interactions, and the possibly the greatest Action RPG battle system yet devised.
We are hot on this game and we are ready to discuss the lore from top to bottom. Kupu Kupo. Kupo.
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