There once were two Dogcast hosts named Josh and Tom. Tom played Final Fantasy 15, the newest chapter in the long-running series. Josh did not. Josh hates role-playing games. This made Tom sad. Tom loves role-playing games. Josh callously laughed at Tom's sadness and continued to drink his beer as if everything was okay. This was not okay, no sir. So Tom wiped away his tears and set out to find out why. Will Josh see the light? Can he be convinced that RPGs are the best? Listen and find out. The RPG doctor is IN!
Other points discussed in this episode:
- Drinking beer in school is pretty much the greatest.
- Norm MacDonald is awesome. And Canadian.
- Breaking Bad is still a pretty darn good show.
- Children may be cute, but they are often bio-terrorists.
- Josh played more Doom
- Mafia 3 has finally been completed. What were the developers thinking?!
- Tom sucks at Battlefield 1 multiplayer. But how 'bout dat campain?
- Whatever happened to DefJam fighting games. Come to think of it, WHY were there DefJam fighting games?!
- Videogame hardware addiction is a very real thing.
- And much, much more!
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Beers utterly decimated on this episode:
Peach Berliner Weisse (Juicebox Series) - The Dudes' Brewing Company
Dark Horse Reserve Special Black Ale - Dark Horse Brewing Company
Lagunitas Wilco Tango Foxtrot - The Lagunitas Brewing Company