We love Indie games! In recent years, Indie games have experienced an incredible trajectory: what used to be relatively obscure--yet deeply beloved--games developed and self-published by a handful of passionate people have since rocketed through the mainstream gaming stratosphere and are now played (and in most cases, still deeply beloved) by millions. In fact, many of gameplay innovations happening in triple-A games today have their roots in and have originally been explored in Indie titles. And in many cases, what started out as Indie games have now become some of the biggest franchises in the world--lookin' at you Minecraft.
And today The Dogcast celebrates them!
Also on this episode:
- We celebrate the 35th Birthday of Super Mario Bros! But...has Nintendo crossed the line with its fans?!
- We'll talk about Microsoft's "leaky" next-gen console reveal.
- Um, Beetleborgs?
- Dylan reviews the Indie title "Astrozombies" and begins a career in stand-up comedy.
- Tony Hawk 1+2 Remake
- We drink and give our thoughts on some great brews--including Drekker Brewing's Chonk Birthday Cake Sour.
...And much more!
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Hair of the Dogcast is also a proud part of the Greenlit Podcast Network. Learn more about us and all of Greenlit's shows at https://www.greenlitpodcasts.com.
As mentioned on the podcast, check out Premium Edition Games to preorder Super Blood Hockey for the Switch! https://premiumeditiongames.com/