Don’t miss this one! Hallowed Waters Podcast/Journal publisher Matthew
Supinski hosts special guest Al Caucci in a highly informative podcast for all you
dry fly and hatch chasing Trout Bums and bug addicts. Al is the Catskill and
Delaware River living iconic legend who authored “Hatches” and invented the
Compara-Dun series of mayfly imitations, along with the Spectrumized color and
tone concept to matching the hatch. He is the elderly mayfly maestro of the
mesmerizing hatch matching magic from the dry fly, emerger and spinner
meniscus, to the nymphing benthos. This Italian American Latin bug master has
devised a pragmatic and meticulous hatch matching system from the minutiae, to
macro and to the manicotti with his worldly love for Italian food and country. This
guy catches big selective Catskill and Montana trout with the seduction of a
sorcerer’s spell casted in the form of a Compara-dun. Together with Supinski they
discuss matching the hatch through the seasons, selectivity by trout to fly design
and all the nuances and peculiarities to fooling wild fussy trout in every venue and
#hallowedwatersjournal #hallowedwaterspodcasts #matthewsupinski #alcaucci
#hatchesbook #comparadun #dryflyfishing #matchingthehatch #meniscus #dun
#spinnerfall #emergers #mayflies #Catskillflyfishng #Delawarewildtrout
#Delawareriver #CarlRichrads #DickPobst #JohnRandolph
#FlyFishermanMagazine #MayfliesofMichigan #Selectivetrout #Selectivitybook
#browntroutatlanticsalmonnexus #Montana #Springcreeks #VinceMarinaro
#PrestonJennings #GaryLafontaine #ErnestScwiebert #FredArbona #JohnMiller
#Ephemerella #maskinghatch #graydrakehatch #sulphers #PMD #drakes