Mac is the Southern Comfort Gentleman and Fly Casting Guru from below the Mason Dixon line. The Duane Allman of the cork and graphite that deep dives into every aspect of the sport with a passion and verve of a fly fishing Rasputin. Mac captures your undivided attention and karma that would make a southern preacher envious-and puts you into a trance of believing on how very deep and cerebral our fly fishing sport can get- the one and only!!!- MAC ATTACK- MAC BROWN!
Host Matthew Supinski and guest look at strange places big browns live and love and the “fish in your backyard” trophies that often elude us. What tactics/conditions turn them on and their elusive behavior. The southern tailwaters, spring creeks and mountain waters produce some amazing brown trout fisheries and Mac is dialed into them religiously. Don’t miss this one!
#hallowedwatersjournal #hallowedwaterspodcasts #wildbrowntrout #flyfishing #Pennsylvaniawildtrout #montanawildtrout #salmotrutta #salmosalar #limstonespringcreeks #Perrycounty #yellowstoneriver #paradisevalleyspringcreeks #huntingbigbrowntrout #nativism #Germanbrowntrout #michiganbrowntrout #orvis #gloomisnrx #orvismission #abelreels #harelinedubbin #maxima #varivas #browntroutatlanticsalmonnexus #brorjonsson #ecologyofatlanticsalmonabdbrowntrout #ecology #troutmigration #MacBrownFlyFishing