An intense and in- depth technical podcast on streamers that concludes and complements a streamer trilogy with the first recorded episodes with friends Kelly Galloup and Tommy Lynch. Guest: Rich Strolis- author of "Catching Shadows" and commercial fly tyer, along with host and author Matthew Supinski dive deep into the history and evolution of the modern articulated streamer and the talented fly tying names that make up this new age streamer addiction and passion. Together they give you a "books on tape" analysis of the intense prey/predator hunt by defining the sporting tactical chase, reading water, predatorial fish behaviors, casting styles required and presentation adjustments needed to succeed in this hunt 365 days a year. References are continuously made to its similarities to other types of fly fishing like dry flies and spey swinging that a illicit a taking intercept response from the fish to complete the chase are all in this 3 hour and 45 minute comprehensive discussion. The streamer's evolution from Jennings/ Welch/ Stevens/Lefty/ Clouser/ Shenk/ Dahlberg etc.- to the Traverse City Michigan ground-zero Troutsman masterpiece theater of Kelly Galloups's/Bob Linsenman's first streamer bible revolution are discussed-which inspired every new age streamer designer with names like Tommy Lynch, Michael Schmidt, Russ Madden, Lafkas, Jac Ford, Senyo, Chocklett etc. Along with the early saltwater influences from designers like Mark Sedotti, and so many more names too numerous to mention here you have the complete anthology of the modern streamer design. In the trout world it is all an honor and testimonial to the ultimate poster child of the new big articulated meat hunt and addiction from Michigan's Northwood's, to the White River in Arkansas to Montana and everywhere in the world they are found : the magnificent Truttasaurus leviathan brown trout - “the king of the savage kill", that host Supinski wrote about in his Brown Trout Nexus book - enjoy!