Our fascination and allure with Salmon salar dates back to Neanderthal man and ancient Roman civilization. It is truly the fish of kings and queens, and rivers that run through regal estates, and vast wilderness areas in the north like Labrador, Arctic Russia and Scandinavia . Why I am so grateful we have a thriving Atlantic salmon fishery in Michigan. But to the gastronomic world , it could be one of the most cherished dishes we have ever come to love to death . However, to the fly fisher, it is by far the most sporting, most savagely beautiful, and beguiling fish that will rise to take the fly. Its relationship to the highly sought after brown trout makes Atlantic salmon the king of all bucket list game fish
Though many Atlantic salmon fisheries are experiencing hardships in the world due to the effects of over-harvesting, commercial fish farms and the extremes of climate change, the Gaspe of Quebec’s rivers and wild Atlantic salmon are thriving very well, thanks to forward thinking and tight ecological management.
David Bishop is one of the top Atlantic salmon guides on the planet- bar none! And together with host Matthew Supinski , they bring you the secret world of diving into the fish’s mind and spirit, tactics and flies, and current world challenges facing the courageous Salmo salar and its verve to survive- don’t miss this one!
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Edited at Jupiter Sound Studio - www.JupiterSound.studio