Ham Radio All Portable Discussion Zone
Walt Stinson (W0CP) has explored just about every niche of the Ham Radio community that you can think of. Starting in radio at age 10 as a short wave listener, he has never stopped expanding his experience in amateur radio. Walt has served as the director of the ARRL, created organizations in consumer electronics, and participated in DXpeditions among his many achievements. Using his extensive knowledge in electronics and amateur radio, Walt loves to fine tune his Summits on the Air gear, making his SOTA station an amazing work of art. Walt's Amateur Radio Website: https://www.w0cp.com/ Walt's Business: https://listenup.com/ Join us as we talk about how YOU can get involved in portable radio communications in this episode of the All Portable Discussion Zone “AP/DZ”. Every aspect of Portable Ops is explored in this biweekly live stream as we discuss news, gear, achievements, the workbench, contests, awards and more - find all Portable Ops related topics here. Join this channel and become a Premium Member for early access, behind-the scenes-content, and exclusive chats https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHriEQX4EK2b0QS7EgSvjmg/join X: Charlie NJ7V @NJ7V_ Dan KC7MSU @KC7MSU Brian W7JET @BBW7JET Help support this channel - buy us a Coke: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/RedSummitRF Red Summit RF Amazon Storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/redsummitrf #APDZ #SOTA #PortableOps #HamRadio #POTA #qrp #cw #MorseCode