Ham Radio All Portable Discussion Zone
Are you frustrated that you can’t seem to learn Morse code? Have you given up trying to learn or improve your skills? Howard Bernstein WB2UZE returns to the show tonight to finish our discussion about learning Morse Code. There are all sorts of obstacles to finally learning CW. Howard will identify some of the more common challenges people face in learning CW and offer some tried and true ways to overcome them and finally join the ranks of “Code Operators”.
Long Island CW Club Website: https://longislandcwclub.org
Join us we talk about how YOU can learn Morse code in this episode of the All Portable Discussion Zone “AP/DZ”. Every aspect of Portable Ops is explored in this biweekly live stream as we discuss news, gear, achievements, the workbench, contests, awards and more - find all Portable Ops related topics here.
Charlie NJ7V @NJ7V_
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