We look at the future of the Ham Radio Workbench and discuss 2018 projects and plans! Starting in February 2018, you will no longer get Ham Radio Workbench in the Ham Radio 360 podcast feed. Please find us in your favorite podcast app and subscribe to Ham Radio Workbench.
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The Workbench Podcast is now the Ham Radio Workbench Podcast!
We have a new website - http://www.hamradioworkbench.com/
We have a new Twitter account - Please follow us! - https://twitter.com/hamworkbench
Contact us at workbench at hamradioworkbench dot com or by using our new contact form - http://hamradioworkbench.com/contact
Ham Radio 2.0 Episode 120 with Cale K4CDN discussing the future of Ham Radio 360 in 2018 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIXYSx5FTAc
Powerfilm Solar 10% off 30 Watt Portable Solar Panel Combo! - http://www.powerfilmsolar.com/products/workbench
Great discussion on microcontroller Interrupts on the Embedded.fm Podcast - http://embedded.fm/episodes/224
Pluggable USB Microscope - http://a.co/cwaHn8O
Repairing Bent CPU Socket Pins on a motherboard - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fkioojsxX8
MFJ 1886 HF Receiving Loop Antenna - http://www.mfjenterprises.com/Product.php?productid=MFJ-1886
Airspy HF+ SDR Receiver - https://v3.airspy.us/product/airspy-hfplus/
RCA TV Rotator - https://www.amazon.com/AUDIOVOX-Remote-Antenna-Rotator-VH226F/dp/B008468PWC/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1512797155&sr=8-3&keywords=rca+antenna+rotator
FIeld Radio Podcast KB1HQ interview - http://hamradio360.com/index.php/2017/12/01/ham-radio-360-frp11-ultra-portable-ops-w-stuart-thomas-kb1hqs/
Article on Small Magnetic Loop Transmitting Efficiency - http://www.qsl.net/k4fk/presentations/QQ0712_How-efficient-is-your-loop-antenna-.pdf
Construction of Magnetic Loop Antennas
AMSAT Phase 4B Geostationary Station - https://www.hume.vt.edu/geo/info and https://phase4ground.github.io/
Digilent Analog Discovery II - https://analogdiscovery.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8IeQkM791wIVk7fACh1tpAB5EAAYASAAEgIPEvD_BwE
Amazon Free RTOS - https://aws.amazon.com/freertos/
Store and Forward Modules - https://www.argentdata.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=98
Field Radio Podcast Ammo Can Repeater Build - http://hamradio360.com/index.php/2017/11/16/ham-radio-360-frp10-portable-ammo-can-repeater-w-mark-waggoner-n6mrw/
Tindie Walkie Talkie Modules - https://www.tindie.com/search/?q=walkie+talkie
AllStar Node Information - https://hamvoip.org/
AllStar Portable Node - https://hamvoip.org/hamradio/Portable_Allstar_Node/
Wiring Baofeng Radios - http://crompton.com/hamradio/baofeng888/