When working with circuits diagnosis and design become nearly impossible if you can’t see what’s going on. Digilent has created a super portable and affordable instrument that when combined with its Waveform software suite, it delivers to its users a bench worth of test and measurement instruments in a USB device slightly larger than a deck of playing cards. George has been a huge fan of this device for a while and suggests that it’s a great option for those who need a lot of capability on a budget or those who need a lot of instruments in a portable package. Join Kaitlyn Franz, Instrumentation Product Manager for Digilent, as she introduces us to the many functions of the Digilent Analog Discovery 2.
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New Satellite - Fox-1D / OSCAR-92 - https://www.amsat.org/fox-1d-launched-designated-amsat-oscar-92/
Fox-1D / OSCAR-92 Telemetry - http://www.amsat.org/tlm/health.php?id=4&port=
FoxTelem Satellite Telemetry Software - https://www.amsat.org/foxtelem-software-for-windows-mac-linux/
SatNOGS (Satellite Networked Open Ground Station) - https://satnogs.org/
Kenneth Finnegan W6KWF (@KWF) gives a talk on Amateur Radio and the Internet of Things - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dt8N933BIBQ
Nick Kartsioukas KN6NK (@ExplodingLemur) appears as a guest on the Embedded FM Podcast to discuss Information Security - http://embedded.fm/episodes/229
Winter Field Day 2018 - https://www.winterfieldday.com/
SharkRF OpenSPOT Server Software - https://github.com/sharkrf/srf-ip-conn-srv
NW Digital Radio 6 codec board - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/985312845/6-channel-usb-ambe-transcoder-for-digital-voice-sy
Convert dBm to Watts - https://www.everythingrf.com/rf-calculators/dbm-to-watts
Kaitlyn Franz, Instrumentation Product Manager for Digilent - https://blog.digilentinc.com/author/kaitlyn/
Digilent YouTube Channel for tutorials and help - https://www.youtube.com/user/DigilentInc/featured
Analog Discovery 2 Product Page - https://analogdiscovery.com/
Digilent Instruments - https://store.digilentinc.com/all-products/scopes-instruments/
Digilent Forum - https://forum.digilentinc.com/