Handspun A Podcast about Handspinning, Knitting, and Yarn
A vlog about wool, yarn, handspinning, knitting, owning a wool mill, farm life and everything in between.
This episode includes an update on my works in progress at the mill and on my needles. Plus a bit about Pygora goat fiber and a quick farm update.
To watch Episode 72 on YouTube
Patterns I talk about in this episode:
Online course Let’s Make Yarn! Learn to Spin for Beginners
Ewethful Patreon
Shop for Ewethful handspinning fibers
Shop for Ewethful yarns
Moorit Romney wool came from Iron Water Ranch
Summer top I am working on
Pattern: Anker’s Summer Shirt
Designer: PetiteKnit
Yarn: Cestari Dominion DK 100% cotton
My Mission at Ewethful:
My mission at Ewethful Fiber Mill is to fill making hands with small batch American grown yarns and fibers. We strive to produce lightly processed products that maintain their character, have low environmental impact and tell the stories of the animals and shepherds from whence they came.
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You can sign up for the Newsletter at the bottom of our homepage!
Blogging at http://www.beingewethful.com/
@beingewethfulpodcast https://www.instagram.com/beingewethfulpodcast/
@ewethfulfiberfarm https://www.instagram.com/ewethfulfibermill/
EwethfulFiberFarmandMill https://www.facebook.com/ewethfulfiberfarmandmill
Ravelry group: Ewethful Fiber Farm & Mill