Let’s say you’re a birth expert- you’ve been working with pregnant mothers for years, and you’re finally having the homebirth of your dreams. Is firm education enough, or will there possibly be unexpected tests in the emotional and mental aspects of birth?
This week we’re speaking with the marvelous Dr. Courtney Kahla. Dr. Courtney is a nervous system centered chiropractor specializing in families. She is the owner of Our Well House: a multidisciplinary wellness center in Dallas, TX. Her mission is to encourage others to experience freedom in their physical, mental, and spiritual health. She is passionate about empowering others to take control of their health by living a lifestyle that honors their God-given innate ability to heal.
We’re going to spend part of this episode discussing chiropractic care, and then the rest diving deep into Dr. Courtney’s own homebirth journey. And wow, you’re in for so much wisdom sprinkled throughout her story.
One theme we discuss in Dr. Kahla’s story is the need for emotional and mental preparation when it comes to homebirth, beyond the basics of childbirth education. With that in mind, I want to invite you to join me as you prepare for your own empowering homebirth experience. Let’s use the unbelievably transformative time of pregnancy as a catalyst into the most incredible motherhood journey. How? Join me inside of Happy Homebirth Academy, where preparing for your homebirth is both thorough and joyful. Learn to comfortably step into your role as the responsible, intuitive mother that you are, and hone those lifelong skills while we educate you on all aspects of midwifery care, physiological birth, and preparing your heart and home. We cover the physical, yes, but we also go deep into the importance of emotional and mental preparation, all while inviting your spouse to be deeply involved and connected from pregnancy, through labor and on into the blissful postpartum period. You ready to transform? Head to myhappyhomebirth.com/hha to get started today.
As always, please remember that the opinions of my guest may not necessarily reflect my own and vice versa, and this show is not medical advice, it’s an educational tool, so continue to take empowered responsibility for yourself and your family.
Episode Roundup:
Episode: Communicating With Your Birth Team About Expectations and Desires
Episode: When Your Midwife Choices are Limited
Free Homebirth Essentials Clickable List
Waitlist for The Homebirth Collective