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Happy Homebirth

Ep 63: A Medical Professional Couple Chooses Homebirth

67 min • 17 februari 2020

If you were a medical professional, do you think you’d be more comfortable giving birth in the hospital?


Meagan and her husband, both medical professionals had their first baby outside of the hospital, and their second baby at home.  Unlike many moms who decide to give birth outside of the hospital before or between hospitals, Meagan was actually introduced to the idea during her pregnancy—and it completely changed her trajectory!  Listen in to this incredible episode to hear her journey.


Show Notes:

  • Before her first pregnancy, Meagan had not considered anything besides having a hospital birth
  • A nurse she worked with asked her if she’d seen The Business of Being Born
  • Meagan watched the documentary, and immediately went home and watched it again with her husband
  • They both were immediately on board with having an out-of-hospital birth!
  • Meagan self-studied through the Hypnobirthing program.
  • She stayed incredibly active and had a great pregnancy
  • At 39.4 Meagan began to lose her mucous plug
  • Once labor began, she spent the majority of her time in the tub, which she found fascinating, as she doesn’t typically enjoy water
  • Around 6pm after laboring all day, the midwife on call (not the midwife she had expected or seen during prenatal care) came to her house to check her—she was 7.5 cm and the midwife was getting frantic that they needed to head to the birth center.
  • When they arrived, Meagan got in the tub with her husband. Soon she found herself on all 4’s as her baby began to crown.
  • Meagan mentions that the midwife was moaning with her—which although she couldn’t talk or say anything about, she hated it.
  • At the end, her hypnobirthing music turned off. She wanted her mom to turn it back on, but her mom did not have the password to her phone—her mom calmly asked her for the password, but unfortunately Meagan’s baby began crowning at that very moment.  She yelled at her mom to “F-Off”!
  • Her midwife gave her Pitocin without discussing it prior, and she cut the cord, though Meagan’s husband had wanted to.
  • She didn’t get her cycle back until after she stopped nursing completely
  • She struggled with insomnia beginning at 9 months postpartum
  • She became pregnant as soon as she stopped nursing
  • For this baby, Meagan had a wonderful midwife that she felt deeply connected with.
  • When the midwife arrived at 3am when Meagan was in labor, she immediately called the backup midwife.
  • Meagan was in the tub, but could not get comfortable. Finally she asked her husband to get in with her, and he did.  This changed everything.  Almost immediately she got the urge to push, yelling “I FEEL LIKE I HAVE TO SHIT…”
  • 3 minutes later, baby was born! She didn’t have to push at all!

Episode Roundup:


You know what’s fascinating?  From my perspective, at least, there have been a number of common themes throughout the last weeks of birth stories. I’ll begin with this.

  1. Although it could not be helped on Meagan’s part, she did not jive with the backup midwife who attended her birth. Luckily, she was at a place in her labor where it did not throw her completely off track, but it certainly did bother her.  This shows just how important the birth team can be.  Energy can be palpable, especially in such vulnerable a time as birth.
  2. And this is a funny one- I love how moms have certain tells of approaching the end of the birthing process. For example, Meagan mentions letting expliatives fly right before baby arrives both times.  This is so cute to me—I pray that doesn’t sound belittling—but some of my favorite moments at births have been when a sweet, angelic mom lets out a string of words that would make a sailor blush.   Truly, it’s such an amazing glimpse into the primal state of the birthing mother—and the openness that the birthing process demands.
  3. I also love hearing how the birthing process so often brings out the best in the partner team. Meagan’s husband was such a strong support for her.  The fact that him just getting in the water with her during their second birth allowed her that final piece of relaxation—that’s just so special.
  4. Finally Meagan took childbirth education seriously. You all know this is a passion for me, but I just love seeing mothers take their education and choices seriously, and Meagan absolutely did.


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